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Truths and Myths of Driverless Cars - Assignment Example

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In the paper “Truths and Myths of Driverless Cars,” the author discusses self-driving car technology, which may be implemented very soon thus endanger other technologies that are already in place. This is because this technology will speed activities hence expand working time…
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Truths and Myths of Driverless Cars
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Introduction Imagine driving down the streets while checking on the passing cars only to realize they have nodrivers yet driving. In the early days, one could think of a short driver who could not be seen through the window. However, legislation has passed a bill in California that allows autonomous vehicles or cars that are machine driven. The legislation allows the driverless cars to hit the road by the year 2015. This makes California the second state to enact legislation for autonomous vehicles after a bill that was championed by Google that was passed in Nevada earlier. (Anderson) Automakers have focused on aspects that should be incorporated in autonomous driving into cars globally. However, the practice has been classified as illegal largely in the United States. Research done in California on testing Audi, Lexus, Volkswagen and Toyota vehicles among other companies was structured on different driving assistance forms that are able to take control of the vehicle at speeds that are low. This included BMW, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz and Cadillac. Despite the existing advances, the California bill requires a driver behind the wheel of an autonomous vehicle for safety purposes. The vision guidance technology from computer innovation allows for the location road reliability by the vehicle itself is advancement in the technology. The factor of determinant for the introduction of driverless cars is anchored on extensive testing through the viable authorities. This will be determined through regulations such as insurance and liability. Traffic law compliance, construction, Highway Code stipulation and safety regulations are the major factors that create the foundation in determination if there is future on driverless cars. Self-Driving cars Self-driving car technology may be implemented very soon thus endanger other technologies that are already in place. This is because this technology will speed activities hence expand working time. This will be done through an app in the mobile phone one can communicate to a service cab and in seconds it’s already at your disposal for commuting home. The system known as solid state control that is modern came to existence in 1980s. This was when all the vehicle systems that were manufactured in U.S. had primitive computer and check engine light. The innovation has advanced and currently the computers are used in numerous activities in the cars. Technology has resulted to secure, fuel-efficient and environmental friendly cars. The car computers differ from the computers that we are conversant with which has monitor, keyboard and CPU. It is a small box known as electronic control module that is usually place behind the glove box or in apartment meant for engine. The system has a digital analog converter, a digital output of high level and chips for communication that are very vital in the data communication system. It has data stream that works at the system programming and signaling that is very essential in the entire process. The new technology is geared to work in synergy with tablets and Smartphone’s in the duty performance. Capability The advantage of the driverless cars is viewed in a situation where there is a possibility of an accident and limited avenues to sail through without causing some harm. In this situation, for a normal human being it will take the reaction of the instinct rather than crashing. However, for digital cars that have been programmed in a way to monitor and solve such situation, it will take a click of a second to make decision and sail through. The driverless car should prioritize the safety of the passengers. However the program should consider having safety alternatives for the passengers on the other vehicles I cases of crash. This should be in the basis of securing all the parties involved without any bias. (Newman) These ethical dilemmas need to be put in consideration before the cars hit the road to improve in safety on congested roads. That will improve in the programming for accurate and best policies in the technology. Most of the new technological advancements in vehicle industry are focused in safety realm and a variety in pure convenience. The innovative features are given as option on the higher-end cars. Today’s vehicle cutting-age will be tomorrow common place in vehicles. The likes of electric ignitions, power steering, airbags and cruise control among many were cutting age but are recently common assets in the vehicle which does not attract many buyers any more. The current cars have rear-mounted radar that has been in existence for a few years and helps in alerting drivers to objects which are invisible to him while driving. There is also advancement in night vision pedestrian detection technology. The vehicles also have high-beam control that is automatic. The current technology also includes parental control, vehicle GPS tracking, In-car internet, cameras and driver capability. Driverless cars are the innovation and advancement of the automobile technology to the introduction of autonomous cars. These are vehicles that use software technologies and are self drive in the robotic form. (Kowalski) This process is in its visionary stage due to the understanding of numerous technological changes that needs to take place systematically in order to achieve these types of cars. However, the present innovation of electronic vehicles and the improvement of manual drive to automated drive is a clear step made in the achievement of total driverless cars. These are the current rated driver less cars which are at the state of semi-driverless in the advancement. However, in order to have driverless cars, there is need to overcome major roadblocks that are still in existence. Driving the Future Wireless technology has transformed the American life from scrolling to flipping and giving direction to apps that do so. The advancement of technology brings the reality of autonomous technology from being fiction to reality. However there are a number of roadblocks. There are three major roadblocks that should be addressed before the advancement of driverless cars to hit the roads. These major roadblocks are traffic information into vehicles, sensor technology improvement and legal issues solving and acquisition of real time mapping. The automated driving requires systematic step-by-step evolution in order to reach the needed status. The current status of vehicle innovational revolution is just but stages in the pursuit to achieve the target of driverless cars into the roads. The road map started within the innovation of electric brakes and steering, adaptive lane keeping and cruise control which can be used then to allow some functionality for highway driving. The future of driverless cars involves the advancement to door-to-door automated driving. It is essential to improve the corporation between pedestrians, vehicles and the road. This is in line with the reduction of road causalities through boosting the capabilities of self-driving. Toyota Company is in the process of developing cameras, sensors, lidar and radar that can view broader spherical vehicle vicinity. This helps in providing the drivers with ample time for reacting to fast-changing situations. (Teigen, Wheet and Rall) The objective is to give the driver between 5 to 10 seconds time for reaction. The other initiative is to include interior cameras that can be used to monitor the face of the driver in order to determine if the driver is in control of the car. There are plans by the Cadillac to introduce Super Cruise system that will help in the safety of the car by the year 2017. This technology improves the system of the driver but still inquire some involvement of the driver. Cadillac also plans to provide a hands-off vehicle driving system. This system will help in taking over the functions of steering and breaks in certain driving conditions. This will improve also the working capability of the automated vehicle driving technology in rain soaked roads and snow areas for safety. There is also an innovation in process by the GM engineers to create a sensor that is less susceptible to extreme weather conditions. However, in order to access data mapping and real-time traffic, there is need for vehicles’ automated driving system to connect to the cloud. The connection to space helps in provision of detailed map hence expansion of sensor use. The perfection on space mapping technology through the sensors will require the approval of its safety in every situational driving. This proves to be a massive challenge that needs to be tackled because the system requires 100% efficiency in order to eliminate any single failure that may abound. The developing cost of a software that will control self-driving of cars and that of writing space flight manned software are found to be incredible. This system software will be essential in keeping cars from bashing into each other. (McDonald) Despite the rapid development of inside-car technology, the auto industry requires at least seven to ten year period in order to sort out all the hardware and software issues to pave way for the driverless cars. One of the major hindrances that may affect the developments is based on the laws and regulations. There is need to update various laws around the globe in order to legalize automated cars’ accessibility to drive on the roads. There is already working groups that are formed in order to address the issue with the governments. The issue of liability and insurance is also very tricky in the case a driverless car is involved in an accident. The driverless cars have a safer aspect in relation to people driven vehicle in the sense that they are able to eliminate human error such as poor reaction and drunk driving. This will minimize liability and insurance risks. However, the cars won’t be 100 percent accident proof. One of the major accidents that may occur in relation to this technology is the hurdle in public relation that will be huge in the whole industry. Another challenge that is possible to occur will arise from the people. The automation will pose to be a psychological challenge to some aspect. This is brought about in the sharing of driving responsibilities among the car and human owners. This is a result of the formation of technological features that are automated to capture parking and traffic assistance in scenarios that are under certain limitations of speed. In this case, there will emerge certain situations when there will be need for actual driving by the driver hence the drivers won’t be completely off the hook in some situations which may be confusing. This state requires the driver not to sleep; use laptop or read newspaper to keep in constant communication with the car in case need be for driver’s action. This means there will be need to have partial rule for the automated vehicle driver. The rules will help in the minimization of the needed time to turn the passive passenger into an alert and in-control driver. Therefore, there is need to connect in-car entertainment and the information system. Although they may be seen as unnecessary luxury or destruction, they are fundamental safety features in the driving system that is automated. (Frey) It is essential for the system to limit the driver to the use of in-car systems in the situation when they are not steering. This will help the vehicle to get attention in case of an emergency or in the case of needed take over by the driver. This can be created in the system in a way that when there is need for the driver’s attention, the car stops the music, video or hide the reading material in order to draw the driver’s attention to the emerging need. The public reception pauses also as a challenge to the emerging technology. This issue comes hand in hand with the matter of selling the automated driving idea to the public. The challenge arises in the context that this idea is new and somehow tricky while the public is already in terms with the current technique and feel comfortable with it. Those who love the driving act will find it challenging to accept automated driving on powerful cars like BMW 2 series seeing it as a waste. There is also the interpretation of the activities and content into the car to enable better use of driver’s 30 minutes in traffic. Another big concern will be in line with privacy. The use of various sensors and in-car systems will assist in data collection that concerns driving location and patterns then save them in the cloud. This information will be essential for the driver’s assistance in updating the car’s route routine that is based on mapping information. The recent reports reveal that in-car services that collect driver data currently do not adhere to the recommended practices for privacy. GPS and car maker service companies share their collected data to the third parties. The data may not have been sold to data brokers but can be tampered in the sense that third parties are involved. There is need for the government to create policies to protect the privacy of drivers. The collected information will be vital in the future. Car makers eventually hope to create communication lines between the personal cars on the road to avoid traffic jam in a better way and reduce or prevent cases of accidents. This technology will boost the automated driving system and can be used beyond it. It requires the cooperation and unity of the car manufacturers in order to come up with the best frequencies and protocols. The piling of cars into automated technology that is advanced; there is clear need to fit into Consumer Electronic Show more than the typical car Show. This is a move beyond the sense of just being cars to being vital assets. Modern Environment Modern environment is designed in a way of easy navigation and access to important information of daily life. This is pegged on the sustainability or safety, speed and the accessibility to needed point in the shortest time possible. This means there is need to access or own a car in the modern system. Therefore, cars act as an essential asset in the transformation to an alien world. In connection to the modern life technology, it is vital to understand that life basic formula. This formula dictates that the original or initial belief in addition to the present data that is objective equates to a new belief that is improved. The ability of the digital vehicles to update information from the map in relation to new roads and data traffic through the mounted sensor helps in a couple of modern life needs. (Grant and Meadows) This information is vital in order to identify new routes that can help ease time management to the required destination. The sensor data also assists in detection of the oncoming vehicles and pedestrians hence help in the avoidance of a number of accidents. The modern life requires management of time for the economical benefits of every individual and to this extend the digital vehicles would play an important role. The robotic cars are able to halve the road fatality numbers and reduce in the consumption of energy. The digital vehicles can also fit into the densely populated roads that are a result of drastic population growth and ownership of vehicles. Their ability to fit into these kinds of roads helps free pedestrians or commuters to other activities that are more productive. This impacts more to the economic growth of the country and productivity of an individual due to proper time management and accuracy in planning without much hindrance. Conclusion To some extent, the idea of driverless car may be seen as an incomprehensible idea just as the thought of flying cars. Many people may have realized self driving cars as depicted by Google while watching them. (Googles driverless cars future at odd with marketers) To some extend also dismissed it as something that can or may not come into existence. However, it is quickly coming into reality through the real concept that is being displayed in the media despite the existing technical hindrances that are still in place. The industry has focused on the wider prediction while narrowing down to the possible roadblocks in order to get the testing points. In the formation of workable prototypes, the well tested ones are to be in place within the next three to five years. The next stage in the process is likely to be the field testing in a large scale. This will have a likely result to success and may end up in zoning within cities where there is permission for driverless cars. There has already been an extensive discussion concerning the digital vehicle’s security, privacy and concerns of the technology elsewhere and in the media too. However, minimal discussion has also been done relative to how the robotic vehicles might affect human behaviors and lifestyle. There has also understood of the numerous impacts of the digital vehicles on population, safety, energy consumption and urban design. The degree of these implications may not be known in the current available research work. However, the available information is vital and can help identify the way human can possibly respond to the technological advancements with the inclusion of digital vehicles. Works Cited Anderson, M. T. FEED. United States: Candlewick Press, 2012. Carson, Erin. 8 Truths and Myths of driverless cars. 15 September 2014. 21 November 2014 . Frey, Thomas. "Driverless Highway: Creating cars that Talk to teh Roads." Demistifying The Future (2012): 38-40. Googles driverless cars future at odd with marketers. 15 September 2014. 21 November 2014 . Grant, August E. and Jennifer H. Meadows. Communication Technology Updates and Fundamentals. Burlington: Focal Press, 2014. Kowalski, Daniel. The Intergration of Driverless Vehicles In Commercial Carsharing Schemes in Germany. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing, 2013. McDonald, Caroline. "Driverless Cars: A Risky Opportunity." Fore Front (2013): 6-8. Newman, Jared. "How To Mkae Driverless Cars Behave." EBSC Ohost (2014): 1-4. Teigen, Anne, Alice Wheet and Jaime Rall. "Driving The Future." Transportation (2013): 12-15. Read More
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