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Cooperative Learning in Elementary Education Cooperative learning entails a structured or organized way for to work in groups in a bid to encourage effective learning and interdependence among the students (Adams & Hamm, 2005). In this case, the elementary students need to work together as a unit with a goal of achieving the educational goal of a subject that is already set. I will highlight the essentials of cooperative learning to the elementary students as the initial activity. It will include explaining to them the benefits of teamwork, consultations and face to face discussions.
While describing the benefits, I will be sure to create a positive classroom environment that encourages free interaction. This will help to ease up students who might find it difficult to interact for fear of being judged. The follow-up activity will concern organizing the students into small groups. Each group has the responsibility of accomplishing a particular task.The next step in introducing cooperative learning will be assigning roles and responsibilities of each member of the group. This activity helps in the organization of work and contributes positively to timely and effective learning (Tomlinson, 2004).
The positions of some of the members of the group can be the ‘starter’, ‘taskmaster/encourager’, ‘reader’, ‘praiser’, ‘researcher’, or recorder. The starter is the person who initiates the processes or supervises the uses of materials. The encourager is responsible for motivating other members of the group to contribute positively. The reader can make sure everyone in the group has identical information and understand the goals of the task. . The praiser is responsible for reinforcement of contribution from others.
The researcher obtains additional information needed by the group while the recorder puts down the proceedings on paper. The responsibilities are not necessarily restricted to any one person. The above is an example of how cooperative learning can be implemented in an elementary classroom. However, the age of the students demands constant check up by the teacher to ensure that the learning process is on the right path.ReferencesAdams, D., & Hamm, M. (2005). Redefining education in the twenty-first century: Shaping collaborative learning in the age of information.
Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas Publisher.Jacob, E. (1999). Cooperative learning in context: An educational innovation in everyday classrooms. Albany: State University of New York Press.Tomlinson, C.A. (2004). How to differentiate instruction in the mixed ability classroom, 2nd edition. Assn for Supervision & Curric Development
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