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Technological Development over the Past Thirty Years - Essay Example

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The paper "Technological Development over the Past Thirty Years" discusses that mobile phones may influence and accelerate sexual activity among individuals. This may occur in two main ways. Research shows that many opposite-sex relations have been and strengthened through the mobile phone…
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Technological Development over the Past Thirty Years
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?TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OVER THE PAST THIRTY YEARS Over the past thirty years technology has developed sharply and has affected people’s lives andhealth in many ways such as learning more about how to organize daily lifestyles. The effects are both positive and negative. This technology is diverse and none exhaustive. This essay will very much talk about medical machines, television and phones to try to highlight how helpful and damaging technology has been over the past thirty years on human health. To begin with, medical machines have made tremendous advancements in uplifting the health of human beings over the past thirty years. According to Zlogar (1996), several of these machines have simplified different complicated forms of surgeries such as brain, heart and lung surgeries. In the past, such surgeries were impossible and human being died of any disease that affected the lungs, heart or brain. Technology however has made it possible that human beings should survive. Better still, Thakkar et al (2012) states that some medical machines have been made into robots which conduct surgeries themselves in place of human doctors. A doctor simply sits behind a computer and commands the robot to operate on a patient. These robots are programmed and their operation is more accurate than that of human doctors. As such, chances of survival in the patient are higher than they were in the past. Besides, using robots has increased human resource where there was a deficiency, hence reaching out to many patients at a time in a very short period of time. Technology in form of medical machines has also made tremendous advancements in detecting very tiny disease causing agents or germs such as the virus or bacteria. Powell-Cope (2010) agree with Chernew et al (1998) that the use of revolutionized Microscopes, for example, has helped to identify different viruses and bacteria, the diseases they cause and how they can be suppressed or killed. Without such technologies, all these could have been guess work; and life could be horrible. Medical machines have also helped much to monitor body conditions that threaten the health of many people. Cutler (2011) agree with Fitzmaurice et al (2002) that people are able to check blood pressure (HP) and levels of sugar in their bodies; and therefore depending on the results take necessary action. Apart from that, medical machines, such as scanners, have also helped to check positions and developments of babies in their mothers’ wombs. This gives opportunity to parents to know that their babies are growing and developing in the right way, hence reduction in morbidity and mortality of the mothers and unborn babies. In the past many people’s health deteriorated due to the unavailability of such medical gadgets. Thanks to technology. Follette () further states that technology in medical machines has gone further to provide support to those who have been involved in accidents and their limbs have been amputated. In the past, if one lost his legs in an accident, there was no chance of walking again. Otherwise the person could just crawl. Today, there is hope. Medical machines have made it possible for people to have artificial legs and hands, which have fervently replaced the clutches and wheel chairs. Furthermore, Cutler (2011) admits that medical machines such as hearing aids have made it possible for the deaf to hear and interact with others normally. The old people today need not fear about loss of their teeth because medical machines have made teeth available for them. On the other hand, the original teeth have lasted longer because of the availability of the medical machines that care and maintain teeth. Medical machines have also played a big role in skin grafting, hair replacement and several others. Medical machines have also helped very much in the manufacturing of drugs which treat several diseases. The absence which could have made life to be in danger because there could be no drug manufacturing; if not the process could have been to slow. Finally, Fitzmaurice (2002) adds that medical machines such as computers have helped to store a diverse bank of health data from the patients in form of pictures, videos or graphics. Such data can be shared amongst doctors through the internet to try to find solutions to particular problems affecting individual patients. For example, if one is affected by a certain kind of disease and the samples in form of pictures or videos have been taken and shared through internet, solutions may be availed within minutes from doctors who have encountered such cases before. In the past the only means could be either, sending samples by air or road, or letter or even sending the patient. That was time consuming and many patients died in the process. Much as medical machines can be seen to be very helpful in improving the health of people, they also have negative impact on the same health of people. To begin with, Cutler (2011) argues that some medical machines are complicated. They need adequate training and skill in order to operate them. Any mistake in operating them may lead to the death of an individual. In addition, Fitzmaurice (2002) also counter argues that the use of computers as medical machines has health effects such as acquisition of cancer and blindness due the radiation which bodies emit from the computers. Research shows that using computers for long periods of time expose people to the radiation from computers which may slowly bring cancer and blindness to the individual. Otrz (2011) further argues that much as medical machines are important in promoting health, very expensive to purchase, maintain and repair. Apart from that, medical machines also consume a lot of electricity. As such, they drain a lot of money which could have been used to buy things, which could have helped in other areas of the health of people. From the points above, it should be noted that much as the medical machine can be seen to be indispensable in promoting human health, it also harbours a lot of dangers that may cause deterioration in human lives. Just like the Medical machines, the Television is another form of technology which has greatly affected human health. The effects are both positive and negative. The points below help to explain these effects. Rice (2003) and agree that the television provides a lot of useful information relating to health. For example there are several programme that highlight better nutrition habits, fitness and treatment. The television exposes information on what is to be eaten, when and how to be eaten if one is to survive longer. It also gives the best fitness exercises for one to be physically fit. Other programmes provide doctors who give different ways of treating certain ailments. It can therefore be seen that the coming of the Television has the information which if followed will help to promote people’s health. The Television also warns people against the impending health risks in different parts of the world. According Van Sickle et al (1996), for example, the Television broadcasts news about outbreaks and pandemics in certain countries or regions and therefore warns people not to go to such places until the problem is sorted out there. The Television may also warn people against too much smoking, drinking, drug abuse and other related risks. Van Sickle et al (1996) further states that the Television also informs people about new health discoveries. For example, if there is any disease which has tormented people for a very long time (such as HIV/AIDS) and its cure has been discovered, the Television will make the drug known to the whole world within minutes. According to Oak (2011), television provides entertainment to those who are sick, depressed or bored. Patients sometimes watch Television. It makes them change focus of their concentration from the pain in their bodies to the programme on the Television. In that case, hours move quickly as the patient recuperates. In addition, Van Sickle et al (1996) and further agree the Television provides information to health or medical personnel or scholars in health or medical studies. They learn techniques which their friends use in dealing with certain health issues; and therefore apply the same on their patients. This makes them eloquent in the way they handle their profession. Van Sickle et al (1996) further states that the Television also provides places where particular drugs, medical equipment or machines can be accessed or obtained. For example, through advertisement, one has the chance of knowing the shop where a particular gadget can be bought. It can also inform a person on which hospital has the right machine that may help to cure that person’s disease. If the Television is made commercial, then it can help in generating money through Television Shows, especially during Football Competitions such as World Cup. This money is important in purchasing food stuffs and other necessities which later improve the health of individuals. On the other hand, Television has negative effects on the health of people. Amongst many, the following may help to clarify the point. To begin with, the television brings about obesity in both the young and old. This comes in because when one does not move about when watching the television programmes. Much of the time is spent without exercising. As such, a lot of fat (cholesterol) accumulates in the body and makes an individual to become fat and obese. Most of the people like eating snacks when they are watching television. This makes them change timetables for eating and eat too much. Besides, the television exposes or shows to them different eating habits, some of which if copied lead to expensive eating and drinking habits (Paediatr Child Health, 2003). Some of such habits are also dangerous. For example, some television programmes state that “real men drink”. This influences the minds of some people and make them start drinking because they want to be real men. As if that is not enough, according to (Paediatr Child Health, 2003) and, some television channels expose individuals to pornographic acts. When they watch such channels, their interest grows and finally makes them interested in engaging themselves in sexual practices. Unfortunately, having sexual intercourse may ruin their sexual reproductive health. They may get sexually transmitted infections or become pregnant at tender ages. According to Gaikwad (2011), excessive watching of televisions may lead to acquisition of cancer and blindness. Cancer and Blindness may come as a result of radiation from the television. Gaikwad (2011) further states that televisions also make people have access to the stores that deal in specific items which sometimes might be hazardous to health Oak (2011) further states that the television also makes people to be very dormant. They do not exercise, read, interact with others. They just waste time on watching the television instead of spending time on something that can generate money for their well being. Finally, phones are another technology that is going to emphasize on the impact of technology today. Both mobile and line phones have had a great deal of positive and negative effects on human health. (Rosenburg, 2012) agree with that the mobile phone makes people call to warn others on impending health danger.s Such warnings make others alert and therefore ready to tackle the dangers. Such phones allow people make emergency calls to their doctors when they or their relatives are sick. This saves time and makes people treated before it is late. further states that phones also have programmes which make people to be in shape. For example the internet on the phone provides access to a lot of information that make people learn more about how they can make themselves physically healthy. Such information may also include issues for good nutrition. In addition the internet also provides information to other news on health such us warning on outbreaks, treatments of certain diseases, new health discoveries and several other issues. Rosenberg (2012) further adds that phones can also help to take pictures of dangerous places such as garbage dumps, which are breeding points of disease causing agents. When such pictures are taken and shared with decision makers in health, solutions to treat the garbage dumps so that people are not in danger may be availed. Phones also help to entertain the sick, depressed and bored (Rosenberg, 2012). Some phones which play music, or have video watching facilities, entertain the sick or even depressed. As the sick or depressed watches the videos or listens to the radio, there is relief which could not have been there if there was no phone of that kind. Rosenberg (2012) also states that phones can very much help spread issues or dangers related to health much more quicker than other means would. By logging onto programmes such as facebook and sharing information, millions of people will access that information within a short period of time. Or even through text messages, people will be able to share that information very quickly. Finally, according to, phones can help in scheduling for meals and medication. Phones can keep reminding someone to take medicine or meals at a prescribed time through setting an alarm. In this way one will not miss treatment, hence heal quickly. On the other hand again, phones have negative effects on the health of people. Research is still on going to avail more hazards; but the following are some of the issues raised as negatives on the use of phones. Firstly, according to, phones cause cancer of the brain (brain tumors). Researchers have agreed that mobile phones have the capacity to transmit radiation into the human beings as they respond to phone calls. Since the ears are close to the brain, it is the brain which is highly affected. As one uses the phone over a long period of time, chances of catching brain cancer are very high. Secondly, Rosenberg (2012) states that mobile phones have the capacity to damage the ear drum and cause deafness in individuals. This occurs when one uses head phones to listen to music at very high volumes. Since the headphones are inserted right in the ear, chances of breaking the ear drums when the volume is very high are also very high. This is very much common in the youths and a few adults. further states that mobile phones are havens of so many disease causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Research has shown that these germs come as a result of using these phones without washing our hands and periodically cleaning them. Research has also shown that some of these strands of bacteria are difficult to eliminate and are equally harmful in causing diseases. Fourthly, Paediatr Child Health (2003) also states that mobile phones may influence and accelerate sexual activity among individuals. This may occur in two main ways. Research shows that many opposite sex relations have been and strengthen through the mobile phone. There is high communication which makes the two grow fond of each other and finally start engaging in sexual activities that may finally lead to damaging their sexual reproductive health. Again, research states that some of these mobile phones may keep pornographic clips which when watched may induce individuals to acts of sexual intercourse. The result, again, is damaging sexual reproductive health, especially where an individual contracts sexually transmitted infections. In addition, mobile phones may encourage the concurrency of accidents to drivers when driving. Research has shown that many drivers drive while texting messages or even calling others. This makes them put more concentration on the phone than driving. As such, they will not be able to see the oncoming traffic or otherwise. This leads to collisions and deaths. Finally, mobile phones may cause addiction in an individual. Many individuals have become victims of this parameter. They cannot stay without calling, texting, browsing or just playing with the phone. They cannot do anything else apart from playing around with their phone. This means that if the phone is not there, they become restless and depressed. It should be noted therefore that technology has and will be developing lifestyles and habits in many different ways. The health of individuals will keep on improving as further advancements in technology are discovered. However, it should also be understood that technology will keep on having side effects as it endeavours to solve health problems of individuals. Televisions, medical machines and phones are just a few of the many forms of technology which have affected the health of individuals both positively and negatively. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cutler, DM and M. McClellan (1996) Is Technological Change In Medicine Worth It? Fitzmaurice JM, Adams K, Eisenberg JM. Three decades of research on computer applications in health care: medical informatics support at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2002; 9(2):144-60. Follette (2012) Gaikwad (2011), Television Violence and Children Published: 5/24/2011 Gail Powell-Cope (2010); Audrey L. Nelson; Emily S. Patterson. Chapter 50Patient Care Known Effects of RF Exposure; Paediatr Child Health. 2003 May-Jun; 8(5): 301–306. children-2745.html M.E. Chernew et al., “Managed Care, Medical Technology, and Health Care Cost Growth: A Review of the Evidence,” Medical Care Research and Review (September 1998): 259–288 Nichole VanSickle   Richard Zlogar Televisions Positive Effects On Society  101-18 31October 1996 Oak, M (2011) Effects of Television on Children Last Updated: 9/20/2011 Ortiz, E (2011) Medical Informatics for Better and Safer Health Care; Research in Action, Television Effects on Children Paediatrics and Child Health: Rice, ML, Woodsmall, L (2003) Lessons from Television: Children’s word learning when viewed. 2003; 8:293 – 5 (PMC free article) (Pub Med) Rosenberg, T (2013 The Benefits of Mobile Health Technology and Safety Thakkar RR, Garrison MM, Christakis DA. A systematic review for the effects of television viewing by infants and preschoolers. Pediatrics 2006, 118: 2025-2031. 1 Updated 02/03/2012 How Mobile Phones Support Healthcare in Developing Worlds Zlogar, R Nichole VanSickle   Televisions Positive Effects On Society  101-18 31 October Read More
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