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Classroom of Future - Research Paper Example

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Since the school is the second home for student to acquire the knowledge and to be aware of the world around her/him. As a result, it must be physically…
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Classroom of Future
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(Shahril, 2011) The classroom is an important environment that transforms many students’ different fields of proffessionalism.Recent research has proved that there is a relationship between their performance and the classroom facilities. Normally, the classroom facilities affect students’ attendance and academic performance. Therefore, taking care of classroom facilities improve the level of student performance in the classroom. Additionally, the classroom often reflects the correlation between the students and their teachers.

(Schneider, 2002) According Shahril (2011), he stated that it is important to understand not only what is coming next but also where classrooms started. Throughout history, classrooms have undergone much of technological changes. The purpose of this paper therefore is to describe those changes and then visualize the future changes of the classroom. The classroom has changed a lot since the past. There are three main periods from the early days that helped build the education system that we currently have.

The first colonial period was between the 1600’s to 1700’s. The second period was from the American Revolution to the Civil War which was approximately a 70 year period from 1791-1861. (Anderson, 1962).The Information age came next from mid 1900s to the early 2000s. (Lackney &Tanner, 2006) In the colonial period the classroom were very small and only consisted of a single roomed building most likely with log walls, a dirt floor and wax windows. For chairs they would split a log in half and attach branches to the bottom to create a chair.

Educational equipment was very scarce and expensive, most of them were homemade consisting of quill pens and boil down bark to make ink. (Anderson, 1962) Between the American Revolution and the civil war, the classroom transformed and became better since classrooms had blackboards, slates and maps. The furniture and architecture also improved greatly. During

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