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Changes in the United States from 2000 to 2001 - Essay Example

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The paper "Changes in the United States from 2000 to 2001" states that the changes in the taxation system as implemented by bush helped Americans in reducing the costs of living in general. The census disputed the use of alternatives in the governance determination…
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Changes in the United States from 2000 to 2001
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Task: Changes in the united s from 2000 to 2001 Executive summery This research paper looks into the major events and changes that took place in the US between 200-2001. In so doing, the document gives an analysis of the findings basing on the reasons of the changes. It highlights the challenges that the US has faced concerning terrorism and how it has fallen a victim of this culprit. The US will be seen to be making efforts in eliminating terrorism and protecting the Americans. The efforts are from a wide range including internal and external plans. The manners in which they execute these changes vary due to the change in guard. President Bush takes over leadership from bill Clinton. Economic wise, taxation is the major player in the field. Principles related to the handling and imposing of tax vary between the two presidents. This is exhibited when the change in taxation is implemented by Bush. He introduces lower taxation rates contrary to the bill that had higher taxation system. America prepares to make control over the world as they aspire to be the best in war technology. The establishment of research in the sector of biological toxins as weapons targeting specific people is established. The control of these toxins is also put in check in order to avoid attacks from within. This is father enhanced by restricting the ownership of some transport vessels. These are done through fast legislations. Introduction This document relies on research findings and analysis of the changes during 2000-2001 in the US. There are changes that were realised during this period. Among which, the legislations that were directed towards ensuring safety of the Americans after the attack in Yemen. These included restrictions and developments in research sectors. Some changes involved the attack on the terror groups. This was targeted at eliminating the Taliban and al-Qaeda who were the arch enemies of the states. This was the time when elections held, and to some extent, it disputed within states. Bush emerged the winner as Clinton left office. The economy is said to have had a surplus budget then. This was due to the high taxation rate that was imposed by bills administration. Bush, however, lowered the rates after taking over the office. In this same period, the genetic code was cracked. This gave a lime light to a discovery of drugs to treat ailments related to genetic composition of the humans. The other changes that were realised in this period were the development of legislation that restricted ownership of defined commodities. This was as a result of an attack on the naval ship. Measures were taken to protect the Americans as will be discussed in the subsequent sections. Same sex relationship was also legalised in Vermont in this period. It was the second state after California. The catholic community that demonstrated claiming that it was an act against the bible, however, opposed this. Census was also carried out in this duration, but manipulation claims were heard of. This, therefore, made the reliability of the information questionable. It was also noted that the world’s population was increasing. The reason behind the increase was the improvement of the health sector. Findings and discussions The findings of this research were in two sections: changes during the year 2000 and changes in the yaer2001. The analysis of the results were also made according to the sources in the sections to follow The year 2000 Election In the year 2000, George w bush who was a republican contested for the presidential seat. At the same time, Al Gore who was a democrat contested for the same position. Bush had a lot of support from Texas as he was the governor of this state. Come November the 17th, bush won the election with a minor difference. The Supreme Court was involved in deciding the winner; this took 36 days. There were controversial issues over Florida since Jeb bush who was George’s brother was the governor there then. In the process of application for clemency, controversy arose. Not more than one percent of the prisoners gained civil rights despite finishing their sentence. Bush was always highlighted as the most likely winner by the media. This played a crucial role during the night of election in 2000. George was declared the winner of the election. This winning was influenced by many factors. One of the major factors was the ballot box that was confusing. The fact that the vote counting machines in some places was a problem more so among the minority communities. There was varied interest where by a close relative of a presidential candidate john Ellis had the capability to the American national media election. The supervision of the Florida voting process was controversial since the supervisor was in the campaign team of George bush. Barring the African Americans from voting on the basis of conviction was another influential factor. Genetic code cracking In the year 2000, a biotechnology company by the name Celera genomics group announced they had made it successfully through the first step of genetic coding of the human genome. An understanding the human at a molecular level, therefore, was enhanced. The president of the US then made statements concerning the patent of the companies that were dealing with the gene mapping. This was a lime light to the intellectual property protection to other sectors especially along Wall Street. This was viewed as a major scientific adjustment that would enable the other scientists to carryout researches related to causes of disease to humans in relation to the genetic code (Nediljko). The only left thing was ordering of the genes by assembling those using complex computing techniques. The genetic code cracking was a success due to the commitment of the researchers. The researchers were in the process of finding the human composition at the genetic level so as to develop treatments for some diseases that were thought to be genetic in nature. Thus, need to know the traits that were resulted in this manner could only be done by such a research. The president applauded the researchers since this proved that positive progress was on, and father improvements were expected. In the development of the biological weapons targeting certain races, the genetic code of the human race was of great importance; therefore, this marked a big change in the efforts. Y2K phony crisis USS Cole blown up in Yemen by Al Qaeda There was a suicide attack against America in October 12, 200. The US navy destroyer and 17 American soldiers perished. It was rated the most deadly attack on the US sincce1987. Al-Qaida group of terrorists claimed the attack. The attack was done by a small craft that approached the destroyer from the port side just before the explosion occurred. This attack was done in Yemen at a place called Aden. Another naval ship was released to carry out rescue after a quick response by the airforce. UK offered medical assistance to Aden according to one of the federal judges; the Sudanese were liable for the attack this ruling was made by Robert G. Doumar. This, however, was years later after the bombing (Intel centre). The consequence of the bombing was a reaction by the president who claimed that it was a cowardly act. He also stated that the responsible party was to be found out and account for their responsibility. Authorities in Jordan thwarted the plan of the al-Qaida to attack USA. The al-Qaida managed to bomb an American ship in October 2000. The al-Qaida bombing, however, was realised by the intelligence prior and the commander informed, but the Yemeni government limited the scope of the investigation Vermont legalizes gay/lesbian civil unions The state supreme court issued an order in 19th April 2000 concerning the approval of the same sex bill approval. Vermont was the second state in America to allow this kind of civilisation after California. This bill was voted on the 25th and signed on the 26th of April in the same year. As a result, gay and lesbian community could have the freedom to enjoy their civil rights in marriage. In fact, civil unions were conducted. In February the 17th, the Roman Catholic demonstrated in contradiction to the ruling of the court. They argued out that it was against the bible (Stuart). Project for new American Century published In this year, the defence departments in the US published a new blue print that was meant to serve in the future for a long term. In the process, it was established that the full spectrum dominance means a plan to be able to operate and control a situation in any military undertakings. The blue print was written by think tanks for the creation of what was termed the “global pax”. In the document, there were plans to overthrow the government of Iraq. This was based in the power rivalry between the states and Iraq. The intention was to take control over the Persian Gulf oil. It also looked onto establishing peace in the region and taking political control over the internet considering the growth of other allies. It also analysed the need for the Americans to take control over the Persian Gulf on a permanent term thus justifying the Iraq’s conflict (Intel centre). The development of biological weapons, which were to be specific to some genotypes, was seen to be useful there was a view that bush was to claim a lenient foreign policy stance. This father fuelled the need to overturn Saddam Hussein’s government (Katz and Lang). It was basically a blue print of America dominating the world. All these were efforts to ensure that the external threats were kept at bay. As a result, therefore, America had the ability to use sophisticated biotechnology in attacking the enemy within and without its states in a selective manner. This selection, therefore, could be presumptive for specific attack on an enemy rather than the innocent in a mixture of the two. The census 2000 A twenty second census in the states was conducted in America. An increase of population by 13.2% was realised this increase was mostly realised in the south and west states. The importance of the senses was determining of the congressional districts basing on the population outcomes. There was controversy on adjustment of the population census results. This was due to the variation with the demographic results. The gays and lesbians or the bisexuals were not counted because there was no reason to obtain the information. The information obtained from the census indicated the increase in population in given regions. Census formed the basis of getting data concerning the entire US thus analysis and resulting steps to be taken, as a result, were obtained (Bruice and Robert). One of the known factors in the result finding was the allocation of regional governance that was based on the population. This resulted to the manipulation of the results thus dispute. The manipulation was due to the interests related to governance. This resulted to the use of the demographic result which was relatively reliable than the census results. The entire world’s population was also realised to be increasing. This was supposedly due to the improvement of health facilities and lack of sufficient birth control strategies in most countries. The major contributors to the world’s population growth were the developing nations (Jacobson and Rosenfield). Changes in the year 2001 Clinton leaves office with $3 Trillion government surplus Bill Clinton served in the office as the US president from the year 1993 to 2001. When he was leaving, the economy of the US had a surplus budget. This was due to the taxing mechanisms and rates that had been long established by his government. In trade, the international system of trading in paralysis due to collapsed plans for any trade round. Bush, therefore, left to pursue the agenda on regional trade to the benefit of the US. The main contribution to this kind of this budget was the taxation system. Clinton’s administration had an emphasis on higher taxation rates that contributed to the governments funds. The amount of money raised through the taxes over the times as the budget was always made; was enough to pay for the debts and cater for a major section of the US government. Thus as he was leaving office, the system had a surplus. In his term at the end of his term, he left a relation between the US and the trading peters that needed repair. This is because most of the trading partners were not well with Clinton’s manner of trade (Carry & Li-Ching). Bush cuts taxes In 2001, bush cut the taxes by enacting legislations in the US. This was termed the “bush tax cut”. Significant changes were made in the internal revenue code. The major parts that were affected included the income tax. The tax for married couples was reduced. The capital gain tax was also decreased from 10-8%. This worked in favour of the rich. Charges to retirement plans were swept (Fred). Patriot Act As a response to the terrorism act in 2001, this act was passed. It hence forth became effective upon the signing by the president. This act restricted possession of toxins, their use and access. Before this enaction, the federal government prohibited these. The enaction was in reality an expansion of the law concerning the biological toxins. Persons were also restricted from possessing some items such as the ship transport. The Penns researchers had to scrutinise any biological samples before possession was permitted. The reason behind the enaction of this bill as a law was the bomb attack by al-Qaida on America. This intended to control the ability of any inside man in America from facilitating any form of attack. The other reason for this was to control the transportation of any kind of weapon that could prove hazardous tom the Americans. Any leakage of the biological weapon make up was also a measure in this legislation (Tuart). These were in the efforts to protect Americans from father external attacks. The patriot act restrictions were passed and signed by the president very fast without contradictions because everyone at this point in time had the interest of America at heart. The safety of all Americans came first thus any efforts to safeguard this was embraced a great deal. US troops to Afghanistan In the year 2001, the US invaded Afghanistan. This, however, was viewed to be illegal considering the international law. This action was opposed by an afghan leader by the name Abdul haq. Taliban was targeted in this attack. There were several civilian casualties. With this invasion, the al Qaeda moved to other regions including Pakistan. This war called for changes within the state department officials. Cheney was appointed to the president’s national Security Council. America met Russian and Pakistan’s intelligence teams on briefings on the attack (Sam). There were strategic plans to carry out an attack on the Taliban and al-Qaida forces who had proved to be enemies of the US by the suicide bombings. After the bombing of their naval ship in Yemen, the Americans found out that the bombing was done by the al-Qaida. As a result, the US had to make sure that all the enemy attackers were eliminated. This triggered the sending of the US troops to the regions where the enemies were. The troops, therefore, set to Afghanistan where the Taliban and al-Qaida were in hiding following prior attacks in Iran. Conclusion From the above findings and analysis, it is seen that the changes were made as necessary considering the conditions then. To begin with, there was a need to protect America from father attack after the naval attack in Yemen. The changers in the taxation system as implemented by bush helped the Americans in reducing the costs of life in general. The census disputed to the use of alternatives in the governance determination. The research progress was also unnecessary in the health sector. Restriction changes through legislation were meant to protect any invasion. The attack was also as a result of the attack thus the steps on the elimination of the enemies were necessary. Works Cited Jacobson, Arthur and Rosenfeld, Michael. The Longest Night: Polemics and Perspectives on Election 2000 The Longest Night: Polemics and Perspectives on Election 2000. California: University of California Press, 2002. Print. Katz, Bruce and Lang, Robert. Redefining Urban and Suburban America: Evidence from Census 2000, Volume 3. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2006. Print. Cary, Smith and Li-Ching, Hung. the Patriot Act: Issues and Controversies. Afghanistan Thomas Publisher Intel Centre, (2008) Terrorism Incident Reference (TIR): 2000 Alexandria: Tempest Publishing, 2010. Print. Fred, Greenstein. The George W. Bush Presidency: An Early Assessment. Maryland: JHU Press, 2003. Print. Stuart, Croft. Culture, Crisis and Americas War on Terror. UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Print. Sam, Pender. Saddams Ties to Al Qaeda. US: Virtual bookworm publishing, 2005. Print. Nediljko, Budisa. Engineering the Genetic Code: Expanding the Amino Acid Repertoire for the Design of Novel Proteins. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Print. Read More
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