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20 July, Alcohol Problems and Solutions Employees in all industries are affected by the problems of alcohol, whether it is the information technology sector or a hospital. According to an estimate, almost $US 134 billion are borne by the American employers every year because of alcohol in terms of lost productivity and missed work (“Solving alcohol problems”). A little investment in the treatment and prevention of problems related to alcohol can prove extremely beneficial for both the employees and the employers.
Alcohol is not very dangerous unless consumed excessively or a little but at wrong time or/and wrong place. According to (“Solving alcohol problems”), the problem of alcohol is that as many as 17 million adults in US are seriously caught in the habit of drinking. Of these alcohol addicts, those who get help are no more than 3 million in number. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are killed, injured, or weakened as a result of drinking. Alcohol consumption has been the root cause of distortion of a lot of families in the past and has also been one of the driving forces of violence in the society.
There are four fundamental stages of solving the problems of alcohol. First, there is a need to create awareness among the public so that they know the difference between risk and safe alcohol consumption. Secondly, there should be screening for alcohol related issues. After that, people should be provided with cover treatment by way of health insurance. Finally, there should be good arrangement of support treatment and health recovery for the affected people. Works Cited:“Solving alcohol problems saves lives, reduces healthcare costs and increases productivity.” n.d. Web. 20 July 2011. .
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