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Influences and Interest for Pursuing a Career in Medicine - Essay Example

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The researcher will begin with the statement that he is highly interested in pursuing a career in medicine primarily because as a medical practitioner he would like to serve the community, especially the marginalized population in under-developed and developing countries…
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Influences and Interest for Pursuing a Career in Medicine
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 I am highly interested in pursuing a career in medicine primarily because as a medical practitioner I would like to serve community, especially the marginalized population in under-developed and developing countries. Healthcare initiatives and prevention have become important aspects of good health and early medical interventions hugely facilitate good health at lower cost. Many a time, socio economic conditions and cultural approach of the communities towards diseases and health becomes the main reason for the spread of diseases.

As a well qualified medical practitioner, I would be better equipped with knowledge and skill to heal people and create awareness about their health. My family has been my most important influence in my decision to choose medicine as my profession. Many of my family members, including my parents, are doctors and discussion about their patients, different types of illnesses and new discoveries and invention in the medical field have always fascinated me throughout my childhood. I remember that when one of my far off relative had died of cancer in his young age, my father was highly upset.

He said it was curable and had his parents consulted him, he could still be alive! I always remember this and believe that as doctors, we can, not only help people to lead a healthy and active life but also prolong life with proper medical care. At the same time, one could also help dispel myths about diseases which were once not curable but now with advancement in science, cure is easy and relatively cheaper. Another very important thing is that biology is my favorite subject and I have always been a high achiever in the subject in my academics.

I love reading medical journals and I always pay attention to any news for advances in medical sciences. I also like to attend to the sick people. From my childhood, I have been drawn towards community service and working with the underprivileged. My father gives free medical consultancy to poor on Sundays in the local Church. I always try to go there and act as his assistant! It has made me more determined to get a medical degree from a good college and serve poor people. I am a highly driven person and till now, my academic excellence could be contributed to my grandfather who was not only a very good surgeon but also a philanthropist who helped build a hospital for the poor.

He has been my main motivator and also my mentor. He has ensured that I develop moral and ethical values. I believe every person has right to good health cutting across race, culture, color or nationality. In the current multicultural environment, it has also become very important to understand cross cultural values so that as medical practitioner one could understand the patients and try to heal him/ her without hurting their cultural values. I can therefore, say that I would work very hard to become a good medical practitioner.

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