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Undrained Triaxial Compression Test - Lab Report Example

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"Undrained Triaxial Compression Test" paper investigates the undrained shear strength of soil samples using the triaxial compression test. A triaxial cell was used in the experiment. The soil was encased in the cell. The soil was loaded hydrostatically until the desired pressure was obtained…
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Undrained Triaxial Compression Test
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? Undrained triaxial compression test Level Group & performing the experiment Triaxial compression test involves a laboratory experiment that is vital in assessing the mechanical traits of fine-grained soils. It gives out a confined measure of the compressive strength together with the traits of strain and stress of the soil (Zhang et al. 2010). An experiment was set to investigate the undrained shear strength of soil samples using the triaxial compression test. A triaxial cell was used in the experiment. The soil was encased in the cell. The soil was loaded hydrostatically until the desired pressure was obtained. The axial load was increased up to the soil failure, when the pressure was constant. The resulting deformation, and applied load was measured using a system of acquiring data, and load deformation curves plotted. When the soil reached a high confine pressure, it reached a brittle-ductile transition (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). Beyond this stress condition, the soil increased the load capabilities with no observed failure due to the additional axial strain that was imposed (Zhang et al. 2010) Introduction A triaxial compression test involves a method that is used in measuring the chemical properties of solids that are deformed such as rocks, soil, powders, or granular components. During this method, water or oil as medium of confining is normally used to ensure that the confining pressure is same in the different directions. In the case of loose granular components like sand, the soil is kept in a cylindrical latex sleeve having a flat circular platen or metal plate covering the bottom and the top ends (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). The cylinder would then be placed inside the water bath to offer pressure along the cylindrical sides. The top metal plate would be driven mechanically down or up along the cylinder axis to have the material squeezed. In this case, the distance covered by the top metal plate is obtained as a force function that is needed to be moved. In this case, the surrounding water pressure is controlled carefully (Zhang et al. 2010). The volume net change of the given material would equally be measured depending on the amount of water that moves inside and outside the bath (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). This measurement is obtained whenever water has saturated the samples through taking the measurement of the quantity of water flowing in an out of the pores of the given samples. In order to understanding the characteristics of the triaxial compression test, an experiment was set to investigate the undrained triaxial compression test. The key objective of the experiment was to find out the undrained shear strength of soil samples through the use of the triaxial compression test. Experiment procedure The apparatus used in the study involved a triaxial cell, and the soil component. Water under pressure was poured into the triaxial cell. The specimen was vertically loaded through a ring to ensure that the load was measured. The vertical load was increased up to when a failure occurred. At the same time, the vertical strain was recorded using the dial gauge. This test was repeated using different cell pressure values. The samples were extruded out of the tube and trimmed to the size of the soil sample. The soil sample had a diameter of 38mm and a length of 76 mm. The samples were then sleeved using a rubber membrane. The samples were then put on the pedestal at the cell bottom and sealed using a ring of rubber. The loading cap was placed on top of each sample and equally sealed using the rubber ring before having the drainage tube secured. After this, the cell was mounted over the sample and filled following the checklist of the flooding triaxial cell. The test was then set up with the help of the assistant from the clip studio, and the checklist for the pressurising triaxial cell completed before running the stages of the test. After completing the stages of the test, the test was finalised through the clip studio and the checklist for draining the triaxial cell completed. Results and Calculation. The moisture content in the sample soil was calculated as shown in table 1. Table 1: Moisture content Container No. 1 2 3 4 Mass of wet soil + container (m2) g 75.4 48.2 N/A N/A Mass of dry soil + container (m3) g 63.2 42.0 N/A N/A Mass container (m1) g 5.2 5.4 N/A N/A Mass of moisture (m2-m3) g 12.2 6.2 N/A N/A Mass of dry soil (m3-m1) g 58 36.6 N/A N/A Moisture content % 21.03 16.93 N/A N/A Average moisture content % 18.98 Failure stress. Cell pressure 25Kpa = x 100% = x 100%= 5.13% Cell pressure 50 = x 100%= 16.2% Cell pressure 100 = x 100% = 6.89% Cell pressure 200 = x 100% = 9.90% Figure 1:deviator stress versus strain. Figure 2: Mohr’s Circle for Total and effective stress. Discussion In the process of shearing, the drainage conditions affected the strength parameters of the sample soil. Whenever a sample is drained and the process of shearing occur at a slow rate, the pore pressure may resist development hence the test would be referred to as a drained test. On the other hand, when the samples are not given time to drain, and the process of shearing happens at a fast rate, there would be the development of the pore pressure in the sample soil, hence the test would be referred to as the undrained test (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). In the field of oil mechanics, increasing the pore pressure would decrease the effective stress. According to the obtained results, there was no draining in the process of shearing, implying that the pore pressure of the soil increased making the effective stress to reduce in comparison to the total stress. This means that the strength parameter in the soil samples reduced. Obtaining negative values of the bar would have proved that the samples were over-consolidated heavily. From the Mohr circle, it would be true to say that the failure angle envelop could be zero as a result of no gain in the strength (Byrne, B. 2011). On the other hand, the total stress would consider the load stress is depended on the specimen load. The effective stress would consider pore pressure subtracted from the total stress. In all the four samples, the pore pressure appears to be increasing with increase in the load. However, the rate of increase is slow. In this case, the stress deviator value for the effective circles of stress is smaller than that of the total circles of stress (Ferrari, A. laloui, L. & Koliji, A. 2011). These two values, are relevant in the engineering analysis as it provides a clear view of the whole process. Having the effective circles of strength alone, would make it hard for assessing the relationship or values between the stress effectiveness, pore pressure, and the total stress (Byrne, B. 2011). For the case of figure 2, the results shows a failure envelope. In this respect, the failure envelop is the best fit line between that links the effective stress and the total stress circles. From the graphs, it is true to say that the samples displayed a fail after attaining the failure envelope. The decreasing shearing stress as a result of the increasing vertical strain was another sign of the failure. It also means that the samples were not able to maintain a trend of increasing load. The obtained results also showed that the consolidated soil samples were strong as displayed by an increase in the diameter of the circles. In this case, having a lesser empty space implies that the samples maintained a high shear stress before failing. This study presents a number of vital implications. First, the triaxial test is a test that has be reported as being accurate (Byrne, B. 2011). It could be utilized for the CU, CD, and UU tests. On the other hand, the unconfined shearing test is a test that can be used whenever the project takes care of a relatively low load, and on a limited budget. Secondly, increasing the strength would increase the confining strength. The lower the soil may be in the ground, the stronger the soil as a result of being confined vertically and laterally by the surrounding soil. It is for this reason that soils under footing experience shearing in a shape that appears semi-circular, since the failure plane is a soil depth function. The obtained values were different from the theoretical values as a result of experimental errors. The first error was as a result of parallax in taking the reading. For example, while reading the initial confinement pressure the accuracy is within 1psi. Other errors were made during calculation. In this case, the errors of omission and addition of the values were made during the experiment. Air resistance is another source of errors that resulted into faulty results. The error of parallax can be avoided by taking more than three reading and obtaining the average value. In the case, of air resistance, the experiment can be done in a vacuum to avoid the interference by air resistance. Conclusion. All the objectives that were set for the test were achieved. The cohesion intercept, and the friction angle were obtained and are displayed in figure 2. The consolidated undrained test, though expensive was extremely reliable. The study found out the effective and the total stress from the experiment. Increasing the effective and the total stress increased the initial confining pressure. Failure envelope was identified as a tangent line of best fit to the four selected samples. Reference Byrne, B., 2011. Offshore geotechnical engineering: Principles and practice. Geotechnique, 61 (12): 1093. Ferrari, A., laloui, L., & Koliji, A., 2011. Unsaturated soils: a Fundamental interpretation of soil behaviour. Geotechnique, 61 (12): 1094. Niyamapa, T., Namikawa, K, & Salokhe, M., 1992. Soil failure under undrained quasi-static and high speed triaxial compression test. Journal of Terramechanics, 29 (2): 195-205. Zhang, C., Chen, L., Liu, Y., Ji, X., & Liu, X., 2010. Triaxial compression test of soil-root composites to evaluate influence of roots on the shear strength. Ecological Engineering, 36 (1) 19-26. Appendix 1. Appendix A. Container No. 1 2 3 4 Mass of wet soil + container (m2) g 75.4 48.2 N/A N/A Mass of dry soil + container (m3) g 63.2 42.0 N/A N/A Mass container (m1) g 5.2 5.4 N/A N/A Mass of moisture (m2-m3) g 12.2 6.2 N/A N/A Mass of dry soil (m3-m1) g 58 36.6 N/A N/A Moisture content % 21.03 16.93 N/A N/A Average moisture content % 18.98 Appendix B. Table1: 25Kpa Sample Displacement (mm) Load (mm) Displacement set to zero Load set to zero Strain(%) Area Deviation Stress (kN/m?) -0.46 46 0 0 0 0.001134 0 -0.46 57 0 11 0 0.001134 9.700176367 -0.46 64 0 18 0 0.001134 15.87301587 -0.46 68 0 22 0 0.001134 19.40035273 -0.46 72 0 26 0 0.001134 22.92768959 -0.46 75 0 29 0 0.001134 25.57319224 -0.31 78 0.15 32 0.197368421 0.001136243 28.16300009 -0.16 80 0.3 34 0.394736842 0.001138494 29.86401188 0 82 0.46 36 0.605263158 0.001140905 31.55388471 0.17 83 0.63 37 0.828947368 0.001143479 32.35739812 0.35 86 0.81 40 1.065789474 0.001146216 34.89742876 0.52 87 0.98 41 1.289473684 0.001148814 35.688991 0.7 89 1.16 43 1.526315789 0.001151577 37.34010953 0.88 90 1.34 44 1.763157895 0.001154353 38.11658777 1.05 92 1.51 46 1.986842105 0.001156988 39.75842384 1.21 93 1.67 47 2.197368421 0.001159478 40.53548222 1.37 93 1.83 47 2.407894737 0.001161979 40.44822705 1.52 94 1.98 48 2.605263158 0.001164334 41.22528544 1.68 95 2.14 49 2.815789474 0.001166856 41.99317739 1.84 96 2.3 50 3.026315789 0.001169389 42.75735635 2 96 2.46 50 3.236842105 0.001171934 42.6645317 2.18 97 2.64 51 3.473684211 0.001174809 43.41130604 2.35 98 2.81 52 3.697368421 0.001177538 44.15993688 2.52 98 2.98 52 3.921052632 0.001180279 44.05736564 2.7 99 3.16 53 4.157894737 0.001183196 44.79392927 2.88 99 3.34 53 4.394736842 0.001186127 44.68323587 3.05 99 3.51 53 4.618421053 0.001188909 44.5786921 3.21 100 3.67 54 4.828947368 0.001191539 45.31954887 3.37 100 3.83 54 5.039473684 0.00119418 45.21929825 3.53 100 3.99 54 5.25 0.001196834 45.11904762 3.69 100 4.15 54 5.460526316 0.001199499 45.01879699 3.84 101 4.3 55 5.657894737 0.001202008 45.75675299 4.01 101 4.47 55 5.881578947 0.001204865 45.64826418 4.18 101 4.64 55 6.105263158 0.001207735 45.53977536 4.36 101 4.82 55 6.342105263 0.00121079 45.42490485 4.53 101 4.99 55 6.565789474 0.001213688 45.31641604 4.7 102 5.16 56 6.789473684 0.001216601 46.02988954 4.88 102 5.34 56 7.026315789 0.0012197 45.91293047 5.05 102 5.51 56 7.25 0.001222642 45.80246914 5.22 102 5.68 56 7.473684211 0.001225597 45.6920078 5.38 102 5.84 56 7.684210526 0.001228392 45.58804418 5.54 102 6 56 7.894736842 0.0012312 45.48408057 5.69 102 6.15 56 8.092105263 0.001233844 45.38661468 5.85 103 6.31 57 8.302631579 0.001236677 46.09126984 6.01 102 6.47 56 8.513157895 0.001239523 45.17868746 6.18 102 6.64 56 8.736842105 0.001242561 45.06822612 6.37 102 6.83 56 8.986842105 0.001245974 44.94476933 6.53 103 6.99 57 9.197368421 0.001248862 45.64153439 6.71 102 7.17 56 9.434210526 0.001252128 44.72384665 6.89 103 7.35 57 9.671052632 0.001255412 45.40343915 7.06 103 7.52 57 9.894736842 0.001258528 45.29100529 7.23 103 7.69 57 10.11842105 0.00126166 45.17857143 7.38 102 7.84 56 10.31578947 0.001264437 44.28849903 7.54 102 8 56 10.52631579 0.001267412 44.18453541 7.7 103 8.16 57 10.73684211 0.001270401 44.86772487 7.86 102 8.32 56 10.94736842 0.001273404 43.97660819 8.02 102 8.48 56 11.15789474 0.001276422 43.87264457 8.18 102 8.64 56 11.36842105 0.001279454 43.76868096 8.37 102 8.83 56 11.61842105 0.001283073 43.64522417 8.54 102 9 56 11.84210526 0.001286328 43.53476283 8.71 102 9.17 56 12.06578947 0.0012896 43.42430149 8.89 102 9.35 56 12.30263158 0.001293083 43.30734243 8.99 101 9.45 55 12.43421053 0.001295026 42.47018008 Table 2: 50Kpa Sample Displacement (mm) Load (mm) Displacement set to zero Load Set to zero Strain (%) Area Deviation Stress (kN/m?) 4.74 43 0 0 0 0.001134 0 4.8 94 0.06 51 0.078947368 0.001135 44.93803954 4.96 129 0.22 86 0.289473684 0.001137 75.6182122 5.12 142 0.38 99 0.5 0.00114 86.86507937 5.28 150 0.54 107 0.710526316 0.001142 93.68583496 5.45 157 0.71 114 0.934210526 0.001145 99.58994709 5.62 162 0.88 119 1.157894737 0.001147 103.7231969 5.78 165 1.04 122 1.368421053 0.00115 106.1115752 5.95 172 1.21 129 1.592105263 0.001152 111.9454887 6.12 176 1.38 133 1.815789474 0.001155 115.154321 6.29 179 1.55 136 2.039473684 0.001158 117.4835236 6.46 183 1.72 140 2.263157895 0.00116 120.662768 6.61 185 1.87 142 2.460526316 0.001163 122.1393762 6.78 189 2.04 146 2.684210526 0.001165 125.2919335 6.95 190 2.21 147 2.907894737 0.001168 125.8601365 7.12 194 2.38 151 3.131578947 0.001171 128.987051 7.28 196 2.54 153 3.342105263 0.001173 130.4114453 7.45 197 2.71 154 3.565789474 0.001176 130.960039 7.61 199 2.87 156 3.776315789 0.001179 132.3712058 7.78 203 3.04 160 4 0.001181 135.4497354 7.94 204 3.2 161 4.210526316 0.001184 135.9974009 8.11 209 3.37 166 4.434210526 0.001187 139.8934837 8.28 209 3.54 166 4.657894737 0.001189 139.5660447 8.45 208 3.71 165 4.881578947 0.001192 138.399819 8.62 211 3.88 168 5.105263158 0.001195 140.5847953 8.8 213 4.06 170 5.342105263 0.001198 141.9033695 8.96 214 4.22 171 5.552631579 0.001201 142.4206349 9.12 217 4.38 174 5.763157895 0.001203 144.5962128 9.28 217 4.54 174 5.973684211 0.001206 144.273183 9.44 217 4.7 174 6.184210526 0.001209 143.9501532 9.61 220 4.87 177 6.407894737 0.001212 146.0829156 9.78 221 5.04 178 6.631578947 0.001215 146.5571336 9.95 222 5.21 179 6.855263158 0.001217 147.0274065 10.12 224 5.38 181 7.078947368 0.00122 148.313144 10.29 226 5.55 183 7.302631579 0.001223 149.5909914 10.45 228 5.71 185 7.513157895 0.001226 150.8824144 10.63 227 5.89 184 7.75 0.001229 149.6825397 10.79 230 6.05 187 7.960526316 0.001232 151.7758517 10.96 230 6.22 187 8.184210526 0.001235 151.4069897 11.12 231 6.38 188 8.394736842 0.001238 151.867632 11.29 231 6.55 188 8.618421053 0.001241 151.4967975 11.44 232 6.7 189 8.815789474 0.001244 151.9736842 11.61 230 6.87 187 9.039473684 0.001247 149.9966351 11.77 233 7.03 190 9.25 0.00125 152.0502646 11.94 237 7.2 194 9.473684211 0.001253 154.8686531 12.12 235 7.38 192 9.710526316 0.001256 152.8710666 12.29 235 7.55 192 9.934210526 0.001259 152.492342 12.46 241 7.72 198 10.15789474 0.001262 156.8671679 12.63 239 7.89 196 10.38157895 0.001265 154.8960364 12.79 241 8.05 198 10.59210526 0.001268 156.1090226 12.96 239 8.22 196 10.81578947 0.001272 154.1455491 13.13 240 8.39 197 11.03947368 0.001275 154.5434187 13.29 240 8.55 197 11.25 0.001278 154.1776896 13.44 245 8.7 202 11.44736842 0.001281 157.7392555 13.61 242 8.87 199 11.67105263 0.001284 155.0040611 13.77 246 9.03 203 11.88157895 0.001287 157.7428525 13.94 243 9.2 200 12.10526316 0.00129 155.0171726 14.11 245 9.37 202 12.32894737 0.001293 156.1688945 14.29 243 9.55 200 12.56578947 0.001297 154.2049568 14.47 249 9.73 206 12.80263158 0.0013 158.4008633 14.63 248 9.89 205 13.01315789 0.001304 157.251346 14.8 248 10.06 205 13.23684211 0.001307 156.8469786 14.96 248 10.22 205 13.44736842 0.00131 156.4663975 15.11 247 10.37 204 13.64473684 0.001313 155.3480925 15.29 248 10.55 205 13.88157895 0.001317 155.681449 15.44 250 10.7 207 14.07894737 0.00132 156.8400167 15.62 252 10.88 209 14.31578947 0.001323 157.9188713 15.77 253 11.03 210 14.51315789 0.001327 158.3089669 15.93 251 11.19 208 14.72368421 0.00133 156.4151119 16.12 252 11.38 209 14.97368421 0.001334 156.7063492 16.27 255 11.53 212 15.17105263 0.001337 158.5867446 16.45 252 11.71 209 15.40789474 0.001341 155.9060847 16.63 251 11.89 208 15.64473684 0.001344 154.7257031 16.79 251 12.05 208 15.85526316 0.001348 154.3395526 16.96 253 12.22 210 16.07894737 0.001351 155.4093567 17.13 252 12.39 209 16.30263158 0.001355 154.2570547 17.28 250 12.54 207 16.5 0.001358 152.4206349 17.45 255 12.71 212 16.72368421 0.001362 155.6841177 17.61 250 12.87 207 16.93421053 0.001365 151.6280284 17.78 256 13.04 213 17.15789474 0.001369 155.6028961 17.94 254 13.2 211 17.36842105 0.001372 153.750116 18.11 257 13.37 214 17.59210526 0.001376 155.5140165 18.28 257 13.54 214 17.81578947 0.00138 155.0918964 18.46 252 13.72 209 18.05263158 0.001384 151.031746 18.63 258 13.89 215 18.27631579 0.001388 154.943493 18.8 258 14.06 215 18.5 0.001391 154.5194004 18.96 257 14.22 214 18.71052632 0.001395 153.4034159 19.12 256 14.38 213 18.92105263 0.001399 152.2911445 19.29 259 14.55 216 19.14473684 0.001403 154.0100251 19.45 253 14.71 210 19.35526316 0.001406 149.3421053 19.6 257 14.86 214 19.55263158 0.00141 151.8142579 19.76 257 15.02 214 19.76315789 0.001413 151.4169683 19.92 258 15.18 215 19.97368421 0.001417 151.7253783 19.94 257 15.2 214 20 0.001418 150.9700176 Table 3: 100Kpa sample Time Displacement (mm) Load (mm) Displacement set to zero Load set to zero Strain (%) Area Deviation Stress (Kn/m?) 00:00:00 0.21 -48 0 0 0 0.001134 0 00:00:10 0.31 -29 0.1 19 0.131579 0.001135 16.73280423 00:00:20 0.48 -9 0.27 39 0.355263 0.001138 34.26935394 00:00:30 0.64 2 0.43 50 0.565789 0.00114 43.8422445 00:00:40 0.8 12 0.59 60 0.776316 0.001143 52.49930382 00:00:50 0.96 20 0.75 68 0.986842 0.001145 59.37296946 00:01:00 1.13 27 0.92 75 1.210526 0.001148 65.33695349 00:01:10 1.3 30 1.09 78 1.434211 0.001151 67.79657477 00:01:20 1.47 37 1.26 85 1.657895 0.001153 73.71321823 00:01:30 1.65 40 1.44 88 1.894737 0.001156 76.13106841 00:01:40 1.81 43 1.6 91 2.105263 0.001158 78.55750487 00:01:50 1.98 46 1.77 94 2.328947 0.001161 80.96189548 00:02:00 2.14 49 1.93 97 2.539474 0.001164 83.36570593 00:02:10 2.31 51 2.1 99 2.763158 0.001166 84.8893066 00:02:20 2.48 52 2.27 100 2.986842 0.001169 85.54952195 00:02:30 2.65 56 2.44 104 3.210526 0.001172 88.76636035 00:02:40 2.81 57 2.6 105 3.421053 0.001174 89.42495127 00:02:50 2.98 58 2.77 106 3.644737 0.001177 90.06752994 00:03:00 3.14 61 2.93 109 3.855263 0.001179 92.41425323 00:03:10 3.31 61 3.1 109 4.078947 0.001182 92.19924812 00:03:20 3.49 64 3.28 112 4.315789 0.001185 94.50292398 00:03:30 3.65 65 3.44 113 4.526316 0.001188 95.13691636 00:03:40 3.82 67 3.61 115 4.75 0.001191 96.59391534 00:03:50 3.99 66 3.78 114 4.973684 0.001193 95.52910053 00:04:00 4.15 67 3.94 115 5.184211 0.001196 96.15357839 00:04:10 4.32 69 4.11 117 5.407895 0.001199 97.59502924 00:04:20 4.48 68 4.27 116 5.618421 0.001202 96.54553049 00:04:30 4.65 69 4.44 117 5.842105 0.001204 97.14703425 00:04:40 4.82 69 4.61 117 6.065789 0.001207 96.91624896 00:04:50 4.98 70 4.77 118 6.276316 0.00121 97.52552678 00:05:00 5.15 71 4.94 119 6.5 0.001213 98.11728395 00:05:10 5.32 72 5.11 120 6.723684 0.001216 98.70509607 00:05:20 5.49 72 5.28 120 6.947368 0.001219 98.46839321 00:05:30 5.66 73 5.45 121 7.171053 0.001222 99.05028776 00:05:40 5.83 72 5.62 120 7.394737 0.001225 97.99498747 00:05:50 6 72 5.79 120 7.618421 0.001228 97.7582846 00:06:00 6.16 74 5.95 122 7.828947 0.00123 99.16109719 00:06:10 6.33 74 6.12 122 8.052632 0.001233 98.92044927 00:06:20 6.49 73 6.28 121 8.263158 0.001236 97.88499025 00:06:30 6.65 75 6.44 123 8.473684 0.001239 99.27457533 00:06:40 6.81 73 6.6 121 8.684211 0.001242 97.43571893 00:06:50 6.98 74 6.77 122 8.907895 0.001245 98.00032489 00:07:00 7.15 75 6.94 123 9.131579 0.001248 98.5609858 00:07:10 7.32 75 7.11 123 9.355263 0.001251 98.31836536 00:07:20 7.5 74 7.29 122 9.592105 0.001254 97.26422538 00:07:30 7.66 74 7.45 122 9.802632 0.001257 97.03773322 00:07:40 7.83 74 7.62 122 10.02632 0.00126 96.79708531 00:07:50 8 73 7.79 121 10.25 0.001264 95.76499118 00:08:00 8.16 74 7.95 122 10.46053 0.001266 96.32994523 00:08:10 8.33 76 8.12 124 10.68421 0.00127 97.6645317 00:08:20 8.49 76 8.28 124 10.89474 0.001273 97.43432656 00:08:30 8.66 75 8.45 123 11.11842 0.001276 96.40594542 00:08:40 8.83 75 8.62 123 11.34211 0.001279 96.16332498 00:08:50 9 74 8.79 122 11.56579 0.001282 95.14086141 00:09:00 9.16 73 8.95 121 11.77632 0.001285 94.13638262 00:09:10 9.33 75 9.12 123 12 0.001289 95.44973545 00:09:20 9.49 72 9.28 120 12.21053 0.001292 92.89891395 00:09:30 9.68 73 9.47 121 12.46053 0.001295 93.40631672 00:09:40 9.83 74 9.62 122 12.65789 0.001298 93.96593335 00:09:50 10 72 9.79 120 12.88158 0.001302 92.18880535 00:10:00 10.16 74 9.95 122 13.09211 0.001305 93.49879328 00:10:08 10.31 71 10.1 119 13.28947 0.001308 90.99252762 Table 4: 200kpa sample Displacement Set to zero Load set to zero Strain(%) Area Deviation Stress (kN/m?) 0 0 0 0.001134 0 0.05 28 0.065789474 0.001134747 24.67511371 0.13 60 0.171052632 0.001135943 52.81954887 0.29 90 0.381578947 0.001138344 79.06223893 0.44 111 0.578947368 0.001140603 97.31690337 0.6 123 0.789473684 0.001143024 107.609301 0.75 130 0.986842105 0.001145302 113.5071475 0.92 135 1.210526316 0.001147896 117.6065163 1.09 137 1.434210526 0.001150501 119.0785993 1.26 139 1.657894737 0.001153117 120.5427922 1.43 142 1.881578947 0.001155746 122.8643368 1.6 144 2.105263158 0.001158387 124.3107769 1.77 145 2.328947368 0.00116104 124.8880303 1.93 148 2.539473684 0.001163548 127.1971596 2.09 150 2.75 0.001166067 128.6375661 2.27 152 2.986842105 0.001168914 130.0352734 2.42 153 3.184210526 0.001171297 130.6244779 2.59 154 3.407894737 0.001174009 131.1744639 2.76 155 3.631578947 0.001176734 131.720505 2.93 155 3.855263158 0.001179472 131.4147638 3.09 157 4.065789474 0.00118206 132.8189687 3.27 158 4.302631579 0.001184986 133.3349578 3.44 157 4.526315789 0.001187762 132.1813794 3.6 158 4.736842105 0.001190387 132.7299731 3.77 160 4.960526316 0.001193188 134.0944955 3.94 162 5.184210526 0.001196003 135.4511278 4.11 162 5.407894737 0.001198832 135.1315789 4.27 163 5.618421053 0.001201506 135.6631161 4.45 162 5.855263158 0.001204528 134.4924812 4.61 164 6.065789474 0.001207228 135.8484173 4.77 164 6.276315789 0.00120994 135.5439525 4.94 165 6.5 0.001212834 136.0449735 5.11 166 6.723684211 0.001215743 136.5420496 5.28 166 6.947368421 0.001218665 136.2146106 5.45 167 7.171052632 0.001221602 136.7057691 5.61 168 7.381578947 0.001224378 137.2124756 5.78 167 7.605263158 0.001227343 136.0663232 5.95 168 7.828947368 0.001230321 136.5497076 6.11 170 8.039473684 0.001233138 137.8596955 6.28 170 8.263157895 0.001236145 137.5243665 6.45 171 8.486842105 0.001239166 137.9960317 6.61 171 8.697368421 0.001242023 137.6785714 6.78 172 8.921052632 0.001245074 138.1444352 6.96 173 9.157894737 0.00124832 138.5862805 7.12 173 9.368421053 0.00125122 138.2651072 7.29 173 9.592105263 0.001254315 137.9238606 7.45 173 9.802631579 0.001257243 137.6026873 7.62 175 10.02631579 0.001260369 138.8482781 7.78 175 10.23684211 0.001263325 138.5233918 7.95 177 10.46052632 0.001266481 139.7573796 8.12 176 10.68421053 0.001269652 138.6206256 8.28 177 10.89473684 0.001272652 139.0796436 8.45 178 11.11842105 0.001275855 139.514295 8.63 177 11.35526316 0.001279264 138.3608326 8.8 177 11.57894737 0.0012825 138.0116959 8.96 179 11.78947368 0.001285561 139.2388378 9.13 179 12.01315789 0.001288829 138.8857561 9.3 179 12.23684211 0.001292114 138.5326743 9.44 179 12.42105263 0.001294832 138.241901 9.6 180 12.63157895 0.001297952 138.6800334 9.77 181 12.85526316 0.001301283 139.0934512 9.94 182 13.07894737 0.001304632 139.502924 10.11 182 13.30263158 0.001307998 139.1439246 10.27 183 13.51315789 0.001311182 139.5687135 10.44 183 13.73684211 0.001314582 139.2077416 10.61 183 13.96052632 0.001318 138.8467697 10.77 183 14.17105263 0.001321233 138.5070315 10.95 183 14.40789474 0.001324889 138.124826 11.11 184 14.61842105 0.001328155 138.5380117 11.27 184 14.82894737 0.001331438 138.196417 11.45 184 15.06578947 0.001335151 137.8121229 11.61 185 15.27631579 0.001338469 138.2176506 11.78 184 15.5 0.001342012 137.1075838 11.93 184 15.69736842 0.001345154 136.7873387 12.11 185 15.93421053 0.001348943 137.1443655 12.28 185 16.15789474 0.001352542 136.7794486 12.42 186 16.34210526 0.001355521 137.2166527 12.61 188 16.59210526 0.001359584 138.2776385 12.78 188 16.81578947 0.001363239 137.906804 12.94 188 17.02631579 0.001366698 137.5577833 13.11 189 17.25 0.001370393 137.9166667 13.28 187 17.47368421 0.001374107 136.0883691 13.45 188 17.69736842 0.001377842 136.4452799 13.62 189 17.92105263 0.001381597 136.7982456 13.78 188 18.13157895 0.001385149 135.7254247 13.94 189 18.34210526 0.001388721 136.0964912 14.11 190 18.56578947 0.001392535 136.4417989 14.27 189 18.77631579 0.001396145 135.372807 14.43 189 18.98684211 0.001399773 135.0219298 14.61 190 19.22368421 0.001403877 135.3395062 14.78 189 19.44736842 0.001407775 134.254386 14.94 190 19.65789474 0.001411464 134.6119929 15.11 190 19.88157895 0.001415405 134.2372134 15.2 191 20 0.0014175 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Determining the Undrained Shear Strength of Soil Using Triaxial Compression Test

his experiment was focused on Undrained Triaxial Compression Test (Ferrari 44).... Name Institution Date Lab Report: Triaxial Abstract This experiment aimed at determining the undrained shear strength of soil using triaxial compression test.... The aim of this lab experiment was to determine the undrained shear strength of soil using triaxial compression test.... This means that for a compressed test, in principle stresses, for compression test, ?...
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Unconsolidated-undrained triaxial method IntroductionInsitu soil material is tested in during subsurface phase.... In a situation where the rate of construction is slow and allows the soil to consolidate this test is not required.... Appropriate ASTM test methods must be followed when performing tests of materials.... The purpose of paper 'triaxial method' is to establish the undrained shear strength of soil and applied to scenarios where fine-grained soils will be saturated and loading expected at a rate that overwhelms the ability of soil materials to dissipate excess water pressure....
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Hence, different tests (triaxial extension, triaxial compression) offer different M values while l varies with respect to the unloading degree or stress level.... The key laboratory tests that can be used in the estimation of critical state parameters are the triaxial (axial symmetry) test and simple or direct shear test.... hese test samples should have a consolidation, which is related to the effective pressure at the onset of the tests (Joseph 2009)....
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Importance of the Triaxial Experiment

he objective of the experiment, the triaxial test, was out the material's angle of shearing, that is, or t; and the undrained shearing strength, which is represented by cu via the consolidated undrained triaxial test.... The triaxial test is highly reliable since both the undrained and drained shear strengths are measured.... The triaxial test is done in the cell and is usually named as such since there are three principal stresses that are applied to any soil sample....
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"Determination of Compressive Strength by the Immediate Untrained Tori Axial test" paper argues that the main objective of a triaxial test was to determine the Mohr envelope for the soil sample, from which the cohesion and angle shearing resistance can be established from the envelope.... The triaxial test is done in a cell and it allows water to flow in or out of the sample in a controlled manner (Fang, 1997).... Therefore, it can be used to measure the undrained and drained shear strength of test samples....
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