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Fires Situations in the United Kingdom and All Over the Worlds - Case Study Example

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One of the articles explored in the paper "Fires Situations in the United Kingdom and All Over the Worlds" is "Hundreds die in Nigerian fuel blast". As the paper states, the pipeline passes through poor communities, where the people usually exploit the pipes to steal fuel. …
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4 The descriptions of the occurrence of people more than 20 miles away was that a loud rumble, which was initially thought to be thunder or a passing plane, much like the Concorde. Company officials were apologetic concerning the inconvenience and issued a warning to the general public that the explosion did not present any danger, and there were no public health issues which might arise. Gas and Pipeline explosion rocks Russia; Source New Zealand July 26, 2007 A huge explosion and fire hit a major gas pipeline in North West Russia, but there Were no reports of casualties and it was unclear if exports were disrupted. It was an explosion on a trunk pipeline under high pressure. The explosion Happened at a point where the pipeline ran close to a power station on the northern Outskirts of St. Petersburg. The force of the blast blew out the power station. It destroyed a 50 meter long section of the 80 cm diameter pipeline. Officials released a statement saying there were no casualties and no evacuations were ordered and there was no danger to peoples lives. When people as far away a 2 kilometers said they heard a loud whistle then a very loud rumble before an explosion, the noise and explosion set off car alarms which prompted many people to exit their dwellings. Hundreds die in Nigerian fuel blast; Source BBC News May 12, 2006 More than 150 people have been killed in an explosion at a petrol pipeline near Nigeria’s largest city, Lagos. Reports suggest that the blast may have been caused by an 5 attempt to tap illegally into the pipeline. Vandals drilled holes into the pipeline to steal fuel. Officials found more than 500 jerry cans at the scene which leads them to believe that there are additional injured people. The officials made an appeal to those possibly injured by the blast to come forward, so they might receive medical attention. In previous years there have been seven other occurrences of pipeline explosions, all of them were attributed to the same cause; October 1988, at least 1,000 people were killed on Jesse, March 2000 at least 50 killed in Abia, July 2000 360 killed in Wari, June 2003 105 killed in Abia, September 2004 60 killed on Lagos, and December 2004 20 killed in Lagos. The pipeline passes through poor communities, where the people usually exploit the pipes to steal fuel. Officials issued an appeal to Nigerians to discontinue the practice of tapping into the pipeline. Oil workers airlifted off of blazing North Sea Platform; Source; The Scotsman Frank Urquhart, March 17, 2006 A major investigation was launched into the cause of a blaze that led to nearly 130 oil workers being airlifted from a North Sea Platform, owned by Shell. The government’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is looking into the fire, which ius believed to have begun after a high-voltage electrical motor overheated. It is believed that the origin of the fire was situated in the gas compression module. The various sprinkler systems in different parts of the installation were firing off, causing confusion about what exactly the extent of the fire was. A Shell spokesperson said the company was aware of reports of a bang being heard before the blaze began, but he stressed no hydrocarbons had been involved in the 6 outbreak. At the height of the emergency, four helicopters, including one from Norway and BPs infield search and rescue craft, were scrambled to air lift the non-essential personnel to three neighboring installations, North Cormorant, Dunlin and Brent Bravo. Jake Malloy the general secretary of the OILC, declared,m “Shell is trying to sell these installations, but appear to be acting like some dodgy second hand car dealers trying to paint over the cracks and faults which clearly exist”. Shells North Cormorant rig hit by small fire; Source The Scotsman 11-28-07 Frank Urquhart A very small fire broke out on Shell’s North Cormorant rig north east of the Shetland Islands. The Shell fire was contained within a turbine hood on a water injection pump. The fire had been immediately by the platforms’ personal fire protection system. The extinguishing operation was a collective effort from the entire 106 crew members. Fifteen minutes after the alert the entire operation was said to be up and running again. A spokesman fior the company said that shell would be initiating its own investigation of the incident. Accordingly the government Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been informed about the incident. The blaze happened one week after and HSE inspection of the offshore industry’s oil and gas installations, when the assessment of the overall statement of oil rig platform conditions was assessed as poor. A Lucy Escape; Source; The Scotsman Marty McLaughlin November 26, 2007 Safety procedures on board a remote sea oil platform were under investigation after more than 100 workers had to evacuate to escape a very serious fire. 7 The fire on the Thistle, nicknamed the Black Pig, was a very serious fire which started in the turbine section. As the fire began to spread, an evacuation became essential The HSE has previously cited the Black Pig with numerous safety enforcement notices, one of those notices cited the discrepancies within the rig’s turbine. Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation natural gas pipeline explosion and fire; Source;Wikipedia, March 23,1994 A 36” diameter natural gas pipeline broke and exploded into flames next to the Durhame Woods apartment complex. The fire destroyed or severely damaged 14 of the apartment buildings. One death was recorded, Sandra Snyder died of a heart attack. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation found a gouge in the pipe probably caused by excavation equipment years earlier, in combination with brittle pipe material and excessive operating pressures likely led to rupture. NRSB also found fault with the lack of automatic or remote-controlled shut off valves. The manual valves were difficult to reach and close, preventing operators from promptly cutting off gas that fueled the fire. Also, NTSB found that Texas Eastern failed to adequately monitor excavation activity on its right of way. In response to the fire, New Jersey passed regulations requiring excavators to call a telephone hot line number prior to digging, so that pipeline companies can mark the precise locations of their pipes on the dig site. By 1996, the “one-call” concept became an accepted national practice. Following the fire, over 2,000 tenants of Durham Woods and nearby residences sued Texas Eastern and 29 other defendants, including the Township, Durham Woods’ 8 landlord, and the excavator who cracked the pipeloine. Danger Lurks Underground;Source The Toronto Star, Robert Cribb, May 3, 2003 No warning came for seven people killed in the explosion that apparently happened after a construction worker inadvertently hit a Toronto gas line. More than 21,000 incidents have occurred between 1977 and 2001 – anywhere from a minor tear in a pipe to a major eruption on a city street. Yet only a fraction are ever investigated. More troubling, however, is a staggering 92 % of those incidents were the results of human error, often due to careless excavation by construction firms, according to data from the technical standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) which regulates pipelines in Ontario. The TSSA is investigating and police say they have no plans to lay criminal charges. But the chief coroner says he plans to call an inquest into the deaths. This was preventable, lamented coroner Cairns, “I don’t consider this a freak accident. The fact that these lines end up rupturing on a frequent basis is highly significant. Gas Pipe explosion hits Windsor; Source Toronto Star, Robert Cribb, May 7, 2003 Workers cutting a section of a natural gas pipe in Windsor triggered a fiery blast that sent me to hospital. One man died. The past ten days will be remembered as the most tragic in recent memory when it comes to broken pipe lines.While experts agree that underground pipe lines are safer than other potential modes of land transportation – such as rail or road – the risks associated with carrying dangerous liquids and gases through pressurized pipes demand tighter legislation. By law, construction firms are suppose to contact utilities that have lines in the area 9 where they intend to dig and get “locates” ‘ detailed information on where the lines are beneath the ground. Either way, when that step is skipped or when proper safety measures aren’t taken tragedies can happen. Major Explosion at UK oil depot; Source; Wiki News December 11,2005 A series of large explosions occurred close to Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK. The source of the explosions was the Hertfordshire Oil storage terminal (HOSL), locally known as Buncefield complex. The explosion and subsequent fire required 10 fire appliances and 1 specialist foamer. Reports say the explosion, which registered 2.4 on the richter scale, was heard as far away as Oxford, and Whitehall, Central London (38 miles) away. The depot operates 24 hours a day and is split into 2 parts – aviation fuel and domestic fuel. The disaster is believed to be the worst explosion at a petrochemical plant in the UK since the Foxborough disaster of 1974. The chief fire officer said, ”this is probably the largest incident of its kind in peace time Europe”. An oil industry specialist said,…”that a vapor leak could have built up to explosive concentrations because of the ground frost in the area keeping vapour concentration at ground level. This would have resulted in a fuel-air explosion. Fire chiefs consulted with oil industry experts on the feasibility of using millions of liters of foam to quell the blaze. Additionally, samples of smoke was taken to determine the long term effects of exposure, if any. Propane Inspections Ending; Source Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Rick Barrett, December 6, 2007 10 A massive explosion at Fax Corporation killed three workers and injured more than 40 others. The explosion was triggered when propane, a volatile gas, leaked from a corroded underground pipe into a storage building at the company’s manufacturing complex on Canal Street. The inspections that the city required at the time would not have discovered the problem. The Falk explosion occurred during a test of the propane system, which served as a backup to the Canal Street factory’s regular natural gas system. It shook buildings and rattled windows for miles around the city, and it was large enough to register on a University of Wisconsin seismograph. State Representative Pedro Colon (D-Milwaukee) said he would favor legislation requiring periodic inspection of the tanks. Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials in Milwaukee said they hoped to publish a safety bulletin that would address the hazards of corroded pipes in underground tanks, technical data that would benefit many companies nationwide Fifteen workers were injured in the explosion, and the families of the men who lost their lives, have settled their lawsuit that sought to hold a mechanical contractor responsible. Explosions Gas Blast kills 5 in Glasgow; Source 1985 A young family was killed in an explosion in a block of flats in Glasgow. The accident was caused by a leaking gas main and investigators have found a fractured gas main nearby. Five people are also in hospital, including one man who was thrown 11 through an upstairs window when the two-storey house blew up. UK gas distribution network Transco has often been accused of not replacing old cast iron pipes – which are prone to frost damage – with safer plastic ones. Scotland has suffered particularly badly from fatal gas explosions over the last 30 years. Explosion kills Chinese Miners; Source BBC News August 12, 2003 At least 33 miners have been killed and nine are missing after a gas explosion at a coal mine in Northern China. Some 286 mine workers were rescued after the explosion. The cause of the explosion is under investigation. Chinese coal mines have the worst safety record in the world. Official figures indicate that more than 5,000 people were killed in the previous year alone, while other estimates suggest the figure could be much higher. In explosions such as this one, the cause is usually the vapors of gas that seeps from the coal and builds up due to poor ventilation. Many such incidents occur in privately owned mines, which lack operating licenses and adequate safety equipment. Vice Premier Wu Banggue urged industrial bosses to recognize the importance and urgency of industrial safety. The state economic and trade commission report indicated that more than 35,000 illegally and badly cited coal mines had been closed by end of June. The trade commission said that only factories which meet safety standards will be allowed to re-open, but others – particularly those in densely populated areas – would be closed permanently. Explosions at asylum seeker refuge; Source BBC News, May 12 2006 12 A street was closed off for two hours, following an explosion at a refuge for asylum seekers in Wolverhanpton. The house was a home to ten Kurdish refugees who were believed to have just left home for work when the explosion happened. No one is thought to have been injured. Transco called to the scene to isolate the gas supply, and a number of homes was evacuated. 120 People died in April, 1916 explosion;Source BBC News April 2, 2006 The tragedy happened on 2 April 1916, at the Explosives Loading company premises near Faversham, Kent. Around 70 people were buried in a mass communal grave, just four days after the explosion. TNT explosives and ammonia nitrate blew up as workers were fleeing a grass fire which had spread to the factory site. The impact of the blast was so great until windows across the Thames estuary in Southland were shattered and the tremor was felt in Norwich. Of course, the accident happened during wae rime and the factory was ripe with activity, but one or two precautions which should have been taken were not. Philadelphia rocked by explosions Source BBC September 21, 2006 At least tow high rise buildings in Philadelphia have been evacuated after a series of underground explosions. The blasts were caused by an underground power cable malfunction. There was also reports of a fire. There were instances of smoke pouring from a manhole cover. Workers for PECO electricity company reported two or three explosions in the basement beneath a building in central Philadelphia. The blasts occurred near a subway6 station. All reports indicated that the trains were not being affected by the occurrence. 13 Transportation Explosions Enviromantal disaster averted after huge oil tanker explosion; Source Kent News Swift work after the oil tank explosion on the Hoo Peninsula prevented an environmental disaster to an internationally important wildlife site. The main environmental risk was from the water used to put the fire out. one man was hurt in the blast at an engineering firm. He suffered a suspected broken leg and cuts and bruises. The manager of the environmental Agency’s operation stated, “…by working with our partners in the emergency services, we have managed to eliminate the environmental damage, and the areas that were contaminated should make a swift recovery. Canadian Air Disaster kills 118; Source 1963 A Canadian jet crashed within minutes after take-off, killing all 118 on board. The trans – Canadian Airlines DC8, bound for Toronto, crashed into a field, 20 miles from Montreal’s international airport. Eyewitnesses reported hearing an explosion as the plane hit the ground. Following the crash investigators complained that looters stole wreakage from the plane and personal possessions from the dead passengers. Rain was falling heavily at the time of the accident and this hindered the investigation when it turned to snow. As a result the exact cause of the crash was complicated by the intrusions. However, experts believe that the plane crash, which was one of Canada’s worst ever air disasters, may have developed from a technical fault. Blair urges calm after explosions Source; July 21, 2005 Prime Minister Tony Blair has urged Londoners to be calm and get back to 14 business as normal following a series of minor explosions. Mr. Blair said, “there appeared to be no casualties in the incidents at three underground stations and on a bus. He said, “the incidents were serious but there were designed to scare, frighten, and intimidate people. Mr. Blair denied the attacks were in any way connected to the Iraq war. The prime minister went on to hail the spirit of Londoners, whom he said were, “canny enough to know what these people are trying to do. He added, London is united. Warehouse Explosions and Fires Relics saved as fire rages through legendary studio; Source Guradian Unlimited August 11,2007 Flames destroy part of a $10 million set in Rome. Firefighting teamns of 15 appliances battled the warehouse blaze for hours, as it burned through 3,000 square meters of the complex. There were no injuries. The entire complex consist of 600,000 sq. meters. And is located on the outskirts of Rome. It is the largest studio in Europe, has hosted more than 3,000 productions which have won 48 Oscars since it was opened in 1937. The cause of the fire was attributed to faulty electrical wiring which short circuited. Maurio Sperandini, deputy general of the studio attributed the speed of the burn to the area which it was concentrated; the fire wiped out a third of the slum area for poor in ancient Rome. This was described as typical in view of the materials which were used in the construction of this particular set, and of course, its proximity to the point of origin of the blaze. 15 Firefighters killed as fireworks factory erupts; source Guardian The warehouse of Festival Fireworks in Ringner, erupted in a series of explosions, shaking houses and shattering glass in homes in neighborhood adjacent to the site. Four firemen lost their lives in the fire and 12 people were injured. The cause of the fire is believed to be a carelessly discarded cigarette. In accordance with British Safety Law, employers are required to carry out an assessment of the risks to the health and safety of their employees, and others who may be affected by the work environment. Additionally employees should maintain a COSHH register, carry out risk assessments and put in place, control measures and bring the findings to the attention of its employees. The general public expressed their concern in a number of different ways on how they were affected, albeit not physically present at the explosion. Additionally, the incident led to renewed calls for tighter regulations on the campaign for fireworks safety. In a related incident, an explosion in a Chinese workshop in Zhaoyuan was triggered when an employee caused a blast which killed 20 people and injured nearly 1,000, while destroying more than 400 homes. The explosion ignited more than 100 tons of fire works. Two years later the perpetrator was brought to trial and was meted out a two year prison sentence. Blaze at Olympic site; Source; Guardian Unlimited 2007 In Hackney Wick, East London, a blaze was started in an abandoned warehouse, near to the site of the 2012 Olympic park The cause of the fire was said to be if 16 accidental origin. There were signs of asbestos on the site, and this was viewed as a possible source. The warehouse was scheduled for demolition on the day it was razed. The reaction of the authorities was the issuance of an advisory (by Dr. Keith Prowse – chairman of the British Lung Foundation) to all residents of the area who may suffer from respiratory problems, to remain indoors. A resident of the area when describing the onset of the occurrence stated, “…I thought a bomb had gone off, there was a huge, huge filthy plume of black smoke”. Corus admits guilt on fatal blast Source; BBC News December 14, 2006 Corus has admitted failing to ensure its workers and contractors safety after an investigation into a massive explosion at its Port Talbot works. Three workers died in the blast and twelve others were injured. The explosion destroyed blast furnace five, lifting it up off of its base and blasting 200 tons of steel slag and hot gases. The prosecutor described how a special committee set up to monitor the furnace, commissioned in 1959, had made a series of recommendations – none of which appeared to have been acted upon. It was shown that furnace number five had suffered many failures before the explosion in 2001. Additionally the company failed to make the necessary repairs to an electrical transformer which would ensure that the voltage remained constant. The auxiliary pump did not trop when the voltage dropped. This meant water to cool the system did not circulate and up to 50 tons leaked into the furnace. Therefore, the water mixed with molten steel caused the fatal explosion. Councillor Anthony Taylor from Neath Port Talbot council said, “Corus admitting that there was liability on their behalf has meant 17 the community can look with some certainty to the future and it comes as some closure to what’s going on”. Fire destroys Geest food units: Source Guardian Unlimited; April 25, 2005 Two units of a convenience food factory run by Geest at Barton – upon – Humber have been destroyed in a fire. Thousands of people living in the surrounding area and in Hull, on the other side of the River Humber, were told to close their doors and windows as night workers at the factory were led to safety. As 100 firefighters fought the blaze the roof of the pizza and pasta factory collapsed. The factory was razed to the ground. The origin of the fire was believed to be in a packing warehouse. There were 17 appliances, including three Ariel units. At one point, there were fears that the town would have to be evacuated, as winds blew acid smoke across the Humber to western parts of Hull. Dwelling Fires Tragedies Common Thread, Source Telegraph , October 30, 2007 In the words of University of South Carolina president Andrew Sorenson, a sense of “profound sadness” has settled over his campus – and this state – as a result of the deaths of seven college students in a horrendous fire at a vacation home on a North Carolina Beach. It is believed that the fire started on the balcony, by a discarded cigarette. And as the students slept, the house burned. The beach house was owned by a family member of one of the students – it had working smoke detectors but no sprinkler system. Very few beach houses do. The Greenville, South Carolina Motel fire prompted a legislative call to require 18 sprinkler systems in existing commercial structures. Unfortunately, that effort failed. The fragile death of these students should again focus attention on the greater danger. Gas Fitters error killed teenage girl; Source; Telegraph, Richard Savill, July 10 2006 A rogue tradesman was sentenced to two years in jail for killing a 14 year old girl by incorrectly installing a gas fire in her home. Two days after the gas fire was installed, Alex and the family’s Jack Russell were found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas fitter failed to check the gas pressure on the appliance and it was set at an incorrect level, which lead to a leak. This led to the clotting of the catalytic converter. The level of the carbon monoxide gas in the air was very quickly raised to a fatal level. Marianne Mitchell, the girls mother came home and noticed the house was very warm and the fire surround and the mantle piece were scorched. The attorney for the craftsman asserted; “…The appliance should have been set at the correct pressure in the factory but was not. His client did not cause the fault, but he did fail to find the fault:. Ozzie and Sharon escape house fire Source; Telegraph January 4, 2005 A fire alarm scared Ozzie and Sharon Osborne after a blaze broke out while they were asleep in their mansion. The fire started in the living room. After the alarm went off, they ran into the garden. The cause of the fire is suspected to be faulty electrical wiring. A spokesman from the Buckinghamshire fire service said, “two men and one woman were treated at the scene. The day before the fire, a representative from the fire service visited the Osborne’s to give them fire safety advice. Toddlers locked in room with a box of matches Source; Telegraph, Nick Britten January 2, 2006 19 Two boys died after being locked in their bedroom with a box of matches, so their parents could enjoy a “romantic evening”, downstairs. Nathan and Jeremy Miller were overcome by smoke and fumes after accidentally starting a fire, but could not escape because the door was deliberately wedge shut. Their parents ignored the children’s screams, thinking the boys were merely playing. They only went to aid the boys after they heard a smoke alarm going off. By then the fire had become too intense for either the mother or the father to enter the room of the boys. The prosecutor said, “the fire, and therefore the fatal burns, the tow little boys suffering was cause by the criminal failure to look after them and parent them. The couple were described in court as two individuals who possesses only limited intelligence. They both denied the two charges of child cruelty. Woman 91 escapes gas explosion; Source; Telegraph March 9 2005 A 91 year old woman escaped with only minor injuries after her home was blown apart in a gas explosion. Fire crews rescued the woman from the house in Elstree Road Merryoaks Southhampton after the early morning blast. It is thought she was making breakfast on a gas stove when there was an explosion which caused part of her house to collapse. People in adjoining properties were evacuated until it was clear that the danger no linger existed. There was no damage to any of the adjoining properties. She was treated at hospital, but her condition was not serious. Workplace fires Man injured in huge explosion Source; May 9, 2006 20 A man was taken to hospital suffering from leg burns after a series of explosions ripped through a scrap yard in Connah’s Quay Flintshire. Fire officers believed there was propane gas on the premises. There were a lot of cylinders and extinguishers blowing up. It was terrifying because of the volume of flames coming out of the building. Spectators and onlookers were actually amazed on how fast the building went up on flames. Jim McBride, the officer in charge for the North Wales fire service described the fire as quite serious and confirmed the presence of propane gas on the premises. Man injured in cylinder explosion Source bbc news September 8, 2005 A caterer was taken to hospital with burns to his hands after four liquid petroleum gas cylinders exploded at Bath and West showground. The 19k cylinders exploded behind the man’s mobile catering unit. A spokesman for the show ground said the sound of the explosives “rocked” the area and sent people diving for cover. Firefighter took only 15 minutes to extinguish the blaze, which caused serious damage to the catering unit and an adjacent food van. Works Cited Barrett, Rick, Propane Inspections ending, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 6, 2007, British Broadcasting Company News, Blair urges calm after explosions, July 21, 2005,Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, Canadian air disaster kills 118, December 1963, Retrieved on line on December 6,2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, Corus admits guild on fatal blast, December 14, 2006, retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, Explosions at asylum seekers refuge, May 12, 2006, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, Explosion kills Chinese Miners, August 12, 2003, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, Blast kills 5 in Glasgow, May 16, 1985, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007,k from British Broadcasting Company News, Hundreds die in Nigerian fuel blast, May 12, 2006, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, fro British Broadcasting Company News, Man injured in cylinder explosion, September 8, 2005, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, Philadelphia rocked by explosion, September 21, 2006, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from British Broadcasting Company News, 120 People in April, 1916 explosion, April 2, 2006, Retrieved on line o9n December 6, 2007, from Britten, Nick, toddlers locked in room with a box of matches, January 2, 2006, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Cribb, David, Danger lurks underground, The Toronto Star, May 3, 2003, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Cribb David, Gas pipe explosion hits Windsor, Toronto Star, May 7, 2003, retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Guardian Unlimited, Blaze at Olympic site, 2006, retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Guardian Unlimited, Fire destroys Geest food units, April 25, 2005, retrieved on line on December 6, 200r, from Guardian Unlimited, Firefighters killed as fireworks factory erupts, retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Guardian Unlimited, Relics saved as fire rages through legendary studio, August 11, 2007, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Kent News, Enviromental disaster averted after huge oil tanker explosion, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from McLaughlin, Marty, A licky escape, The Scotsman, November 26, 2007, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from New Zealand Herald, Gas and pipeline explosion, July 26, 2007, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Savill, Richard, Gas filters error killed teenage girl, Telegraph, July 10, 2006, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Telegraph, Tragedies Common Thread, October 30, 2007, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Telegraph, Woman 91, escapes gas explosion, March 9, 2005, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Telegraph, Ozzie and Sharon escape house fire, Januaryi 4, 2005, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Urquhart, Frank, Oil workers air lifted off of blazing North Sea Platform, The Scotsman, March 17, 2006, retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from, Urquhart, Frank, Shells North Cormorant rig hit by small fire, Scotsman news, November 28, 2007, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Wiki News, Major explosion at UK oil depot, December 11, 2005, Retrieved on line on December 6,2007, from Wikipedia, Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation natural gas pipeline explosion and fire, March 25, 1994, Retrieved on line on December 6, 2007, from Read More
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