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HNC Summer School Project Briefing (Mechanical Engineering) - Essay Example

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The project seeks to eliminate many shortcomings associated with manual cooling system which normally requires the presence of an operator…
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HNC Summer School Project Briefing (Mechanical Engineering)
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expected limit, the automatic system through its sensors will be able detect the change in temperature and automatically activates the coolants to propel in order to decrease the temperature. The project outline and describes the design and the working principles of an automatic cooling system. The design of a cooling system will encompass the use of sensors to control the temperature change as well as the use of a thermistor. Primarily, a thermistor is a kind of resistor whose resistance varies or fluctuates due to temperature change.

The thermistor consists of a sensitive material which is able to detect even small changes of temperature variation. The change in temperature will be converted to electrical signal and carried to the amplifier. The amplifier then augments the electric signal and send it to the comparator. At this juncture, analysis is done by the comparator by comparing both the input signal and the reference signal. Principally, the relay device is activated when the input signal is larger than the reference signal which control temperature at different capacity levels.

Likewise, the propeller is deactivated by the relay device when the temperature drops gradually below the limit. This process will be repeated continuously as long as there is a temperature change. Fundamentally, Manufacturing, industrial and mechanical machines or other appliances are ineffective in one way or another but majorly due to heating effect due to lack or inadequate coolants. These machines are subjected to heating effect while under operation. Sometimes the heating effect might be too high and unmanageable interfering with the operation of the machine thus can lead to inefficiencies.

The heating effect lowers the effectiveness of the machines at the same time increasing the operational and maintenance costs (Allen and Lasecki, 2001). Most of the coolers which have been used since time in memorial requires more manpower to operate and are time consuming. Introduction

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