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Instruction Paper Proposal Whereas a sizeable part of the population has already obtained at least a degree academic level, jobs available for graduates are becoming rare and more competitive. One of the viable alternatives is to empower academically and technically, lower academic persons to equip them with profound skills necessary to handle job opportunities in this category. Therefore, my claim will be, there is overwhelming need to empower more students who do not require college degrees.
The paper will prompt the readers to see the need to re direct investment in education to courses that do not require college degrees. Although there will be more practical approach to my study by use of real study, more approach will be focused on literature review. Works of other authors who have done prior investigation of this subject will be evaluated thoroughly. Although my credentials may not allow me to have profound authority over this matter, appreciable authority will be obtained through acknowledgment of authors used in literature review in this subject.
Most of the evidence will be literature based since the subject will involve investigation of other author’s work before carrying out a practical study. Although my study statement stands out strongly, a counter argument positing that modern technology do not require uneducated workers is likely to emerge. However, such arguments will be proved right or wrong by practical study on the subject.
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