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School Facility Appraisal - Term Paper Example

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The paper "School Facility Appraisal" states the school environment should be conducive, accessible, and meet the requirement as stipulated by the laws of a given state. The paper outlines structural and mechanical features, building safety, and security, educational adequacy, and other nuances. …
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School Facility Appraisal
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INTRODUCTION The school environment should always be conducive and it should meet the requirement as stipulated by the laws of a given This isdiscussed as follows; (Litley, H and Herold .H, 1998). 1.0 THE SCHOOL SITE 1.1Site is large enough to meet present and future educational needs as defined by state and local requirements. Due to the growing demand of education and the increasing population the site should be large enough to give room for these. Ordinarily, the high school should have 30 acres plus one acre for each 100 students (12.15 ha). 1.2Site is easily accessible and conveniently located for the present and future populations. The school should be close to the students residents to minimizes parental and bus transportation. This is vital to enable the students not to be tired because of the long journey. Therefore the maximum walking distance for the elementary school should be one mile while for the secondary two miles. The maximum riding should be 60 minutes for secondary while 30 for the elementary. 1.3 Location is removed from undesirable business industry, traffic, and natural hazards. The should be far from the areas which have danger of Pollution or explosion, areas where toxic waste or radon gas is present and where there is industrial smoke, dust or odors. It should be free form disturbing noise pollution. This is for the comfort and concentration of the student. 1.4Site is well landscaped and developed to meet educational needs The site of the school should support plant life, natural vegetation, and trees.It should look attractive to the students ad the parents showing the readiness to learn. The drainage systems, packing and the general landscaping should be conducive. 1.5 Well equipped athletic areas are adequate with sufficient solid-surface parking The athletic areas should be smooth and convenient. It should not have hole and curvings.The parking area should be placed away from the field so that the field may be safe from the damages that may be caused by the vehicles. 1.6Topography is varied enough to provide desirable appearance and without steep inclines The site should ensure that there is an elevation and contour to facilitate the good drainage and at the same time avoiding soil erosion. Normally the Steep inclines causes the construction problems and they increase site development costs. areas with fault and mining areas should be avoided by the school. This is for the convenience of the learning process. 1.7 Site has stable, well-drained soil free of erosion. The school should consider drainage of the water so that to keep cleanliness and the safety of the building. The site should also consider soil; it should be free from sandy and rocky environments that may enhance soil erosion. 1.8 Site is suitable for special instructional needs The site should have fields for wider range of activities and outdoor learning. They should be closer to the classroom for close supervision and convenience. Physical training ids vital for a student. 1.9 Pedestrian services include adequate sidewalks with designated cross-walks, curbs cuts, and correct slopes This is vital for it will create and maintain the desirable patterns of safe walking. Ordinarily, pedestrian should be far away from vehicular traffic flow and hazardous crossings. This is for the safety of the students. 1.10 Sufficient on-site, solid surface parking is provided for faculty, students, staff and community. Ordinarily, the parking are should curb cuts for the disabled. Each teacher and staff should have his/her parking space. This is for the sake of order in the school vicinity and also allows the fields to be safe from vehicles. 2.0 STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL FEATURES 2.1 Structure meets all barrier-free requirements both externally and internally The structure should have no physical barrier. There should be accessible parking space, clearance, smooth sidewalks, automatic elevators, at least one public telephone and at least one wheel chair. 2.2 Roofs appear sound, have positive drainage, and are weather tight The roofs should not have the leakages. It should weather proof, durable and adequate valleys, drains and downspouts. And insulated .This is for the sake of conducive learning environment. 2.3 Foundations are strong and stable with no observable cracks Foundation cracks will weaken the structure. There should be no cracks at the corners for the safety of the students. 2.4 Exterior and interior walls have sufficient expansion joints and are free of deterioration Mortar joints should not be cracked, loose or flacking.The structure should also have expansion joints for the strength of the building. The structure should not be marked. 2.5 Entrances and exits are located so as to permit efficient student traffic flow The corridor widths, entrances and exits should be designed considering the number of students that are using them. This is to avoid crowding in the case of an emergency. 2.6 Building envelop generally provides for energy conservation The building should be designed to prevent heat loss and create heat gain, where needed, through solar energy or other efficient source fuels. This for the convenience of the students. 2.7 Structure is free of friable asbestos and toxic materials A certificate of compliance should be present so that the building should not emit toxic fumes. This is for the safety of the students. 2.8 Interior walls permit sufficient flexibility for a variety of class sizes There is need for the movable interior walls that would better accommodate the changing population. This is vital to avoid overcrowding. 2.9 Adequate light sources are well maintained, properly placed and are not subject to overheating There should be an ease of seeing, no reflection and have sufficient illumination. A system that has a light meter and the replacement should be installed for proper light monitoring. 2.10 Internal water supply is adequate with sufficient pressure to meet health and safety requirements Water should be provided to the Scholl according to the population of the school. The water pressure may be checked by flushing several water closets and also through the turning on of the drinking fountains and hand washing facilities. The pressure should be continuous. 2.11 Each teaching/learning area has adequate convenient wall outlets, phone and computer cabling for technology applications Classrooms must have electricity installed. Permanent electrical service should be in areas such as the typing rooms, serving areas and computer laboratories. The electric leakages should be monitored and rectified. 2.12 Electrical controls are safely protected with disconnect switches easily accessible For safety, the electric service equipment should be contained in a locked area in a secure building. The interior circuit panel boxes should be kept locked so that the students do not access it. If circuit switch boxes are located in corridors, the boxes should be kept locked for the safety. 2.13 Drinking fountains are adequate in number and placement, and are properly They should be furnished in the ratio of 1 to 100 so as to effectively serve the students. They should also be placed to favor the disabilities. 2.14 Number and size of restrooms meet requirements The school should have lavatories in the ratio of 1 to 75 and they should be located in convenient areas, at least one per floor for each sixth for the convenience of the students. 2.15 Drainage systems are properly maintained and meet requirements Ordinarilly, floor drains are to be in each restroom and in other locations where a problem of broken pipes and stopped drains may create a flooding problem to that area. This is vital to avoid the flooding inn classrooms. 2.16 Fire alarms, smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems are properly maintained and meet requirements This is for the sake of security of the students.Therefore; the fire alarms should separate from the electrical circuit so that it is not turned off. The alarm should have a distinct loud sound, different from the school bell. The switches should be everywhere. 2.17 Intercommunication system consists of a central unit that allows dependable two-way communication between the office and instructional areas The school communications systems must be either be a public address system or an internal telephone which must connect the administration and the students. This is essential incase of any emergency. 2.18 Exterior water supply is sufficient and available for normal usage The school should have adequate water supply which will be able to accommodate major fire control and small fire control. The water supply should be outside the buildings for the sake of the student usage. 3.0 PLANT MAINTAINABILITY 3.1 Exterior windows, doors, and walls are of material and finish requiring minimum maintenance Hinges and locks and door closers should be in a good condition. The windows should be maintained especially those that are operable. Use tile walls or the epoxy paint which is very difficult to scratch. This is for the neatness of the cloakrooms. 3.2 Floor surfaces throughout the building require minimum care The school should select the appropriate floor cover between the wood, vinyl tile, ceramic tile, terrazzo or carpet. This is vital for the floor maintenance. 3.3 Ceilings and walls throughout the building, including service areas, are easily cleaned and resistant to stain The school should have plastered ceilings and walls are because they durable and are easily maintained if they protected by quality paint. Ceramic tile is used in the kitchen because of the ease of cleaning. 3.4 Built-in equipment is designed and constructed for ease of maintenance The equipment should be made for educational purpose ad they include counters, cabinets, shelving and chalkboards in the classrooms. The kitchens will have sinks which can easily be maintained. 3.5 Finishes and hardware, with a compatible keying system, are of durable quality Use high quality of hardware for durability for the finishes. This may be expensive yet necessary because of the durability. 3.6 Restroom fixtures are wall mounted and of quality finish The wall mounted fixtures aid the daily cleaning and make repairs less difficult. Therefore they should be used. Wash sinks and facets should function normally. 3.7 Adequate custodial storage space with water and drain is accessible throughout the building The custodial closet should be located near cluster of classrooms. The closets should be located near the middle of the building if the buildings have long corridors 3.8 Adequate electrical outlets and power, to permit routine cleaning, are available in every area Electric service should be provided to be used by the floor scrubbers and vacuums for cleaning. This is vital for effective cleaning. 3.9 Outdoor light fixtures, electric outlets, equipment, and other fixtures are accessible for repair and replacement This fixtures and equipment should e of high quality. This is because quality fixtures and equipment will need fewer repairs and less frequent replacement. 4.0 BUILDING SAFETY AND SECURITY 4.1 Student loading areas are segregated from other vehicular traffic and pedestrian walkways The school bus loading areas should be separated from other vehicular traffic. This is to assure the maximum safety for students. 4.2 Walkways, both on and offsite are available for safety The school always is responsible for on-site sidewalks. The on-site sidewalks should have street crossing signs, school zone signs, flashing lights or stop lights for the sake of safety. 4.3 Access streets have sufficient signals and signs to permit safe entrance to and exit from school areas The street crossing areas of the school should be marked on its pavement with appropriate safety zones. Stop signs are necessary depending on the number of pedestrians and the volume of vehicular traffic. 4.4 Vehicular entrances and exits permit safe traffic flow Ordinarily the safety hazards increase as the number of vehicular entrances and exits Increase. The school should have wide entrance and exits. 4.5 Athletic field equipment is properly located and is free from hazard The condition of playing fields should be free from holes; furrows and sun baked soil can decrease injury. Bleachers hazardous and therefore should be carefully inspected at least annually 4.6 The heating unit is located away from student occupied areas The heating unit should be located in a structure separate from the main structure. This safest place and arrangement for the students. 4.7 Multi-story buildings have at least two stairways for student egress The building must have an alternate route to the ground. This is for safety incase of fire or any other danger. The alterative stair case should be of metal and wide. 4.8 Exterior doors open outward and are equipped with panic hardware Ordinally, chains and dead-bolts are all unacceptable in schools if the doors are needed for routine or emergency. 4.9 Emergency lighting is provided throughout the building with exit signs on separate electrical circuits The buildings in the school should have lighted exit markers for exterior doors for directions incase of an emergency. The signs should be wired and not linked with other power in the building because of power circuits that may occur. 4.10 Classroom doors are recessed and open outward The recessed doors are a safety factor and reduce corridor obstruction that may be caused.Normally, the combination of the narrow corridors and non recessed doors will creates an obstacle. 4.11 Building security systems are provided to assure uninterrupted operation of the educational program Security systems such as the laser beam vandal detectors, entrance alerts, and appropriate night lighting can protect the school property especially from the rioted students. 4.12 Flooring (including ramps and stairways) is maintained in a nonslip condition The custodial care with a mop should be put in place in most schools to lessen this problem. Most ramps and stairs should always be protected with the nonslip strips that are glued critical locations to reduce the slipping. 4.13 Stairs (interior and exterior) meet standards (max 7” rise to 11” tread) and steps range in number from 3-16 This is vital for the sake of the health. The limit of 16 risers will assumes a resting point in between stairs where a full story is involved. 4.14 Glass is properly located and protected with wire or safety material to prevent accidental student injury The safety of the students should be considered especially where the student traffic is heavy. It is usually better to avoid the use of glass especially where breakage and student injury may occur. 4.15 Fixed projections in the traffic areas do not extend more than eight inches from the corridor wall To avoid injury especially during the traffic of students, the fixed projections, such as display cases, drinking fountains, benches, and storage cabinets should e avoided especially when the corridor is not wide. 4.16 Traffic areas terminate at an exit or a stairway leading to an egress Corridors and stairways facilitate easy access to the exterior of the building so as to aid an efficient evacuation of the school incase of an emergency. 4.17 Adequate fire safety equipment is properly located The schools should be equipped with heat and smoke detection devices for safety. The ceiling sprinklers should be provided to the school for the safety of the students. 4.18 There are at least two independent exits from any point in the building The buildings should have at least one window designed of sufficient size to permit exit. This is vital especially in times of emergency such as fire, explosions, and windstorms 4.19 Fire-resistant materials are used throughout the structure Ordinarily, the concrete and steel are safer materials for the school building since both are non-combustible materials. Also the sprinkler systems can increase safety of the building especially during non-school hours 4.20 Automatic and manual emergency alarm system with a distractive sound and flashing light is provided The flashing light to alert the deaf individuals should be provided. Both manual and automatic fire alarm systems should be provided in the case of an emergency. 5.0 EDUCATIONAL ADEQUACY 5.1 Size of academic learning areas meet desirable standards The class should occupy 20-30 students and regardless of the age of the student, the per student square footage allowance is supposed to be 25-30 sq.This is to enable the students to be comfortable. 5.2 Classroom space permits arrangements for small group activity Every class is to have a corner where 3-5 students can assemble for group work. This is vital for the progression of the students. 5.3 Location of academic learning areas is near related educational activities and away from disruptive noises The learning areas should be far from the playing grounds and other sources of noise. This is for the practical convenience of the students. 5.4 Personal space in the classroom away form group instruction allows privacy time for individual students This is vital for the students to have their own study time. Students in a high school benefit from individual student study carrels. 5.5 Storage for student materials is adequate Desks, lockers, cupboards, cabinets and drawers are needed in classrooms to store materials. This is important for the safety of the books. 5.6 Storage for teacher materials is adequate Teachers should have a lockable wardrobe or cabinet of sufficient height to accommodate a full-length coat or a shelf to store their books. 5.7 Size of specialized learning areas meets standards All students should have an approximate of 25-30square feet each for the specialized learning. This is vital to enable them to have conducive study. 5.8 Design or specialized learning areas is compatible with instructional need Ordinarily the design of the space should evolve from the specific instruction to be provided for each special learning area. This is also important for the students to be conducive. 5.9 Library/Resource/Media Center provides appropriate and attractive space Their should be an emphasis on available seating and work space for 10-15% of the student body. The storage and workspace for repair and cataloging is also essential for the students. 5.10 Gymnasium and outdoor facilities adequately serve physical education instruction Physical education should be provided at the school, lunch time halls may be used for the activities if not the fields. The provision should be made for physical education and athletics and therefore the school should have a building which has shower and dressings rooms, equipment storage space and adequate Ventilation for the activities. 5.11 Science program is provided sufficient space and equipment The school should have Lab stations for small groups of students usually (3-4) and in sufficient numbers to accommodate classes of 20-25 students. The teacher preparation space should also e provided. 5.12 Music program is provided adequate sound-treated space The walls and ceilings should be covered for quality instruction and also to avoid transmission of sound to other areas of the building. 5.13 Space for art is appropriate for instruction, supplies, and equipment There should be access to water and sinks and the lighting should provide greater illumination in the room. The space should accommodate either individual or small group. 5.14 Space for technology education permits use of state-of-the-art equipment Computer labs are provided at all levels of instruction of the benefits of the students. 5.15 Space for small groups and remedial instruction is provided adjacent to classrooms Schools should have educational activities as remedial reading, speech correction, and federal title. These activities should not be assigned to corridors, libraries, stages and boiler rooms but to appropriate places. 5.16 Storage for student and teacher material is adequate The storage assumes that most of the specialized learning areas both open and closed shelving will be found and appropriate security will be provided 5.17 Teachers’ lounge and work areas support teachers as professionals The school should provide teachers lounge and work is two separate areas but often is a combined single Space for the convenience of the costs of the school. 5.18 Cafeteria/Kitchen is attractive with sufficient space for seating/dining, delivery, storage, and food preparation Ordiarilly,the serving areas should be designed for sufficient space and to preclude overlapping of student lines. The food preparation space should also be large enough to accommodate the type of meals served and the number of kitchen personnel 5.19 Administrative offices are consistent in appearance and function with the maturity of the students served They should be much larger having signs to identify such functions as student attendance, admissions, registration and administrative staff. Therefore, the administrative shows an appropriate operation of the building 5.20 Counselor’s office insures privacy and sufficient storage Ordinarily, the space is needed for full-time personnel and one or more counselors offices will be needed. A conference room and storage for materials and supplies should also be instituted 5.21 Clinic is near administrative offices and equipped to meet requirements The clinic (health suite) should be present regardless of institutional level and should be located near the principals office. 5.22 Suitable reception space is available for students, teachers, and visitors This is vital as it will permit those entering or leaving the administrative area to avoid the heavy student traffic during the passing of classes and it also brings order. 5.23 Administrative personnel are provided sufficient work space and privacy The administrative space should be located near the gate to the building or a decentralized staffing arrangement may necessitate the space be assigned in several locations. 6.0 ENVIRONMENT FOR EDUCATION 6.1 Overall design is aesthetically pleasing and appropriate for the age of students This is because the orientation of the building will always affect the first reaction particularly as the school is approached. 6.2 Site and building are well landscaped The foundation plantings should be considered to help to make the building look finished and also the trees and shrubs which should be planted in appropriated locations across the school bring beauty. 6.3 Exterior noise and surrounding environment do not disrupt learning Avoidance of airports, expressways and heavy industry is desirable so that to avoid disruption. 6.4 Entrances and walkways are sheltered from sun and inclement weather These features are always vital because they complement the building and provide convenience for the users. 6.5 Building materials provide attractive color and texture Ordinarily, Color as well as texture affects the way one feels about the structure this provides psychological warmth. 6.6 Color schemes, building materials, and décor provide an impetus to learning This usually brings a feeling of warmth results from the use of red, yellow, orange and brown in furnishings. Also room can be made to create a cool feeling through emphasizing on blue, green, pale neutrals and white 6.7 Year around comfortable temperature and humidity are provided throughout the building The temperatures should be conducive for the learner. Heating and cooling systems should be properly balanced throughout the building. 6.8 Ventilating system provides adequate quiet circulation of clean air and meets 15cfm VBC requirement There should be a minimum of 15 cubic feet of fresh air per student per minute For the normal classroom. In some special areas, shower rooms should be needed, need greater amounts of ventilation to reduce the excess moisture in the air. 6.9 Lighting system provides proper intensity, diffusion, and distribution of illumination The lighting of a room is a very vital factor in the way one feels about the environment and therefore the consideration needs to be given also to other aspects of the lighting 6.10 Sufficient drinking fountains and restroom facilities are conveniently located All the schools with extended wings require water and restrooms at accessible locations. This location is in terms of distances is an important aspect 6.11 Communication among students is enhanced by commons area The size of the space of the communication needs to be adequate to avoid crowding. The mall group benches are good and the aesthetics of the area can add greatly to the atmosphere of the building. 6.12 Traffic flow is aided by appropriate foyers and corridors To release the traffic the corridors should be wide and should lead to commons or other areas where the student can find reel if. 6.13 Areas for students to interact are suitable to the age groups The space needs to be appropriately fished and decorated equipped with the places to sit and converse are essential. Should also have fixed benches and some group settings of furniture help to create a pleasing environment. 6.14 Large group areas are designed for effective management of students The areas should be having visual supervision of students. The narrow hallways, alcoves, visual barriers and partial walls may deter the teaching function and lead to student misconduct. 6.15 Acoustical treatment of ceilings, walls, and floors provides effective sound control Floors should be made of sound absorbent through the use of carpet; the sidewalls can be made to reduce sound through the use of draperies. 6.16 Window design contributes to a pleasant environment Their should be at least one window because the lack of windows makes it almost a necessity to close school anytime there is an extended power failure 6.17 Furniture and equipment provide a pleasing atmosphere The office area should assure that adequate privacy is provided for all personnel for and for the student and parent consultation. REFERENCE Litley, H and Herold H. (1998). Guide for school facility appraissal. Phoenix. Read More
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