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The Risky Us High School Behavior, Drug Abuse and Alcohol Impairment - Essay Example

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 The research, therefore, provides the finding of the correlation between the alcohol, drug and substance use with the associated risk that accrues to the US high school students. The findings are integrated as the control points of action of the state and mitigation measures…
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The Risky Us High School Behavior, Drug Abuse and Alcohol Impairment
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 The Risky Us High School Behavior, Drug Abuse and Alcohol Impairment Impaired driving has become the issue of the researchers to investigate into details among the US High School students. The researchers carried out have presented the findings and the participation of the students in the drug abuse and risk behavior. The main concern of the researchers was examining prevalence of the impaired driving behavior among US high school students and associations with risky driving behavior. The teenage risky behavior was because teenagers have failed to identify the risky, preferring risks or the consequences associated with such behavior, (Li, Simons-Morton & Hingson, 2013). The elevated gravitational force that results from sharp turning and hard application of the brakes provide a valid measure of target worth intervention and the risky driving behavior. The research therefore, provides the finding of the correlation between the alcohol, drug and substance use with the associated risk that accrue to the US high school students. The findings are integrated as the control points of action of the state and mitigation measures. Methodologies The researchers used the participant observation as a method employed in the research; however, surveys were also carried out, and data collected for the purpose of analysis. The internet website served as the secondary source for viewing the reports after every event. They accessed the driving and ridding while impaired with alcohol or drug presented samples among the US high school students. The key vital concepts evaluated were associations with drinking, use of drugs and risky driving, (Li, Simons-Morton & Hingson, 2013). The researchers randomized the two groups of the participants; the students were selected from the high school and screened for driving license allowing the independent, uncontrolled and unsupervised driving activity. It was distributed 30 days before the period of the study and a survey for 15-week of the research carried out on the vehicle that served instrumental in the period. The parent provided the consent and the privacy of the participants and data protected by the certificate of confidentiality. The collected data or the demographic factors were analyzed using the multivariate sequential logistic regression. The treatment group provided the immediate feedback inform of the green lights without the effect of the gravitational force as well as flashing lights after an occurrence of an event. The treatment group – lights plus received the feedback from the light only and the feedback sent by the parents indicating the risks and the score for the week. Findings from the research The events were not significant different for the two groups and showed that the calculated measure of central tendency and measures of variation were higher in light plus group in relative comparison to first group throughout the period. Lights plus group involved themselves in the few events. Thirteen percent of the sampled students were reported to drive while impaired (DWI) in the period of study. Twenty-four percent of the students were reported riding while impaired (RWI) with alcohol and drugs. Evaluation and recorded events showed that 74% of the lights only group made the sharp cornering while 10% applied the hard braking. The seven percent were near crash while three percent crashed in the light plus group. Ten near-crashes were witnessed and 11 at-fault crash in events engaged by the lights only group, (Li, Simons-Morton & Hingson, 2013). The average novice of the teenage drivers are experienced higher rate f then elevated gravitational force events that than the adults drivers. It is resulting from misunderstanding of the risk involved in the events that may result from the inexperience and poor judgments of the risks. Elevated gravitation force can reduce the risky driving among the novice drivers; which is in contrast to the lights only group, the occurred events feedback had no subsequent events rates that showed that the teenage drivers failed to learn from experience of the events and were not motivated to change the driving habit, (Li, Simons-Morton & Hingson, 2013). The significant reduction rate occurred in the lights only group that showed that they learned from the experience of the past events and changed the driving pace due to the motivation of the experience. The teen characteristics such as curiosity have no difference in the event rates and the male high school students were prone to the fatal crash rates as compared to the ladies. The families were highly involved, and the parental involvements were vital to shaping the participation of the high school students in the risky driving behaviors. Solution for the social problem The high school students should evaluate the effects of the elevated gravitational force events rates at different from various forms of feedback as well as the event activated data recorders that are equipped with the camera to adjust. The use of the devices should be increased among the high school students even after licensing to reduce the teenage drivers problems that are high in the first period of the licensure. The high school students should be motivated to learn from the contingents’ feedback and the consequence of the risk driving as well as the immediate event feedback from the driving, (Li, Simons-Morton & Hingson, 2013). The parents and the families should view the events feedback to provide the instruction, apply the sanctions, and maintain the motivation and interest. In conclusion, the high school students should be but under the measure to ensure that they drive out alcohol or the drug impairments to reduce the risk involved in the driving. Measures that restricts the driving under driving and riding under alcohol impairments enacted to minimize the frequency of the exposure to the risk that are likely to accrue under the alcohol or drug and substance impairments. Therefore, act as a control measure to the risky driving habits and risky behavior as well as stimulation of the ability to take cautions. Reference Li, K., Simons-Morton, B. G., & Hingson, R. (2013). Impaired-driving prevalence among US high school students: Associations with substance use and risky driving behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 103(11), e71e77. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301296 Read More
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