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Business Communication - Essay Example

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From the paper "Business Communication" it is clear that generally, communication functions between two extremes. This means that good communication in business leads to its prosperity. Poor communication, on the other hand, leads to poor business acumen…
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there has been the development of the latest technologies and strategies that have played a significant role in business communication. They include; cloud computing, SAP Business Communication Management, Viral Marketing, and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). On the other hand, other factors need to be considered so that business communication can be efficient. These factors are known as the seven gems. These aspects include structure, clarity, consistency, medium, relevancy, primacy, and the psychological rule of seven plus or minus two. Moreover, one may be highly qualified but unable to communicate.

Therefore, training programs on a regular basis is essential in the essence in improving the communication skills of the employees. This should be limited to problem-solving approaches, building trust, and increasing productivity, quality, and teamwork. The employees, on the other hand, must be willing to accommodate criticism. However, criticism should be constructive, as this will boost employee morale. This means that business goals and objectives are meant to revolve around the model of business communications. This is the case as highlighted in the Tata Quality Management Services (TQMS). This can only be achieved if all the participants of the organization are involved. Finally, success in business can be attributed to possessing the latest information and developments.

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