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Research carried out by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life indicates that around 96% of Americans believe in God or another supreme being which is an indication that there is some form of religion that is alive in America. Further research by General Social Survey (GSS) shows that in the 21st Century, the number of Americans attending religious services and those who proclaim their religious preference has since doubled from that of the previous century.
As from 2008 the onset of the economic crisis, the number of Americans who turned religious is said to have increased drastically. Critics say this is as a way of trying to seek divine intervention from the economic problems but according to Newport in his book God Is Alive and Well: The Future of Religion in America, it is because they realized that it is only through religion and divine intervention that they can be redeemed and get solace (Newport 45). This can be said to be the case because even as the economic problems eased, those that had become religious did not revert back to secular ways but have continued to remain among the religious-based on the polls conducted by research firms.
According to Newport, the evidence of religion is through actions where religious people are expected to change their behavior from bad to good or even better. Based on this therefore as an indication of an increase in religion, America can be said to be religious (Newport 156). Further evidence other than the one from the polls indicates a reduction in crime. This is an indication that many Americans have changed their behavior for the better.
The elections of 2012 also proved to have religion in mind and proved that religion is alive. The leaders who were vying for positions such as the senate one had religious agendas in mind though not expressed directly. For example, some of them were prolife and repulsed all the evil that is not acceptable by religion. If the leaders are religious, then many of their followers and those who admire them may also end up adopting their religious beliefs as well. There has also been a coalition of religious groups in America to make a united front and try to attract more followers instead of fighting against each other. This has commonly been called the new religious America and it further continues to strengthen the fact that religion is present and alive in America.
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