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The death of her mother during his adolescence was a shock to him. Hitler at sixteen years old dropped out of school and went to Vienna to pursue his dream. However, things did not out in his favor, and the school where he was to attend refused to enroll him. He had to fend for himself by doing all manner of undesirable jobs to survive. During this stay, he developed an interest in politics. His anti-Semitism and discernment of Jews started here (The Jewish Library, 2014).
After five, years, Hitler decided to relocate to Munich where he joined the German army. His potential as a brave and skillful soldier was quite evident and he was promoted through the ranks. He participated in World War I which Germany lost the war. There were many causalities including his which led him to be admitted to hospital for several months. Devastated by the aftermath of the war he believed to be the person who was going to liberate German from its enemies. After healing, he was sent to spy on groups that seemed to be a threat to German rule at the time. However, he deserted his mission and imposed himself as the leader of the group he was to spy on. Hitler is one of the best orators of all time; this talent helped him gain popularity among the people. With time, he increased the membership of the group tremendously. His dictatorship began to be visible as he never tolerated any opponents. He had a special force that could teach a lesson to those who opposed him and those that disrupted his meetings (The Jewish Library, 2014).
His growing popularity made his attempt to overthrow the government but failed terribly and was sentenced to serve a 5yr jail term. However, the nine months spent in jail taught him essential lessons in life about politics. After being released, he decided that to be Germany's leader, he had to gain enough popularity and influence. His great speeches helped him receive support from the people that felt oppressed by the then regime. As time went by, he influenced the board including top military commanders, politicians, and influential people in German. However, he did not win the first election. The next elections in 1933 saw him take power. His instilling of fear and intimidating his opponents with huge propaganda ensured him a win in the elections (The Jewish Library, 2014).
The Blood Purge that occurred in 1934 during his leadership was a mark of his dictatorial rule. There were millions of Jews persecuted with his agenda of annihilating the entire Jewish people. Also, political opponents were not tolerated many were executed others were imprisoned. However, during this time Germany's industrial growth was good, and saw him build and expand his army. He embarked on a mission of conquering the whole of Europe which saw the start of the Second World War. He conquered some countries, but the invasion of Russia was the start of his downfall. His poor judgment and failure to heed the advice from his generals and advisors led to his defeat. He even executed those who questioned him terming them traitors. When he was overpowered and saw himself on the losing end he instructed the rampage of important industries in Germany including the transport and communication lines. He later committed suicide in 1945 by shooting himself (The Jewish Library, 2014). Read More