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What benefits will your college education provide you in your personal and professional lives - Essay Example

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I personally believe that college education is the stepping-stone to the success of an individual’s future. West (n.d.) states, “A college education has both…
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What benefits will your college education provide you in your personal and professional lives
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College Education College education holds great importance in an individual’s personal life as well as in his/her professional life. I personally believe that college education is the stepping-stone to the success of an individual’s future. West (n.d.) states, “A college education has both tangible and intangible benefits, from increasing your income to enriching your life in countless ways”. I think that my college education will provide me with some considerable benefits, which will help me achieve success in my personal and professional lives.

Benefits for Personal Life The benefits of college education for my personal life will include development of good peer relationships, increase in self-confidence, awareness of various social issues, development of a good personality, awareness of different types of professional fields of life, and increased opportunities to perform recreational activities. The most important benefit, which I believe to come out of college education for my personal life, will be the development of new relationships with the people studying with me in the college.

Benefits for Professional Life The benefits of college education for my professional life will include increased job opportunities, good salary package, career evolution, opportunity to excel in professional life, improvement in decision-making skills, ability to raise opinions based on knowledge, and increase in self-confidence. The most important benefit, which I believe to come out of college education for my professional life, will be the increased number of job opportunities. Looking at these benefits, I believe that my college education will be the most precious and valuable asset of my life.

ReferencesWest, L. (n.d.). 10 Benefits of a College Education. Retrieved from

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