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VCTC Assessing Vocational Achievement - Assignment Example

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This assignment "VCTC Assessing Vocational Achievement" presents key factors to consider when planning an assessment that is the readiness of the learners. They should be given enough time to utilize it in reflection, revision, and working on the feedback from the assessor…
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Extract of sample "VCTC Assessing Vocational Achievement"

2nd June 2016

Outcome 3: Understand how to plan assessment

a). Summarize key factors to consider when planning assessment

One of the key factors to consider when planning an assessment is the readiness of the learners. They should be given enough time to utilize it in reflection, revision and working on the feedback from the assessor. The second factor is the timing of the assessment. Various stages of assessment should be set in such a way that they provide reliable information during the learners’ journey as they proceed with the course. The third factor is the convenience of the learning place. The assessment should be done conveniently by selecting a suitable environment and utilizing the resources available. There should be fairness and consistency of the standards applied in the learning process.

b). Evaluate the benefits of using a holistic approach to assessment

Holistic approach provides learners with a multifaceted assessment focused on textured approach to their learning progress. This implies that by collecting information through various dimensions including coursework and presentations, the assessor is in a position to determine the performance of a learner holistically using a single grade or number. Through a holistic approach, assessors are also able to provide an evaluation that reflects learners’ fairness when the assessments are broken down into smaller tasks. This method links knowledge-based and performance-based assessment learners get opportunities to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge before embarking on practical tasks. A notable drawback of the holistic approach is time effectiveness especially if the instructors are to gather criteria and provide it in a written form. Additionally, this method can indicate two individuals with the same grade but in the real sense, they are totally different.

c). How to utilize a holistic approach during assessment

An assessor should determine the requirements and opportunities. For example, a learner should be provided with an opportunity to flourish in a task and obtain the best possible grade by assessing through essays and observations. Logical progression and sequencing of tasks is also a significant aspect that allows learners to get an opportunity to shine in one in specific areas of a project or task. The assignments provided must also be related to vocational context and be related to the industry. In this way, the plan will ensure that the finished tasks meet the needs of the learners.

d). Summarize the types of risks that may be involved in assessment in own area of responsibility

In their own areas of responsibility, assessors are faced with different risks that can affect the process and which should be handled well.

  • First are health and safety which touches on air condition, the safety of chairs and wires are properly fitted among other risks.
  • Secondly is organizational culture; This entails adjusting the perception of the learners to ensure they are responsible while in the learning premises by ensuring they follow the safety standards as outlined by the institution.
  • Other risks; Equality and diversity, data protection, occupational staff competency, sufficiency, bias, responsibility and motivation, timing and fairness of assessment.

e). Explain how to minimize risks through the planning process

During the arranging of assessment, safety and learners welfare are of vital concern. One of the major strategies to mitigate the risks indicated in the preceding section is by following clear directives from regulatory bodies such as OSHA and applying safety standards. As far as the hazard of fairness in assessment is concerned, an assessor should work in collaboration with internal and external verifier to confirm that their assessments are academically vigorous but fair. Individuals should also have an opportunity to speak about the worries they face in their lectures and while interacting with their colleagues from a different background. To mitigate any security concern and reduce the pressure experienced by assessors and assessed, they should be made to feel safe by initiating security measures and standards within the learning premises.

Outcome 4: Understand how to involve learners and others in assessment

a). Significance of engaging all parties in assessment

Individuals seeking the skills should be involved since they play significant roles. For example, when they are actively engaged, they participate in collecting and selecting evidence and samples, thus demonstrating the learning results. Additionally, the process of assessment assists the learners in understanding the desired consequences and the success criteria that is followed by the assessors. Individuals are involved in making judgments. In this way, their skills to undertake self and peer assessments are enhanced. By engaging learners, assessors can improve the confidence of the students, an aspect that further results to improved self-esteem and motivation.

b). Summarize type of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process

Parties should be provided with adequate information that would improve their reliability of the process. For example, they should be aware of the standards that are set by the learning institution. In this way, they will not deviate from the learning outcomes. The parties should also have adequate information on assessment strategy and methods thus ensuring that the process provides comparable results. Other types of information required include expected outcome, occupational standards, benefits of assessment, the procedure of making appeals, requirement of learners including; preparation, specific needs and evidence as well as assessment decisions.

c). Ways in which peer and self-assessment can be applied to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility

Peer and self-assessment entail the process where students assess themselves, thus making them have a greater understanding of the responsibility for their learning. Learners engaged in this case of assessment also participate in criteria in addition to own reflection and that of peers. In this way, they can notice their previous mistakes and undertake their SWOT analysis, making them emulate future strategies that will improve their performance. Peer and self-assessment get learners to be more active in their learning and change their perception as a passive process, thus enhancing their participation and engagement with learning. By exposing students to things considered when setting and marking examinations, they are made aware of internal academic standards and assessment criteria applied by their institutions.

d). Methods on how assessment can be adapted to comply with the requirements of students

Strategies can be applied to meet the needs of individuals by first engaging students. This way, assessors get opportunities to understand the specific needs of students and then establish plans on how to meet those needs. Based on the diversified needs and abilities of young students, it is paramount for assessors to adopt a range of assessment methods. Thus enabling assessors to determine the best and fair assessment arrangement that will be acceptable to the learners. Additionally, instructors should initiate activities that are focused on meeting the needs of different people. For example, by holding a discussion with specific learners, the students are given an opportunity to provide individual feedback that touches on their weaknesses and strengths. In turn, assessors can identify the alternatives that will ensure the needs of the learners are met.

Outcome 5: Making assessment decisions

  • Explain how to judge whether evidence is:


When making assessment decisions, it is always imperative to ensure they can be depended upon by learners and other parties. When assessing, assessors should work with their peers as a way of ensuring they meet the set requirements. It is through this teamwork that they can cross-reference and compare with previous internal and external work is checked. One method to ensure that the evidence is sufficient is by comparing it with previous work that has attained a pass, merit or distinction and discuss with other instructors who have assessed the learners’ work. Assessors should also evaluate whether rules of evidence are complied with. These include fairness, flexibility, validity and reliability.

  • Fairness as a major principle of assessment requires that individual learners’ needs and characteristics should be met. Any adjustment on the learners’ need should be done after communication between assessors and learners to ensure the latter is fully informed and understands the assessment process.
  • Flexibility; for an assessment to be flexible, it should reflect on candidate’s needs, recognize their competencies, draw a range of methods suitable to the context and adopt continuous capability development.
  • Validity: assessment is termed as valid if the process is sound and assesses the actual goals of the assessors and learners. Validity requires that first, knowledge and skills should be assessed together with practical applications. Secondly, during the assessment of units of competency, skills and knowledge must also be covered. Thirdly, judgment of competence must use sufficient evidence that is arrived at from various occasions and collected through different assessment methods.


For the assessors to effectively undertake their responsibilities, reliability requires them to have the essential competencies in assessment as well as vocational competencies.


Learners’ work should be checked by use of a plagiarism checker and ensure that learners verify their work. The work performed by individual learners should be signed as a way of verifying that the learners are responsible for any feedback made by the assessors concerning their work. Before the beginning of an assessment, learners must be informed about it through instructions and procedures that they must follow. To prevent learners from being blamed for plagiarism and be prepared for further education, it is essential for learners to apply the methods taught to them by their assessors.


Currently refers to evidence that relates to attitudes, skills and knowledge that a student currently demonstrates. The key role of an assessor in this case is to assess current level of competence. Thus, learners must ensure that their evidence relates to areas of work that they can still perform effectively if required to do so. For the assessment to be judged as current, the assessor must be assured that the assessment evidence portrays current competency. This means that the assessment should be based on very recent past or present information. Another notable aspect of currency is that the evidence checked should show recent performance.

b). Confirming that assessment decisions are:

Made alongside specific criteria

It is essential to ensure all assignments are directly related to the specifications and requirements of awarding bodies. During their assessing duties, assessors are obliged to follow the instructions that are required to make learners acquire necessary skills needed by the market. Through regular meetings in departments and teams, it is possible to verify internally the decisions made by the assessors. Additionally, such meetings provide an opportunity to test that the references to the specifications in the assessment are consistently followed. After this goal is achieved, a similar method is used to test whether the assessor has clearly and accurately measured learners’ performance by applying the methods that were agreed upon during the internal; verification process.


Validity implies that same results are achieved regardless of who makes the assessment. To ensure that the assessment decisions are valid, a criteria and instructions on how to make the assessment must be clearly specified. In this way, the decisions made by the assessors are made within a certain boundary, thus making them to be reasonably similar. Assessors should also ensure that the decisions which are current are also valid. Assessors should provide an assessment that is focused at the appropriate level. This implies that during assessing, assessors are able to establish their expectations and outcomes of their learners.


To ensure that assessment decisions are reliable, assessors must ensure that similar result will be gained regardless of who is making the assessment and when the assessment decisions are made. Additionally, reliability entails transferring of learning from assessors to the learners. If learners are able to comprehend and use the skills and knowledge provided by their assessors, it means that the decision are reliable and can be used in future by learners.


To ensure assessments decisions are fair, assessors have quite a number of aspects that they should consider. First, the decisions should not be biased and should relate to identified criteria. As noted earlier, even though assessment should be based on the skills learners have acquired, it should be fair. This means that the assessment should comply with requirements of an organization or industry. In addition, the assessment should comply with the government requirements and awarding bodies. Based on the diversified needs of learners, fair decisions must be in a position to address specific needs of learners

Outcome 6: Comprehending quality assurance in an assessment

  • Evaluate the importance of quality assurance

In the learning environment, quality assurance is extensively applied as a way of keeping expectations at the collect level and providing measurable and perfect standards for learners and assessors. The process of quality assurance is emulated to make sure that the assessment is undertaken in an organized approach and which is transparent and fair. Also it provides educators with guidelines that practice methods that assessors must adopt. By establishing occupational standards within an awarding institution that abide by requirements of the government, assessors can identify the needs and expectations that they aim at producing. Assessors can use various methods to ensure that they produce measurable strategies to track the progress of their learners. For example, a tracking grid can be applied by learners through the assistance of assessors to determine how close they are in achieving the grades they want for each and every unit they undertake within the course.

In using the tracking grid, each assessor must regularly update the tracking grid so that learners can see their progress. All assignments are marked and returned to learners after some days and a sample of learners from each unit is taken verified internally as a way of ensuring that the marking is in line with the institution criteria. This is followed up by external verification to reconfirm the reading of the work which acts as the focus for assessors standards. Quality assurance assessment, the quality of feedback as well as consistency approach are also assessed and then adopted by assessors. These act as standards which are followed during the course. Such standardization is also vital in that it brings about quality assurance of practice and consistency among the learners which is a way of ensuring they are assessed using the same indicator as other students in the course. For the course that is taught by different assessors, it is essential to verify one another’s work and review the methods each of them apply in marking. In this way, it leads to discussion and reflection which can improve the way learners work. By identifying how learners excel in one unit and struggle in others makes the assessors to understand how to use differentiated techniques for each learner and help them to achieve their goals individually.

  • Summarize quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practice

Quality assurance and standardisation procedures in learning environment are undertaken by various awarding organisations procedures and occupational standards. This is to enable the standardisation of assessment method, improve internal and external verification and evaluation measures. Some of the notable assessment policies and procedures include;

National Occupational Standards (SSC/NOS) requirements

NOS provide assessors with nationally recognized standards which provide important benchmark of best practice that can be applied to ensure that instructors meet the standards set up by the industry related to the assignment.

Observation of practice

Observations assist assessors to ensure they perform in providing quality teaching and assessment to the students. Feedback provided by observers is not only valuable way to improve assessors’ approach but is also keeps them updated about changing standardized tactics and be ready to focus on various areas including equality, employability and diversity.

Standardisation meetings

By holding regular meetings, assessors can see each other marking and receive informed as well as professional formative feedback on their decisions. Such meetings are also important in that they act as a way of reflecting on assessment choices and standards expected by the awarding institute guidelines.

Sharing good practice

Through staff training and team meeting, where individuals can showcase their methods either through the technology or social means, department can enhance the understanding of the extent to which staff follows the procedures.

Observation of peers

By working together, assessors can get an opportunity to ask questions about the approaches applied by other and how they have benefited from them. By seeing how others undertake their tasks and question them, an individual can also reflect on their own abilities and strengths.

  • Procedures to follow in case of disputes concerning assessment in own area of practice

During annual induction, it is imperative for assessors to evidently notify learners about the procedure to follow in addressing disputes related to assessment. The basic policy and procedure are that instructors should be available for a discussion before any formal appeal is adopted. In case the lecturer and learner are not able to agree on the way the latter’s work has been assessed, the learner should be given an opportunity to make a written appeal that allows learner to argue their grievances.

The programme manager or co-coordinating lecturer is then given a chance to manage the appeal with high level of confidence and be nondiscriminatory in order to arrive at a fair verdict on the lecturer’s decision. At this stage, it is vital to track the evidence provided by the assessor in order to determine whether clear standard methods of recording the outcomes were followed by the lecturer. In addition, evidence relating to internal and external procedures can be applied as evidence of the academic process adopted by assessors to arrive at their decisions.

Outcome 7: Understand how to manage information relating to assessment

  • Significance of ensuing correct procedures for the management of information relating to assessment

For a learning institution to achieve its goals, it must follow clear protocols in the management of its information related to assessment. For example, by ensuring that the institutions act in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2003), they would maintain appropriate portfolios, assessment records, observations records and management of assessment records. Learning institutions can use the Act’s guidelines to assist them in protecting assessors’ data. All assessment information should be processed as outlined by individual’s rights and kept secured by the administration. Learners on their part should be given an opportunity to request for such information about them as provided by the Freedom of information act.

Stored information should be protected using a password when it is in digital form and protected by a lock when it is physical. Before any information is shared with other parties including learners and organizations, it is important to follow the protocol. It is also the responsibility of colleges to follow regulations while sharing assessment and personal information. These include Regulatory arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit, Equality Act and Health and Safety at work.

b). Ways feedback and questions improve assessment process

Response from students and questioning make significant contribution during the process. By checking on the results, learners can make agreement decisions. Additionally, by being given an opportunity to question the process, learners are able to effectively understand various concepts which act as a source of motivation. The feedback also provide the need for further assessment in case the learners require to obtain more related skills in order to be competent enough to work in the industry. Through feedback, assessors are able to identify weaknesses. In this way, learners can come up with strategies on how to address such faults and attain an opportunity for development.

Outcome 8: Understanding the legal and good practice requirements about assessment

  • Explain legal issues, policies, and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare

To ensure compliancy with legal issues touching on assessment, it is recommendable for assessors to check with their managers to ensure procedures relevant to their course are followed. Also assessment should be done by complying with regulatory bodies such as Ofqual, SQA, DfES, and CCEA. The particular legal requirements for the confidentiality of documents and records that are maintained by assessors are necessarily rigorous. Also the assessment plans, feedback records, and overall tracking records should be preserved as per the health and safety legislations.

  • Role of technology on the assessment process

Technology can improve the assessment process in various ways. For example, with the increased number of learners, online testing can make it easier for assessors to administer the assessments. On their part, learners are able to undertake their projects through electronic methods thus mitigating the possibilities of physical damage of these projects. As noted earlier, feedback provides worthy opportunity for development among learners. Through modern technology, such feedback can be given in a timely manner. In this way, learners can act on the assessor’s feedback and in the case of a discussion between students and assessors, it can be done online. Other importance of technology includes the provision of distance learning, record keeping and storage and electronic safeguarding and security of assessment results for learners.

  • The role of equality, diversity and bilingualism as far as assessment is concerned

During assessment, it is essential to recognize equality and diversity. Learners should be made aware of anti and non-discriminatory issues by undertaking regular debates and forums that exposes them to legislative requirements and code of practice. For example, by educating learners about the Equality Act (2010), which consolidates various anti-discriminatory legislations, they are provided with clear guidelines during their tasks. For employers, employment regulations and policies should be followed.

Significance of reflective practice and CPD in assessment

To an assessor reflective practice in important since it leads into greater understanding of how to improve his or her performance. Through self-assessment, assessors can also have a deeper understanding and easier identification of knowledge gaps that can be of importance to learners. The feedback provided by students and observation reports are vital in triggering reflection that positively impact on continuing professional development. By identifying their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, assessors can set realistic targets for their development. The feedback from colleagues and managers is also essential since it creates a high level of understanding of the standards expected to guide the assessors in their duties. Similarly, evaluation from external sources is vital in measuring the abilities of evaluators against their colleagues and other professionals, thus further enhancing their professional development.

Outcome 3: Be able to maintain legal practice requirements when assessing occupational competence

  • Appraising own work in of occupational competence

Before embarking on preparing for an exam, I seek assistance from peers as well as internal and external quality assurance personnel. In this way, the feedback from these sources is vital for improvement of assessment process. As a way of enhancing the occupational competency, I also a take time to review observation reports from external and internal sources. Thus, I can make a comparison between my assessment techniques and those of the peers.

  • Achieving own expertise and competence as relevant to own role in assessing occupational competence

In maintaining the currency of own expertise and competence as relevant to own role in assessing occupational competence, I adopt a continuing professional development (CPD) which entails keeping a record of all the activities that I need to undertake arranged in the order of priority. Additionally, I record the actual actions that I need to assume to achieve a CPD.

Outcome 4: Ensuring good as well as legal practice requirements when providing vocational skills, knowledge and understanding

  • Evaluate own work in carrying out assessments of vocational skills, knowledge and understanding

In evaluating own work in undertaking out assessments of skills, knowledge and understanding, I ask own questions like did the learner understand what needed to be done to meet the set criteria? Was the feedback clear for students to comprehend? Were all the assessments marked and returned within the given timescale? Through such questions, I am in a position to evaluate own work with the evidence I have recorded and be able to provide skills and knowledge that are relevant for learners.

  • Emulating continuing professional development, current expertise and competence vocational skills and knowledge

While taking part in continuing professional development in assessing vocational skills, knowledge and understanding, my objective is to keep my knowledge updated and gain new skills in the process. I need to prove how I have achieved this for example by showing the certificates I have gained after attending various. I also keep a record of hours worked. Other activities I undertake to improve my skills and knowledge include making regular visits to relevant websites, reading a relevant book and other publications, recording all my attendance, participation in events and activities in addition to recording activities in continuing professional development.

First assessment of learner 1



Unit code

Unit Title






Understanding the principles and practice of assessment





Checking occupational competence




Second assessment of learner 1



Unit code

Unit title






Understanding the principles and practise of assessment





Asses occupational competence


Not done


First assessment of learner 2



Unit code

Unit title






Understanding the principles and practise of assessment





Asses occupational competence




Second assessment of learner 2



Unit code

Unit title






Understanding the principles and practise of assessment


Not done



Asses occupational competence



Not done


  • Observation of performance in the work environment

Observing their performance and covering the criteria, by setting start and finish times and filling and signing of all documentations.

  • Examining products of work

Checking that entire work is carried out in a correct way and results have the desired look.

  • Questioning the learner

Ask them what is their plan of action and the techniques they will apply to achieve it and asking more questions to give them an opportunity to meet the level required.

  • Discussing with the learner

Ensure the discussion are relevant to the outcomes, analysing the requirements of units that need to be covered, considering the amount of time needed and making it clear that all parties are expected to participate as a way of attaining a competent assessment.

  • Learner statement

Checking whether a student has documented an evidence for example by a write up on the underpinning questions

  • Recognising prior learning (RPL)

Inspection of the certification for proof of whether the person has accomplished a unit in another qualification within the set time of the recognized standards. Documenting the results achieved after redoing the unit


In planning the assessment of occupational competence to address learner needs and current achievement, it is essential to check the performance of students and make adjustment required. The precise need of individuals should be noted for example Dyslexia through the relevant department. In this way, I would provide and form of technology needed. By providing ample studying environment, learner’s concentration improves. Additionally, there is need to communicate with relevant parties including parents, guardian and other assessors.


In identifying opportunities for holistic assessment I would ensure that the practical outcomes depict the learners clear understanding of the outlined results. By providing a variety of activities, learners will have an opportunity to participate in the learning process.

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