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Increased Hazard Level for Farmers - Research Proposal Example

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This paper "Increased Hazard Level for Farmers" tells that the farming occupation has been associated with increased hazard levels. The industry has an approximate 1.8% of the workforce in the United Kingdom, but it contributes to virtually 19% of all the accounted injuries annually…
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By (Name) The Name of the Class (Course) Professor (Tutor) The Name of the School (University) The City and State where it is located The Date Farm hazards Abstract The farming occupation has been associated with increased levels of hazard. The industry has an approximate 1.8% of the workforce in the United Kingdom, but it contributes to virtually 19% of all the accounted injuries annually. The industry has accidents ranging from vehicles to machinery (technology) involved falls thus igniting the risks of entailed technology in the farming sector. Another input in farming like the use of chemical also raises levels of risks to the farmers. One of the most predominant effects of the chemical is the use of pesticides in heightening the productivity levels and controlling pests. The impact of the chemicals spreads to the eventual consumers of the products in the long run as opposed to other application undertake in the farming practices. Introduction This research investigates the field of farming and agriculture in the UK and tries to identify the regular forms of hazard that are encountered. The research highlights extensive regards for a wider consideration or contextualization of the current trends with regard to both accidents and ill health. The research places critical regards for a selected single significant hazard that is associated with chemical factors and another one that associated with technology. The research considers a thorough review for each of the selected hazards, identifying and discussing the nature of the hazard, the controls that are possible and the requirements of the pertinent legislation. The research further ensures a discussion on how farm workers may be exposed to more or even less risk in relation to the selected hazards, and the precautions they should take to ensure their safety. The reports end with a summary on the findings (Matthews, 2000, P231). One of the common hazards associated with chemical factors is the picking up diseases (cancer) from the farm is pesticides and chemicals. The commonest ailment is acquired cancer. The use of the pesticides has been intensely associated with many of diseases. Numerous researches recommend that farmers should reduce their exposure to pesticides due to the increased levels or links to various kinds of serious illnesses. Machine knock accidents hazard caused by technology and cancer hazard caused by farmers' exposure to chemicals was chosen for research. Literature Review The dangers in farming industry in UK can be summarized into chemical and technological main components. The technological part relates mainly with machines entailed in the farms. The chemical segment entails pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers used in the farms. The escalated levels of Machine knock hazard in using farm technologies and entailed machinery can be blamed on both users (farmers) and manufacturers of the machines (Okeafor, 2008, P341). Proper manufacturing process depends on the following safety instructions for various machines. Common safety plan in the manufacturing sector demands that all machines, entailed vehicles, and associated equipment should always have the maximum safety of use, and all the dangerous segments should well be excellently guarded. Equipment suitability for the purpose designed should precise. The manufacturing process in the United Kingdom demands that they follow ‘CE’ mark. Through following the process, the machines would ensure the least or minimum legal safety levels. The rules also provide that machines users should obtain ‘certificate of conformity 'through observance of the availed regulations safety standards are properly observed. The observance of the operator's manual, entailed workshop manual and noise levels should be contained. Many diseases have been associated with pesticides, and a study found consistency in links between pesticides and lethal health risks, for instance, cancer, various nervous system diseases and associated reproductive health challenges. Farmers are exposed to these pesticides through home or garden application and exposures. Critical research showed presences of remnants of pesticides in the bloodstream of the subjects especially for the people who suffered conditions such as types of cancer. According to the research, women suffering from breast cancer are most likely to have remains of pesticide residues in their blood stream as compared to women without the condition. The farmers and the consumers are exposed to pesticides inclined diseases as opposed to the impact of machinery that do not affect the end-consumers. Methodology This research entailed the use of secondary data that were collected various studies in pesticides to study the impacts of the pesticides and machinery impacts on farms empirically. That data came from varying instances of studies conducted, stored and retrieved for the use. The geographical region covered by the research was mainly the rural setting where farming was undertaken in the parts of United Kingdom. Some of the regions include Yorkshire Dales, England. The data had been initially collected through interviewing and use of sampling. Both farmers and final users were interviewed to reveal the instrumental data while accessing the impacts of technology and pesticides in the farming arena. Subsequent researches and studies were also conducted on the pieces of land, adjacent water bodies and foodstuffs thus revealing the buildup of chemical pesticide and chemical in the various regions (Revelle & Revelle, 2002, P231). Findings Section 1: findings on chemical One hazard facing farmers and farm workers due to the exposure to the chemical (fertilizer, insecticides, herbicides, pesticides amongst many others) use is cancer. Cancer is the most common long-term challenge but short-term challenge is majorly accidental chemical poisoning. According to the research, pesticides did not only pose danger to the environment, but they also presented huge impacts on the life of the user. The findings showed that pesticides typically had an intensive connection with high increase in hormone-dependent cancers, for instance, cancers of breast and prostate. According to research, the pesticides contributed to the blockage or disruption of the endocrine disrupting chemical balance, for instance, 2,4D and Atrazine. Interview with the farmers also showed that in face recognizing the dangers exposed by the daunting statistics on the pesticides; it is only fair that farmers should adopt organic-listed repellents. The studies found out that most of the pesticides were stored in a person's (farmer or worker's) colon, and their impacts were to perpetually poison the body of the user. According to the research, a person consuming the farm products like apple or the farmer spraying the fruits had build up of beyond 30 different pesticides that were perpetually sprayed. Despite washing the fruits many pesticides as found well intact in the fruit. The pesticides seep into the fruits through pores and later consumed by the farmer or even the end market purchaser. The research also indicated that fruits such as Strawberries, spinach, grapes, apples, apples, carrots, celery, had high levels of pesticides in case they are not organic. The research also associated pesticides with increased levels of cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Other danger symptoms of the pesticides included ADHD and congenital defects on the children (Marer, 2000, P134). The main method of controlling chemical hazards is through adoption of chemical-free farming techniques. The farming techniques without chemical include cultural, mechanical and biological ways. The pesticides typically have an apparent linkage notable between hormone dependent cancers, for instance, cancers of breast and prostate may emanate through endocrine disrupting chemicals, for instance, 2,4D and Atrazine. They are both herbicides used by farmers. In face recognizing the dangers exposed by the daunting statistics on the pesticides, it is only fair that farmers should adopt organic-listed repellents. The required pertinent legislation to reduce chemical use is through increased taxation of chemicals products to make them expensive hence few farmers would use. Government should implement laws to promote the use of cultural, mechanical and biological in farming process. Legislation can also be effected to reject farm products derived through chemical use. The organic-listed repellents present a pretty, well enhanced critter-free lawn and instinctively garden free of the potentially injurious chemicals. The findings showed that farming experts crusaded for the use of the use of the organic-listed repellents as compared to chemical inputs. The safety precautions farmers and workers in farms should take to ensure their safety and protect themselves entail wearing of protective garments while handling the chemicals. Protective garments include nose gear, overall, head cover, protective gloves, eyeglasses amongst other protective wears. the farmers and farm workers should stick to chemical manufacturers users manuals while using the chemical products. They should avoid eye contact or skin contact with various chemicals provided. Such conditions may expose them long term and short-term dangers of the chemicals. Section 2: Finding on Technology Hazard One hazard associated with technology is machine knocks. Farmers and farm workers are regularly knocked with machines resulting in huge statistics in accidents in farms. The machine inflicts huge levels of injuries to the farmers. Common farms machines include tractors, trucks and many other automobiles that knock down farmers and other farm workers. Machinery creates injuries to the people through malfunctions of various parts of the machines. Several farmers are continuously taken in as in-patients in various health facilities. Machines present injuries in the segments such as with the power take-off (PTO) in the transmission of power. Various machines that lack roll-over protection structures (ROPS) in their system always presents huge injuries to the people. The machine injuries were also associated with the traction force of the vehicles. Many farmers presented maim or permanent damages they acquired while operating certain machines in the farm. The farmers had other injuries regarding crashes or even falls from engine machines in the farms (Ray, 2007, P90). The controls in machine knocks are mainly through thorough understanding of a machine before operating it. Farm machinery and technologies entailed in the farming are a major cause of injuries and damages in the industry thus resulting in huge loses. The farming sector in the United Kingdom has intensive effects of the farm machinery and associated vehicles. Many injuries and fatalities emanate from the use of farm machinery. The prevention of farm accidents could be undertaken through considerable adherence on the provided machine running precautions. The levels of the safety capacity of the machines availed to farms have been consistently questioned. Legislations should be enacted to ensure machine manufacturers must ensure a critical emphasis on well-outlaid enhanced design, proper manufacture process and supply of associated machinery. The levels safety can only be enhanced through high inclusion of stakeholders in the process of machine designing process. Legislations should be designed to ensure that manufacturers undertake strong farmer's awareness while purchasing machines should be strong and well informed. While purchasing farm machines, it is vital to investigate the important structural segments of the design process. High safety and precaution in the farm demands that farmers and farm workers should follow-up on the manufactures manual while working with various machines to avoid knock injuries since every machine has its specified design conditions. Section 3  Farm workers may be exposed to more risks when spraying chemicals (herbicides, insecticides and pesticides) against the wind and in absence of protective garments. Such occasions leads to farm workers ingesting or coming into contact with the chemicals. Chemicals are dangerous and can lead chronic conditions. Farms chemicals like Diazinon may cause death within few minutes of ingestion. the farm workers are exposed to less dangers when they follow manufactures regulations and ensure less use of chemicals in the farm. Technology in the farm or use of the machines in the farm exposes farm workers to more risks if machines are misappropriated, misused, poorly serviced and operational instructions are not adhered to. The farm workers should always ensure consistent and regular repair of machines. Machine knock accidents emanate due to un-serviced parts falling or lose braking systems. Recommendations Recommendations on how to avoid the machine knocks accidents experienced in the machinery use and cancer hazards from the use of pesticides and chemicals are very important. The controls on pesticides use should be implemented to check on extensive effects created by the use of the chemicals. The recommendation on adoption of organic crop ways in controlling the pests and herbs in the farming process is very vital. There are three notable ways of controlling pests and weeds when farming to reduce the impacts that pesticides. Such methods include cultural, mechanical and biological ways. The common cultural ways include rotation of crops and planting of the crops cover to enrich garden soils is very vital. Rotation of the crops avoids the spreading and builds up of pests. The use water jets and hands are expelling pests has also been applied successfully in the field especially when the pests and weeds are not excessively spread in the farm field. Farmers in the UK should adopt the culture of planting pest-resistant varieties. The farmers should continuously use keep the weeds and debris outside the garden to ensure total removal of the weeds and pests. Farmers should be encouraged to undertake soil solarization process as a way of naturally eliminating the weeds and pests out of the farms. Provision of the proper and regular irrigation process without watering the leaves is very important. The mechanical option for removing weeds and pest entails using traps and gathering of pests. Setting up of barriers, for instance, s row covers and netting and methods are very applicable in controlling the pests. Improvement in technology has also availed the use of the electronic repellants in countering the spread of pests. Proper legislation should be derived to avoid machines injuries. Manufacturers should be compelled to undertake regular checkups of the machines and equipment they sell to farmers especially through certified technicians. Machine manufacturers should be forced to redesign their machines to ensure minimum or no harm at the eventual user of the machines. Farmers can be blamed for misuse of the tools and farm equipment, but designs of some of the machines continuously give rooms for misappropriation. The health and safety of the end-user of the machine are very essential and therefore, manufacturers must be compelled to check their condition. Biological control measures include the attraction of the valuable insects and birds that consume the insects and pests and weeds in the farms. Attracting of animals such as bats, toads and lizards and the use of the utilization of companion plants enables increasing of the garden efficiency. Conclusion In conclusion the United Kingdom system availed critical systems and institutions for ensuring a high level of productivity and reduced injuries in the machinery use. Such bodies include Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations published and implemented in 1998 (PUWER). In the United Kingdom, the farmers have a direct link with damages and injuries in the machine use through neglecting some of the basic and inherent in the machine use. Such failure considerations are notable on the method of using the machines, realization of the dangerous parts, and absence of vivid training on the machines usage, disregards for the machine manuals always lead to increased levels of accidents that take up people's lives. Machines also maim and injure user thus punishing people to a lifetime condition (Bartram & Ballance, 2006, P145). Bibliography International Occupational Safety And Health Information Centre, & International Labour Office. (2005). Safety and Health At Work: Ilo-Cis Bulletin. Geneva, International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre. Marer, P. J. (2000). The Safe And Effective Use Of Pesticides. Oakland, Calif, University Of California, Agriculture And Natural Resources. Okeafor, C. E. (2008). The Future Of Citrus And Sustainabiity: A Fundamental Approach To Citrus Production. Matthews, G. A. (2000). Pesticide Application Methods. Oxford, Blackwell Science. Http://Site.Ebrary.Com/Id/10232772. Levine, M. J. (2007). Pesticides: A Toxic Time Bomb In Our Midst. Westport, Praeger. Revelle, P., & Revelle, C. (2002). The Global Environment: Securing A Sustainable Future. Boston, Jones And Bartlett. Collman, J. P. (2001). Naturally Dangerous: Surprising Facts About Food, Health, And The Environment. Sausalito, Calif, University Science. Pingali, P. L. (2005). Impact Of Pesticides On Farmer Health And The Rice Environment. Boston [U.A.], Kluwer. Bartram, J. And Ballance, R. [Eds] (2006) Water Quality Monitoring. A Practical Guide To The Design And Implementation Of Freshwater Quality Studies And Monitoring Programmes. E & Fn Spon, London. Fenner, P.J. (2008) Dangers In The Ocean: The Traveller And Marine Envenenation. I. Jellyfish. Journal Of Travel Medicine 5, 135-141. Ledoux, D. (2011). Pest Control Simplified For Everyone: Kill, Repel, Or Mitigate Pests With Or Without Pesticides. Boca Raton, Fla, Universal. Governmnet Of United Kingdom, (2012), Business And Enterprise – Guidance: Farm Health And Safety Https://Www.Gov.Uk/Guidance/Farm-Health-And-Safety Ray, P. K. (2007). Agricultural Insurance: Principles And Organization And Application To Developing Countries. Http://Public.Eblib.Com/Choice/Publicfullrecord.Aspx?P=1817636. Health And Safety Executive (2014), Pesticides.Http://Www.Hse.Gov.Uk/Agriculture/Topics/Pesticides.Htm Nato Advanced Study Institute On Environmental Security Assessment And Management Of Obsolete Pesticides In Southeast Europe, Simeonov, L., Macaev, F., & Simeonova, B. G. (2013). Environmental Security Assessment And Management Of Obsolete Pesticides In Southeast Europe. Dordrecht, Springer. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1007/978-94-007-6461-3. Read More

While purchasing farm machines, it is vital to investigate the important structural segments of the design process. High safety and precaution in the farm demands that farmers and farm workers should follow-up on the manufactures manual while working with various machines to avoid knock injuries since every machine has its specified design conditions. Section 3  Farm workers may be exposed to more risks when spraying chemicals (herbicides, insecticides and pesticides) against the wind and in absence of protective garments.

Such occasions leads to farm workers ingesting or coming into contact with the chemicals. Chemicals are dangerous and can lead chronic conditions. Farms chemicals like Diazinon may cause death within few minutes of ingestion. the farm workers are exposed to less dangers when they follow manufactures regulations and ensure less use of chemicals in the farm. Technology in the farm or use of the machines in the farm exposes farm workers to more risks if machines are misappropriated, misused, poorly serviced and operational instructions are not adhered to.

The farm workers should always ensure consistent and regular repair of machines. Machine knock accidents emanate due to un-serviced parts falling or lose braking systems. Recommendations Recommendations on how to avoid the machine knocks accidents experienced in the machinery use and cancer hazards from the use of pesticides and chemicals are very important. The controls on pesticides use should be implemented to check on extensive effects created by the use of the chemicals. The recommendation on adoption of organic crop ways in controlling the pests and herbs in the farming process is very vital.

There are three notable ways of controlling pests and weeds when farming to reduce the impacts that pesticides. Such methods include cultural, mechanical and biological ways. The common cultural ways include rotation of crops and planting of the crops cover to enrich garden soils is very vital. Rotation of the crops avoids the spreading and builds up of pests. The use water jets and hands are expelling pests has also been applied successfully in the field especially when the pests and weeds are not excessively spread in the farm field.

Farmers in the UK should adopt the culture of planting pest-resistant varieties. The farmers should continuously use keep the weeds and debris outside the garden to ensure total removal of the weeds and pests. Farmers should be encouraged to undertake soil solarization process as a way of naturally eliminating the weeds and pests out of the farms. Provision of the proper and regular irrigation process without watering the leaves is very important. The mechanical option for removing weeds and pest entails using traps and gathering of pests.

Setting up of barriers, for instance, s row covers and netting and methods are very applicable in controlling the pests. Improvement in technology has also availed the use of the electronic repellants in countering the spread of pests. Proper legislation should be derived to avoid machines injuries. Manufacturers should be compelled to undertake regular checkups of the machines and equipment they sell to farmers especially through certified technicians. Machine manufacturers should be forced to redesign their machines to ensure minimum or no harm at the eventual user of the machines.

Farmers can be blamed for misuse of the tools and farm equipment, but designs of some of the machines continuously give rooms for misappropriation. The health and safety of the end-user of the machine are very essential and therefore, manufacturers must be compelled to check their condition. Biological control measures include the attraction of the valuable insects and birds that consume the insects and pests and weeds in the farms. Attracting of animals such as bats, toads and lizards and the use of the utilization of companion plants enables increasing of the garden efficiency.

Conclusion In conclusion the United Kingdom system availed critical systems and institutions for ensuring a high level of productivity and reduced injuries in the machinery use.

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Increased Hazard Level for Farmers Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 Words.
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