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People don’t exist in seclusion, but co-exist and interact with one another. This is the social nature of people and they tend to have profound feelings of affection towards others; majorly family members and friends.
People in a relationship cherish and care for one another dearly. This is evident in close love relationships like sexual love and family ties. The former is associated with deep intimacy and a pleasant feeling of sexual attraction coupled with joy while later is manifested in very close family fondness cemented by blood ties. In the physical sphere, one can be in love with or have a deep liking of the physical things in the environment; they could be money, mountains, food, pets or cars.
People have a great craving for whatever they cherish and like, and so they can never be happy in their absence. For instance, some people cannot do without pets due to their emotional attachment to them. Finally, religious people have a great sense of liking for their deities. Such people are obsessed with their deities and they worship and show great reverence to them. They truly value and care for them to the extent that some can endanger their lives for their sake. This affection is deeply rooted and can be evidenced by people’s religious commitments.
The definition of love is a complex subject matter that cannot be exhausted in these few paragraphs but the paper has briefly presented the social, religious and physical manifests of love. Irrespective of the category, love is a deep psychological feeling of affection towards somebody, something or a deity. It comes about with strong and profound psychological bonds that are not easy to dismantle.
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