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Teaching Relative Clauses to ESL Learners - Research Paper Example

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The paper analyses the importance of the relative clause as one of the essential linguistic phenomenon. The paper examines relative clause with respect to the English language learners. The particular problems faced by the English language learners and the activities associated…
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Teaching Relative Clauses to ESL Learners
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Teaching Relative Clauses to ESL Learners Introduction The complex structure of the relative clause has raised its importance nor only for the English second language learners, but also for the educators of the language. The pattern of the English language is determined at different levels on the basis of language or grammar rules and other factors. However, despite the existence of the different pattern of English language, it becomes essential to interpret the linguistic grammatical pattern. The linguistic aspect not only identifies the complex pattern of the language, but also the use of words. The importance of relative clause among the English learners is due its link with grammar and the syntax structure (Abdolmanafi, 2012). The relative clause has a complex structure in relation to the human language and therefore is complicated to produce as well as understand. In the context of English language, a clause can be defined as a part of grammar that is essential for the sentence formation. In the context of English language, the clause can be classified as dependent as well as independent. The relative clause acts as an adjective and is an independent clause. The relative clause is also known as modifier as it is responsible for modifying the preceding noun. The modification of noun facilitates more information about the person or thing as mentioned in the sentence. The problem with respect to the application of relative clause has been further examined with the help of different examples. The problems faced by the ESL learners can be further solved by the application of several activities and methods by the educators (Abdolmanafi & Rahmani, 2012; Abdolmanafi, 2012). In this context, the paper analyses the importance of the relative clause as one of the essential linguistic phenomenon. In addition, the paper examines relative clause with respect to the English language learners. The particular problems faced by the English language learners and the activities associated with it are also discussed. Rationale behind the Selection of Topic Learning of English as foreign language is influenced by a number of factors including the structure as well the similarity of the language with diverse forms of the learners’ mother language. In addition to this, the language learning process is complicated and therefore is subject to mistakes with respect to the learners. Teaching of relative clause to the English language learners has been an important consideration for the learners to be competent in the language, as it is used globally. On the other hand, the issue involved in learning the relative clause is due to its complex nature, which is one of the causes for selecting the topic. The problems faced by the English language learner as well as the educator have increased the importance of the topic (Abdolmanafi, 2012). The paper aims at examining the problems faced by the language learners. The underlying reason for the selection of the topic is to examine the factors that are responsible for errors. Moreover, proper identification of the error is also essential for the teachers to recognize the measures to solve the issue in the context of learning relative clause. The identification of the learners’ problem in the teaching process facilitates the development of a better language system. In the context of the English language, the use of relative clause results to the addition of more information in the sentence. The importance of the relative clause in English language is another cause for the selection of concerned topic (Abdolmanafi & Rahmani, 2012). ESL Problems encountered with the English Relative Clauses The complex nature of relative clause creates difficulties for the English language learners that in turn have the potential to affect the sentence formation. In the context of the English language, relative clause is the form of grammar and its deficiency is likely to have negative impact on the sentence formation. In this regard, it has been further argued in the context of English language that proper sentence formation depends on the ability of the learners rather than on the use of relative clause. Therefore, it has become essential for the English language learners to encourage the use of relative clause not only to improve the formation of sentence, but also to enhance communication between individuals (Xiaoling & Mengduo, 2010). According to Bakkal (2010), learning of second language is different from that of first language due to the differences in the system of learning. The system is developed by the learner and is often called as inter language. The inter language system defines the position of target language with respect to the mother tongue. It has been further argued in this context that the inter language system facilitates a better understanding with respect to the learners’ problem. In addition to this, the system enables the educators to provide required help to the learners, so that they are able to achieve competency in the language. The factor that affects the system includes language transfer that involves the application of the native language in learning the target one. The transfer of native language has the potential to affect the learning as well as teaching of English language. Contextually, Bakkal (2010) noted that the transfers have both positive as well as negative impact on the learning process of English language. The transfer is identified to be positive in case if the native language can be used to improve the learning of foreign language. The transfer is negative if it increases the number of error during learning the language. In order to reduce the negative impact of native language, it is essential to identify the sources of errors among the ESL learners. The sources of error has been classified as inter and intra lingual transfer of language. The intra lingual transfer of language is majorly caused by the defective learning process with respect to English (Bakkal, 2010). The learning process involved in foreign language is the major source of error among the ESL learners. On the other hand, inter lingual transfer is another factor that has the potential to affect the learning of the English language. The first language of the learner is likely to be one of the major causes of error (Nezakat-Alhossaini, Youhanaee & Moinzadeh, 2014; Xiaoling & Mengduo, 2010). Moreover, the style of learning as well as the strategies applied by the educators is another factor that affects ESL learners. The communication strategy followed by the learners also affects the communication process in the context of English as second language. The communication strategy followed by the learners majorly includes either taking risk or to avoid it in order to minimize the errors involved in the language learning process. The ESL learners may avoid the use of different words or grammatical rules and replace it with native language that in turn raises the possibility of error in English language. On the other hand, the learners may take the risk involved in the language learning process and effective use of linguistic resources is also preferred to improve the sentence construction (Xiaoling & Mengduo, 2010; Mellow, 2006). English is widely accepted language and its differences with other language can be recognized in term of phonology, syntax and various other grammatical factors. These factors are likely to cause problems among the EFL learners. According to Yee (2005), the structure of relative clause is one of the factors that have the potential to affect the ESL learners. In the context of English language, the use of ‘wh’-movement with respect to the grammatical rule is likely to cause difficulty for the ESL learners. On the other hand, the use of minimum grammatical rule in other language as compared to English also has the potential to affect the learning process. It has been further argued in the context of English language that linguistic culture not only affects the learning process, but the transfer of old habits also has the potential to influence the ESL learners (Yee, 2005). Relative clause acts as a subset of a larger object and therefore is viewed as a part of the entire logical operation involved in a particular sentence formation. The relative clause used in the sentence formation reflects the logical process involved with it. In the context of English language, the relative clause represents the entire the logical operation with respect to sentence formation. On the other hand, in case of other languages, it indicates the partial logical operation. In this context, it has been further argued that the English language speakers have the tendency to analyse the entire pattern of the logical sentence formation. In addition, the speakers of other language are likely to examine the parts of logical operations underlying the sentences. The differences between English and other native language are likely to create problems among the ESL learners with respect to the use of relative clause (Afolabi & Olateju, n.d.). According to Yee (2005), the second language learners have the tendency to view relative clause as a subject of noun. The use of relative clause to modify the noun with respect to the pattern of sentence is learned later that in turn has the potential to create difficulties for the ESL learners. According to Phoocharoensil and Simargool (2010), the tendency of the ESL learners to transfer relative clause in native language affects the learning process. Moreover, the learners avoid the pattern of constructing the sentence using relative clause for instance to ignore the use of relative as well as genitive clause. The ESL learners face difficulties in differentiating between the use of ‘whose’ and ‘whom’. The composite nature of ‘whose’ and ‘whom’ creates difficulties among the ESL learners. It has been further argued in the context of English language that the ESL learners make effective use of the non-restrictive clause in sentence formation. The use of such restricted clause is likely to cause grammatical error in sentence construction. According to Phoocharoensil and Simargool (2010), the transfer of first language is likely to influence acquiring the relative clause. It has been further argued in this context that the ESL learners have the tendency to avoid the effective use of linguistic structure. The linguistic pattern is avoided by the learners due to the major differences between the target language and mother language. The avoidance behaviour on the part of the ESL learners has the potential to affect the acquisition of relative clause. In the context of relative clause, it has been further analysed that the errors committed by the ESL learners with respect to relative clause is diverse in different countries. The Chinese as well as Japanese ESL learners are likely to produce minimum error with respect to relative clause as compared to Arabian and other learners. Another factor that may cause error in proper acquisition of relative clause is the simplification of the concerned learned concept. According to Phoocharoensil and Simargool (2010), in case of simplification, the ESL learners have the tendency to use the grammatical rule more as compared to native language. The extensive use of linguistic rule in the sentence construction is likely to cause problems for the ESL learners. The problem of overgeneralization arises due to the tendency of the ESL learners to apply the learned language pattern in order to develop a new linguistic rule. For instance, the use of term ‘goed’ as the past tense of ‘go’ instead of ‘went’. This is mainly due to the fact that the learners believe that the concept of regular verb ending with ‘ed’ is also applicable in case of irregular verb. On the other hand, it has been further argued that the ESL learners are not aware about the use of both restrictive as well as non-restrictive clause that in turn has the potential to affect proper acquisition of clause. The main difference between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clause is about providing additional information concerning the number of learners (Phoocharoensil & Simargool, 2010; Mellow, 2006). According to Lin & Chuang (2014), the processing of relative clause is different in case of English as compared to other forms of language. As a result of which the ESL learners are likely to face difficulties in understanding the concept and use of relative clause. Moreover, the difference with the native language not only affects the formation of sentences, but also has the potential to affect the writing as well as speaking skills of the ESL learners. In addition to this, the avoidance on the part of teachers in relation to teaching without a proper comparison is likely to affect the knowledge of relative clause. Furthermore, the errors involved in learning of relative clause has been classified into two types that are either avoiding the use in sentence formation and incorrect use of clause (Lin & Chuang, 2014; Phoocharoensil & Simargool, 2010). The native language of the ESL learners greatly influence the learning process involved in case of second language. The acquisition of foreign language is influence by the use of other languages in the process of teaching. According to Lin & Chuang (2014), the ESL learners face difficulties in having an understanding about the grammatical styles and rules of foreign languages. Therefore, the learners are likely to face problem in proper application and use of relative clause in accurate construction of sentences. Moreover, due to the differences with native language, it becomes necessary for the ESL learners to identify the diverse features of the target second language. Therefore, a proper identification of the similarity between two languages facilitates towards the proper use of relative clause (Prentza, 2012). Example ESL Sentences that illustrate the problems associated with the concept The complex nature of English language as compared to other makes it difficult for the ESL learners to gain proper knowledge about the use of relative clause. On the other hand, the difference between the native and the target language is the major cause of error with respect to sentence construction and effective use of relative clause. Relative clause act as adjective and provides additional information about an individual or the thing with respect to the sentence. An ESL learner also faces difficulties in differentiating between the types of clause. The relative clause can be classified as restrictive and non-restrictive (Prentza, 2012; Kenichi, 2007). The major difference between the types of clauses is that restrictive provides necessary information about the noun phrase and non-restrictive provides interesting information apart from the required one. For example, consider the sentence ‘The women who stays to next door, is a singer’ where ‘who stays to next door’ is the relative clause and provides necessary information about the lady. On the other hand, in case if the name of lady is mentioned in the sentence, then there is no need to use the relative clause as mentioned in the above example. Moreover, the use of communicative approach enhances the interaction skill of the ESL learners, but it is recognised that the students lack a proper knowledge of grammar. Therefore, the lack of grammatical knowledge creates difficulties for the learners to construct proper sentence comprising relative clause. For instance, ‘I think her as a role model of my life is my mother’ indicates grammatical mistake that is turn is also a major cause of error among the ESL learners (Kenichi, 2007). One of the most important features of relative clause is the use of ‘wh’-word in the sentence that in turn creates problems for the ESL learners. In order to solve the problem face by the ESL learners, indirect questioning method is used. For instance, the ESL learners are unable to differentiate between the sentences, ‘I wonder whether she is a singer’ and ‘I wonder which song she sings’ with respect to the use of ‘wh’-words. In addition to the use of ‘wh’-words, the learners also faces difficulties with the use of ‘that’ in relative clause. The use of ‘that’ in a sentence is likely to omit either the object or the subject that in turn results to error in the use of relative clause. For example consider the sentence ‘books that John reads’, where the object is missing due to the use of that with respect to relative clause. Therefore, in order to solve the problems faced by the ESL learners, the educators need to improve the grammatical ability and as the method used for the purpose of instruction (Prentza, 2012; Kenichi, 2007). Lessons or Activities From the above analysis of the problem faced by the ESL learners with respect to the use of relative clause, it indicates the fact that they lack proper knowledge of grammar that in turn has the potential to affect the formation of sentences. Therefore, it becomes essential for the educators to solve the issue faced by the ESL learners through the application of different methods of teaching. According to Kenichi (2007), the jigsaw puzzle method is preferred by the educators to teach the proper use and application of relative clause. The puzzle method is preferable by the educators, as it is simple as well as visual that not only makes the learning process effective, but positively influences the grammar knowledge. Moreover, the puzzle is designed in such a manner that enables the ESL learners to gain proper understanding regarding the use of relative noun. In addition to this, the method also has the potential to minimise the use of the irrelevant relative clause in case of sentence formation. Furthermore, the use of jigsaw puzzle method improves the knowledge of grammar that in turn is likely to have positive impact on sentence construction. Apart from the use of jigsaw puzzle method, a proper description of the grammatical rule may also built proper understanding about the use of relative clause (Lin & Chuang, 2014). In addition to this, the contents of English grammar have to be designed in such a manner that in turn positively affects the use of relative clause. In order to reduce the numbers of error involved in the use of relative clause, it becomes essential for the educators to improve communication skill involved in teaching English as a foreign language. To solve the problems faced by the ESL learners, it is vital for the educators of the foreign language to improve the communication activities. The activities must be designed in such manner that should have the potential to improve the grammatical ability of the learners and also enhance the knowledge of sentence construction (Lin & Chuang, 2014; Kenichi, 2007). As stated by Kenichi (2007), communication activity may also have negative impact on the ESL learners, because the use of jigsaw puzzle has the tendency to reduce the concern with respect to the use of grammar in sentence construction as well as may affect the writing ability of the learners. This in turn may increase the number of the fundamental mistakes in developing proper sentences. It has been further argued in this aspect that developing proper academic knowledge of grammar is more important as compared to improving the conversational skill. According to Lin & Chuang (2014), the application of contrasting analysis can be proved to be useful in case of ESL learners with respect to relative clause. The contrasting analysis enables the learners to effectively differentiate between the native and target language. On the other hand, identification of the similarities between the languages enables the ESL learners to improve the construction of sentences and to develop the knowledge of relative clause. It has been further argued that the contrasting analysis separate the native language from the target language and that in turn is likely to have a positive impact on the knowledge of relative clause. In addition to this, the educators of second language should avoid the use of both the languages at the same time. This in turn is likely to reduce the impact of native language on teaching of relative clause. The interference between the two languages should be avoided in order to reduce the chances of error with respect to the use of relative clause in appropriate sentence construction. The ESL learners face difficulties with respect to the use of ‘wh’-word in the formation of sentences. In order to solve the issue, the method of direct questioning is used by the educators. Activities must be designed in such a manner that the ESL learners are able to differentiate between the use of ‘wh’-words. It has been further argued that the educators can effectively use the puzzle method to solve the problem faced by the learners (Lin & Chuang, 2014). According to Khansir (2012), the acquisition of English language is subject to existence of error mainly because of lack of awareness. In the context of the English language, analysis of error is a part of the linguistic system. In addition to this, the linguistic system identifies the existence of error is mainly due to the differences in the language. One of the major sources of error is the interference of the mother language in the teaching of English as a foreign language. It is the responsibility of the educators to design the activities in such a manner that positively influence the ESL learners. It has been further argued that it is the responsibility of the educators to collect the common errors performed by the learners so as to design the activity according to the needs of the learners. Therefore, the most effective material for teaching the foreign language should be based on the scientific principle of learning and that is to be designed in parallel with the native language of the learners (Khansir, 2012). The activities or lessons followed in teaching the foreign language is also influenced by the formal instruction method used by the educators in classrooms. According to Abdolmanafi (2012), the type of instruction method followed also has the tendency to affect the learning of English language and that has the potential to affect the error committed in the use of relative clause. Moreover, it has been further argued that the instruction method followed by the educators does not contribute to the acquisition of the language. The instruction method is confined to only few rules that are understandable by the ESL learners. In the context of acquiring second language, the formal focused instruction is more effective as compared to other forms of instruction. The “Form Focused Intervention” is one of the effective forms of instruction that improves the proficiency level of the ESL learners (Abdolmanafi, 2012, pp. 195). The importance of instruction method arises in case of learning the second language, because the learners are unable to acquire the knowledge of language despite the use of communication activities. Therefore, it becomes essential for the educators to implement the instructional method based on the effective use of grammatical as well as linguistic characteristics to improve the learning of English language. Moreover, the ESL learners with a proper knowledge of grammar are able to face the issue with respect to the use of relative clause. The method is effective as compared to other methods, as it uses both the traditional way of teaching based on the academic syllabus and also applies the communication approach (Abdolmanafi, 2012; Khansir, 2012). Conclusion The complex nature of English language creates troubles for the ESL learners to gain proper knowledge about the use of relative clause. It has been identified that the problems encountered by the ESL learners with respect to relative clause for different reasons. From the above analysis of the issue faced by the ESL learners, it has been clear that the difference between the mother and target language affects the understanding in the context of relative clause. Moreover, lack of proper knowledge about grammar also creates difficulties for the ESL learners to make effective use of the relative clause. The problems encountered by the learners have been further discussed with the help of examples. In addition to this, the activities devised by the educators for teaching relative clause to the learners have been an important consideration in learning foreign language. In this respect, it has been recognised that the use of communication activity alone is not sufficient for the purpose of teaching relative clause. It has been comprehended that the difference with native language, the change in instruction method is likely to have a positive impact in reducing the problems faced by the ESL learners. The importance of ‘form focused method’ to reduce the chances of error in the use of relative clause with respect to sentence construction has been vital. Moreover, the application of jigsaw puzzle is preferred by the educators to enhance the knowledge of grammar as well as to improve understanding about relative clause and its application. References Abdolmanafi, S. J., & Rahmani, Z. (2012). An investigation of the learnability of relative clauses by EFL learners. World Journal of English Language, 2(3), 29-37. Abdolmanafi, S. J. (2012). Effects of form-focused instruction on the learning of relative clauses. The Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 8(1), 192-210. Afolabi, A. A., & Olateju, M. A. (n.d.). Teaching English relative clauses to second language learners of English. Retrieved from,Olateju2Feb06.pdf Bakkal, M. (2010). Teaching relative clauses to Turkish EFL students. Retrieved from Khansir, A. K. (2012). Error analysis and second language acquisition. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(5), 1027-1032. Lin, C. Y., & Chuang, S. Y. (2014). Taiwanese EFL learners’ English relative clauses learning. International Journal of English Linguistics, 4(4), 99-106. Mellow, J. D. (2006). The emergence of second language syntax: a case study of the acquisition of relative clauses. Applied Linguistics, 27(4), 645-670. Nezakat-Alhossaini, M., Youhanaee, M., & Moinzadeh, A. (2014). Impact of explicit instruction on EFL learners’ implicit and explicit knowledge: A case of English relative clauses. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(2), 183-199. Phoocharoensil, S., & Simargool, N. (2010). English relativization and learners’ problems. Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 14(1), 109-129 Prentza, A. I. (2012). Second language acquisition of complex structures: The case of English restrictive relative clauses. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(7), 1330-1340. Xiaoling, J., & Mengduo, Q. (2010). Interlingual factors in Chinese college students’ acquisition of English relative clauses. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistis (Bimonthly), 33(1), 110-126. Yee, C. C. M. (2005). Acquisition of English relative clause among Hong Kong Chinese medium instruction secondary school. Retrieved from Read More
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