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Every budding child must be ensured the best start in life – their future and indeed the future of their communities, nations, and the whole world depends on it. The earliest years of one's life are of critical importance to lead a productive and rewarding life in the future. Reports show that every year, tens of millions of infants around the world begin an extraordinary sprint – from defenseless newborns to becoming proactive young children ready for school. Whether the skills or ability one inherits from the school helps him in the immediate wellbeing of his future remains unanswered. Man is a social animal. He relies on others to complete his life cycle. Secluding oneself from the world without interacting with others makes life stunned. So in order to succeed in life; one must know how to get along with others.
Being of good character does not happen by chance. Parental behavior that encourages children to take responsibility for their actions, correct situations, and practices good deeds can go a long way to assuring kids, grow up to be of good character. The fact is that children are not born with an innate sharing instinct. Very young children have not developed the ability to view the world and the things in it from anyone else’s point of view other than their own. There is no specific age when children magically become unselfish and willing to share.
Sharing is something that develops with maturity and every child matures at his or her own pace. However, the right environmental influences can give them a nudge in the right direction. Through good deeds such as sharing, children learn that the world does not just revolve around them, but includes others who may benefit from one help. At first, the reward may come from elders' praise, but as the child ages, they learn to derive satisfaction themselves from helping others. Children can help clear the table, help the neighbor with the yard, share a toy and join the elders in voluntary works. . Generous donations of a child have to be channelized in the right direction. Training them will surely lead to success in their life.
It is known that one who gets acquaintance with the fellow being for their survival. Teamwork inducing games, sharing instilling activities, and such will definitely do well. Once a child learns to be jovial, he will surely succeed in life.
A good deed is when someone does something for someone else without being asked or without expecting anything in return. Let the kids be trained from their tender ages. Train them to socialize such that your kid may succeed in life.
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