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Strategic Management of ELT in Public Educational Systems - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Strategic Management of ELT in Public Educational Systems" discusses ESL that is increasing its prominence in the global arena based on the elated requirements of the societies and effectiveness of the same to meet the changing needs along with the preferences of the people…
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Strategic Management of ELT in Public Educational Systems
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Applying Research Ahamed Abubakar Walden April, Introduction Education has been one of the prime needs of individuals at every stage of their life. With the diversification implied in the field of development of learning procedures, it is obvious that the need for maintaining a continuous process of learning is essential. A continuous process of learning is apt for making effective development within the field of different needs of life. Thus, imparting education to people at any stage of life has been an indispensable constituent for the people. Furthermore, teaching has always been an attracting profession for me. My filed of interest laid in pedagogy and I remained majorly aligned towards imparting education to adult learners. I stayed focused in imparting education to young adults during the recent years in the subject area of English as a Second Language (ESL) (Motteram, 2013). This area has gained my interest based on the observations that I have framed about people who are incapable in communicating in English. Another ailment that non-native speakers face while communicating in English has even increased my interest in providing education to these people (Mlynarczyk & Babbitt, 2002). Commendably, teaching always engulfed my interest in communicating people and enhancing my capability towards improvising the same. Furthermore, being with students who are well versed in their own fields helped me to gain diverse knowledge about different aspects of life and thus enhanced my ability to perform in an efficient way in the respective field. With effective development of strategies, it is obvious that I will be able to enhance my ability to perform and my excellence of performances. Specially mentioning, by efficiently handling diverse questions of adults, I began to address challenging situations and comply with diverse needs of their development. Although I got involved in provided linguistic education, it has even enhanced my credibility to fulfill the needs of communicating with larger groups of the societies (Richards 2011; Byram, Gribkova, & Starkey, 2002). With this concern, the research paper elaborates on analyzing the need of development within the field of applying research into practical life. Historical Events That Affected ESL The study filed concerning ESL is observed to get affected by different factors that are prominent within the environment for enhancing the effectiveness of the same and ensuring the learning abilities of the learners to sustain. It is worth mentioning in this regard that English is a supportive language, which helps an individual to increase his/her ability to sustain and increase the level of communication at the global domain. Based on this fact, it could be affirmed that there are several factors, which affect different approaches to meet the diverse challenges and likewise enhance the transparency of the same. Notably, it could be ascertained that several events are noted to be affecting the development of ESL. These events eventually impose huge impact on the learning abilities prevalent amid the students and even have a prominent effect on diverse ESL practices (Paige, Jorstad, Siaya, Klein & Colby, 2015). One of the above stated events could be apparently observed as the motivational factors that certainly help in addressing the different needs of individual students towards enhancing their capacity in addressing diverse needs relating to the subject. ESL is a foremost requirement for those particular students who are not native speakers. In addition, there are certain cultural factors that affect the development of students to undergo ESL classes. These cultural factors even act as severe backlogs for the students to develop and adopt new skill sets to enhance their respective learning procedure (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). These factors along with the abilities of the students towards adapting to changes eventually assist the learners to grasp the language in an efficient way. Moreover, the above stated factors even act as a severe backlog for developing the level of consciousness among people and further creates severe dilemma for adopting the prerequisite to increase quality of learning. Thus, the historical modes of upbringing and various underlying factors involved with the same affects the development of students hindering their ability to adopt different strategies involved with the study field of ESL (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). Based on the current landscape of the learning domain, it could be duly argued that the approaches relating to the same have changed at large and thus the people became more aligned towards following different norms. The development of technology as well as effectiveness of the system is identified to be enhancing the different approaches that are most likely to assist the development of ESL learners amongst the education system. Correspondingly, the incorporation of advanced technology is noted to be acting as a positive move for developing the different attributes of attaining education and effectively enhancing the transparency of the same (Traore & Kyei-Blankson, 2011). Several developments are identifiable in the domain of attaining literature education and enhancing attributes of developing the use of ESL as a language. The consciousness amid the people regarding ESL has developed immensely, making the people to remain highly inclined towards enhancing their proficiency about learning to read and pronounce the language. Correspondingly, to develop the ability of the individuals to perform efficiently in the global domain, people are largely aligned towards taking up ESL as a part of their training programs. The prime objectives of these training programs are identified to enhance the efficiency of the language and ensure further development towards managing the diverse needs of communication in the globalised world (Traore & Kyei-Blankson, 2011). Critical Appreciation of Contemporary Problems With the integrated approaches of globalization, different issues are increasing that are related with adopting ESL as a part of education. Correspondingly, it can be apparently found that there is an increasing craze amongst the adult non-native speakers to undergo ESL courses. This could be because of the fact that ESL has been increasing its efficiency to meet the diverse challenges of the globe and also enhancing the efficiency of the program to cope up with diverse challenges. The ESL programs are observed to develop cohesion amongst the societies, thereby increasing prominence within the globe by forming effective communication. By transforming the overall system of education, ESL is acting as an effective support to develop the transparency of the system and develop the credibility of the same to meet the learning domains in a global context (Ginsberg & Wlodkowski, 2010). Considering the fact that a majority of the students are availing ESL programs at a later stage of their life and mostly during the completion of post graduation, development of new attributes are immensely acting as a huge backlog towards enhancing the overall performances of the organisations. ESL programs mostly tend to develop the transparency of the system and enhance their overall ability to perform (Ginsberg & Wlodkowski, 2010). Furthermore, ESL has emerged as a diverse challenge for the learners in the path of enhancing their individual ability to meet the elated needs of different attributes. The diverse challenges of communication are enhancing the ability of the same to fulfill the needs of communication amid the adult learners. Furthermore, people must be more concerned about the different learning attitudes amid the adult learners that are acting as a challenge for them in the form of affecting their ability to adapt to a new language (Altbach, Reisberg & Rumbley, 2009). Correspondingly, it has been evident that adopting different techniques identifiable with the resources greatly enhances the ability of a research to attain strategic learning objectives. To enhance the ability of communication and development of increased amount of relationship, there lays immense level of discrepancies amongst the approaches attained and involved towards meeting diverse challenges (Davies, 2009). Specially mentioning, several scholars argued English to act as a strategic support for enhancing the ability of the learners to adopt different challenges in meeting their predetermined diverse learning needs. To meet with diverse strategic challenges imposed within the organisations, developing an efficient support is the foremost needs, which would certainly result in enhancing effective support of the overall system (Davies, 2009). With more number of people registering themselves for enhancing their capacity to learn English and grasp a better hold on the language for communicating in a better manner, ESL programs have become much efficient. The ESL programs got involved into integrating diverse strategies that lay the probability of complying with the diverse needs of difficulties faced by people to communicate in terms of using the language. Being an ESL teacher for adult learners, I could effectively understand the needs of the students to develop their ability of communication and enhancing the effectiveness of the integrated ESL programs (Cho & Larke, 2010). This strategic development is likely to enhance the quality of the system and further develop the effectiveness of the same to fulfill desired targets of the students. Additionally, better and communicative programs must be illustrated in order to enhance the ability of the program to meet the effective needs of communicating and enhancing the overall transparency of the same (Davies, 2009). Literature Review Based on the Field Of Study According to Davis (2009), several attributes reflect the need for better understanding about the nature of the programs associated with ESL. This is even noted that by meeting the diverse needs of providing effective care, the different attributes of the learners could be better understood. Correspondingly, to enhance the ability of overall performances, it is evident that the ESL program must integrate different plans to enhance the transparency of the system, increasing the overall attributes of performances and develop an effective plan to meet the diverse needs of the learners. In this regard, Cho & Larke (2010) commented on the incessant rise of different attributes of the individuals to perform and enhance their ability to address as well as mitigate diverse challenges. This strategic development is even likely to develop the credibility of the individuals to adopt and execute different measures that have been enhancing their ability to meet with the challenges of learning new languages. The ESL programs are even likely to develop the ability of the adult learners to adopt different strategies that would assist them in understanding the different elated needs of progression, which must be incorporated within the learning procedure (Cho & Larke, 2010). Correspondingly, in relation to the above context, Cho & Larke (2010) even stated that development in different approaches are even likely to support the diverse needs of strategies that would be assisting in fulfilling the different needs of students planning to undergo ESL programs. The effectiveness of repair strategies is noted to be developing different approaches of management in the context of enhancing the ability of the same towards meeting the diversified needs of the students. Considering that the different needs of the students are diverse as they belong from different cultural backgrounds, their approaches are also observed to be much diversified in the background of ESL based programs (Cho & Larke, 2010). It is obvious that developing a plan that would be able to meet the effective needs of the students is certainly acting as a positive move for developing the ability of the students to grasp different languages. Agbatogun (2013) further supported the above stated facts and also commented on the development of ESL based programs by representing the fact that the proficiency of second language is identified to enhance the ability of the same to comply with diverse challenges of communication. With the effective development of different programs, it is evident that the major challenges faced by the adult learners could be eradicated from a practical standpoint (Agbatogun, 2013). In addition, the scholars are observed to be developing their views in support of effective practices that would further enhance the overall ability of the ESL program in the path of attaining overall success. Correspondingly, this will further enhance the credibility of the same to develop effective communication and likewise meet the individual needs of socialization in global domain. In this regard, Cho & Larke (2010) stated that the development of the different attributes of the students could effectively enhance their ability to maintain a strategic domain and fulfill the criteria of providing effective care. This is even observed that with the strategic implication of different progressive plan, the students become more capable of developing effective plans to meet the diverse needs of society with forming effective communication in English (Agbatogun, 2013). Theories Supporting the Study With regards to the above discussion, it is clearly evident that the process of ESL integrates the approach of continuous communication and learning. By effectively communicating the different needs of development, the students will be able to enhance their ability to perform and further develop their credibility to mitigate diverse challenges. The diverse dilemmas that are evident amid the people majorly reflect on the fact that people often fails to address diverse challenges imposed during communication with English. ESL helps in mitigating these strategies and affects the development of the same to illustrate the needs of communication using English. These hindrances are often visible among different age groups of people and for the adults, the incapability to communicate effectively acts as a huge backlog when communicating with the native speakers. For adults, the use of proper intonations and body languages even acts as a huge backlog for developing an effective communication. Hence, it could be argued that with the effective use of ESL, the development of different strategies must be integrated in order to enhance the efficiency of the programs and develop communication procedure (Pappamihiel, 2002). In this regard, Pappamihiel (2002) quoted “In fact, preservice teachers who go out into the schools often write in their journals that ELL students often interact less in the mainstream classroom, choosing instead to remain as far away as possible from the action of the classroom” (pp. 1). The stated quote affirms the need of development that needs to be integrated within the different programs, which are operating within the domain of providing effective care to the students. In this respect, The English Language Learners (ELL) often reveal adverse attitudes towards making positive development in learning and communicating by using the language in an effective manner. However, Cumming (2001) represented the fact that the different approaches of learning could be enhanced by practicing of writing the language and develop a better understanding about the same. Furthermore, the stated principles in this study depict the fact that by addressing the different needs of communicating, the use of ESL could be initiated for practicing writing in an affluent way (Cumming, 2001). In addition, Davies (2009) stated the role play by the teachers who tend to develop the needs of the students and also providing them with effective care. The author abruptly commented on the fact that the different approaches must be integrated into English as a foreign/second language teaching (ELT) to enhance transparency within the system and enhance the quality of imparting education. In support of the above stated views, the author quoted “Holland, Singapore and Sweden are outstanding examples of great success in the strategic management of ELT in their public educational systems” (Davies, 2009, pp. 1). This is even noted to be developing the different attributes that are related with the notion of providing effective care and enhancing the ability to sustain and increase the effectiveness of the program. This strategic implication could be duly integrated into the approaches to meet the diverse challenges that face by the non-native speakers in certain special circumstances. It will be vital to mention in this similar concern that parallel to the development of the students, the teachers must also enhance their attributes to perform within the global domain, so that they will be able to enhance the credibility of the overall program and attain desired goals (Davies, 2009). Thus, to enhance the effectiveness of the program and also to fulfill the diverse needs of the adult learners, effective strategies must be integrated to increase the quality of the approach. Commendably, to develop the efficiency of the same, strategic plans should be integrated to enhance the ability of the program and develop the overall attributes to increase the capacity of adult learners to communicate accordingly. To enhance the approaches of the adult learners in grasping the language, effective programs must be initiated that would increase the relevancy of meeting the diverse needs of the adult learners. By incorporating different attributes of the program, it can be ensured that the communication capacities of the learners get enhanced towards the attainment of predetermined targets (Agbatogun, 2013). Conclusion From the above analysis and discussion, it can be ascertained that ESL is increasing its prominence in the global arena based on the elated requirements of the societies and effectiveness of the same to meet the changing needs along with the preferences of the people. With immense development in the needs of communication, people are mostly inclined towards incorporating the same to fulfill the desired communication needs. With this valuable index, demand for English language has amalgamated to a greater extent and people are mostly inclined towards developing their ability to comply with the global performance domain. This is even noted to be developing the different attributes and abilities of communication. By teaching people, I will be able to address their individual needs of gaining knowledge and further catalyst the need for developing cohesiveness and ability to communicate with each other. The above discussed practices could be concluded by enhancing a better and potential approach of meeting the diverse needs of professionalism. Apart from this, the people will be able to adopt different technicalities that are needed to form better and effective communication by using ESL. Additionally, to increase the effectiveness of my approach, I will be able to handle and meet their individual needs and develop a better understanding about the ability of the students to learn. By enhancing the capacity of the students, I will be able to increase their ability to perform and further enhance the effectiveness of the overall program to meet effective needs of communication. This is even noted that with the incorporation of different professional courses, I will be able to increase the capacity of the students to enhance the effectiveness of the program while performing in global domain. References Agbatogun, A, O. (2013). Developing learners’ second language communicative competence through active learning: Clickers or communicative approach? Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 257-269. Altbach, P. G., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. E. (2009). Trends in global higher education: tracking an academic revolution. [A report prepared for the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education]. Retrieved from the UNESCO website: Byram, M., Gribkova, B., & Starkey, H. (2002). Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching. A Practical Introduction for Teachers, 1-41. Cumming, A. (2001). Learning to write in a second language: Two decades of research. International Journal of English Studies, 1(2), 1-23. Davies, P. (2009). Strategic management of ELT in public educational systems: Trying to reduce failure, increase success. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 13(3), 1-22. Cho, E. H., & Larke, P. J. (2010). Repair strategies usage of primary elementary ESL students: Implications for ESL teachers. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 14(3), 1-18. Faltis, K. (2011). Bilingual, ESL, and English immersion: educational models for limited English proficient students in Texas. Pepperdine Policy Review, 81-98. Ginsberg, M. B., & Wlodkowski, R. J. (2010). Access and participation. In C. E. Kasworm, A. D. Rose, & J. M. Ross-Gordon (Eds.), Handbook of adult and continuing education (pp. 25–34). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Motteram, G. (2013). Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching. Retrieved from Mlynarczyk, R. W., & Babbitt, M. (2002). The power of academic learning communities. Journal of Basic Writing, 21(1), 71-89. Mullamaa, K. (2010). Going 100% on-line with language courses: Possible? Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1(5), 531-539. Ontario. (2007). English language learners ESL and ELD programs and services. Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 1-34. Pappamihiel, N. E. (2002). English as a second language students and English language anxiety: Issues in the mainstream classroom. Research in the Teaching of English, 36, 327-355. Paige, M. R., Jorstad, H., Siaya, L., Klein, F., & Colby, J. (2015). Culture learning in language education: a review of the literature. University of Minnesota, 1-73. Richards, J. C. (2011). Competence and performance in language teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press. Traore, M., & Kyei-Blankson, L. (2011). Using literature and multiple technologies in ESL instruction. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(3), 561-568. Read More
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