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The Way to the Success in Finance Sphere - Admission/Application Essay Example

The reporter is asked to define a long-term success in his specific area of interest. How have his previous experiences prepared you for this professional career? What areas of specialization within the Carroll School of Management does he believe will be most valuable in achieving his goals?…
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The Way to the Success in Finance Sphere
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Essay Define long term success in your specific area of interest. How have your previous experiences prepared you for this professional career? What areas of specialization within the Carroll School of Management do you believe will be most valuable in achieving your goals? What specific short-term career objectives have you set to assist you in achieving your long-term career plans? (2 pages) Success is a universal goal, yet its definition is personal for every individual. To me, success is waking up every morning and doing something that l believe in, that l am good at, something l love to do, and can hardly wait to get at it everyday. I am particularly interested in investments and consider myself successful when I am consistently growing and developing, using past achievement as a stepping store to achieve something greater. I would love to be highly knowledgeable in that field, I therefore engage myself in a constant battle against ignorance and mediocrity. Life experience has taught me that success does not just happen overnight, that it is mostly a function of hard work. I have therefore learned to give my work my all, to put effort so that it speaks for itself. During high school, l worked and studied for countless hours to earn a 3.7 GPA knowing that l would need it in order to gain acceptance to a college with a strong business program. Once l was accepted into Isenberg School of Management, at the University of Massachusetts, l carried this work ethic with me, earning a 3.6 GPA which was close to my target. This strengthened my drive as l realized l can live my dream if l set goals and worked towards achieving them. It was in the actual work environment that l discovered my true passions. In college, I was fascinated by both the corporate and investment sides of the world of finance. During those years, l was able to acquire a corporate finance job with liberty mutual, which was to begin in the month of July following my graduation. However, l graduated in December. During this time gap, l took up an investment job for a ledge fund group with investor’s Bank until the time came when l could begin my program with liberty mutual. When working for liberty mutual, l realized just how much l enjoyed my days of evaluating investment funds at investor’s Bank. Six months with liberty mutual was all it took for me to know that l had a deep interest in investment evaluation. I left liberty mutual and referred to investor’s Bank. This desire to work and excel in the field of investments has pushed me to pursue a master of finance BC’s MSF Program is a well-designed curriculum of in-depth exposure to various subjects in finance taught by world renowned finance faculties in on institute with global recognition. I would like to do a fundamental analysis concentration in order to expand my knowledge of analytical techniques in investments from reading BC website the concentration seems very interesting and it would develop my knowledge in topics like, enterprise value, free cash flow, economic value added, risk/ reward analysis and art of the management interview. Moreover, I am studying for level 1 CFA exam for December and a BC curriculum would support the knowledge l would get so that eventually l would have comprehensive information and enhance my capabilities. My priorities right now are to pursue a master in finance and also as many courses as possible that are relevant to my career as possible. This will enrich my specialization in the area of investments. It is not just about pursuing knowledge but also proving myself not only academically but also in the field. I will also keep up with information in the dynamic and turbulent world of investments. Am hoping that all these objectives will enable me to live my long-term career plans which include: working in the investment field. Not just working but shaping it, by incorporating my creative ideas and influencing performance of the capital market. I would love to become an investment gun, someone of authority in that l would even be a point of reference e.g. when it comes to consultations about investment. This would also benefit the personally, my own investment will flourish and maybe one day I will be on an investment trading floor on wall street with the brightest minds in the country. Essay 2 Why have you selected the MSF program in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College? (1 page) It is a fact that Carols School of Management at Boston College a world renowned program. The financial times ranked Boston College 32nd out of US schools for their MBA program. That in itself is very impressive. In addition to that, carol finance faculty rank 6th in faculty scholarly Index. The quality of education in BC speaks for itself. The lecturers have received worldwide recognition for their work. For instance, Dr. Alicia Monrell was voted one of the 100 most influential people in finance by Treasury and Risk Management. It shows that l will be taught by the best. Another thing that attracts me to be Boston College is the campus environment of the business college. While attending Umass (university of Massachusetts, Amherst), l truly enjoyed the campus environment and feeling of community. Such an environment allows me to get to know other students with similar life aspirations and a variety of experience. Learning is not only limited to lecture halls. While interacting with other students, we are still in the learning process. It opens us up to new ideas and promotes creativity. In addition, I will be in a position to meet visitors of the campus who have already made an impact in the world. CNBC’s mad money host, Jim Cramer, for example came to the campus to give his views of the investment industry on top of offering out-of-class experiences, such visits inspire students like me and assist in molding our careers. The Boston College website says that on average of finance class size is approximately 97 students. This moderate class size will allow more opportunity for one-on-one interaction with instructors as well as fellow students. In my undergraduate years, l was crammed into classroom with more than 150 students and never experienced the kind of close personal interaction that smaller class sizes could allow. I want more than just a ‘degree factory’, I want to be part of a learning environment, and I believe it is a step towards the success. Essay 3 Please provide any additional information that will highlight unique aspects of your candidacy to the Admissions Committee. The Committee welcomes additional comments you may wish to provide in support of your application. (1 page Life is not always easy, mine, and particularly has not been easy. I have had to push myself to learn and succeed in academics as much as possible because people said l could not do it. I was born with severe learning disabilities in language. I did not score high enough to be placed in a school with regular students. I was in a school called Project Accept up to first grade for students with sever learning disabilities. There were so many negative attitudes towards my status, even specialists told my parents not to expect me to go to a university. This did not cripple my efforts. I was determined to defeat my limitations. l worked hard, twice as hard as regular students to gain the same information. This, and my parents support saw me succeed in ways no one could ever expected. I graduated in the top 25% of my class in high school, and graduated from Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts with honors. While attending school at UMass, I gave back to the community. Through my Fraternity (Alpha Epsilon Pi) I participated in events like bone marrow drive, blood drive, habitat for humanities, and other noble causes. In my sophomore I was honored Sophomore Fraternity Member of the year by the University for my Academic, Greek life, and community work. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue my success by joining the MSF program at the University. The ability to work with the brightest of minds and people who are motivated to succeed would be an honor and a privilege. Thanks for taking the time to read my essays. Read More

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