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Reflective Learning and Reflective Writing - Essay Example

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The aspect of critical thinking and analytical approach are of paramount importance and the credibility of learning environment and teaching techniques is judged by the way knowledge is received, absorbed and practically applied…
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Reflective Learning and Reflective Writing Essay
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I believe self-assessment is the best barometer for analysing the fruits of an academic experience. In this paper, a critical assessment of my academic journey in UK is conducted through reflective accounts from various perspectives such as coping with issues like problem solving, time management, assignment designing, feedback gathering and bonding with teammates. Reflective learning, according to Jennifer Moon, is “relatively independent form of mediation” and therefore, its impact on students becomes farfetched since it encourages skills beyond formal educating outcomes such as self-management and analytical thinking (2004, p.74). I can aptly state that this aspect of reflective learning has benefitted me greatly.

I have learned to face and manage numerous issues on my own, which is also known as problem solving. According to Steven Krantz problem solving is not a one-time issue but it is a part of everyday life and analytical thinking, though is not a panacea, but a powerful method “for dealing with many situations” (1997, p.9). . I tried to make friends by allowing them to get an idea about my personality because studying becomes an enjoyable experience when you are surrounded by friends and not acquaintances.

Assignments are critical since “results of research undertakings are communicated by assignments” (Jarvis, 2004, p.178). I used to dread academic writing because according to James Hartley “it typically falls into the 'difficult' and the 'very difficult' categories” (2008, p.7) and for international students, Diane Pecorari feels “academic writing in a second language is a challenging task” (2013, p.119). However, my intention was to change the stigmatic perception that plagiarism and foreign students are strongly connected.

In this regard, my teachers and fellow students were very encouraging. Whenever I felt that I was not able to comprehend the course material properly, they explained it to me. Moreover, the concepts of objective and subjective writing also ensured that I was able to write and express myself in an authentic academic manner without being too opinionated. Dave Burnapp defines Objective writing as “a style where the focus is on a topic being discussed” instead on “the thoughts and feelings of the writer” and he distinguished Subjective style from Objective by stating that it primarily focuses on “the emotions, psychology and experiences of the writer.

” (2009, p.196-198) Gradually, I learnt to give preference to scholarly material in my researches and gathered analysis from experts only so that my verdict is always derived from reliable information. 

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