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English 91/98 Exit Portfolio – Cover Sheet As a non-native speaker of English, I believe that my writing has greatly improved because I was able to practice building basic sentences. The writing portfolio has enabled me to improve my vocabulary through practicing how to write essays. For instance, when I wrote my autobiography, I was able express myself more clearly in English. I consulted the dictionary and explored different words to describe myself better. However, if there is one aspect of my writing that needs to be improved, it would be developing my grammar.
I find difficulty in making long and complex sentences when I write. I get confused with tenses, especially when I started writing letters in this portfolio. With constant practice, I believe that I will improve and build better sentences. What I like best in some of my writings is the fact that I was able to express myself clearly. In fact, the highlight of the portfolio is the essay that I wrote about myself. Because of that writing assignment, I was able to relate my experiences and this enabled other people to know me better.
In the essay, I wrote about my childhood, friends, and family. I also wrote about my experiences as an international student studying in an English-speaking society. I expressed how all these were able to influence my life now in the United States. I believe that my skill in writing English is fair because I work hard to master the language. Based on the comments of my teachers, there are only minor skills to be improved in my writing such as tenses and constructing complex sentences. But when it comes to expressing my ideas, I can basically communicate my ideas well in English.
This is the reason why I do not see the necessity of going through English 92. I believe that through English 101, I should surely be able to practice writing more and learning more.
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