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Teaching through Drama: Solving Social Problems for Children within the Autistic Spectrum - Report Example

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This report "Teaching through Drama: Solving Social Problems for Children within the Autistic Spectrum" presents children suffering from autism disorder that are not impaired on playing activities. They might have undergone a frustrating experience that exposed them to immense suffering…
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Teaching through Drama: A solution behind solving social problems for children within the autistic spectrum Name Course Tutor Date Introduction Autisms may be defined as neural disorder characterized by weakness in communication and social interaction. It is a disability that affects an individual’s social life. Few people if not all, have problems in learning but everyone with the same clause experiences complexity in understanding the world. These signs commences sooner than a child is three years old. Autism disorder alters the information processing in the brain. It affects the nerve cells and synapses that are articulated. However, it is not very clear how the disorder occurs. People with high functioning end are said to have a syndrome known as Asperger. Autism spectrum disorder is a condition that is responsible in controlling decrease in neurological ability to repeat a certain activity over and over and communication impairments. This condition may vary from mild to severe. This condition develops mostly when a child is still an infant. Chelating may be defined as the process of managing and controlling chemicals agents, which binds the body with metal for divisive treatment for children suffering from autism disorder. Asperger syndrome is less severe compared to autism disorder .As compared to autism disorder, children suffering from Asperger syndrome are more active, and have better communication skills1. There are two more autism disorder, Asperger syndrome and PDD-NOS. Asperger is responsible in delaying cognitive development and language while PDD-NOS occurs during growth and development of the child .These disorder is at times explained using genetic inheritance, but still it is not very clear how it occurs. Sometimes the disorder is affected by environmental surrounding such as, childhood vaccine, heavy metals and pesticides, but this happens on a rare occasions. Survey shows that women are prone to the disease; the ratio of women to men suffering from the disease is 1:2 per 1000 nation. Parents usually discover these symptoms in the first 2 years of their Childs existence. These signs develop as the child is growing up. Not every child suffering from the disease is allowed to live alone, even after maturity. This disorder is as dangerous as that, even though, many people suffering from it are successful today. However, there is still no cure up to date. The Meaning of play A play is a complex and diverse behaviour that is important in the normal growth and development of children. However, different authors have different explanations on what a play means to them. The aim of the play is to entertain and allow people to have fun. There are various characteristics that a play should have: play must be pleasurable at all times; this means that a boring play may lead to boredom to both the audience and the entire actors at large, it must be voluntary, spontaneous, must involve an active engagement on the side of the actors and most of all, it must be systematic in nature. The actors should involve the audience either by asking questions which does not necessarily need the answer. This is done to check if the audience are fully concentrating to the play or not. Where the audience are not concentrating, it is right to say that the play is actually boring or it does not have a theme. Progress of play There are two distinct types of play; functional play and symbolic play. Libby states differences between functional and symbolic play: functional play involves pushing a car across the carpet while symbolic play involves taking a situation as if it was a totally different thing. In his study, he discovered that children with autistic did not at any time demonstrate significantly minimal functioning play than kids suffering from Down syndrome. They had difficulties in fabrication of symbolic play. However, not the entire authors are able to distinguish between functional and symbolic play. Several authors term it an umbrella word that could be defined differently. A child’s play must go through a number of growth and development stages such as sensory saloon play, explanatory play, social play and pretence play. It is however very important to consider the following aspects in order to differentiate functional play from symbolic play. Functional play allows a child to imagine an object while in symbolic play a child has to pretend that there’s a spoon when it is not Functional play properties is attributed to an object while symbolic play a child has to pretend that dolly’s face is clean when actually dolly’s face is dirty. In Functional play the object used is acts as a substitute of another thing while symbolic play a child has to act as if a shell was a cat A child may use a number of things /objects in order to substitute it with the real thing. Why play? Play has an important role in a child growth and development, it allows them to learn new skills in the most careful and appropriate manner without them injuring themselves. Sensory saloon play is used to educate young children regarding their bodies whereas; an object is used to imitate the surrounding environment. Manipulative play teaches older children about a certain items, its properties and how it influences the environment around them. Physical play educates young toddler about a gross motor dexterity and how it relates with the entire body function. Social play allows a child to change their social interactions from a child to a more advanced interaction between primary school brood, for instance, children acting as doctors and nurses instruct them about social affiliation and how to engage in them, also it educated them as about cultural rules and regulations of the community in which they are raised in. a Play provides a medium in which a child develops both physically, mentally and socially. However, children suffering from autism disorder are more disadvantageous in their social life compared to children living a normal life. Therefore, play is an important tool for children suffering from autism disorder because each and every one of them requires to play and to interact with others so that they may not feel isolated. Boucher in his argument state that play must have maximum fun. The main aim of a play among children suffering from autism disorder is to give them an intellectual of mysteries and boost their delight and inspiration to play. How play vary in autism One of the indicators of autism disorder in children is lack of wide-ranging and social play necessary for growth and development of the child. Autism In toddlers is in terms of questionnaire which was formulated with an hypothesis that those children who are not getting full attention ,and they end up imagining a play behaviour when they are a bit old (18 months old) are at high risk of receiving a verdict of autism. It asks several questions regarding a child, such as, Does your child at any moment pretend, for instance, to plait hair on a dolly head, or pretend any other things. If they show any interest in doing those tasks, it is important for the health visitor to check whether the child completes it or not. However, failure to do so indicates that a child is at high risks of suffering from autism spectrum. A child suffering from autism disorder will rarely play as a child, and if they do, their play may be impaired at each and every development stages. Research has proved that children suffering from autism, sensory saloon play directs ahead of oral mental age, at which , is usually declines in newborn without autism. Where a child develops without any experiences of autism disorder, toys and objects/items may be used in a rigid way. For instances, a child anguish from autism disorder may be preoccupied with spinning wheels on a toy vehicle, rather than driving a game. Roeyers illustrate that, children suffering from autism disorder may at any given moment, missed to play or do something which children of their age did during their childhood development. It is then concluded that, their playing activities is often limited to a simple manipulation, the eminence of their play is usually lower compared to a normal child. However, some children suffering from autism disorder may not show any interest that they want to play with their fellow children; instead they will wish to play alone. Some children may wish to play, but eventually they end up having difficulties in showing their interest. Survey has shown that, children suffering from autism disorder may be unable to engage themselves in any playing activity that involves pretence. Boucher, Jarrold and smith finding, exclaims that brood with autism disorder have difficulties in generating imaginary play, rather than in technicalities of pretence. However, Stahmer states that children with autism disorder may not reveal their intensions of playing on a free setting, but these did not mean that they could not play like any other normal child, but instead, they may have experienced difficulties in their play, thus frustrate them at one time. These children may eventually lose interest in playing. In symbolic play, children with autism disorder may either imitate on what they see on the television or any other place similar to the TV. Play of children with autism disorder may recur from time to time. For instance, a child who pretends to be preparing tea, he will continue to prepare tea day in-day-out, without getting tired. Another survey was also made; it happened that children with autism disorder showed this signs on functional play, the reason behind this is that, functional play is impaired. Nevertheless, it is important to understand; children with autism disorder have difficulties in playing games that require pretence, reason being they have difficulties in communication and interaction activities. Lack of play in a child development may lead to a complete disturbance of the entire’s child development process. It is therefore very important to educate a child with autism disorder to enhance their ability to play thus limit theoretical fragment. Causes of autism disorder There are concerning issues regarding causes of autism disorder among children. There Nervous system that is usually still developing in children with autism disorder, they may have experienced several conditions concerning their breakdown ability in communication and social impaired character. Brain that regulates and controls their attention in children suffering from autism disorder affects their ability to concentrate to obey to simple instructions2. There are several factors which affects them, it includes the following; shortage in oxygen, allergies, tuberous sclerosis, whooping cough and measles. Several authors argue that, organic impairment may bring about under arousal or over arousal behavior characterize by effects of autism disorder in children that is meant to protect children. There are benefits of introducing a child suffering from autism disorder to a therapy in order to support him/her understand the cause of his behavior, if possible advised to change. Another contributory factor of autism disorder is metabolic abnormities, vitamins and mineral deficiencies. However, there is no available evidence on psychogenic theories, explaining causes of autism impairment in toddlers. Sometimes, autism disorder is linked to diseases such as measles, rubella vaccination and mumps, however there no material evidence supporting this statement. Researchers who tend to support this statement are criticized and ridiculed for mechanical flaws. Issues under survey includes; viral infections, imbalance of the Childs brain affecting his abilities to think and act like a child with a non- autism disorder, fetal intolerance and glut number of testosterone in the brain. Some current survey of autism impairments connects a synthesis of developing an immune system that have an effect on the central nervous system, emotional expression, characteristic of children with autism impairments and their behaviors3. Communications Communication is usually damaged in children suffering from autism disorder. It may lead to inability of a child to comprehend simple instructions, directions and questions. There may be difficulties in playing pretence games such as hide-and seek. Children with autism disorder have difficulties managing their potential speech; usually they cannot incorporate a two way conversation at the same time. The way they speak and pronounce some of their sentences is not usual. Their sentence may seem to miss important aspect in a sentence such punctuations and full stops. Their sentences is not fully formed, for instance a child suffering from autism disorder sentence may appear as follow; ‘Want juice’ instead of, do you want to take juice? Or ‘look at the said’ instead of, look at what you are saying, and many other immature sentences you could think of. They at time cannot comprehend what they are actually saying, sometimes when asked they cannot even explain it to a different person, or remember what they were saying. They at time, feel so disturbed with very loud noise, things that can be touched and visual simulations. The generative dimension in a child suffering from autism disorder will affect the development framework, although, formulating of drama has helped most children to have positive character of their impaired behaviour. Some have also shown interest in changing the behaviour in a less social to a more social life Why play varies from autism Roeyers and Onnes have explained three distinct explanations as to why toddlers with autism disorder are impaired in their play. Their first difference is with difficulties in playing levels. For a child to engage in any functional and interactive play, they must go through early stages of simple manipulation and relational play in an appropriate manner. Children suffering from autism disorder have limited access in these two stages (rational and functional play) since they are short of curiosity and need to see the sights4. The second suggestion is the cognitive aspect. It is concerned with impairment in the youngster thoughts, ideas, and the ability to evaluate and manipulate symbols. Last but not least, hypothesis is co native theory. It states that, elicited play in children with autism disorder is less damaged than in spontaneous play. Few children with autism impairment diagnosis rarely meet the criteria of childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD). CCD can also have major effects to a child suffering from autism disorder. It includes loss of seizures, low IQ, blander control and bowel. Where a child suffers from autism disorder, special attention must be assigned to the child in order to motivate him/her to socially interact with children with non-autism disorder. Disintegrative disorder in children is less common as compared to children suffering from autism disorder. These children activities and interactions are normal for few months (disintegrative disorder). After that period of normalcy, they begin to show some specific signs of communication breakdown and lack of social interactions with their fellow children. Mental retardation may sometimes occur in children with autism disorder5. Reasons as to why children with autism should be taught on how to play Wolfberg states that, autism play has a minute significance in children development with autism disorder in their education and treatment. In his survey, he found out that nothing was comprehensive and did not seen to function within the logic conception idea of how play occurs and interrelate with social and symbolic growth in children suffering from autism disorder. However, such intercession may not prevent a child ability to play. He further explains that educating children suffering from autism disorder has been avoided in both literature and practice. Symbolic pretence play has proved to be an effective aspect that could be use to remedy difficulties experienced by children suffering from autism disorder. Reason being, symbolic pretence provides a meaningful environment necessary for the management of symbolic representation, which most children with autism disorder finds it so difficult. Thus changes their thinking capacity and brain6. Symbolic pretence also gives children with autism disorder an opportunity to think widely and broadly. It further engages them in a joint gratifying social play which can act as a tool for improving social skills that they lack. These chances are created by a mutual understanding of satisfaction experienced in play chapter. In addition, it enables children with autism to participate in both social and cultural proceedings. For those who are interested in teaching symbolic pretend play, it is important to put emphasis on the following conditions; structure, This allows the child to understand the hierarchical order of skills and activities required necessary for the attainment of a particular goal7. For instance, a story of red riding-hood has a perfect structure with typecast characters, recurring idioms, effective and essential hook line of excitements of noticing that grandma was the wolf. Another aspect is to understand the effects: It is important to make the story as interesting as possible; the child must indicate/show interest in preparing materials to make the play meaningful. It is important to distinguish between recurring and using curiosity creativity. Continuity, is an important aspect which induces children with autism disorder to participate in pretence play, this play allows them to have confidence in them and improves in their communication skills as well. Social play, involves learning latest skills, obtaining a desired item from someone else .Appropriate language; language used in writing a story should be simple and easy to understand. Where a language is easy to understand, it allows more children with autism disorder to take part in pretence play. There are several ways in which endeavour have been made to educate pretence play. Some authors have explained it using behavioural technique, although all this has managed to enhance success. However, it is important to encourage children suffering from autism disorder to participate in pretence play in order to receive gifts and rewards; this may increase the number of participants if not all8. Another important feature that can be use to motivate children suffering from autism disorder is by use of; television, videos and digital camera connected to computers. However, there is shortcoming of using the devised technology. These devices may be used by toddlers with autism disorder to take part of speech work and talking therapists, for example, assist infant to develop an interactive script for pretence drama sequence. PRT (pivital response training) has been used to increase playing activities within children suffering from autism disorder. This technique used involves, clearing doubts and instructions, direct enforcement, Childs taste and preference of toys, interpersonal requirements and turn taking. It is ideal to promote and enhance new play technique to children with autism disorder in order to allow them use live a happy and exiting life in their developments. Types of plays, for instance stage play should be taught at all levels of growth and development in children suffering from autism disorder9. Children suffering from autism disorder have what they like most and what they dislike as well. Shields states common toys used by most children with autism disorder if not all. Such toys include; puzzle books, videos, and work book, sorting toys, items that can be touched and seen, Lego and jigsaws. While physical play that are common within children with autism disorder involves; trampoline, ride on toys climbing, football, swing and slides. Most of the games played include; Ludo, computer games, chess factual software, dancing games, tapes singing, picture lotto, snap and snakes and ladders10. Play therapy The purpose of the therapy is to prepare child suffering from autism disorder to be responsible when he reaches adulthood. It is mainly done to help children think critical about their behaviours and if possible, they are required to make important changes. Waterhouse argues that, children suffering from autism disorder should not benefit from the therapy but merely assist them to act and behave like other non autism children. Waterhouse later on realised that, different authors suggest different skills of communication. Communication skills can be through symbol of various kinds. Waterhouse recommends that children suffering from autistic disorder can be treated through autism therapy. Having knowledge on autism disorder as development disarray, psychodynamic can be viewed by many as inappropriate therapy11. Practical analysis of autism impairment in children The research on autism disorder scrutinizes the nature, activities and social behaviors of children with autism disorder. These children were signed up in a regular childhood developments as early as 5 years of age and below. Those children with autism impairments who completes their learning sessions, usually they test their abilities to communicate and interact with their fellow students, They try as much as possible to practice what they have been taught in school. Sometimes these children may get out of school without anything, anything in the sense that they cannot still cooperate and interact with their fellow peers. This actually calls for a child to have interest in changing his life style from anti-social to social life. Teachers have also made efforts in assessing children with autism disorder abilities so socialize and also change their behavior. The observations made by teachers show that, children suffering from autism disorder spent minimal time with their friend, most of them opt to stay and play by themselves. Most the time, their activities are repetitive in nature; they would play certain game today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow without getting bored like children with a non autism disorder12. Most of these activities are not taught they way they are supposed to. Some teachers may ignore teaching important aspects required by children with social impairment. Most of them assume that these aspects are known by all. However parents are also advised to take part in educating their children about these activities, it is assumed that this activities including education cannot be covered fully without the parent’s assistance. Some children with autism disorder may intolerable; at times they refuse to pay any attention of teachers order. At times they have very high tempered, this tempers can only be reduced or calmed by their parents but not teachers. Conclusion Children suffering from autism disorder are not impaired on playing activities. They might have undergone a frustrating experience which exposed them to immense suffering in their day to day activities. This awful experience distorts their mind (brain) thereby affecting there thinking capacity. Children with autism disorder are socially inactive. They prefer most of the time to play by themselves. For instance, a child suffering from the disease play will be in a repetitive in nature. Children with autism disorder have specific taste and preference of what they like and what they do like at. This play however enables these children to acquire confidence in them. Therapy is also recommended immediately parents notice any impairment in their children development life13. One of the indicators of children with autism disorder is lack social life. Although, some show interest of playing but they shun form exposing their wish. Children suffering from Asperger syndrome are distinctive; they usually have a unique strength and weakness. However, there are several children with Asperger syndrome who have good memories and play attentions to instructions and details given. Even though, most of these children’s have problems in making new friends and interacting with them. They sometimes feel restless and lack concentration at any given moment. When they attain maturity, they at time experience difficulties in securing a job. However, there are children with the disease who are much more successful in life like the non autism children. Bibliography Boucher, J. (1999). Editorial: interventions with children with autism methods based on play. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 1999, 15 (1), pp. 1-5. Jarrold, C., Boucher, J., & Smith, P. (1996). Generativity deficits in pretend play in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14, pp. 275-300. Sherratt, D. Melanie P. (2002). Developing play and drama in children with autistic spectrum disorders. New York: David Fulton Publishers. Stein, S.M., Chowdhury U. (2006). Disorganized children: a guide for parents and professionals. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Shields, J. (1999). Ideas for toys and leisure. In The autistic spectrum - a handbook 1999. London: The National Autistic Society. Kear, M. Callaway G. (2000). Improving teaching and learning in the arts. London: Routledge. Roeyers, H. & van Berckelaer-Onnes, I. A. (1994). Play in autistic children. Communication and Cognition, 27 (3), pp. 349-360. Barnard J. &, Prior A. (2000). Inclusion and Autism, Is It Working?: 1, 000 Examples of Inclusion in Education and Adult Life from Members of the National Autistic. New Jersey: National Autistic Society. House of Commons: Education and Skills Committee. (2006) Special Educational Needs: Third Report of Session 2005-06:3 Written Evidence: House of Commons Papers 478-iii 2005- 06. The Stationery Office. Waterhouse, S. (2000). A positive approach to autism. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Read More
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