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"Unplugging" from all Electronics for 24 hours It was just a few days back when I unplugged everything in my house. I asked my family members to observe absolutely electricity-free day to which they complied. It was a Tuesday that we chose for unplugging all the electronic devices and appliances in the house. The unplugging lasted till Wednesday morning. I wanted to save on electricity as it would cut down on the costs if applied in a broader sense. My vision was to set things right and get my act straight as far as conserving energy was concerned.
However, this was an exercise that I did with the help of my family members for a single day, and I can gladly state that we were quite successful at its implementation. I must give credit to my family for making sure that they did not plug in any devices and remained steadfast with my aim to unplug all devices, appliances and gadgets for 24 hours. It was a very unique experience. The morning started with the entire family baking the bread loafs on the gas oven instead of the electric toaster.
This helped us to conserve energy which would have been used up had the toaster been applied towards electricity socket. We found the same taste on the gas oven as we would have experienced on the electric toaster. We were very happy that our beginning was good. One of the most difficult agendas for the day was to cut down on the usage of ceiling fans and air conditioners. However, with collective effort we made it possible. We had to bear the heat all day long and instead made use of the wind that blew right across the window which made us feel good.
We realized we can make do with natural air if there was no electricity for a certain while but it started become hot during mid-day and in the afternoon. However, we did not mind much about the heat that had been generated all this while. We used paper fans to let go off the heat that was there in the afternoon. We ate food by making use of these very paper fans which excited the young ones in the family. Unplugging was not a bad idea to begin with. It did become much of a problem during the day because heat was unbearable but we learned quite a few lessons as well.
It made us realize that nothing is indispensable and that electricity can be conserved if solid efforts are made in essence. It made me and my family feel the real pressure of understanding how badly we require energy for our own good as well as that of the generations that will follow us in the coming times. We found out that in the night electricity was being consumed more because lights were switched on to defy darkness. This meant that something was required in the name of light to make sure that we did not fall off from our seats or broke ankles at our own free will.
This was something that came out as our reckoning during the 24 hours which was indeed my idea to unplug every thing. I also found out that if the electricity was not used, the cell phones would also not function adequately because they were not being charged and hence we talked less on the phone that day. Also I realized that we, as a family, devoted more time to each other and heard each other’s side of the story since we did not make use of television, the laptop and the other electric gadgets during the day.
In the end, I would say that unplugging was something that I and my family enjoyed during the day. Since we knew beforehand that it would last only for 24 hours, it became easier for us to digest the fact that we would not have any electricity with us for that long a time. However, we also comprehended that this is not a given in this time and age where electricity is a reality and people just cannot survive without it in essence. Unplugging can be a good concept if applied internationally. It shall cut down on electricity and the wastage that happens on a regular period all over the world.
What remains to be seen is how serious the people of this globe are when it comes to unplugging their appliances and devices. They must understand that this earth can only have a fixed amount of resources within it and hence proper measures should be taken to make sure success remains a possibility all said and done.
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