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Bad News Message Issues - Essay Example

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The essay "Bad News Message Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the bad news message. First of all, we thank you for the letter you sent on May 5th. We were very sorry to hear that the hair dryer you bought from our store 4 years ago…
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Bad News Message Issues
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Apart from that as your hair dryer stopped working as it fell in a bucket of water when a child was attempting to use it unsupervised, it is considered as a personal irresponsibility and the warranty does not cover damage to the products due to personal irresponsibility. So unfortunately, your request regarding the refund or replacement of the hair dryer you purchased cannot be entertained for the following reasons:
- The store offers three years warranty on all products to every customer. Upon expiration, the warranty can’t be used, as stated in the user manual provided.
- Your hair dryer broke a year after the warranty expired, after three years of usage, for which you are requesting a replacement or refund.
- You also mentioned that your hair dryer stopped working when it fell into a bucket of water when it was being used by your 9-year-old daughter.
- We have mentioned this in the manual as well as informed you at the time of the purchase that the warranty does not cover any damage caused due to personal carelessness and accidents.
- We do not provide a refund or exchange based on such mishaps which cause the hair dryer to stop working according to clause 18 present in the 4th paragraph of page 17.
- We cannot refund or replace your hair dryer, as the warranty has expired and the company does not cover any damage to the products after the expiration of the warranty.

Our company’s technicians, however, will be more than happy to repair your hair dryer but there will be service charges applicable and answer any queries regarding its maintenance. We assure you that our technicians would be able to repair your hair dryer and make it reusable in no time, as we are here for your service.

If you are interested in getting your hair dryer repaired then contact us at our repair center and let us know. If you are aware of someone else having similar problems with their products, please recommend us to them as we will be more than happy to help them out.

We are happy to be of service. Please call our toll-free helpline or visit our website for further information. Feedback from our customers is always appreciated.

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