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Description of My Room - Essay Example

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The paper "Description of My Room" states that the author's room is not a typical room of a student because it is organized and tidy.  He saw his friend's room and they are such a big mess.  His closet is well arranged and the used clothes are in one basket case and not littered all over the place…
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Description of My Room
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My bathroom is clean and my personal and grooming materials are also nicely kept in a drawer.

Visitors also have a hard time guessing whether it is a room of a boy or a girl. It can be a room for a girl because it is clean and tidy but it could be also a room for a boy because it has sports equipment in my room. I have a football helmet, basketball, baseball, and other sports gear displayed in a cabinet. My study table is also obviously a student’s table because it is made of sturdy wood with just books and other study materials on it but is not gender oriented. I also have a huge TV and speakers in my room that play my favorite movies and music which could be either for a boy or a girl.

It is also difficult to tell whether my room is for adults or children. In addition to sports gear, my room also has toys, mannequins of cartoon characters, and game boards. But the books that I have will also tell that it is for adult because it has history books, hobby book,s and school books.

My room is unusual because I fill my room with the things that I love and not because of how people think a room should be. It is my favorite place in the house. It is the place where I study, res,t or enjoys my favorite movies or music. It is also the place where I reflect on things because it feels very comfortable in there. Read More
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