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The Effect of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates With Waste Plastics in Concrete - Research Proposal Example

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"The Effect of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates with Waste Plastics in Concrete" paper focuses on the use of waste plastics as a partial replacement for fine aggregates in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). It investigates the engineering properties of concrete containing plastic aggregate…
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Extract of sample "The Effect of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates With Waste Plastics in Concrete"

TO INVESTIGATE THE EFFECT OF PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF FINE AGGREGATES WITH WASTE PLASTICS IN CONCRETE Name University Course Instructor Date INTODUCTION The research will focus on the use of waste plastics as partial replacement for fine aggregates in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). It will investigate engineering properties of concrete containing plastic aggregate and the potential of plasticized concrete in various civil engineering applications. The growth of world population seems to be directly proportional to the waste being generated and improperly dumped. Unfortunately most of these wastes are not biodegradable hence will remain in the environment for thousands of years to come (Hames, 2013; Adeola, 1994).The presence of non-biodegradable material among the waste in relation to the growing number of user has only led to dumping crisis that is becoming stressful and expensive to solve. Therefore any idea of converting waste for positive use is of great value. Therefore waste management is appositive research topic everyone would like to create a statement in globally. Therefore several innovative ideas have been on trial and the faster we can arrive with an affordable solution to waste disposal the better to our environment (Ayres, Holmberg and Anderson, 2001). Therefore the aim of the proposal is to how use of plastic waste can be used to positively as partial replacement of fine aggregates in concrete production. Objectives Main objective To investigate the effect of use of waste plastics as a partial replacement of fine aggregates in concrete production. Specific objectives: comparison of the strength of concrete produced by use of waste plastics as replacement for fine aggregates in varying proportions to that of convention concrete (made from the normal fine aggregates) in order to make appropriate recommendations. To establish the behavior of plain and reinforced cement concrete in flexure and compression by addition of plastic in different percentages. To investigate the possible failure modes of plasticized concrete. To determine the mix design. LITERATURE REVIEW: Plastic material form part of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids used in the manufacture of most industrial products (Apparatus for making fiber reinforced plastic members, 1980). Plastics are polymers of higher molecular mass and in most case it contains other substances to explode its performance but lower the production cost at the same time. Plastics have monomers that are either natural or synthetic organic compounds. Types of Plastics The well-known classes of plastics are thermoplastics, thermosetting polymers and Elastomers (Yang, Wu and Huang, 2007). Thermoplastics are stubborn in molecular structure hence record no change in the chemical composition under heating. Examples of thermoplastics are polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTF). Thermosetting polymers or just the normal plastics normally melt and take a new shape but at the same time stay solid on cooling. Most plastics are made from raw material that comes from petroleum and natural gas. Sources of generation of waste plastics: Household: plastic continue to take a good percentage of the domestic waste. Unfortunately the percentage continue to increase though that vary with country as the variation depend much on the socioeconomic status and the consumption and the management plan in place. Unfortunately the largest user which is the packaging industry has not much favors to it in most countries. Research however shows that polyethylene take the highest percentage of plastic waste followed by polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene in that order. Construction consumes a lot of material and cement form a good percentage of that hence a possibility of reuse of waste material in it can be a brilliant idea. The major advantage is the fact that the long life of concrete removes the plastic from the environment for a long period of time hence benefitting the environment from the safe disposal technique applied. At the same time it reduce effect of environmental degradation due to aggregate extraction leading to countryside loss. Household wastes include: Carry Bags Bottles Containers and trash bags Health and Medicare: Disposable syringes Glucose bottles Blood, intravenous tubes, surgical gloves and catheters Hotel and Catering: Packing items Mineral water bottles plastic plates, plastic glass, etc. The numerous advantages of polymers make it important and necessary in the construction industry where its durability, good insulation, noise reduction, pollution and weight is much welcomed. Every sector is focusing on managing environment and waste disposal is one area that gives the municipalities and environmentalist a nightmare. Fortunately several studies are having been conducted to determine useful use of waste material and use of waste material in concrete manufacturing is an active investigation which is to an extent positive. However the determining process of how plasticized cement can made has seen major focus on the property which can be achieved by the combination such as workability, compressive strength, split-tensile strength, flexural strength, elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, toughness. Disposal of plastics in landfills has failed and resulted to several depleted sites (Enfield, 1994). Guney et al (2013) investigated the possibility of using post-consumer plastics in shredded form as a substitute for coarse aggregates in concrete. By alternating the percentage in the mixture by a gap of twenty from 10-50 he studied the physical property of the outcome (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992). The outcome showed the plasticized concrete had acceptable strengths. The result showed a reduction from 7000 to 2800psi with increase in percentage and a decrease the splitting tensile strength from 940 to 470 psi. A trial slab that involved a 30 percent volume of plastic instead of course aggregate was a success (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992). According to (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992) it is possible to use numerous bonding agents can be used to improve the bond strength between the plastic and Portland cement matrix. Though several latexes are ineffective; some anti-static agents are proved to be effective. For example, charcoal black and hot water have been found to improve the compressive strength of concrete containing 2 percent (by weight of coarse aggregate) PET by approximately 15 percent compared to concrete manufactured from untreated plastic. The modulus of rupture for 2percent PET, when the PET was soaked in hot water before being added to concrete recorded a slightly higher than the strength of concrete without any plastic. Therefore represents an increase of 2 percent over concrete that had 2 percent untreated PET. Subsequently plastic concrete containing 2 percent PP experiences a 28 percent loss in dynamic modulus of elasticity after 75 freeze-thaw cycles, while concrete without plastic suffers a 65 percent loss in dynamic loss in modulus of elasticity after 15 cycles. Increasing quantities of plastic in concrete results in marginal improvement of freeze-thaw resistance (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992). Impact resistance, measured using a device similar to that specified in ASTM D2444-93. Up to a 20 percent increase in impact resistance reported for PVC-B, while less and less increases are reported for PVC-A and PP. Slight reductions were experienced for PVC-C and PET. The optimal percent of plastic PVC-B increased by 3.5percent. METHODOLOGY The method used by the researcher to collect data for interpretation is referred to as methodology (IJSRM, 2012). The replacement of fine aggregates will be done by percentage volume. 15% and 25% replacement will be adopted for this particular project due to the time limits involved. The following activities will be carried according to the standards specified in order to achieve the project object objectives Assessment of material properties (of cement, of coarse aggregate, of fine aggregate, and of waste plastics) by carrying out the following activities: Sampling techniques Sieve analysis process Specific gravity Water absorption tests Determination of appropriate mix design. Carrying out laboratory tests which will include: Compressive test using a 150 by 150 by 150mm cube mould as per BS 1881 Flexural test using 150 by 150 by 500mm beam Indirect tensile test using concrete cylinders of 100mm diameter by 200mm height as per BS 1881 Collection and sampling of material Waste plastics will be obtained from the dumping site after which they will be shredded into pieces of size approximately 5mm (maximum). The conventional fine will be obtained from the workshop. Coarse aggregates of sizes 20mm will be used for the study. The aggregates (both coarse and fine) will be dried to reduce the amount of water contained in them so as not to affect the mix design. Grading of materials for concrete production The coarse and fine aggregates will be graded in accordance with BS5238. Sieve Analysis Sieve analysis will be carried out to determine how the aggregates particles are distributed (both coarse, fine and the shredded waste plastics) by sieving (14 and International, 2015; Pfeiffer, Osborn and Davis, 2008). Apparatus 0.5 percent of mass of test sample. Test sieves Oven capable of maintaining constant temperature to within 5% (for drying the aggregates) Mechanism of shaking sieves. Chart for recording results. Sieve sizes Coarse aggregates: 50mm, 37.5mm, 20mm, 14mm, 10mm, 5mm and 2.36mm. Fine aggregates: 10mm, 5mm, 2.36mm, 1.08mm, 0.6mm, 0.3mm and 0.15mm Procedure The test samples (conventional fine aggregates and the coarse aggregates) will be dried till it gains a specific mass through oven drying at more than 105±5ºC. The sieves must at all-time be kept dry and clean. Weigh the required sample. The sieve with the largest mesh size was made to stand in the tray and the weighed test sample will be put in the sieve. Continuous horizontal shaking of the sieve will be carried out for at least 2minutes until no more sample will be seen to pass. The retained material will be weighed. Results will be tabulated in a table and the cumulative weight passing each sieve as a percentage of the total sample will be computed. The grading curve for the sample will be plotted in the grading chart. Specific Gravity Test Fine aggregates Objective This test will be carried out to find out the specific gravity together with absorption values of water of the fine aggregates. Apparatus A balance A drying oven A Pycometer bottle Sample containers Stirring rod Procedure A sample of aggregates less than 5mm will be used. The sample will be thoroughly washed to remove all material finer than 0.075mm.The washed sample will be placed in a tray and water added until the sample is completely immersed. The sample will then be left immersed for 24hours. After 24 hours the water will be drained by decantation through a 0.075mm sieve. The warm air current dry up evaporated surface moisture to saturation point before the dry sample will be weighed. Given wet samples is put on tray and passed over the oven to dry at 104-105ºC for 24hours, then cooled and weighed. The empty pycometer will then be weighed. The weight of pycometer +sample will be measured and recorded. The pycometer containing a sample will be filled with water to capacity so that no air is entrapped, the combination will then be weighed. The pycometer will then be emptied of its contents, filled with water then weighed. Coarse aggregates Apparatus Double beam balance of capacity 5kg Container of steel or enameled iron with rubber plate. Wire basket of opening 3mm or less, diameter 20 cm and height 20 cm. Procedure A representative sample will be obtained and weighed to the nearest 0.5kg (Ws).The sample will then be placed in the wire basket and immersed in water at room temperature and the weight measured and recorded (Ww).The sample will then removed from the water and dried to constant weight at a temperature of 105ºC then cooled and the weight taken (Wd). Determination of mix design The concrete class to be used in the project will be chosen, therefore, the design strength will be known. The target mean strength will be obtained using standard deviation and margin parameters. The crushed aggregates (coarse) will be used and uncrushed fine aggregates will be used. The free water/cement ratio will be selected from the charts. Will all the data required at hand the mix design will then be determined. Sump Test to BS 1881-102 Apparatus Mould Tamping rod Procedure The slump test will be conducted out in respect of standard such as BS 1881-102. The mold used for the experiment will filled in three distinct layers then rammed twenty five times and then consecutive layers is placed and the reading (height) taken and recorded as the initial reading. The excess concrete on the mould is removed using a rod before the cone is lifted upright the reading taken and recorded as the final reading. The value of the slump will be obtained by getting the difference between the final reading and he initial reading. Compressive Strength Test according to BS 1881-116:1983 Apparatus Cubical moulds (150mm by 150mm by150mm) Compression Testing machine Weighing machine Mixing trough Spade Trowel Vibrator Procedure Using the appropriate proportions of water, cement, sand, coarse aggregate and shredded plastic aggregates from the worked out mix design, the mix will be prepared in the mixing trough/tilting drum mixer. The control mix and the plasticized concrete mix will be prepared. The mix will be placed in the moulds in layers using the trowel and each layer compacted with the vibrator. When the moulds have been filled the top layer will be struck off to come up with a well finished surface. The specimens will then be stored in a moist atmosphere for 24 hours and the removed from the moulds and stored in a curing sink for 28 days. After 28 days the specimens will be removed from their wet storage and tested using the compression testing machine. The compressive strength was obtained by calculations using the formula fc fc is the compressive strength in N/mm² F is the maximum load at failure in N Ac is the cross sectional area of the specimen on which the compressive force acts, calculated from the designated size of the specimen. Indirect Tensile Test according to BS1881-117:1983 Apparatus Cylindrical moulds (100mm by 200mm) Compression Testing Machine Weighing machine Mixing Trough Spade Trowel Vibrator Procedure The appropriate proportions of water, cement, sand, coarse aggregate and waste plastic aggregate according to the calculated mix design will be used to come up with a control and plasticized concrete mix. The mix will then be placed in the moulds using the trowel. This will be done in layers and compaction will be carried out after every layer using a vibrator. After filling the moulds the top of the moulds will be leveled and finishing done. The moulds will be left in a moist atmosphere for 24 hours. After one complete day the specimen is taken out of the mould and stored in a curing sink for 28 days until strength testing. The specimens will be removed from the curing sink after 28 days and subjected to indirect tensile testing using the compression testing machine. To get maximum force (load) applied at failure point, the tensile strength can be calculated as shown below б is tensile strength (N/mm²). F is maximum applied load (N). l is length of cylinder (mm). d is diameter(mm). Flexural Strength Test according to BS1881 Apparatus Beam moulds (150mm by 150mm by 500mm) Avery Universal Machine Weighing machine Mixing Trough Spade Trowel Vibrator Procedure Using the appropriate proportions of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and shredded plastics, the control mix and the plasticized concrete mix will be prepared in the mixing trough. The mix will then placed in the beam moulds in layers and each layer compacted well using a vibrator before another layer is added. The moulds will be filled and the surface leveled. The moulds plus their contents will be stored under moist conditions for 24 hours and then the specimens will be removed from the moulds and placed in a curing sink for 28 days until strength testing. After 28 days the specimens will be removed from the curing sink and flexural test will be carried out using the Avery Universal Machine. The load will be applied through two rollers at the third points of the span until the specimen fails. Using standard beam formulae, the failure stress will be calculated from the beam dimensions and the failure load. M=  W is the maximum applied load in N/mm² l is the length of the beam b is the breadth of the beam d is the depth of the beam Strain gauges will be placed across the centre of the beam to measure the strain and deflection. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS The researcher will emphasize on the importance of upholding the highest ethical standards in treating the information and data. Therefore all the concepts and analysis procedure will have to adhere to the research standards and various engineering laws. The researcher will also ensure that all the results and calculation are not altered or falsified. Suffice to say that the information was treated discretely and there was no bias. COSTING AND TIME CONSIDERATIONS Budget S/No. Description Unit Qty Rate($) Amount. ($) 1 Internet _ _ 30 30 2 Cement(Ordinary Portland Cement) Bags 2 15 30 3 Aggregates(Coarse and Fine) Tons 1 15 15 4 Transport _ _ 15 15 5 Laborers No. 2 20 40 6 Printing and Stationary _ _ 20 20 7 Miscellaneous _ _ 40 40   TOTAL AMOUNT       175 The project will be done within a period of 6 months PROJECT MILESTONE PROJECT April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Proposal writing Material preparation Project analysis Practical’s Data analysis Final project writing Handing in REFERENCES 14, A. and International, A. (2015). ASTM C136 / C136M - 14 Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2015]. Adeola, F. (1994). Environmental Hazards, Health, and Racial Inequity in Hazardous Waste Distribution. Environment and Behavior, 26(1), pp.99-126. Andrews, G. and Subramanian, P. (1992). Emerging technologies in plastics recycling. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. Apparatus for making fiber reinforced plastic members. (1980). Composites, 11(1), p.56. Ayres, R., Holmberg, J. and Andersson, B. (2001). Materials and the Global Environment: Waste Mining in the 21st Century. MRS Bull., 26(06), pp.477-480. British Standard Institution, BS 1881-116:1983, “Method for Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes,” London British Standard Institution, BS1881-118:1983, “Method for Determination of Flexural Strength “London British Standard Institution, BS1881-117:1983, “Method for Determination of Tensile Splitting Strength,” London Enfield, C. (1994). Geotechnical practice for waste disposal. Waste Management, 14(2), p.175. Guney, A., Poyraz, M., Kangal, O. and Burat, F. (2013). Investigation of thermal treatment on selective separation of post consumer plastics prior to froth flotation. Waste Management, 33(9), pp.1795-1799. Hames, K. (2013). Healthcare waste disposal: an analysis of the effect of education on improving waste disposal. Healthcare Infection, 18(3), p.110. International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory & Practice. (2012). International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15(6), p.ebi-ebi. Pfeiffer, T., Osborn, A. and Davis, M. (2008). Particle sieve analysis for determining solids removal efficiency of water treatment components in a recirculating aquaculture system. Aqua cultural Engineering, 39(1), pp.24-29. Yang, C., Wu, Z. and Huang, H. (2007). Electrical properties of different types of carbon fiber Reinforced plastics (CFRPs) and hybrid CFRPs. Carbon, 45(15), pp.3027-3035. Read More

Most plastics are made from raw material that comes from petroleum and natural gas. Sources of generation of waste plastics: Household: plastic continue to take a good percentage of the domestic waste. Unfortunately the percentage continue to increase though that vary with country as the variation depend much on the socioeconomic status and the consumption and the management plan in place. Unfortunately the largest user which is the packaging industry has not much favors to it in most countries.

Research however shows that polyethylene take the highest percentage of plastic waste followed by polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene in that order. Construction consumes a lot of material and cement form a good percentage of that hence a possibility of reuse of waste material in it can be a brilliant idea. The major advantage is the fact that the long life of concrete removes the plastic from the environment for a long period of time hence benefitting the environment from the safe disposal technique applied.

At the same time it reduce effect of environmental degradation due to aggregate extraction leading to countryside loss. Household wastes include: Carry Bags Bottles Containers and trash bags Health and Medicare: Disposable syringes Glucose bottles Blood, intravenous tubes, surgical gloves and catheters Hotel and Catering: Packing items Mineral water bottles plastic plates, plastic glass, etc. The numerous advantages of polymers make it important and necessary in the construction industry where its durability, good insulation, noise reduction, pollution and weight is much welcomed.

Every sector is focusing on managing environment and waste disposal is one area that gives the municipalities and environmentalist a nightmare. Fortunately several studies are having been conducted to determine useful use of waste material and use of waste material in concrete manufacturing is an active investigation which is to an extent positive. However the determining process of how plasticized cement can made has seen major focus on the property which can be achieved by the combination such as workability, compressive strength, split-tensile strength, flexural strength, elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, toughness.

Disposal of plastics in landfills has failed and resulted to several depleted sites (Enfield, 1994). Guney et al (2013) investigated the possibility of using post-consumer plastics in shredded form as a substitute for coarse aggregates in concrete. By alternating the percentage in the mixture by a gap of twenty from 10-50 he studied the physical property of the outcome (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992). The outcome showed the plasticized concrete had acceptable strengths. The result showed a reduction from 7000 to 2800psi with increase in percentage and a decrease the splitting tensile strength from 940 to 470 psi.

A trial slab that involved a 30 percent volume of plastic instead of course aggregate was a success (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992). According to (Andrews and Subramanian, 1992) it is possible to use numerous bonding agents can be used to improve the bond strength between the plastic and Portland cement matrix. Though several latexes are ineffective; some anti-static agents are proved to be effective. For example, charcoal black and hot water have been found to improve the compressive strength of concrete containing 2 percent (by weight of coarse aggregate) PET by approximately 15 percent compared to concrete manufactured from untreated plastic.

The modulus of rupture for 2percent PET, when the PET was soaked in hot water before being added to concrete recorded a slightly higher than the strength of concrete without any plastic. Therefore represents an increase of 2 percent over concrete that had 2 percent untreated PET. Subsequently plastic concrete containing 2 percent PP experiences a 28 percent loss in dynamic modulus of elasticity after 75 freeze-thaw cycles, while concrete without plastic suffers a 65 percent loss in dynamic loss in modulus of elasticity after 15 cycles.

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