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UbD Unit Plan Template - Assignment Example

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This paper 'UbD Unit Plan Template' tells that all the goals transfer, meaning and acquisition were addressed and achieved in the lesson plan making the learning plan reflects on the best practices acquired and used by students. And there is a tight alignment among the three stages…
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UbD Unit Plan Template
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Understanding by Design (UbD) Unit Plan Template UbD Unit Plan Template Teacher’s Lesson Grade Level: Approximate Time Frame: One Week Stage 1 – Desired Results Competency/Objectives: Students will fill in the locations on a global map that contain rain forests. Students will keep a journal based on their readings. The students will construct a graph comparing local precipitation to precipitation in the rain forests. Through group work, the students will create a rain forest along a wall of the classroom or in the hallway. The students will write a diary entry from the perspective of someone who lives in a rain forest. Using musical instruments, the students will recreate sounds from the rain forest to The best of their ability after listening to a CD or cassette with rain forest sounds. After discussing the importance and relevance of the rain forest, students will Create posters expressing their desire to save the rain forest. They will include specific reasons for saving the rain forest on their posters. As a final activity, students will write about their imagined experience of walking Through a rain forest; what they see, hear, and feel, and their experiences in general. Established Goals: Understandings Students will understand that... Students will understand that rainforest are important to and the attempts they should make in trying to preserve and conserve them. Essential Questions: How successful are students at creating a poster to advertise the book that they read? Have they included information about the book itself, the illustrations, and information about the rain forests? Students will know… The students will keep a journal describing the information they have gained From different books. They will take part in a class discussion on what they have learned. The students will create bar graphs comparing local precipitation levels to Precipitation levels in another nation that contains rain forests, such as Costa Rica, Brazil, or Ecuador. They will also be able to make comparisons based upon the graph that they create. After listing and explaining the layers of the rain forest, students will work Together to create their own artistic version of the rain forest on a wall. Students will be able to… Students’ comparisons of the monthly precipitation levels locally and in rain forest countries can be evaluated on how well they were interpreted from their bar graph as well as how accurate they were. The graph itself can be graded based on its accuracy. However, when evaluating students written comparisons, consider how well they reflect the information on their graph. Do not take off points twice or inaccurate information. Use the journal writings to assess the students’ knowledge about the rain forests. Remember that some students will have more prior knowledge than others about the rain forests, so look mostly at the new information that they learned. Brief Summary of the Unit: All the goals transfer, meaning and acquisition were addressed and achieved in the lesson plan making the learning plan reflects on the best practices acquired and used by students. And there is a tight alignment among the three stages because students are able to follow their recording of the local precipitation thus helping students who had difficulty in understanding the activities taking place in a rain forest. I feel that with some adaptations made to suit particular classrooms and to consider every student, this thematic unit can be very useful and informative to students. The list of resources that I have compiled should prove to be very useful in carrying out the unit. I think that the lessons that I chose tap in to all of the content areas in some way or another. However, I do feel that there could be some additions in certain areas, such as science. Science could be integrated more with a lesson focusing on study of the biological life of the rain forests. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task: To determine whether stage I goals are achieved, I will use of a range of assessment strategies such as observation, completion of the Learning Objects, peer evaluation, anecdotal records, photos etc to determine whether students can show they can achieve the desired outcomes G.R.A.S.P.S. Here is where you will develop a scenario for the activity/project. This section is for you to develop a guide for the students on what to do. Goal(s): (Scenario for Assignment/Project) A Walk Through the Rain Forest lesson Role: (Student’s role) To accurately describe the mentioned rain forest, vegetations, animals, climate and kind of people living in the region. Audience: (Who will see this information? It can be the teacher only.) My audience will be the teacher Situation: (How – individually, partners, groups – the goal will be accomplished.) Map the areas of the rainforests of the world. Secondly, contribute two items for a class display. Thirdly, discuss this with your teacher. Lastly, Write a short narrative about the rainforest and Compare and contrast the Rainforest ecosystem with one other eg. Ocean, desert, wetlands, alpine, polar. Performance: (What will the student do?) Develop a brochure for giving to visitors to “your rainforest”. Include a name, walking trails, amenities, kiosk (produce, souvenirs, food) etc. On A4 paper produce a map to accompany your brochure. Standards: (The criteria for success and how it will be assessed.) The standards or criteria used in measuring success will be based on Knowledge Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation Key criteria to reflect Performance Tasks: Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc. I thought my story was accurate because… My story was entertaining because… What I need to do to make my story better is… Circle One: I described rain forest… Vegetation: Well Fair Not at all Animals: Well Fair Not at all Climate: Well Fair Not at all People: Well Fair Not at all I think my… Spelling is: Good Fair Poor Punctuation is: Good Fair Poor Grammar is: Good Fair Poor Neatness is: Good Fair Poor Stage 3: Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction: UbD Lesson Plan TEACHER: DATE: CLASS: UNIT: LESSON TITLE: Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction Information from Stage 1: Desired Results Unit & Competency Enduring Understanding(s): Essential Question(s): Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements The Teacher will… The Student will… W Where are we going? What is expected? The teacher will conduct focusing events to students and they will be expected to produce evidence of learning. Students’ comparisons of the monthly precipitation levels locally and in rain forest countries can be evaluated on how well they were interpreted from their bargraph as well as how accurate they were. H How will we hook (Introduce this to) the students? Begin the lesson by introducing the concept of monthly precipitation. Ask students whether it rains more where they live or in the rain forests. These questions should prompt students’ thinking before they begin their research. The students will create bar graphs comparing local precipitation levels to precipitation levels in another nation that contains rain forests. They will also be able to makecomparisons based upon the graph that they create. E How will we equip students for expected performances? Provide students with Any available resource materials that will have information on about the rainforest Read the resources availed for them. R How will we rethink or revise? The teacher will conduct research pertaining language arts, listening, and art Students will work together to create their own artistic version of the rain forest on a wall. E How will students self-evaluate and reflect their learning? Show an example, “This is an insect that would be found in the canopy…” swat at specific insect picture and name found on the board. Students are expected to recall information and swat the correct animal or part of the rainforest? T How will we tailor learning to varied needs, interests, and learning styles? The teacher will insist on observation of assembling pieces, observation of symmetrical designs, Assistance in the classroom if necessary Students are expected to be attentive on what is being taught O How will we organize the sequence of learning? The teacher will use time accordingly and complete each sequence within a given lesson The students are expected to understand the objectives of the lessons at the end of each lesson Information from Stage 2: Other Evidence Sufficient and Revealing Evidence of Understanding: Briefly explain if and how it will be used. Informal Check: Informal checks will be used in cases where there are students with special learning needs as it will enable them to be recognized for their own worth. Observation/Dialogue: Observation/ dialogue will be used to permit the assessors observe the students performing the assessment and see if they have ability to perform it properly. Practical skills particularly clinical related areas often use direct observation to assess students. Group work such as problem based learning may sometimes use direct observation to judge a student’s input. Observation assessment is only effective when it follows a systematic plan to help both the assessor and the student to focus what need to be observed and recorded. Quiz/Test: Quiz/ test will be used because Testing can facilitate retrieval of material that was not tested. Surprisingly there are circumstances where quizzes or tests, particularly if delayed, can help people retrieve/retain information that was related to that asked but not actually asked in the questions. And, they also provide feedback to instructors and let them know what is learned or what is not. Academic Prompt: Academic prompts will be used because they assist Self-Monitoring of Student Assessment as they can increase on-task behavior, track academic learning time and document the intervention. Performance Task/Project: Performance task as they are Easy-to-use tools for evaluating tasks, assessments, and rubrics since templates to help align curriculum, instruction, & assessment as Guides & templates to support uniform assessment procedures. Special Needs: Modifications: Accommodations: IEP as needed Used for students placed under Section 504 "protection," with an Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) written and monitored by the schools "504 Committee." Students with a 504 plan remain in the regular classroom. Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete: The final activity, a walk through the rain forest, requires synthesis of all the information they have learned throughout the unit, and thus, it is a suitable final evaluation. The use of a clear rubric and/or a student self-assessment will allow for a fair evaluation. All of the lessons match up with the objectives for the unit and these objectives should help to guide the development of additional lessons. Either by using these objectives, or adding objectives to make up for material that is missed, additional lesson plans would help to enhance the unit. Resources Used: Websites, books, film clips, etc. Type of Resource(s): Name of Resource(s): Books Children’s Books: Baptista, L. H. (1992). Discover rain forests. Lincolnwood, IL: PublicationsInternational, Ltd. Cowcher, H. (1988). Rain forest. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Goodman, B. (1991). The rain forest. New York: Tern Enterprise, Inc. Fisher, R. (1990). Emerald realm: Earth’s precious rain forests. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society. Gibbons, G. (1994). Nature’s green Umbrella. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. Greenaway, F. (1992). Rain forest. New York: Dorling Kindersley, Inc. Nations, J. (1988). Tropical rain forests: endangered environment. New York: Franklin Watts. Rainforest Unit Lesson Plan with 3 Lessons Course/Subject: Unit Title/Topic: Animals of the Rainforest Instructor: Stage 1: Desired Results Content Standards (or other Mission-related goals) addressed by unit: Transfer Students will be able to independently use their learning to identify features that help animals survive in their environment and write a research report and give an oral presentation about a rain forest animal. The desired accomplishments are for students to learn about the behaviors and physical characteristics of animals living in the rain forest. Meaning Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Students will understand that species depend on one another and on the environment for survival; knows that an organisms patterns of behavior are related to the nature of that organisms environment; knows organization of simple food chains and food webs. Challenge students to create their own adaptation chart with more animals found in the rain forest? Are students able to answer various questions about adaptation? Acquisition Knowledge Skills Students will know how to gathers and uses information for research purposes; demonstrates competence in speaking and listening as tools for learning. Students will be skilled at displaying good information and illustrations of the different animals in the rainforest in the classroom and outside classroom. And, they will also enhance on their research skills. Key Terms Stage 2: Evidence Transfer Tasks Other Evidence Having students list and discuss the differences and similarities between the animals of the rain forest and the animals that are found in their area will be a valid assessment of evidence of transfer, understanding and other stage one goals. Other evidences that will be collected to determine whether stage ones goals are achieved are Define key words. Students being able to fill in the Adaptation Chart using clues from Animals of the Rain Forest article. Students being able to write a comprehensive research report. Stage 3: Learning Plan Can students create their own adaptation charts with more animals of the rain forest and other animals found in the region? I feel that the all the learning goals are achieved in the lesson plan because students are able to demonstrate and speak good language arts related to terms of the rainforest and also students are able to create their own journal and answer different questions about adaptation. Understanding by Design (UbD) Unit Plan Template Course/Subject: Unit Title/Topic: Habitats of the Rainforest Instructor: Stage 1: Desired Results Content Standards (or other Mission-related goals) addressed by unit: Transfer Students will develop the ability to use their learning strategies to learn that plant and animal species compliments each other. Students will also be able to identify that plant and animal species are tailored to survive on each environment in which they are found. Meaning Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Students will learn that there exist different habitats in the rainforest. Additionally, they will learn of the different animals and plant species that live in the indentified geographical locations. How are students going to form groups to research on the different habitats of the rainforest? Has each group successfully produced a report on the different habitats in the rainforest they have learnt? Acquisition Knowledge Skills Students will know how to conduct research on different animals and their adaptation to various habitats of the rainforest. In addition, they will know how to spell and write complex names of the animals and plant species in the rainforest. Students will be skilled at different things like making a good comparison of the forest species by conducting good research to help in the collection and gathering of evidences which are relevant to the lesson. Key Terms Stage 2: Evidence Transfer Tasks Other Evidence The assessment that will prove valid for a transfer will be the fulfillment of all the requirements of this assignment. The project should be sufficiently prepared, different groups participating in the lesson plan should work together as a team and the presentation of the results to be issue should be well presented in a manner that it is well understood by the different parties involved in the lesson plan. Extra evidence that will be collected the lesson plan will involve collection of new evidences like those of strange animals species and identification of all habitat cites present in the rainforest. Stage 3: Learning Plan In my judgment of the lesson, I strongly feel that goals of the stage were efficiently addressed in this lesson plan. Students were able to identify different habitats in the rainforest and also identify the different types of animals living in the said regions. This makes the learning plan to reflect the best practices because various procedures were used to determine this leading to the acquisitions of different skills used in identifying the different areas of the rainforest. Understanding by Design (UbD) Unit Plan Template Course/Subject: Unit Title/Topic: The Climate of A Rain Forest Instructor: Stage 1: Desired Results Content Standards (or other Mission-related goals) addressed by unit: Transfer Students will be able to use their learning to accurately identify the total amount of rainfall experienced in the rainforest and the climate to which the rainforest is known for. Meaning Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Students will understand the importance of using a map to locate places and people and they will also completely understand geography and climate. Are students able to determine the amount of tropical rainforest received annually in the specific rainforest of study? Acquisition Knowledge Skills Students will know how to accurately use maps to identity different areas of the rainforest. Students will be skilled at drawing graphs of the amount of rainfall experienced in the rainforest and compare it with the quantity of rainfall experienced in other regions. Key Terms Stage 2: Evidence Transfer Tasks Other Evidence The best assessment that will be used in this stage will involve the students ability to control the various classroom tasks by taking into consideration the set expectations liking accurately following directions given by the teacher to them. Extra evidences which will be used to determine whether the goals of this stage are achieved will include students’ ability to display off task behaviors. A teacher may use different examples to test students retention skills and ability to accurately identify and answer the different set of questions posted to them. Stage 3: Learning Plan In my own opinion, the goals set for the lesson plan are met as students have attained various skills and knowledge of the rainforest. They are now able to determine the amount of rainfall for every location of the rainforest and use maps adequately to identify various locations of the rainforest. Read More
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