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Compassion Fatigue and Burnout - Essay Example

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From the paper "Compassion Fatigue and Burnout" it is clear that Occupational stress has been utilised in making reference to stress emanating from work-related activities and factors. Many factors within the working environments impose surmountable levels of pressure and stress upon employees…
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Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
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COMPASSION FATIGUE AND BURNOUT Occupational stress commonly occurs through compassion fatigue and burnout among individuals working within social care setting. These two conditions remain the most prevalent occupational stress results observed. This article presents discussions of the causative elements of compassion fatigue and burnout. The article presents the procedural development of the conditions from various stress factors occurring within a working environment. The effects and preventive measures which can be applied in mitigating occurrence of these conditions are also presented within the context of this article. Introduction Compassion fatigue refers to a stress condition which is characterised by gradual diminishing of compassion among care providers. The problem has been commonly diagnosed among individuals working directly with trauma victims from different societies. The condition is commonly characterised by hopelessness, negative attitude, constant anxiety and stress, and insomnia. This kind of stress becomes detrimental to the individuals both personally and professionally. Compassion fatigue results in individuals becoming less productive, and developing feelings of incompetence. As individuals involved in providing care to traumatised individuals, such feelings consequently cause the individuals to become cynical; hence reluctant in providing assistance (Slocum-Gori et al. 2013). The condition has commonly being referred as secondary traumatic stress (STS), because it results from an individual becoming stressed out of factors stressing others. Burnout refers to exhaustion which results from continued performance of work related responsibilities. The characteristics of burnout become visible following an individual’s continued long term exhaustion, which slowly makes the individual beginning diminishing interest in work. Burnout shows similar characteristics and effects like compassion fatigue and has been increasingly likened with compassion fatigue (Alkema et al. 2008). Psychologists have described compassion fatigues as a form of burnout experienced among caregivers, in facilities providing assistance to traumatised individuals. This research seeks to identify the various sources of compassion fatigue and burnout among individuals working within various organisations. These elements have continuous had detrimental effects on the individuals within the professional and personal perspectives. The article will seek to explore the causes and effects of these stress factors observed among individuals working within care organisation. Literature review Occupational stress has been defined as stress resulting from work responsibilities which individuals undertake. Some researchers have referred occupational stress as workplace stress. This stress commonly results from pressure and demands of work responsibilities upon the individuals undertaking the responsibilities. Many of the stressing responsibilities have been identified as responsibilities which present challenges to the individuals undertaking them (Dean 1998). The challenges might include capability to undertake the responsibility, which commonly results in individuals doubting their capabilities. The individuals become affected by this doubt, making the person to feel pressure resulting from prospects of failing to perform as expected (Wright 2013). Individuals must feel that they have the capability and capacity to undertake responsibilities assigned to them. Any doubt regarding presence of these fundamental factors could become a stressing factor upon the individuals. Occupational stress commonly occurs when there are discrepancies between the strains of the profession and the capabilities of the individuals undertaking the responsibilities. Compassion fatigue and burn out are both different forms of occupational stress upon working individuals (Severn et al. 2012). There is an assortment of factors identified as contributing to the occurrence of occupational stress. Occupational stress could be categorised as indicated below, based on the factors associated with the stress. Job related factors – these are specific elements which define the responsibilities which an individual undertakes during his/her working time. These could be factors like working hours, physical environment, and expected output among others. A combination of these factors could become a stressing factor, if an individual feels unable to meet the targets developed by these job description specifications. Organisational role – this pertains to hierarchical ranking of an individual within a given organisation. The rankings within organisations present different responsibilities to the individuals, who must perform their responsibilities. Stress factors could come from supervisors who someone is answerable to, or the individuals working under someone who show laxity in undertaking responsibilities. Career development – this involves personal aspirations regarding their careers. Factors like promotion and career advancements could become significant sources of occupational stress among individuals. Organisational structure – this involves the various systems which are applicable within an organisation. Communication channels, employee engagement, and management styles all have fundamental influence upon occupational stress. These structures determine the working conditions prevalent within a working environment. The environment provided by the organisational structure contributes immensely towards the perceptions held by employees, consequently determining occurrence of occupational stress. Causes Compassion fatigue and burnout remain some of the common forms of occupational stress. These characteristics develop over a long period of exposure to uncomfortable working conditions and working environment (Fiabane et al. 2013). While the two elements might be increasingly similar, the causative agents remain different and individuals have different susceptibility to compassion fatigue and burnout. Compassion fatigue has been characterised as a process which takes some time, and accumulates procedurally towards becoming fatigue. Compassion fatigue has been identified as a result of continued compassion stress, following a period in which the person remains unrelieved of compassion discomfort (Coetzee & Klopper 2010). The disorder is common among individuals working in providing care to trauma victims. Compassion discomfort results from continued interaction with victims, and the exposure by the caregivers to emotional attachment to the victims. The condition begins with the interactions with victims, which makes the caregiver become emotionally attached to the individuals. Compassion discomfort then sets in because of the sympathetic feelings. This eventually becomes a cause of stress for the worker and failure to address the stress, ultimately results in fatigue. Fatigue occurs following prolonged exposure to such stress. Burnout has been described by many scholars as an ineffective approach towards coping with occupational stress factors (Brollier et al. 1986). The situation occurs following prolonged exhaustion from work related activities, which consequently results in diminished interest in work. Just like compassion fatigue, burnout occurs procedurally over a long period of exposure to various situations resulting in stress. Most individuals commonly have the desire to prove themselves; hence work harder in seeking to achieve this goal. This results in neglecting of other fundamental roles, consequently creating conflicts within the person. The conflicts lead the individuals into a situation of denials and ultimately changes in behaviours. Most individuals commonly resort to neglecting their work related responsibilities, which they perceive as unhelpful. This becomes the stage when the disorder becomes identified as burnout. Effects The effects of compassion fatigue and burnout commonly affect the individuals from personal and professional perspectives. There are various broad effects upon the individual. Emotional effects – most individuals suffering from occupational stress elements identified become detached with the work they performed passionately. Suddenly, the passion diminishes and the individuals display apathetic perspectives towards their jobs. This is commonly indicated through increased desire to quit the employment (Yom & Kim 2012). Many individuals suffer from emotional breakdown as they become aware of their inability to cope with the stressing factors. An internal feeling of defeat among the individuals results in withdrawal signs. Physical effects – physical effects commonly affect the physical aspects of the individual, consequently affecting the ability to perform various responsibilities. Among the physical effects is the common problem of lacking energy to perform various activities. This could be characterised by an individual collapsing during work, with no symptoms of other illnesses (Jenkins & Warren 2012). These individuals remain prone to accidents within the workplace. Many individuals suffering from these disorders become involved in many minor accidents while working. Individuals also suffer from other common illnesses like headaches, chronic mild illnesses and many other related illnesses. Social effects – affected individuals commonly suffer from social problems as a result of burnout and compassion fatigue. Behavioural changes commonly indicate some social effects of these disorders. Many of the affected individuals become indifferent and unresponsive to certain social factors. Irritability and anxiety remains some of the common behaviours which are results of burnout and compassion fatigue. A callous attitude commonly develops among the individuals, who show disregard for the welfare of others within their social setting. Spiritual effects – spiritual effects also affect the personal and professional perspective of the individuals, resulting in transformed perception. Within the working environment, most people commonly show lack of creativity, poor decision making and even disorganisation. Individuals who previously portrayed effective situational judgements could disregard introspection and resort in poor decision making, without feeling remorse for poor decisions made. Intellectual effects – the intellectual capacity for affected individuals also becomes significantly affected by these disorders. Many individuals become poor decision makers and disorderly when undertaking their responsibilities. Prevention Without established treatments for these disorders, prevention remains the best approach in managing the effects of burnout and compassion fatigues. Numerous approaches have been established for preventing occurrence of occupational stress within many working environments (Bianchi et al. 2013). These approaches commonly involve implementing structures which seek to provide an environment conducive to elimination of stress factors. Some common methods of minimising the occurrence of burnout and compassion fatigue include the following. Employee assistance programmes – this is an organisational strategy in which organisations introduce programmes aimed at assisting employees to deal with stressing elements at work. These programmes are introduced and managed by the organisations on behalf of the employees. Some of such programmes include undertaking counselling and psychological services within the organisations, to provide required support to employees in handling causes of stress at work. Stress management training – these refer to organised training undertaken by the organisation upon the employees to empower them on different ways of managing stress at work. These trainings are commonly focused making sure the employees can maintain work related stress at levels below burnout and compassion stress (Wee & Myers 2003). The element of stress at work remains inevitable and management remains the best approach towards ensuring sufficient output from employees, and eliminating occurrence of burnout and compassion fatigue. Social support – many individuals suffering from stress fail to seek support, because of the assumption that they can manage the problem alone, or failure to realise the existence of a problem. Creating a supportive environment remains fundamental towards ensuring the working environments does not present many stress factors to employees. Conclusion This article presents an exploratory research into the causes, effects and prevention of two occupational stress disorders; compassion fatigue and burnout. The have been identified as the most common, observable disorders pertaining to occupational stress. Occupational stress has been utilised in making reference of stress emanating from work related activities and factors. Many factors within the working environments impose surmountable levels of pressure, and ultimately stress upon employees. Compassion fatigues commonly occurs among individuals involved in direct provision of care to victims of trauma. Previous incidents of trauma upon the caregivers, however, make them susceptible to the same trauma affecting the victims. Burnout on the other hand can affect individuals working within any given environment, and commonly results from individuals working excessively. In seeking to undertake experimental research of the causes, effects and prevention of compassion fatigue and burnout, a case study design of research would be effective. The study would identify several individuals within a specific organisational setting who have been affected by the disorders defined within this research. These individuals would be studied to analyse the various effects of the disorders upon the individuals. Various data collection methods could be utilised within case studies to collect data, which would be utilised in analysing the effects of these disorders. Such study design presents an opportunity into studying attributes which have not been researched before. This makes the information collected from the findings becomes immensely helpful in enhancing understanding of the prevailing problem associated with the effects of compassion fatigue and burnout. The prevalence of occupational stress among many working individuals continues to increase (Fiabane et al. 2013). The professional effects of such stress upon individuals working in providing care to trauma victims, threaten the provision of such care. Compassion fatigue, for example, results in individuals becoming affected by similar traumatic effects facing the victims. Once the caregivers become affected, it becomes extremely difficult to provide specialised care to the victims. The caregivers become individuals who require similar care. This occurrence significantly reduces the capability of organisations to provide care to victims of trauma. Many caregivers fail to realise the development of these disorder as they remain preoccupied with performing their work related responsibilities. Compassion fatigue and burnout are the last stages of sequential problems which develop as the individuals continue performing their responsibilities. Compassion fatigue and burnout are related occupational stress outcomes with similar effects upon the affected individuals. The effects of these problems affect the professional and personal perspective of affected individuals. The most common signs on the effects are the diminishing desire to work and behavioural changes in affected individuals. These result for the feeling of hopelessness and negative attitudes occurring following continued exposure to work related stress. Many of the individuals who suffer from these conditions commonly have passion for their work; which subsequently diminishes and becomes replaced with increased desire to quit. These conditions do not have any established treatments and can only become effectively managed through prevention (Nielsen & Tulinius 2009). Prevention could be implemented through organisational or social perspective. Organisations can introduce various programmes and trainings aimed at enhancing stress management understanding among employees. The social setting is also an important factor in preventing these conditions, through presenting an enabling environment conducive to minimising stress. References Alkema, K., Linton, J.M. & Davies, R., 2008. A Study of the Relationship Between Self-Care, Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout Among Hospice Professionals. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 4(2), pp.101–119. Bianchi, R. et al., 2013. Comparative symptomatology of burnout and depression. Journal of Health Psychology, 18(6), pp.782–787. Brollier, C. et al., 1986. Managing occupational therapy burnout. Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 3(2), pp.129–143. Coetzee, S.K. & Klopper, H.C., 2010. Compassion fatigue within nursing practice: A concept analysis. Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(2), pp.235–243. Dean, R.A., 1998. Occupational stress in hospice care: causes and coping strategies. The American Journal Of Hospice & Palliative Care, 15(3), pp.151–154. Fiabane, E. et al., 2013. Work engagement and occupational stress in nurses and other healthcare workers: the role of organisational and personal factors. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 22(17-18), pp.2614–2624. Jenkins, B. & Warren, N.A., 2012. Concept analysis: compassion fatigue and effects upon critical care nurses. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 35(4), pp.388–395. Nielsen, H.G. & Tulinius, C., 2009. Preventing burnout among general practitioners: is there a possible route? Education For Primary Care: An Official Publication Of The Association Of Course Organisers, National Association Of GP Tutors, World Organisation Of Family Doctors, 20(5), pp.353–359. Severn, M.S., Searchfield, G.D. & Huggard, P., 2012. Occupational stress amongst audiologists: Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout. International Journal of Audiology, 51, pp.3–9. Slocum-Gori, S. et al., 2013. Understanding Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout: a survey of the hospice palliative care workforce. Palliative Medicine, 27(2), pp.172–178. Wee, D. & Myers, D., 2003. Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and critical incident stress management. International Journal Of Emergency Mental Health, 5(1), pp.33–37. Wright, S., 2013. The differences between stress, burnout and compassion fatigue. Nursing Standard, 8(5), pp.34–35. Yom, Y.M. & Kim, H.J., 2012. Effects of compassion satisfaction and social support in the relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout in hospital nurses. Journal Of Korean Academy Of Nursing, 42(6), pp.870–878.  Read More
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