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Sustainability Of Residential Housing And Commercial Building - Case Study Example

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Human beings have been incessantly striving to simplify their lives in various spheres of existence. The paper "Sustainability Of Residential Housing And Commercial Building" discusses the numerous sustainability measures that can be implemented in mixed commercial projects…
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Sustainability Of Residential Housing And Commercial Building
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Sustainability Of Residential Housing And Commercial Building Introduction Since times immemorial, human beings have been incessantly striving to simplify their lives in various spheres of existence. Owing to the relevant dedicated efforts, they have been achieving phenomenal success in almost all the facets pertinent to simplified and comfortable existence. All these endeavors resulted in the advent of many new and sophisticated gadgets, technologies, tools, processes, and inventions & discoveries, amongst many others, successfully addressing the diverse realms of human life. Owing to all this, many actions, which hitherto used to consume substantial time duration are now being completed in a matter of few minutes, to say the least. To put the matter in a nutshell, homo sapiens emerged victorious in their quest for enhanced comfort levels in all the avenues of life. All the points discussed in the previous paragraph speak volumes about the rapidity of development attained by mankind. But this scenario is not without an unpleasant side to it! In this rapid progress that is being made on the path towards material development, the Mother Nature was totally ignored! As a matter of fact, it can also be stated that she has been subjected to abuse, and there was a point beyond which she (Mother Nature) could not endure the ill treatment that was being meted out to it. Consequently, she gradually started showing her wrath and human beings began to feel the resultant effects in the form of global warming, rise in incidence of natural disasters, and jeopardized health of people, among others. After witnessing all this, it did not take long for people to press the panic button and to start initiating the corrective measures to counter their own misdeeds. It is at this juncture that the aspect of “Sustainability” comes into play. Sustainability refers to the act of abiding to only those practices and procedures, related to various development activities, which are environmentally friendly, and show high levels of regard for the nature and natural resources. Along with all other areas of activity, the issue of sustainability is holding high relevance even in the sector of building construction, which includes constructions of both residential and also commercial usage. Here, it would be worthwhile to examine the aspect of sustainability, with regard to this sector (building construction). Sustainability and Residential Housing Over the past few years, the issue of sustainability has been accorded topmost priority while developing residential housings. Residential buildings are being constructed in a manner so as to address the all- important issue of environmental sustainability. Utmost care is being exercised in both ensuring that the levels of energy emissions from the building are minimal, and also in making sure that the residents are enabled in meeting the vital aspect of energy efficiency. In addition, efforts are being made in the direction of meeting another vital need of environmental sustainability – discouraging usage of personal automobiles! That is being done by constructing the buildings in locations, which are in close proximity to most of the places that are frequented by the inmates (of buildings). By this, it is anticipated that people can move around by bicycles, or by walks, and that the same drastically minimizes vehicular emissions needs no special mention. These are just a few of the numerous sustainability measures that are being adhered to in the sector of residential housing. Sustainability and Commercial Property Unfortunately, the issue of sustainability is not being given much importance in the realm of commercial property development. Probably, the primary reason for the sector (commercial property) ignoring this highly vital aspect is the high cost involved in adhering to norms of sustainability. As it is, costs incurred in construction of a commercial building are on the higher side, more so in relation to those related to residential constructions. Additionally, even the legal aspects to be addressed are more for commercial properties. In light of all this, sadly, the issue of sustainability is getting sidetracked in the sphere of commercial property development. In this connection, it also needs to be noted that many construction companies related to commercial property development lack the financial strength to meet the demands of sustainability. Hence, in most of the cases, the eventual outcome is that, the developers of commercial properties choose to focus more on regular aspects of construction work, such as raw material procurement, building design, etc. Here, limited resources are allocated towards ensuring that the buildings support environmental sustainability, and in some cases the issue is totally ignored. The scenario discussed in the previous paragraph, obviously, is contributing towards further aggravation of alarming things such as atmospheric pollution, global warming, among others. Overall, there is a surge in various developmental activities, worldwide, with an obvious outcome of the same being a rapid rise in the commercial properties. Thus, it has now become even more important that various measures are initiated for ensuring that commercial property developers adhere to sustainable building construction practices. Failure to do so, over the long run, would in all likelihood lead to a disturbing scenario where any attempted corrective actions in this direction will be highly inadequate in combating the problem, which by then could have assumed gigantic proportions. Sustainability – Worldwide Scenario Brundtland Report: As early as two decades back, a group, comprising of politicians, government personnel and other experts from different parts of the globe, was formed for studying about the issue of environmental sustainability. After the study, the group came out with the “Brundtland Report”. The Report was tantamount to a warning for the global community about the relevance of attaining economic development, only by environmentally sustainable practices and procedures. The Report predominantly revolved around global equity, and distribution of resources to the underdeveloped countries, along with enabling them in attaining economic prosperity. It also needs to be noted that the Brundtland report dwelled on development and usage of technologies fully conforming to the norms of environmental sustainability, too. (SOURCE 1) Copenhagen Conference 2009: In the year 2012, the Kyoto Protocol that aims at addressing the issues of climatic changes and global warming, would be lapsing. In relation to the same, the UNFCCC parties would be having a final meet at Copenhagen in December 2009, at government level. The meet is prior to the renewal of the climate agreement. The Government of Denmark, which would be hosting this meet, and the UNFCCC, are leaving no stone unturned in ensuring that this meet is highly successful. All the related aspects are being addressed for making sure that a “Copenhagen Protocol” is the significant outcome of the meet. It is projected that about 8000 people will be associated with the Copenhagen meet, and they would be inclusive of representatives of various governments, Journalists and NGOs, etc. (SOURCE 2) The Brudtland Report and the Copenhagen Conference speak volumes about the relentless efforts, worldwide, of various governments and experts for promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Here, along with sustainability, the endeavors are also directed at addressing the issues of unpleasant climatic changes and global warming, which have resulted from non-adherence to the related norms (of sustainability). Especially, a careful observation of the Brundtland Report reflects on some disturbing aspects. As it has been noted, this report came out more than two decades ago, where the experts cautioned the entire globe about the repercussions of not conforming to the aspect of sustainability. The question that then arises is “When the warning was issued in 1987 itself, how is it so that the issues of climatic changes and global warming are now almost creating havoc in the World?” Well, the answer to that is rather disturbing for the globe in general, and to the people highly concerned about sustainability issues, in particular. The governments, organizations and people, etc, promptly responding to the Brundtland Report and taking remedial measures, were rather less in number. That is more so in relation to the present scenario of enhanced awareness on the issue of sustainability, on a global basis. Even now, there is no need to be overly perturbed by the two decade duration of predominant inaction, with regard to global warming and climatic changes, among others, as the damage is not yet totally irreparable. The positive side to the issue is that, sustainability is now being accorded topmost priority by most of the countries, as is evident by events such as the Copenhagen Conference. Globally, many governments, institutions and organizations have now swung into action, by realizing the high levels of relevance associated with the issue of sustainability. All of them are running that extra mile towards achieving a scenario where climatic changes, global warming, etc, become just things of the past. Many concrete measures have been initiated in ensuring that all the entities meticulously adhere to the dictates of sustainability norms. Owing to all those efforts, it can be stated that the World community is now exhibiting substantial level of success in combating menaces such as greenhouse effect and emissions of toxic substances, amongst others. Companies/Institutions Promoting Environmental Sustainability Globally, there is a rapid growth in companies and institutions that provide services related to sustainability, and impart education about the norms and practices (of sustainability), respectively. This can be better understood by a study of the following two examples. BRE Group: The BRE Group, based in the UK, is globally renowned for developing standards and procedures like BREEAM, related to sustainability of homes, buildings and communities. The Group, whose team is comprised of experts, provides a diverse range of sustainability services, with not the least of them being those aimed at minimizing environmental hazard of constructions works. The Group also has BRE Training, which is a centre offering training and assessments pertaining to topmost quality. Among others, BRE Training offers courses that encompass the discipline of sustainability, and in fact, things such as the aforesaid BREEAM are inclusive in them (courses). (SOURCE 3) The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment, related to The Robert Gordon University, ranks amongst the leaders of Scotland, providing professional education in the realm of Built Environment. The School brings about a perfect blend of latest technologies, innovative thought and conventional practices, encompassing all the diverse facets of building design and construction. The school offers futuristic courses aimed at successfully meeting the requirements of professions and industry. The courses, which are at both the undergraduate and also the postgraduate level, cover the relevant aspects such as Architecture, Design Management and Surveying, etc. It needs to be noted that, from a broader perspective, all these courses strive to address the aspect of sustainability in construction of buildings. The courses offered by the school have the approval of professional bodies such as RIBA, RICS and arb, to cite a few. (SOURCE 4) The School is ably supported by the presence of a highly competent staff, which strives relentlessly in grooming professionals, who in turn would be providing services in the sphere of environmental sustainability. It would now be worthwhile to have a glance at the profile of an expert inclusive in the school’s teaching staff. Prof. Gokay Deveci is backed by vast experience attributable to his endeavors as a private practitioner, not to mention his expertise in the realm of chartered architecture. His primary toils in the realm of research were related to low cost solutions of innovative housing design, which utilize apt building materials and technology. Many of Prof. Gokay Deveci’s projects have bagged prestigious awards, and he is rated amongst the experts holding membership of TASK 28. (SOURCE 5) The above profile gives us a clear understanding about the pivotal role being essayed by the school in bringing out expert professionals, who contribute immensely towards addressing the vital issue of environmental sustainability. Sustainability in Mixed Commercial Projects As noted earlier in this essay, as on date, the issue of sustainability has been accorded the needed prominence more by the sector of residential housing, than the one related to commercial property. The costs involved in development of commercial properties are much higher than those pertinent to construction of residential housings. Over the years, the same has been serving as a major deterrent for the commercial property developers, in abiding by the norms of sustainability. A mixed commercial project is either a single building or a specific area, which has been developed in a manner so as to accommodate diverse businesses and sometimes even residential dwellings co exist. In light of that, the costs involved in it are much more than those that are incurred by developers of single use commercial properties, which house business institutions carrying out more or less similar operations. We can best understand the demarcation between single use and mixed use commercial properties by the following example. When a commercial building is comprised entirely of various software development companies, it is a single use commercial property. The same is the case when a commercial zone consists of just banks or financial institutions, etc. On the other hand a mixed use commercial building/location includes diverse business activities encompassing supermarkets, restaurants, financial institutions, bakeries, and in some cases even homes, to name a few. Notwithstanding the high costs involved in its (mixed commercial project) development, a rapid increase in the adherence to norms of sustainability, can indeed be brought about in mixed use commercial zones. The same needs display of enhanced levels of commitment from both the property developers and also the regulatory authorities. Firstly, the developers should be provided awareness about the fact that deployment of sustainability measures is indeed practical in a mixed commercial venture. They should be given information on instances where the related projects have been completed with high levels of success, without compromising on the aspect of sustainability. Along with that, the developers should also be made to comprehend the relevance of sustainability, along with education on things such as global warming, climatic changes. Also, their focus needs to be diverted towards conferences similar to the ones discussed earlier in the essay. By this, they would be fully enabled to assess the high levels of importance of the issue. The government and regulators, along with implementing strict legislations to make the developers adhere to sustainability norms, should also provide monetary assistance to them so that they would not be hesitant to go ahead, in this context. The developed countries could also play a major role in enabling the developing ones in meeting the demands of sustainability, not just by financial aid, but also by sharing of their expertise. The aforesaid regulations should be ensuring that materials used in construction of mixed commercial buildings are the ones that can be easily recycled. In the event of presence of government’s financial help, the builders can also be made to equip the construction with insulated roofs and walls, etc. There are many aspects of sustainability, adherence to which can in no way be a cause of botheration for mixed commercial property development entities. They can plan the location of the mixed commercial zone in a manner that discourages people from heavily relying on personal automobiles. The presence of a mixed commercial project in the immediate vicinity of a residential zone would automatically encourage people to walk, or to use bicycles. Even if the mixed commercial zone is not very close to residences, still, if it is well connected by a good public transportation system, the aforesaid objective of minimized vehicular usage could be achieved. That a drop in usage of personal automobiles brings in a substantial decline in the noxious emissions needs no special mention. All this, in the long run, would be going a long way in ensuring the presence of an atmosphere where the pollution levels are minimal. The same contributes immensely towards improving health of the denizens. Developers of mixed commercial property can contribute towards things discussed in preceding paragraph, also by ensuring the presence of foolproof security. The logic behind that can be comprehended without any difficulty – people would not hesitate to walk, and to move around on bicycles when assurance is provided for their safety. Conclusion All the points discussed above are just a few of the numerous sustainability measures that can be implemented in mixed commercial projects. All the organizations, individuals and entities, etc, which are already toiling in the realm of environmental sustainability could contribute a lot for ensuring enhanced adherence in the sector of mixed commercial property. They, along with support of related governments/regulatory bodies, can work towards bringing about a scenario where developers of mixed commercial projects voluntarily abide by the norms of sustainability. SOURCES 1. Brundtland Report,, Internet, N.D, N.P. 2. Copenhagen 2009,, Internet, N.D, N.P. 3. bre,, Internet, 2009, BRE Group. 4. THE SCOTT SUTHERLAND SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT,, Internet, 2009 THE SCOTT SUTHERLAND SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT. 5. THE SCOTT SUTHERLAND SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT,, Internet, THE SCOTT SUTHERLAND SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 2009. Read More
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