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The Impact That Different Types of Leadership Have on Academic and Non-academic Outcomes - Essay Example

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The paper "The Impact That Different Types of Leadership Have on Academic and Non-academic Outcomes" states that it is important for the group members to discuss their arguments and propose the best logical argument available. An example is post K and T on their arguments on the study limitation…
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The Impact That Different Types of Leadership Have on Academic and Non-academic Outcomes
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ESSAY, EDUCATION- ROBINSON ET AL Lecturer’s Main points of the article and the claims made The article examines a study whose purpose is examine the impact that different types of leadership have on academic and non-academic outcomes. 2. The study methodology involves analysis of 27 studies on the relationship between student outcome and leadership. 3. The analysis involves 2 meta-analysis study strategies. 4. The first meta-analyses examine 22 out of 27 studies in determining the effects that different types of leadership have on the students outcomes. 5. From the study results, the 1st meta-analysis shows that the effects of instructional leadership on students outcome are greater 3-4 times that of transformational leadership. 6. The second analysis entails a comparison of effects of 5 derived sets of leadership practices on the students outcome. 7. Sets of leadership practices used in the second analyses includes goals and expectations establishment, resourcing, evaluating the curriculum and teaching process, coordinating and planning, promoting teacher’s participation in the learning process and ensuring a supportive and conducive learning environment. 8. Strong average effects of leadership practices are revealed in the participation of teachers in the learning process. 9. Moderate effects are revealed in leadership practices of setting goals and planning, evaluating teaching and the curriculum. 10. The conclusion from the two analyses is that the closer leaders get to their business of teaching and learning, the higher the probability of getting a positive impact on students outcome. 2.) One weakness or limitation in the evidence used in the article The article has limitation i.e. Generalization bias. A few published articles were available for analyses. 27 studies were available and 5 of these could not be included in the first meta-analysis. The second meta-analysis was based on only 12 studies as the other studies did not report the data that was required in calculating the effects of the components of their leadership variables and used unitary leadership. Thus, studies available were too small and there was generalization of results. The second limitation is that the study did not conduct the leadership impact on both the academic and non-academic outcomes due to the limited number of studies that were available to make it practical (Robinson 2008, 58). 3) Critiquing two other posting Critiquing student 2, first post- The posting brings a very clear introduction on the different leadership styles and the impact they have on the student outcome outlining the purpose of the study very clearly. From the finding, educational leaders who continue being involved in learning and teaching have a positive impact on the student’s outcome that is very practical and essential in enhancing learning (Jogulu 2010, 711). The type of leadership will also differ among different schools according to the students’ needs thus, it is important for the schools to determine the appropriate type of leadership that is outlined clearly in the posting. For the second posting student 2, it site lack of evidence from other studies as a great limitation of the study. It questions the motivation behind continuing with the study due to non-availability of other studies. This is not a major study limitation. The unlimited unavailability of other studies should act as a great motivation of carrying out the research (Kythreotis et al. 2010, 221). The available studies are enough and relevant of conducting the study as it is only an expansion of more researches and studies, that more available evidence and correlations will be found. However, it is true that a definite bias occurs due to the skewness of the available evidence. 4) Coherence and logic of the argument There is coherence and logic as presented by the writer in his arguments on the influence of the leadership styles on the student’s outcome. The writer starts by outlining the different types of leadership styles and then focuses on the specifics. The inconsistences and attempts of examining how the different leadership types impact on students achievement is brought up. The methodology of the study is well stipulated identifying the sources and procedures for the study involving quantitative studies and the different dimensions of the leadership practices. Instructional leadership effect on student’s outcome is greater than transformational leadership as educators are more involved. From the second meta-analysis, promoting and participating of teacher learning and development was found to produce greater effects on the student’s outcome that is very significant in learning. The study weakness and limitation are brought out very clearly i.e. the unavailability of qualitative studies. 5) Critiquing one other posting Dear student 2, I agree with your argument that Robinson et al., is not very coherent with his article. At the beginning of the article, the author discusses on integrated leadership and suggests that the dimension will at times overlap within leadership. At this point, the author is taking about integrated leadership (Robinson 2008, 56). The author goes ahead to mention in the middle of the article on transactional and transformational leadership that the two leadership approaches are two very distinct and discrete leadership approaches. At this point, the author gets the reader confused as to whether he is in support of integrated leadership or transactional and transformational leadership. The authors findings are indeed seemed to pigeon hole the approaches leaving the article incoherent to the reader (Robinson 2008, 53). Is the article jumping from integrated approach to transactional to transformational leadership? Therefore, I agree with student 2 and it clear that the article jumps from the integrated approach that he considers appropriate to latter imply in the article that transactional and transformational leadership are quite two quite distinct approaches that all standalone as quite different approaches therefore it is not coherent. Section B Part 1 - A critical analysis of Robinson et al According to student, 1 posting there is international interest on how leaders influence the students outcomes and is linked to the belief that leadership influences a reduction of inequalities in the students achievement. Robinson’s article acknowledges these inconsistencies in previous researches and examines how different types of leadership impacts on student achievement.   The methodology of the study involved analysis of 27 studies examining the influence of leadership on the student’s outcomes twenty two were analysed  to identify the impact of transformational and instructional leadership on student achievement and a further meta-analysis, involving twelve studies compared how five dimensions of leadership practice affected student outcomes. . From the study results, the first meta-analysis indicates that the effects of instructional leadership on the student’s outcomes are three to four times greater compared to that of transformational leadership. From the second meta-analysis, stronger effects of leadership were revealed in the participation of teachers in the learning process while moderate effects were revealed in the setting of goals and planning. From the study conclusion, the study revealed that the closer the teachers get involved with the students, the higher the probability of getting positive results from the students. Robinson et al article brings a very clear introduction on the different leadership styles and the impacts they have on the student outcome outlining the purpose of the study very clearly. The study is also very practical. From the study finding, “educational leaders who continue being involved in learning and teaching” produce a positive effect on the student’s outcome that is very practical and essential in enhancing learning. Thus, teachers and educators need to be actively involved in the teaching process to achieve a better student’s outcome in terms of goal achievement (Jogulu 2010, 711). The leadership styles are also bound to differ among different schools according to the students’ needs thus, it is important for the schools to determine the appropriate type of leadership that has been brought clearly in the article. However, the study has a limitation as only a few articles were available for the study therefore there was limited evidence. This questions the motivating of continuing with the study as a result of non-availability of other studies. On the other hand, the unavailability of other studies provides motivation of under taking the study to determine whether the proposed outcomes are true and as well provides an expansion of the present studies and researches conducted. However, it is true that a definite bias occurred due to the skewness of the available evidence. Another limitation is that the study did not conduct the leadership impact on both the academic and non-academic outcomes due to the limited number of studies that were available to make it more practical (Robinson 2008, 58). Part 2 - Describing an activity in my work requiring demonstration of leadership to others I am a state primary teacher in an educational organization in the United Kingdom teaching primary school children. The activity in my work requires me to demonstrate good leadership skills to the children since they are young and vulnerable and as an adult, I should act as their role model. In the organization I teach EAL and my activities includes planning, preparing and delivering lessons in an effort of meeting the needs of the students, setting and marking exams as well recording the students’ progress and development as necessary. I work with children who have English as an Additional Language e.g. a new student who has come from abroad with little knowledge of English .Also I assist Teacher Assistants with planning and preparing lessons and individual targets for these children to achieve. I get the assistants to produce resources that will help these children and the teacher assistants work alongside the teachers supporting EAL children. In achieving this, I work very closely with the students as well as other leaders and I am very engaged in the teaching and learning process. I teach EAL that I am passionate about it. In regards to this, I am the EAL coordinator. I have accepted the responsibility of the EAL coordinator as part of my normal professional duties. I also teach ESOL to adult parents of the school apart from young children. I am also a bakery and cookery teacher. Part 3 - Critically evaluating the practical leadership activity described in Part 2. According to student, 1 posting leaders influence the students outcomes and leadership influences a reduction of inequalities in the students achievement. ‘Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.’ (Gowans, Hartley, Nolan 2013, 9) Therefore as a teacher in the organization, I ensure that I utilize good leadership skill in leading the students and others. My activities entail planning, preparing and delivering lessons in an effort of meeting the student’s needs especially on EAL. In addition, I assist Teacher Assistants with planning and preparing lessons and individual targets for these children to achieve. I get the Assistants to produce resources that will help these children. The teacher assistants work alongside the teachers supporting EAL children. According to student 2 posting educational leaders who continue being involved in learning and teaching have a positive impact on the student’s outcome that is very practical and essential in enhancing learning (Jogulu 2010, 711). In achieving this, I work very closely with the students with other EAL coordinators and I am very committed and engaged in the teaching and learning process. I make decision for the students in terms of what they are going to study based on the best interest that will suit them for their benefit. According to the leading professional practice in educational guide “leaders need to learn and leaders learn as they lead” and this can only be achieved through close interactions with the students and other teachers of EAL that I embrace with passion (Gowans, Hartley, Nolan 2013, 27). Before the start of a class, I have goals and objectives that the students must achieve for that particular lesson that helps me in meeting the students’ needs. I also ensure that the environment is conducive for learning. According to student 1 posting, he highlights Robison research results on the second meta-analysis that moderate effects were revealed in leadership practices of setting goals and planning that I am involved in. The curriculum is also a good guide to teaching that helps me in the teaching process. After every lesson, I evaluate myself and the students to determine whether the objectives of the lesson were met. “Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning” are important distinctive concepts that I embrace as part of leadership (Gowans, Hartley, Nolan 2013, 11). During the teaching process, I use a variety of aids to help me in teaching such as video clips, diagrams, presentation, group activity, discussion, books and novels to ensure total involvement of the students. In the teaching process, I am involved in assessing learning related to specific areas of EAL subject and match it to the capabilities of the students. I act as a mentor to some of my pupils and adults whom I teach EAL who are interested in specializing and teaching the subject and we work hand in hand to improve our subject matter in our disciplines. According to student 2 posting while reviewing Robinson article he recognizes the importance of integrative leadership that is part of my virtues. As EAL coordinator, I am responsible for leadership and management of the subject. I have accepted the responsibility as part of my normal professional duties to ensure EAL success in the organization. I ensure that the curriculum is followed to the latter to ensure the educational needs of the students are met and the instructional practices are appropriate to the context and based on research as well as the authentic assessment of the students. Though I work had in hard with EAL teachers, at times as the EAL coordinator in the school, I have to determine when and how to initiate and sustain change in the subject area. As a team of EAL teachers in the school, our main goal is improving the effectiveness of instruction to increase on the students achievements. I believe the main objective of school education is to prepare the students to thrive in the world beyond academic pursuit therefore; I also support the integration of practical skills in the academic pursuit. I love cooking and I had a great admiration to chefs therefore I am involved in bakery and cookery classes. In my young years, I had a dream of becoming a great chef but my love for teaching had the better of the day. I mentor and teach the young children on how to prepare different types of meals and foods since I underwent some training in the same before becoming an EAL teacher. Good teacher leadership is essential and is the second to teaching activity in its potential to influence the students learning (Darling-hammond & Richardson 2009, 48). Within a school institution, teacher’s participation and engagement in learning is essential in enhancing learning therefore I try to incorporate every aspect in teaching for the benefits of the students outcomes. “School leadership has a greater effect on schools and pupils when it is widely distributed” (Gowans, Hartley, Nolan, 2013, 47). Part 4 – Reflecting on your evaluation of your group activity The group activity was enjoyable and it provided an opportunity for reading and analysing Robinson et al. article. According to activity 2.6 posting, “the underlying aim of the module was contributing to the development from effective reading” (Activity 2.6, 1) that we were able to achieve. As a group activity we were able to analyze some of the weaknesses in the article and analyze each other’s post based on the reasoning used or because they are not weak as well as supporting the critiques, coherence and logic with evidence in the arguments. On the second part of the essay an activity was describing that required the demonstration of leadership with others using the skills and reading in the first section of the activity. This is important, as it will help in my critical thinking and analyzing skills in my future life and I gained the “relationship between leadership and learning” (Activity 2.6, 6). Robinson et al examines a study whose purpose is examining the impact that different types of leadership have on academic and non-academic outcomes. However, the analysis of the article provided very logic and illogic arguments. It is important for the group members to discuss their arguments and propose the best logic argument available. An example is post K and T on their arguments on the study limitation. The argument on post K is little bit illogical as limited study will not hinder the motivation of pursuing the study but will act as a motivation. According to post T School context, socio-economic profile, local culture and experiences can vary considerably within educational context and potentially impact on student outcomes; therefore, it was questionable whether the results could be compared across a range of factors that is logical. However, I learned that despite the argument given, with appropriate support and evidence then the argument can be proposed true as a logic argument without evidence will be difficult to prove (Carenini & Moore 2006 943). References Activity 2.6 Carenini, G. & Moore, J.D., 2006. Generating and evaluating evaluative arguments. Artificial Intelligence, 170, pp.925–952. Gowans Gill, Hartley Jane, Nolan Theresa., 2013. Leading professional practice in Education, pp.1–291. Darling-hammond, L. & Richardson, N., 2009. Teacher learning: What matters? Educational Leadership, 66, pp.46–53. Jogulu, U.D., 2010. Culturally-linked leadership styles. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31, pp.705–719. Kythreotis, A., Pashiardis, P. & Kyriakides, L., 2010. The influence of school leadership styles and culture on students’ achievement in Cyprus primary schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 48, pp.218–240. Robinson, V.M.J, Claire A, Kenneth ., 2008. The Impact of Leadership on Students Outcomes: An Analysis of the Differential Effects of Leadership Types. Educational Administration Quarterly, vol.44, pp. 635-674 Read More
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