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Ethical Challenges Involved in EngineeringHOMEWORK 2Part 1Large systems operated by super-intelligent software packages designed and manipulated by the smartest people can lead to disasters if the smart people fail to be ethical. Because of the rapid rate of advancement of technology, engineering graduates are literally absolute in their level of technological knowledge almost immediately upon graduation from college. Historically, professional engineering licenses were lifetime approval to practice engineering provided that renewal fees was paid in timely manner as required by the various licensing and regulatory boards and agencies.
The first specialization to occur was to separate civil engineering from military engineering. The purpose of formally recognizing or accrediting certification programs is to provide the engineering profession and the general public with assurance that certification programs do not meet a set of rigorous standards. Part 2:Ethical challenges involved in engineering, construction as well as project management include:Feasibility stage: Estimates falsification, invalid proposal requests, which are an effort for obtaining project ideas as well as concern about external consultant’s ethical responsibilities.
Planning & organization stage:Bid rigging- confidential information divulging to some bidders to give unfair advantage or influence amounts.Law balling- contractors make attempt to buy projects through bidding low expecting to recover any costs through subsequent change ordersFirms’ false declaration of performance capabilityFalsified estimates- both in schedule and costs as well as discrimination in hiringProject closingChallenges include failure in honoring commitment to project personnel, failure to admit or recognize project failure and so on.
Egoism- optimization of one’s own interestDeontology – decision to do the right thing regardless of actions, specific results and whose interests get affected by the action.Utilitarianism- optimization of one’s self interest as well as significant othersEngineering certification is very vital. This is due to the rapid rate at which technology is advancing. However, it is important that the certification requirements are made more so that engineers can do every possible thing to advance their skills due to the rapid advancing technology.
Another thing is that there should be efforts to create uniformity in the requirements amongst all the states.(Part 2 word count: 218)
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