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Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education - Assignment Example

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As the paper "Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education" tells, the validity of a test or measurement is the extent to which the test measures the behavior and performance that it is supposed to measure facilitating the making of appropriate decisions as a result by teachers…
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Assignment Coversheet Family Name/Surname: First Names: Student Number (must commence with 00): 00 Postal Address: City/Suburb: Post Code: State: Country: Faculty of Education University of Southern Queensland Course Number: EDC2300 Course Name: Assessment and Reporting Assignment Description/Number: Assignment 1 Faculty: Education Date Uploaded: Assignment Due Date: 12 September 2014 Have you sent this assignment any other way (e.g. mail, email, fax): Declaration: By submitting this assignment I declare that: No part of this assignment has been copied from any other person’s work except where due acknowledgement is made in the text, and No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the examiner concerned. I hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged. Name: Date: N.B. An examiner has and may exercise the right not to mark this assignment without the above declaration. If the above declaration is found to be false, action will be taken in accordance with USQ regulations. Assignment Extension I request an assignment extension (please provide details over page) (Office Use Only) Application accepted I have already applied for an assignment extension Application not accepted Assignment 1 Rubric Part 1 Minimal Progress Emergent Satisfactory Good Excellent Appropriateness of the task in relation to learner characteristics. (including level of responsibility) (5 marks) The response does not identify the key characteristics of the group of learners and the ways in which the task is appropriate or inappropriate for these learners. The response identifies some of the key characteristics of the group of learners and the ways in which the task is appropriate or inappropriate for these learners. The response satisfactorily outlines the key characteristics of the group of learners and the ways in which the task is appropriate or inappropriate for these learners. Relevant reference to literature. The response clearly describes the key characteristics of the group of learners and the ways in which the task is appropriate or inappropriate for these learners. Relevant reference to literature. The response very clearly explains the key characteristics of the group of learners and the ways in which the task is appropriate or inappropriate for these learners. Highly relevant reference to literature. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Validity, reliability, fairness, flexibility and authenticity (20) marks) Note: The five concepts to be addressed in this section have an equal weighting of 4 marks each. The response does not display an understanding of the concepts of validity, reliability, authenticity, fairness and flexibility and their application to the task. The response does not display sufficient depth of understanding of the concepts of validity, reliability, authenticity, fairness and flexibility and their application to the task to be deemed satisfactory. The response displays a satisfactory understanding of the concepts of validity, reliability, authenticity, fairness and flexibility and their application to the task. Relevant reference to literature. The response displays a clear understanding of the concepts of validity, reliability, authenticity, fairness and flexibility and their application to the task. Relevant reference to literature. The response displays a very clear understanding of the concepts of validity, reliability, authenticity, fairness and flexibility and their application to the task. Highly relevant reference to literature. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Strengths are identified and suggestions for Improvement included (3 marks) No strengths are identified. No useful suggestions for improvement Less than two strengths are mentioned. Less than two useful suggestions for improvement are mentioned. Two strengths are acknowledged. Two useful suggestions for improvement are outlined. Two strengths are identified along with explanation of why each is regarded as a strength. Two useful suggestions for improvement are described. Two major strengths are identified along with explanation of why each is regarded as a strength. Two highly relevant suggestions for improvement are explained. Professional communication (2 marks) Feedback is not supportive or professional Some feedback is supportive. Feedback is almost always professional and supportive Professional and supportive feedback used throughout Highly professional and supportive feedback used throughout. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Part 2 Data analysis (10 marks) The response demonstrates a lack of understanding of simple data interpretation The response demonstrates some understanding of simple data interpretation. The response demonstrates a sound understanding of simple data interpretation and a developing understanding of more complex data analysis The response demonstrates a thorough understanding of simple data interpretation and a sound understanding complex data analysis The response demonstrates a thorough understanding of both simple data interpretation and more complex data analysis 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 An important note about academic writing: In this course it is expected that you write and reference according to accepted APA protocols. While you will not be awarded any marks for following such protocols you need to be aware that spelling mistakes, poor grammar, incorrect sentence structure and absence of referencing (in other words-not following appropriate grammatical and APA protocols) will impact the quality and readability of your work, resulting in lower marks. Please ensure that you take the time to check and read your own work and do not unnecessarily disadvantage yourself. The following feedback is included for your information. Writing is clear and logical Effective use of literature to support argument Follows APA protocols Grammatically sound Accurate spelling YES  Refer to website below  YES  Refer to website below  YES  Refer to website below  YES  Refer to website below  YES  Refer to website below  FORMATTING You may have to adjust the page formatting to suit your assignment. It is suggested that you use the following formatting for your assignment before pasting it onto the following page: TOP MARGIN – 2.5 cm BOTTOM MARGIN – 2.5 cm SIDE MARGINS – 2.5 cm FILE NAMING / RENAMING GUIDELINES There is no need to change the file name of your assignment if submitting electronically. With the use of EASE for assignment submission, there is no need to include your name nor student number in the file name. EASE inserts this information automatically. Your assignment file name can simply be ABCXXXX_2010_A1 Please start or attach your assignment on the following page The balance of this page should be left blank Part I: Critique of Assessment Instrument and Process Part A: Appropriateness of the Task The task is appropriate for the year 5s. This is because of the ability of the task to enable year 5s students to demonstrate their knowledge as well as effective understanding in relation to construction of houses and efficient group work. In addition, the task is appropriate for year 5s students in that it focuses on enhancing their development of personal and group goals with reference to construction of houses within the classroom context. I believe the task aligns with the requirements of the stated technology Essential Learning for year 5s. Year 5s students have the obligation of developing their ability to work technologically through generating, assessing, and communicating design ideas. In addition, these students need to select, manipulate, and process resources to design and make products individually and collaboratively (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007). The outcome should be evident in their learning as well as evaluation of the products and diverse processes. From this illustration, the task aligns with the essential learning issues in relation to year 5s students. The task is also appropriate because of the ability of the students to have or possess quality and necessary prior knowledge. Students have the perfect chance to exploit the task because they tend to understand diverse expectations in relation to the task. It is essential to note that a good and valid task or assessment should provide necessary prior knowledge to the students on numerous expectations and goals. The content and process of the task are ‘age and stage’ appropriate thus effective towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the learning process. In responding to this task, students will have focus on writing a reflection in relation to selected resources, positive and negatives of their designs, and diverse improvements towards their constructions. In addition, students will reflect on their skills and knowledge for the achievement of their educational goals. Part B: Key Principles of Assessment Validity Validity of a test or measurement refers to the extent to which the test, assessment, or instrument measures the behaviour as well as performance that it is supposed to measure facilitating making of appropriate decisions as a result by teachers. According to critical analysis of the task, it is essential to note that it is valid because of the ability to examine or measure year five task (Fawcett, 2013). The task focuses on enabling students to work technologically by generating, assessing, and communicating design ideas. This is through selecting, manipulating, and processing resources towards designing and making products in personal contexts and group contexts. The validity of the task ensures that the teachers obtain results in accordance with the elements of the year five students. The extent to which the task covers relevant expectations makes it valid. It focuses on enabling students to demonstrate their knowledge following participation in the construction of houses while working in groups. In addition, the validity of the task relates to its ability to enable students have substantial knowledge prior to engagement in the task for the achievement of their educational goals and targets. Similarly, the task is valid in that it applies to all students. Its application in diverse situations would yield similar result in relation to the behaviour as well as other elements it is measuring in accordance with the educational demands and goals for the year five students. Reliability Reliability focuses on evaluation or examination of the consistency of the instrument in measuring or assessing whatever it measures. It relates to the degree to which an assessment or instrument will give results for the same individuals at diverse or different times (Carmines & Zeller, 2009). The purpose of the task is to evaluate the knowledge and skills of the students in year five to exploit construction and designing of buildings individually and collaboratively (Biggs, 2009). The essence of reliability relates to the ability of the task, instrument, and assessment to generate similar outcome under the influence of diverse encounters. The class consists of 32 students focusing on handling the goals and demands of the course in accordance with the task. Implementation of the task on the group of four students has the ability to generate similar outcome in accordance with the reliability nature of the assessment. The similar outcome ensures that the task is reliable. This level of reliability is critical towards achievement of the goals and targets of the target in making valuable decisions in relation to the examination of the development of knowledge and skills of the students. Moreover, the task has the ability to replicate results of the assessment or examination of the development of year five students in the course of years while pursuing educational goals. Fairness Fairness refers to the assessment, which provides all students with equal opportunities towards demonstrating the achievement while yielding scores that are comparably valid from one individual or group to another. It is essential to note that fire assessments are unbiased and non-discriminatory as well as uninfluenced by irrelevant or subjective factors (Thomas, 2005). From this perspective, fairness is evident whenever students have substantial information about the assessment as well as whether students have opportunity to learn elements of the assessments. The task is fair in that it provides students of year five will equal opportunities towards demonstrating their skills and knowledge from one individual or group to another in the course of pursuing educational goals and targets. The fairness of the task is evident in the lack of bias in its implementation in accordance with the needs and preferences of the year five students. Similarly, the fairness of the task is evident in its application to all students regardless of their age, gender, and perception while seeking to evaluate and assess their skills and knowledge. The fairness of the task in this assessment is vital in evaluating the development and growth of the students in accordance with the targets and goals of the course thus critical in enabling the teachers to make crucial decisions for further development of the students in the current and future grades. Flexibility Flexibility refers to the approach to assessment, which allows for the adoption of a range of learning and assessment strategies in a variety of environments that cater for different learning styles, learning interests, and needs as well as variations in learning opportunities towards improvement of reliability and validity. The task is flexible in relation to its implementation. Flexibility relates to the adoption as well as integration of a range of learning as well as assessment strategies in numerous environments in accordance with the learning interests towards achievement of valid and reliable results (Brown G. et al, 2007). The flexibility of the task is evident in its implementation to carter for the growth and development of the 32 students in year five. The flexibility of the task makes it applicable to the diverse students of year five from one year to another thus effectiveness and efficiency in understanding the growth and development of skills and knowledge of the students. On the other hand, the task focuses on exploitation of five critical stages to understand the growth and development of year five students while handling and evaluating elements in relation to their pursuit of educational goals and targets. This is an expression of the level of flexibility of the task to handle diverse needs of the students in year five. Furthermore, teachers have the perfect chance to exploit this flexibility in making valuable decisions concerning the growth of the skills and knowledge of the students for further educational development. Authenticity Authenticity refers to the relevant tasks as well as procedures in which students engage in applying skills and knowledge towards solving ‘real’ problems and diverse challenges. From this perspective, authenticity focuses on replicating the standards of performance facing individuals and professional workers in the course of the real world. In the examination of the authenticity of the task, it is critical to evaluate the critical tasks, processes, and procedures requiring engagement of the students while applying skills and knowledge in the course of solving real problems as well as challenges in career development. The task is authentic in accordance with the demands and perceptions of the student. The task focuses on incorporating five stages determining the existence of authentic processes and procedures guiding implementation and execution of the task. These parts or sections of the task are critical in implementation of the task to examine the development of the students while working towards realization of the goals and targets at the end of the educational year. Teachers have the ability to exploit the authenticity of the task to plan effectively and efficiently in accordance with the demands and preferences of the students in year five seeking to develop their careers while adhering to the goals and targets of the task. Alternatively, students exploit authenticity of the task to understand their expectations in the course of undertaking the educational program. Part C: Feedback I strongly commend you for the good job you did in the development of the task. The task has numerous strengths worth noting to enhance its development in the future encounters. In the first instance, the task is appropriate in accordance with the age, gender, and level of education of the students in relation to their educational goals and targets at year five. In addition, the task is valid because it has the ability to measure what it intends to measure. In addition, the task is reliable in that it is possible to replicate its implementation and application on 32 students or 8 groups for the achievement of similar results. The flexibility of the task is one of the strengths, which is critical in understanding the growth and development of the skills of the students in the course of pursuing educational goals within the relevant year of study. Other strengths of the tasks relates to authenticity and fairness in the application to the case of 32 students or 8 groups of year five students. These attributes are key in enabling teachers to make valuable decisions on how to improve the performance and participation of the students while handling their goals. On the other hand, I would propose that you inform the students on the prior knowledge and skills to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their participation. This will be critical towards realization of success of the students while enabling teachers to make quality decisions on the management and provision of educational objectives in accordance with the needs and preferences of the students. Moreover, the approach will be appropriate for the requirements of year five students. Part II: NAPLAN Report In the course of a critical evaluation of the domains with reference to Reading, Persuasive Writing, Language Conventions-Spelling, Language Conventions-Grammar and Punctuation, and Numeracy, I would indicate that Sally performed above the National Minimum Standard for year seven students in Reading and Numeracy. In determination of the answer to this question, I focused on examination of the position of the student’s score in relation to the national minimum standard for year seven students as well as the overall mean of the school for the students. The purpose of standard deviation is to indicate how measurements for a group are spread out from the mean or the essence of the expected value. From this perspective, the high standard deviation is an illustration that the numbers are clearly spread out rather than very close to the mean or the expected value. In the first instance, numeracy domain has the highest standard deviation. This relates to the spread of the numbers away from the average or expected value with reference to the school’s mean as well as national average. In addition, language Conventions-Spelling has the second highest standard deviation concerning the spread of number away from the mean. From the existing information, I would identify persuasive writing as Sally’s weakest domain in accordance with the NAPLAN report for the year seven students. I would estimate her performance in persuasive writing to be on the 25th percentile in relation to the spread of the results way from the expected value or mean (average). Her weakest domain is persuasive writing. This makes it essential to focus on improvement in numerous skills. For instance, Sally should focus on incorporating ideas reflecting a worldwide view on the topic of interest. In addition, she should focus on writing a cohesive text that begins to engage as well as persuade the reader. Moreover, Sally should engage a persuasive text with a quality introduction, body, and valuable conclusion. The purpose of the national average is to assess the mean performance of year seven students in the context of Australia. Similarly, the school average is essential in understanding the mean performance of the students within a particular school. National and school averages might have limitations in relation to inaccuracy whenever there is high or low standard deviation thus clear or close spread of results away from the expected value. List of References Queensland Studies Authority. (2007). Technology Year 5 Essential Learnings. Retrieved February 28, 2014, from Fawcett, A. L. (2013). Principles of assessment and outcome measurement for occupational therapists and physiotherapists: Theory, skills and application. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Carmines, E. G., & Zeller, R. A. (2009). Reliability and validity assessment. Beverly Hills, Calif. [u.a.: Sage Publ. Thomas Angelo, (2005), “Reassessing and Redefining Assessment.” AAHE Bulletin, Volume 48, Number 3; 7-9. Biggs J. (2009). ‘Chapter 8: Assessing for learning quality’ in Teaching for quality learning at university Buckingham: SRHE/OUP Brown G. et al (2007). Assessing student learning in higher education London: Routledge Cannon R. and Newble D. (2005). Chapter 6: Assessing the students, in A Handbook for teachers in Universities and Colleges London: Kogan Page Anderson, J. A. (2001). Developing a learning/teaching style assessment model for diverse populations. In L. Suskie (Ed.), Assessment to promote deep learning: Insight from AAHE’s 2000 and 1999 assessment conferences (pp. 9-19). Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education. Read More
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