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Host: Cinna, what was your first impression when you met Katiness? Did you notice some special spark in her?
Cinna: when I first saw her, it was a mixed look in her eyes, which startled me she was afraid, confused, and yet, impressed by Capitol or maybe from me! She looked naïve and caught up in a situation that cannot be reversed. It was her compromising style that provoked me to be protective of her
Host: according to you what was the most critical aspect of your job as the Katiness stylist?
Cinna: I knew that my job is different from other designers as they design clothes for mainly admiration but I had to design such outfits for Katiness which could build her image, and win audience support for her. I took her designs as a matter of life and death in games so that was the most critical aspect I kept in mind.
Host: what was the real idea behind portraying Peeta and Katiness as friends in the opening ceremonies of the game?
Cinna: A look hunger game is all about winning the audience's favor. As a tribute stylist, it was my duty to portray Katiness and Peeta as amiable and thus win the audience's favor. So we came up with something different and encouraged them to hold hands and strengthen the bond of friendship with them rather than taking their roles before the game.
Host: we see that with time you become Katiness’s most trusted advisors. So what lead to such change?
Cinna: over the game, there are many apparent changes in Katiness, and as far as I am concerned, with time her confidence in me increased not only as a stylist but as her mentor and friend. And this can be greatly attributed to the overwhelming response she received during the opening ceremony. She realized that I am not only concerned with her physical appearance in games but also her image and the true meaning of her presence in games.
Host: what motivated you to experiment with such an unusual outfit for Katiness?
Cinna: it was a risky thing but we were sure about its impact on the audience. We wanted to ensure that Katiness looks unforgettable and irresistible as it suits her defiant spirit and courage
Host: what makes you different from another tribute stylist at hunger games?
Cinna: my designs are crafty and concentrate more on the tribute itself and his image among other tributes. I take pride in my work and that’s what makes me different
Host: it is said that your design and ideas are somewhat rebellious to Capitol traditions. So what is your opinion in this regard?
Cinna: no! I never purposely decide to be rebellious it’s just that certain Capitol tradition doesn’t appeal to me. They are really harsh and cruel for tributes so I just oppose them in the right way.
Host: Do you think your advice to Katiness about the post-game interview was against game rules?
Cinna: I never thought so! I advised Katiness to publicly declare her love for Peeta to save herself from the wrath of game makers and it was true she loved Peeta and whatever they did was to save each other so I just advised them to be firm and honest in their stance.
Host: do you think that berries stunt by Peeta and Katiness was justified? Wasn’t it against the sportsman spirit?
Cinna: circumstances compelled them to do so. Game makers wanted to confront two star-crossed lovers without considering their feelings. They played the whole game in full spirit but in the end, when Capitol played its trick they were forced to react this way.
Host: you seem to have predicted the affectionate feelings between Peeta and Katiness quite before.
Cinna: not exactly! I strived to portray them as friends but later during training sessions I realized that there is some sort of mutual attraction between the two and since Katiness was my friend and we shared many things, I was aware of what she is feeling. (Collins)
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