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Deportation Is Not a Good Solution to Reduce Illegal Immigrants Issues - Essay Example

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The paper "Deportation Is Not a Good Solution to Reduce Illegal Immigrants Issues" states that ideas have been extracted arguing out if it is good or bad to deport illegal immigrants out of the country. So many countering arguments have been exploited, though the final answer has not been reached. …
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Deportation Is Not a Good Solution to Reduce Illegal Immigrants Issues
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Deportation is not a good solution to reduce illegal immigrants’ issues. Deportation is the process of giving a person or group of people an expulsion from a certain place or country because they do not belong in that country. Currently, expelling an individual or group of people from a foreign country is deportation while expelling the original nationals is banishment. The process of deporting people from a certain country is conducted almost in all countries according to the country’s rules and regulations. This deportation may be mostly done to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are people who migrate to a certain place or country without following the right procedures or without formal certification of the migration. A country may deport illegal immigrants because of their unknown status to the security of the country. Reasons for such a person migrating may be several a fleeing criminal, or individuals fleeing from internal war in the country. If a person is a criminal then he/she migrates to a foreign country without formal accreditation and may pose as a security risk to that country. Deportation may be advantageous to the country, but it may also cause harm to the victims involved that is if the victim migrated his/her country because of political instability. Such victims may be seeking refuge in the current country, is deported then, he/she will lack place to go, and thus, he might be subjected to harsh environments. Rules of a given country give the rightful rights of deporting immigrants living in the country with or without legal certification of staying in the country (Forsythe & Lawson 53). If a given country’s rules and regulations give authority of deporting the immigrants then, the immigrants have no luck of staying in the country. What is contained in this paper argues out that actually deportation is not a good solution to resolve illegal immigrants’ issues. Deportation of immigrants may be either external deportation or internal deportation. External deportation is the deportation of the immigrants who are foreigners in the country. This gives all countries the mandate to deport immigrants even those who have stayed in the country for quite a long time. Immigrants are characterized by those individuals who have committed serious crimes, entered the country without legal certification, and overstayed their visa and,or they have lost their legal certification of staying in the country (Forsythe &Lawson53-54).External deportation is only done to those immigrants who have broken the rules of immigration. These rules govern the mode and way of migrating and additionally they give legal certification for staying in the given country. If these immigrants break the rules and enter the country without certification, they are deported back to their original countries. The second form of deportation is internal deportation, which occurs only in the country or state. This is whereby an individual is deported out of the state he/she does not belong to. For example, an individual can be deported from California back to his/her original state because he/she does not belong in California. In this form of deportation, the rules of the state are the ones facilitating this process of deportation, but not the rules governing the whole country. Immigrants who migrate to the new place or state are subjected to deportation if they are there without legal certification of migration. This may also be referred to the country’s rules and regulation if need arises. Reasons for such deportation within a state is that an individual or a group of people may be acting as spies, helpers or undercover for the enemy and thus may bring harm to the state (Garcia 15). For example, the state of Georgia deported about 400 females who were workers at the mill industry. These female workers were deported on reasons that they were suspected to be northern sympathizers. This happened during the civil war. The governing body of Georgia had all the rightful rights to deport the immigrants who were suspected to be harmful to the state. The deportation of illegal immigrants may be wrong or right depending on the countries or states' rules and regulations. However, the big question at hand is that this, will deportation of these illegal immigrants help in reducing illegal immigrant activities or not? A discussion is developed basing on this big question. Deportation is not a good solution to reduce illegal immigrants’ issues. This is because deporting them back to their countries may not be helping them but subjecting them to the problems, they are running from. These immigrants may be running from several problems such as war in the country, outbreaks, famine, and other natural calamities. They seek comfortability in the country where they are running. However, they may not go through the rightful channels of acquiring the citizenship but deporting them is not a god reason for stopping their issues. Acquiring the rightful certification of living in the country is a long process, and it needs time but some incidences of emergency may not give needed time to go through the steps of getting the certification (Balderrama & Rodriguez 78). This may the reason why the illegal immigrants are in the country illegally. Deporting them back to the country will make them feel rejected and cause stigmatization. This adds problems instead of solving the problems. This means that deporting the illegal immigrants will not do any good but do more harm to them but on the other side deportation should be done to reduce these immigrant activities. This is supported by the reasons why these immigrants do migrate to the country. Especially the illegal immigrants, they do break rules of the country thus staying without any legal certification. The country’s security is at stake when no records for these immigrants exist in the government database. What if these immigrants were criminals and the government of their original country wants them? What if they do extend their criminal activities in the country and bring big problems to the country? Such problems should not be handled at a later stage. The process of stopping is to deport all the illegal immigrants, and start recording and giving certification to the immigrants migrating to the country. Deporting the illegal immigrants may not solve any economic problem but may cause economic deterioration. This supported by reasons saying that most of the legal citizens are lazy and fussy. They choose jobs and neglect others. Illegal immigrants can be very skilled and do the jobs the legal citizens reject. This will improve the country’s GDP hence improve on its economy. If the country’s economy improves, it stands a better chance of leading a well-prolonged life than a country with deteriorated economy. Thus for nourished economy as seen, we must allow these illegal immigrants live to help in boosting the country’s economy. This means that deporting illegal immigrants is no better solution of dealing with immigrants’ issues but just adding up the issues. On the other hand, illegal immigrants are just illegal, and they should have no rights as they take jobs away from the legal immigrants hence becoming a burden to the economy. This is because they cause joblessness to other people who are legally in their country. Hence, a serious government and committed government should not allow illegal immigrants into their country without due process as it affects negatively on the economy. There is no reason for people to illegally migrate because even our parents migrated here using due process with the required documentation, and I see no reason for others to use other illegal means to be citizens here consequently causing strain on our economy and hence our government(Marquardt et al. 2). This has been confirmed in our country, and there is no doubt they cause strain on the resources available to citizens who are legally in their country, which eventually leads to criminal activities. A country with a large population experiences healthy development due to many skillful and innovative minds, which creates a place of development. A population increase is increased when immigrants migrate to the country, get married, and have children. This factor increases the country’s population, and in turn helps in healthy economic development of the country. Deportation will not increase the population, but it will reduce the population of the country thus leading to the deterioration of the country’s economy. This means that the illegal immigrants should not be subjected to deportation since they are of great help to the nation. However, on the other hand, actually deportation will reduce such issues since if they are left to stay then there will be a population explosion, and if a country has a large population then it will experience many illegal activities. Secondly, if there is a population explosion then there will be less employment. The Americans need jobs to boost the economy of the country. The illegal immigrants do not uplift the country’s economy since they do not in any way pay tax or get involved in programs that fund the economy to develop it (Dinan 1). This makes the economy deteriorate instead of nourishing. This can be eliminated if the legal citizens of the country are hired and given jobs. They will pay tax to the government, which in turn will be used to restructure the economy. This improves the economic status, political stability and also the social status of the country. For the legal citizens to get jobs, competition must be reduced. This means that the illegal immigrants stand no chance in the country. They should be deported out of the country so to enable the legal citizens to acquire jobs and in turn help towards the improvement of the economy. Deportation of people from the country means racism and selfishness, which is an immoral act in the society. Morals of the society say that there should be no racism across the world. Deporting illegal immigrants mean that the country does not welcome any person of any other race in the country (Dudley 54). Racism is one form of an act that is unwanted across the world, and if it is practiced then it means the country is immoral. This means that the solution of stopping illegal activities should not be deporting the illegal immigrants out of the country since deporting them means that the country is practicing racism thereby not helping in any way. But on the parallel side illegal immigrants should get out of the country because if they are left to live, it will mean there is favoritism, which is unfair. Legal citizens who underwent through the right channels and signed several forms had a rough time to do such procedures (Moloney 8). This means that every person who migrates to the country should do such procedures but if other people are left to live without such procedures then it is unfair. To stop such, the illegal immigrants should be deported, and if they want the citizenship of the country then they should pass through the right channels. It has come to notice that deportation causes breakups and family distortions. Most of the immigrants have relationships and marriages to manage. They have gotten married to the country’s people and had families with them. We all know that single parenting is not good hence kids are denied the right to have love from all the parents. This means that if the immigrants are deported back to their countries then kids will have one parent taking care of them which kills the morale of kids and other family members. For such incidences to be avoided then deportation should not be done for solving issues since it brings out very serious issues. To counter this, birthright is availed to everyone, but also a very big threat to the country. A person who is a citizen to a country by birth is considered as a legal citizen of that country. This is one way which illegal immigrants use so as to pinch the country’s goodies. These illegal immigrants migrate to the country bear children so as to be considered as part of the country. This enables them to be entitled to resources of the country. This makes these resources to be limited to the legal citizens of the country. For example, the population of America is approximated to be 150 million people Americans but to an extent, there are more than one million immigrants in the country. If the natural resources are set to suit the 150 million people, what of the other remaining group? This means that the immigrants make resources be limited yet these resources are set to meet the targeted group. These illegal immigrants who migrate to the country to have a children so as to get the right of ownership are violating the country’s rules and regulations thus they should be dealt with accordingly. The only best way of dealing with them is by deporting them out of the country. Yes, they should be deported so as the country remain at peace and attend to its people accordingly. This will make the country not to strain its resources. Deportation is not a suitable solution for solving immigrants’ issues since it creates a big boundary between countries. If people from other countries are kept out of the country then the other countries will feel like the country does not want associate with them. This kills all the operations such as international trade with the countries, treaties, intermarriages, culture exchange and other operations between the countries. If such operations are cut then the country will have no foreign exchange thus the economy will deteriorate and be lonely. We all both know that working alone is not the solution. Therefore, if the relationship between countries is cut then working will be difficult for the country. For this not to happen, then illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the country. This will establish a healthy relationship with other countries, which will enhance meaningful operations that will help the country develop its economy. This means that the deportation is not a good solution to reduce illegal immigrants’ issues. However if deportation is not done what better solution is there? These immigrants are not innocents living in the shadows. These illegals come into our country and after settling in; they demand changes claiming that current prevailing conditions should be changed to suit their desires. They want to ignore the law and demand openly that we change to suit them so that they enjoy the conditions. These immigrants continue to demand better services without even taking responsibility by contributing to the economy by paying taxes. All they think of is the current law being oppressive and as an insult to them as they feel. Change is one issue that is not rushed in to as a factor for decision-making. It needs time and free minds before the process is done, but these immigrants come in and force the laws enacted so as to favor them not knowing that if the laws are changed the legal citizens are affected accordingly. For example, illegal immigrants fight for same and equal rights with the legal citizens of the country. This grants them an opportunity to own property, free movement in the country, right to be employed, right to gain marriage, and have a position in the state as a person, but such rights affect the original and legal citizens of the country since they are denied such goodies just because the illegal immigrants are favored. This reason makes it certified that these illegal immigrants should be deported out of the country. If they are deported, the country is relieved of the stress caused by these illegal immigrants. This will make legal citizens own their own property and enjoy the goodies of their own country without any disturbance. Yes, illegal immigrants should be deported to help stop illegal criminal activities such as robbery and theft, fraud, rape cases, prostitution, homosexuality and pornography in the country. The illegal immigrants mostly do these criminal activities; hence, their deportation will be mean total elimination of such activities in the country. About 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S have no rightful certification to stay in the country. The cost of deportation may sum up to about $206 billion, which will take about 200,000 buses to deport the 11 million people. This is a huge sum of money, which can be put into other activities, which may help the country’s economy. $206 billion can be redirected from deporting the illegal immigrants to improving infrastructure in the country. This will keep the country at a reasonable level. Instead of spending the cash, they may let the illegal immigrants live, get jobs and then in turn pay taxes to help improve the country’s economy. Therefore, deporting these illegal immigrants is not a good solution since it will subject the country to abnormal expenditure instead of subjecting the country to state of income. On the other hand, illegal immigrants do enjoy several goodies from the government such as attending public schools, receiving food stamps, getting access to free medical services and other many entitlements yet they do not fund the government by paying taxes in that such goodies hold a huge sum of money than deporting them. The legal citizens who pay taxes do not enjoy such entitlements in their own country. This is because the illegal immigrants have really dominated hence chances have diminished. Why should illegal immigrants enjoy at the legal citizens’ stake? Why should the legal citizens suffer just because the illegal immigrants have taken their place? Legal citizens should stop suffering and enjoy the fruits of their own hands. This can only be achieved by deporting these illegal immigrants out of the country. This will stop all the immigrant activities in the country hence leaving the country a peaceful place to be for the legal citizens. Deportation is not the only way for solving the immigrants’ issues. Take, for example, if these immigrants come from a far country, it will take time for them to reach their original country. Since no person might migrates his/her, own country with no reason, deporting the immigrants will not help but just expose them to more trouble. Some of them fled to the country just to get medication and other health services but if they are deported, they may die on the way back home. Will that be helping them or mistreating them? This means that if the immigrants’ issues must be stopped then other measures should be taken, but not deportation but is there any reason for rewarding a bad thing done? This means that if illegal immigrants are allowed to stay in the country then they are rewarded by staying in the country. First, they broke the law by passing the border illegally, and they stay in the country utilizing the resources of the country with no legal certification. This chance given to them is like an award and hence it motivates others to migrate into the country and live in the country with no legal certification. This creates population pressure leading to population explosion in the country. When such a state befalls a country, then the economy becomes unstable and hence it deteriorates the economy (Moloney 10). The only way to eliminate such occurrences is by throwing these immigrants out of the country back to their original countries. This will eliminate the criminal activities posed by the illegal immigrants in the country. Every person has a right to live anywhere in this world. Subjecting immigrants to deportation will be denying them their rights of living in the country. Additionally, they might have strong reasons as to why they fled their motherland to the current country (Hamilton 1). So subjecting them to deportation means firstly, denying them the rights of living anywhere in the country and secondly, putting them to their original problems that they were running from but what if these immigrants are illegal since they want to build a healthy relationship in the country with crime. Crime is their first act on the country since they enter the country illegally. Majority of the country complain of the activities that these immigrants do which make them so uncomfortable in their own country. This majority have the right of to decide whom to let in their country and who not to let in the country. If these majority people say no to immigrants then they have a big reason why they do not want the illegal immigrants in their country. With this idea in mind then illegal immigrants should be deported out of the country to suit the majority’s decision. If such decisions are not taken seriously then the majority may decide to come up with harsh programs that may affect the immigrants on a bad note. To avoid such steps, then the illegal immigrants should be deported when the majority says so. This will help in reducing costs and effects of illegal immigrants in the country. Ideas have been extracted arguing out if it is good or bad to deport illegal immigrants out of the country. So many countering arguments have been exploited, though the final answer has not been reached. Both reasons stand a better half for its proposal or opposition. The motion, which says deportation is not a good solution to reduce illegal immigrants’ issues has not been satisfactorily proved, not has been counter attacked. It has both ends being strong so the rules of the country will apply. Supporting evidences show that it is unnecessary to deport immigrants as the only solution to their issues. Other methods can be used but not the deportation method. Other solutions such as giving the immigrants citizenship is a better solution than deporting them. Finally, deportation is not the solution to solve immigrants’ issues. Works cited Balderrama, F., and Rodriguez, R. Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1995. Print. Dinan, Stephen. Obama adds tolist of illegal immigrantsnot to deport: Parents. Washington Times.August 23, 2013. Web. Dudley, William. Illegal immigration: opposing viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Forsythe & Lawson. Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 1996, p. 53-54. Print. Garcia, Juan Ramon. Operation Wetback: The Mass Deportation of Mexican Undocumented Workers in 1954. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1980. Print Hamilton, Keegan. How Obama Could (but Probably Won't) Stop Deporting Illegal Immigrants Today. The Atlantic. March 26, 2013. Web. Marquardt, Marie Friedmann, Timothy Steigenga, Philip Williams and Manuel Vasquez, Living "Illegal": The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration, The New Press, 2011 Moloney, Deirdre M.. National Insecurities Immigrants and U.S. Deportation Policy since 1882. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 2012. Print. Read More
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