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Impact of Automobile Technology upon Society - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Impact of Automobile Technology upon Society " highlights that automobile technologies have some substantial advantages and disadvantages too. The major advantages include transportation, shortening distances, easing life, saving time and making quick business transactions…
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Impact of Automobile Technology upon Society
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? Impact of automobile technology upon society Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Inception and Progress 3 Societal Impacts 5 Political Invasion 6 Economic Role 7 Adaptation of Automobile Technology 8 Massive Usage 8 Impacts on People’s Health 9 Environmental Changes 10 Conclusion 10 Introduction Automobile technology is one of the most developed technological advancements since its inception. Due to its massive reach and positive outcomes; this technology was able to grasp its roots into the world market very soon. Automobile technology is basically wheeled motor vehicles used for the transportation services. It has an engine or motor which along with tyres helps it in moving. Most of the automobiles are dependent on petrol or diesel to run. This ground breaking technology is a blessing to the human race as it is capable of covering long distances within minutes (Abernathy, 1976). The intention of this research work is to cover all the major aspects of the automobile industry from its inception till date. How has this technology facilitated human beings and in what ways transactional activities have been affected? Discussion of positive and negative impacts of this technology will be illustrated along with its role in the society. Advantages and disadvantages of automobile industry and societal horizon will be demonstrated. The role of political invasion, economic side and massive usage will be critically examined so that all the essential parts would be covered. Environmental changes that have taken place due to this technology and its impact of people’s health remains the essence of this research work which will be scrutinized. In the last alternatives to this technology along with the conclusion will be exemplified to present a clear picture about its impacts. Inception and Progress Historically it is reported that the first automobile was designed in the year 1672 for the Chinese Emperor, which neither had seating arrangement for the driver nor for the passenger. Emperor alone had to drive it. Another mechanical automobile was built in the year 1769 which was a stream powered tricycle created by Nicolas Cugnot. He built furthermore two tractors for the French Army to have a competitive edge in wars. His technology was dependent on the supply of water and steam that is why it could not sustain for long (White, 1971). (Abernathy, 1976) demonstrates that many innovational steps were taken in the preceding years by the different inventors but a promising automobile was yet to come. A French inventor Gustave Trouve presented his three wheeled revolutionary tricycle in the International Exposition of Electricity which was powered by electricity. This was a big step taken at that time and got huge applause from the fellow inventors. Karl Benz- a German engineer is however considered as the father of the modern automobile technology. Benz designed his first engine in 1878 and got its patent in the year 1879. He produced his first Motor wagon in 1885. He brought his automobile technology into the consumer market in 1886 under the flagship of his company; Benz & Cie. After the inception of Benz technology in the market, rapid changes were seen in the industry and many French and German engineers came up with the innovatory automobile production. Companies like DMG and Ford emerged afterwards and gain huge acceptance and accomplishment in the market. Previously automobile technology was dependent upon steam, water and electricity but in the later years this was shifted to gas, petrol and diesel. In the later years focus came into designing of the exterior and interior of the cars came so that it would appear fine-looking. Comfortable seats and other technological specifications were uploaded making them eminent and impressive (White, 1971). Automobile industry is a big success in the technological world and the engine designing has been improved a lot. It has been more than a century since the inception of the first modern engine and till date massive advancements in this industry indicate that plenty has been done by the engineers. The big guns in the automobile industry are Nissan, Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, Honda etc. They have a prestigious position in the market and are in a continuous progress to provide updated technology to the customers so that there traveling requirements would be fulfilled in minutes (Rao, 2006). Societal Impacts Upbringing of the automobile technology was highly appreciated among the society as it brought very positive changes. Covering of long distances was done in seconds which was a big move. The transportation of goods was also done easily so human labor work was decreased. Reaching individuals far away was made easier with the adaptation of this technology. In general, people considered this technology a blessing and now it has become the integral part of their lives. World business and transaction behavior is taking placing through the automobile technology (Lewchuk & Yates, 2001). Previously before the invention of this technology, people were dependent on animals or cover distances by foot. This was an exhausting and terrible mechanism as this made people physically weak. Time was also one of the biggest factors as travelling by foot and on animals was a time consuming mechanism. Transportation of goods was a hectic job at that time as animals also had a certain capability to travel. Time factor was the biggest obstacle in progression as most of the life time of individuals was consumed on travelling. Even within the cities, travelling was a tough job (Rao, 2004). (Lewchuk & Yates, 2001) depicted that automobile industry also created cast system in the society which was one of its negative impacts. Rich have the privilege to buy their own cars and roam around, while poor have to travel in buses. Hatred between rich and poor started and sociological examination of this scenario does not present a promising picture. Also in the start automobile affects were neglected such as excretion of impure gas which brought several diseases among individuals. Usage of pressure horns and the engine voice was another societal issue which needed to be examined. This was the cause of several mental problems such as tumors. Several movements around the globe started to highlight these critical issues faced by the society as automobiles were increasing problems for human life. Governments around the globe identified this problem and legislation was done in this regard. However the implementation of the created laws cannot be explicitly seen. Level of pollution and contamination is increasing every day. Some revolutionary steps needed to be taken by the automobile producers in order to overcome these issues (Rao, 2006). Political Invasion Politically, automobile industry is considered as the strongest power. Their direct involvement in the politics cannot be seen but they utilize indirect channels to raise their voice in the parliaments. Due to colossal money and societal power; automobile industry owners are the reason behind outrageous political moves in the country. Their puppet representatives remain the assembly to safeguard automobile rights. In legislation and adaptation of new technological measures, automobile industry plays a huge role (Paterson, 2006). In the years of elections, this industry is responsible for promoting several candidates who safeguard their rights after reaching higher level of authorities. Immense money in this industry allows them to spend in the elections campaigns too. Impacts of the political invasion can be seen in the automobile manufacturing countries. It also affects those countries where their respective automobiles have dominance. Society due to this set-up leads to destruction as these industry giants make sure that laws are passed in their best interest (Sigfrido, 2004). Economic Role Automobile industries have affected the economics of the world too. Cars manufacturing countries have a very good GDP and economic growth. Usually these industries are responsible for paying the highest number of tax. Federal reserves increase which assures economic prosperity in the country. Jobs creation and decrease in unemployment also takes place. Societal growth is thus increased. The countries which import cars however have not a good economic side as they pay a higher price. Most of the companies have now made their production plants in various countries so that manufacturing and delivery post would remain fast and intact (Klepper, 2002). (Zhang, 2006) described that employment growth is the beneficial factor which makes a powerful economic growth. Gross domestic product increase assures that economy is going on the right track. By paying substantial amount of tax, automobile industries come in a bargaining position with the sitting governments. They try to influence in the political and policy upbringing. As they are providers of job and backbone of strengthening the economy of the country; their demands are seriously discussed and discussed among the higher authorities and legislation is done accordingly. Adaptation of Automobile Technology The modern automobile technology was adapted in the early 20th century and till then it has the highest acceptance rate. Society was quite pleased with the invention of such an industry and appreciated such advantageous move by the engineers. French and German engineers are known as the founding fathers of the modern automobile industry and today the massive innovational activities regarding automobiles is taking place due to their reputed services. Society overall needed a breakthrough to save time and fasten their everyday life endeavors and this technology gave the breach (Boschma & Wenting, 2007). (Hard & Knie, 2001) illustrate that automobile technology when utilized as public transport gained huge respect and acceptance among the society. It was a big move indeed as it shortened distances and saved time. Earlier automobiles were only accessible to the privileged sector of the society due to its high price but certainly developmental changes took place and price factor came down. Public transportation is an essential need of time as most of the people around the globe are its beneficiaries. All the societies around the globe acknowledged this technology positively. Massive Usage The utilization of automobiles is massive as it is the backbone of transportation mechanism now. By downsizing the prices people had the access to buy their personal cars due to which demand and supply of the cars was affected. Banks and other loan givers organizations also came up with packages which made sure to own a car by paying a nominal down payment first and pay the rest of amount in easy per month installments. This also created enormous rush on the roads and traffic system was disturbed (Turton & Barreto, 2007). Due to these steps the ratio of accidents increased as those individuals who were unaware about driving also purchased cars and started running on roads. Fuel and gasoline consumption increased rapidly which is the main cause of increased gas prices. The world oil prices are increasing everyday as the demand of oil is increasing. Rush and noise have polluted air and massive usage has facilitated individuals but also it is the cause of destruction of society (MacLean & Lave, 2000). Impacts on People’s Health Automobiles are the root causing of creating various diseases and health problems among people. Due to massive rush on the roads and usage of pressure horns, people are facing mental problems. Noise pollution has even taken individuals to serious life risky positions. Hearing problem is the most common seen issue and these kinds of problems usually emerge in cities where the usage of automobiles is more. Brain Tumor due to noise of horns and engines can also be observed in individuals. People are unable to focus on things as their mind is continuously diverted from different harmful sounds (Chakraborty, 2009). Air pollution is also a major problem caused by the usage of such transportation vehicles. Cars omit gases which are polluting air and people are unable to even breathe. Lungs cancer is found among individuals normally and it has even damaged the ozone layer. Ozone layer is responsible for saving the environment and people’s life as it protects earth from harmful and dangerous gases. The increase in cancer cases is due to the air pollution and doctors have some strange reservations about the current performance of automobile cars (Frumkin, 2002). Environmental Changes Environment has been shattered by the automobile industry. In the start people did not focus on the negative impacts of this technology as they were getting facilitated but later on researchers, environmentalists and analysts examined its negative impacts and started movements to control the automobile industry. They suggested several measures so that environment would not be polluted and world would be a safer place to live. Automobiles have made humans, animals and plants life at risk due to several negative outcomes (Hu, Fang & Wang, 2004). (Rogers & Rubenfire, 2012) described that the omission of injurious gases from the car is damaging environment colossally; plants are affected due to the intake of these gases. Animals are also getting ill because of the dreadful gas execution from the cars. Death rate has been increased massively. Ozone layer is at risk now and automobile industrialists have neglected these whole issues. Environment worldwide valued the importance of automobiles in the beginning but its disastrous outcomes have let them to think again. Federal Government made legislations for the protection of environment in 1970’s. Amendments were made precisely to update the law according to the time. Conclusion Technological advancements have positive and negative outcomes, so the developers must address both the issues while building the product so that society may not face destruction in the later years. Automobile technologies have some substantial advantages and disadvantages too. The major advantages include transportation, shortening distances, easing life, saving time and making quick business transactions. The disadvantages or the negative impacts are however very critical which are risking human lives, damaging environment, destructing societies and cause of several diseases. In order to overcome the negative impacts, some fundamental steps must be taken so that these kinds of problems may not arise. First of all eco friendly cars should be brought in and all the previous precarious cars must be taken away from the roads. Eco friendly cars should not omit injurious gases and instead should be beneficiary for the environment. Pressure horns usage must be reduced or even eliminated. This creates several health problems, standardized horns should be deployed in cars which have an average sound frequency. Awareness movements should be started all over the globe to impose such health saving measures; this would ensure that world would be a safer place to live. 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