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On the Adjustment Issues of Foreign Full Abrahao Andre de Araujo researched on the adjustment issues foreign students in America encounter. He found out that the most prominent of them is speaking the English language. His research shows that most students struggle in their studies because of the English language. However, one factor that affects this adjustment is the length of stay of students. Those who have short term stay meet the most difficulties in adjusting to the English language while those who are enrolled in a longer period of time tend to present lesser difficulties in adjusting to the demands of communication.
Another problem that is presented in the article is perceived discrimination or prejudice. Taiwanese students are said to be the ones greatly suffering from this perception. Moreover, the length of stay again has an effect on this issue. As the students stay longer in the country, they come to learn more about the language and therefore their perceived discrimination lessens as they communicate more with Americans and know more about their American ways. Lastly, homesickness is seen as one adjustment issue that foreign students face.
Research studies show that American freshmen showed lesser signs of homesickness compared to foreign students and this is affecting their social activities as well as their coping with the demands of college life, not to mention a new life in a new country. As the researcher proceeded with the study, it was found out that there are things that need to be considered for further studies such as the subjects. Most of the studies used in the article included undergraduate and graduate students. The concern of the author is for a study to be concentrated more on undergraduate students for a comparison if there is a correlation of the issues mentioned above with the age of students.
Referencede Arajao, Abrahao Andre. (2011). “Adjustment Issues of International Students Enrolled in American Colleges and Universities: A Review of the Literature”. Higher Education Studies. Vol. 1. No. 1. Retrieved from
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