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Reasons for the Failure of Boys in Reading - Assignment Example

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The assignment "Reasons for the Failure of Boys in Reading" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major reasons for the failure of boys in reading. Reading is a process of breaking down symbols to understand the meaning of the conversation…
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Reasons for the Failure of Boys in Reading
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Table of Contents Introduction: 2 Main Issue: 3 What is Reading Comprehension: 4 Theory on Comprehension: 5 Requirements and Difficulties for Boys asthe Struggling Readers: 7 Teaching Methodologies: 8 Reference List: 13 Boys Who Are Falling Behind in Reading: What Are The Issues for Transition to Key Stage 2? Introduction: Reading is a process of breaking down of symbols to understand the meaning of the conversation. It is considered a way of understanding the language, communication being done and the information and ideas, which are being shared. In simple, it is the communication between two things that is the reader and the text, which comes from the readers experience, knowledge, language and social interaction. General Reason for the failure of boy in Reading Survey and research have been conducted from a long time and it has been proven that boys fail behind in reading. There are many reasons behind their failure. Researchers have been conducting many test and research for finding out the reasons and they concluded. The one and most important of all is that boy do not concentrate on their studies than girls do. They are more into playing thing then concentrating. Reports have been showing that normally books have problems in developing love for reading. This is because they do not find it adventurous. Some of the ways have been explained below which can help in overcoming the problem of the reading in boys. Building connection The first thing we need to do is to build a connection with the boys, understanding their likes, dislike, and then accordingly find something of their interest. It may take some time but will help in developing a habit of reading in them. The teachers and the parents should be trained in such a way that they develop interest for the students. As they are the ones which can improve the strategies and the reading style of the boys or student by directly working with them on the problem. Redesigning strategies The researchers and the government or ministries of the country need to rethink and redesign their strategies changing their curriculum structure and bring in something of children interest. This can force them in a positive way to develop the habit of reading into them. Researchers after a lot of research concluded that they the strategies which be redesigned according to the needs of the students and the ability which can have according to their age limits. The schools and the research need to work on the ways to show the boys whom to tackle with their problem of reading. There are different key stages in the UK system of education starting from primary stage at the age of four years and ending at the key stage 4, which is compulsory, and after that, there are optional stages of education. The focus of this article is the transition of boys from key stage 1 to key stage 2 and the failure of reading comprehension in these particular boys entering the key stage 2. This is the biggest loophole of the teachers and the education system that boys are not performing well in reading comprehension. For this reason, it has been researched that what can be the reasons behind the failure of boys and what could be the methodologies and practices for teachers to overcome this problem. Main Issue: Reading comprehension is not an easy art or skill that anyone can master it without any prior focus or attention. The boys and the teachers both have to put their efforts to polish the reading skill of the students (Amber 2008). In this research report, we will focus on the main issue of the difficulties and the problems, which a boy can face regarding the reading comprehension when they are in a transition phase from the primary stage to the key stage 2. The detail of the all the stages of the UK education system will also be discussed so that we can fully understand the system and then the requirements of the transition from one stage to the other. The research study shows that the boys of primary stages are falling downward regarding their comprehension reading, when they have to enter the next key stage 2. These boys of primary stage can deal with the easy and simpler texts but they are struck if they have to deal with any complex or complicated comprehension. Therefore, the teachers should adopt such methodologies and strategies that they can prepare their boys or male students for any comprehension. First of all, I should demonstrate the education system prevailed in the UK. There are different stages according to the ages of the students. This system of key stages is applied in England, North Ireland and Wales. While in Scotland, there is separate system and levels of education, which is distributed according to the ages of the children. In England, Wales and north Ireland, the education system starts with the class of nursery that covers the children of age 3 and it is not compulsory class, rather parents can admit their child in the nursery if they want to send children to the institutes (Hirsch 2009). After that the class of primary or we can say Key Stage 1, which is compulsory and starts at the age of 4 – 5 years. This is also termed as the reception class. This key stage 1 starts at the age of 4, covers three years, and ends at the age of 6 – 7 years. After the key stage 1, there comes the key stage 2, which starts at the age of 7 – 8 years. Key stage 2 covers four years and ends at the age of 11. Now it is time to enter into the key stage 3, which is also termed as the secondary stage. This key stage 3 starts at the age of 11 – 12 and ends at the age of 13 – 14 thus covering three years. After that, there comes the key stage 4. Which is the last compulsory class of schooling and after that, the stages are optional for the students (Hirsch 2009). This is the detail of all levels and key stages in the UK education system. now the main issue of writing this paper is the problem of boys which they face regarding reading comprehension when they are ready for the transition into the key stage two from the primary or we can say key stage one. The education experts are of the opinion that student and the teachers both have to work hard for getting a better response regarding reading comprehension. The teachers have to modify their teaching methods and strategies and the students have to learn accordingly so that they improve their reading comprehension ability. What is Reading Comprehension: The exact meaning of reading comprehension is the act of understanding the material or the text, which we have read in the text. However, the research studies shave clearly shown that this act of understanding the text or the content is not at all easy or simple that anyone can master this skill (Clarke 2010). It is necessary from the very basic primary stage of the education system that boys be trained upon this comprehensions skill because it is difficult to develop at the later stages. Students should get knowledge about the reading comprehension form the initial stages. No one can deny the importance of this comprehension ability. The main issue of this research paper is actually the same problem of reading and the comprehension in the children of primary stage when they are finally about to enter the key stage 1. This is the biggest problem for not only the students or the boys but teachers and the educators may also have to suffer this problem. Therefore, both boys and the teachers may have to put efforts to overcome this problem using different tools and tactics (Burgoyne 2008). All of the education experts are of the mutual opinion that reading comprehension is vital for every single person. Many of the researchers have completed their work on the topic of functional literacy. In order to endure and prosper in today’s world one must be able to comprehend basic content materials such as housing agreements, bills, rules and directions on packaging and transportation document etc. comprehending any text or content is a critical module of functional literacy (Chapman 1996). If anyone is unable to comprehend basic things then he may have to suffer a loss when he cannot read the basic directions or usage of nay medicine or anything. With the skill to comprehend what they read, people are capable not only to live securely and productively, but also to carry on to develop social, emotional and intellectual basis (Chapman 1996). Theory on Comprehension: The major rationale with respect to reading is to understand the ideas in the given text. Reading is nothing without proper comprehension. According to the expert educationists, students are competent to read the words, but they go through much trouble in conveying their understandings. Welshman (2001) states an example of a boy who loves to read but has difficulty in understanding what he actually read through. He eagerly reads to a crowd as he happened to have a firm grip of sounding of words. When teacher ask him to read the comprehension, he face a lot of difficulty or we can say perform at the lowest level. This all happen just because of the inability to exhibit comprehension of material used in reading. This comprehension inability is really trouble shooting for the boys and the teacher as well (Welshman 2001). Snowling (2004) presents some theories and strategies, which can help any boy to improve his reading comprehension capabilities with the help of the teachers. Actually, these theories and strategies are for the teachers or the educators, who will aid the boys to make themselves a better reader and thus perform better. His classifications are three in number with respect to comprehension reading. Namely, Schema Theory Proposition Theory Mental Models (Snowling 2004). The description of these theories is given below. According to the schema theory, a schema can be defined as the controlled set of information one holds regarding different things in the surrounding of any individual.(Snowling 2004). It is basically a bonding between one’s own mindset and information contained in a book. Furthermore we may conclude that both written and practical experiences are included (Snowling 2004). Schema can be both broad and constricted. An example of broad may be that as a schema for natural calamities occurring naturally and hurricane may fit in as a schema of a constricted nature. For the purpose of comprehension reading materials, individuals may be able to connect information stored in one’s mind to any newly acquired information, hence making if useful in future (Snowling 2004). As per the Mental Model a person can imagine or perceive a movie of thoughts regarding the material what he reads in the comprehension (Snowling 2004). This mental movie strategy is applicable in the situations when a student and especially boys who are really fond of adventurous reading material, reads any fiction story (Snowling 2004). The fiction or the adventure story may make an imaginary movie of action heroes in the minds of the boys. In this situation, the boys mostly adopt the character of the action hero and thus fight with the other creatures as per the story or the written material in the comprehension (Snowling 2004). The propositional theory engrosses the comprehension reader coming up with a key idea or structure as they read the text. After reading with deep observation, the reader may classify the characters according to their importance levels and then place them in the hierarchy. The less important are place down below and vice versa. Some other researchers have also supported the categorization of these three reading comprehension theories, which can classify the styles and the attitude towards the absorption of reading any comprehension. If any student behave in the way accordingly, he can develop a capability to learn the new comprehension easily and thus he will not face any difficulty (Street 2008). A child can make use of all of these interwoven theories with the help and guidance of his teachers and the educators. All of these main types of theories can be tremendously practical, and should be taught from the primary stage of a student’s school career. It is not necessary that these theories can be applicable only at the difficult levels rather they can be taught from the initial and simple stages so that teachers can make strong base of the boys (Bus 2005). For the implications of the schema theory, the boys must have familiarity of the module they are going to read in the comprehension. The problem of less familiarity with the subject matters can be eliminated with the help of knowledge sharing among the boys in the class. If the students may discuss the topic, with other classmates then they can have the idea about the topic and thus they can make a schema in their minds (Bus 2005). The assumption of a mental movie is a little difficult for the children but the boys of primary stage are very much fond of the adventure and cartoon movies. These children can easily absorb the action heroes in their minds. If they can absorb the action heroes thus they can also form a mental movie regarding the whole situation (Bus 2005). Requirements and Difficulties for Boys as the Struggling Readers: There are many of the things, which are really required for improving the reading and the comprehending skills of the boys. Here it is important to note that teachers or educators can only help or guide the boys to polish the skills still the hard work is on the boys that how much they are willing to improve this reading quality (Leach 2003; Nation 2002). The boys must develop absorption and cognitive skills which is the basic requirement of the comprehension of ant reading text. Based on the cognitive skills, a student is able to assume the reading content in his mind like the real life example. If he can perceive it as a real life story then it will be easy for him to comprehend it in front the class and the teachers. In order to perceive the story, the students must develop a strong set of cognitive skills, which is very much helpful for the students (Leach 2003; Nation 2002). After the cognitive skills, the boys must develop the absorption skill, which means that they can easily understand, absorb and then retain in the memory whatever they have read in the text. If the students can easily memorize the text or the content, what they have read or go through then it means that they can comprehend it in a better way. Contrary to the boys who cannot memorize the text, which they read in the class, cannot be good at their comprehension at all. We can say that absorption of text or the storage of text is really very important for the boys. This storage capacity also help a lot in the future, it act as a background set of knowledge for the students (Oakhill 2007; Parker 2007). The retention of this background knowledge is very helpful for the students. According to another research study, the mutual sharing of the knowledge is very important for the students. If any student may not have any background knowledge regarding any topic then he can take help from his classmates and in the same way he may help others in the topic which he knows very well. In this way, the sharing of the knowledge may give rise or we can say create new knowledge for the boys who are not familiar with that subject matter earlier (Pressley 2006). Teaching Methodologies: Teaching methodology plays an important role for shaping the learning skills of the boys and it is evident through research that the educators or we can teachers have made their best efforts to achieve success in this regard. However, it is sad that we still have not prevailed over the difficulties in reading comprehension for the key stage two students and especially boys (Yuille 1991). Many of the key stage one students can manage simple reading texts but still they cannot handle if any complicated text is given to them. It is appreciable that many of the boy students belonging to the low income families know the importance of learning and thus they try their hard to put efforts in order to overcome maximum of their problems. In order to help these students the teachers are required to adopt new teaching strategies and thus practice (Yuille 1991). Being a teacher is not an easy task. The teacher should have prior information not only with respect to the theories of reading comprehension but also methodologies and strategies that shall enhance reading comprehension. This skill should be developed especially for those students who are entering the key stage 2. The theories and classification of strategies are as follows Mental Models Propositional theory Schema Theory Preoperational Organizational Elaboration Monitoring (Guthrie 2009). All of these theories and the strategies are explained earlier in detail. The strategies for helping the boys to improve their reading comprehension abilities in order to enter the key stage 2, are very important for the teachers and the educators (Wigfield 2009). These are actually the techniques, or we can say the routines that facilitate boys in completing tasks, solving problems and enhancing their learning by themselves with the reading comprehension. A strategy is a student’s approach to do any task. The education experts identify four comprehension strategies, which include Preoperational, Organizational, Elaboration and Monitoring. When the boys gain some new information regarding something they have previously studied the preoperational strategy basically activates the previous gained knowledge regarding that subject. This helps students think about the subject they are going to study. It is comparatively easy to gain and retain knowledge regarding any subject which one is already aware of (Hirsch 2003). The prediction of some areas that are yet to be studied is another strategy which is taken in consideration, the presuming process may include titles, book covers as well as pictures. Students come up with predictions while noticing different things regarding the subject and await that to be discussed. These predictions are made on previous knowledge. As those predicted comes up, the pinpoint their mind to it which enhances comprehension. Furthermore, another strategy, namely organizational strategy involves the highlighting of texts and important aspects then making a connection between them. The process of making anew connection involves the following Recognizing the focus point Information classification Cherry picking relevant information Arranging and summarizing information Every strategy has a complex nature, hence are to be taught from basic to difficult. The act of summarizing is believed to be a complex skills and thus is hard to develop (Hirsch 2003). Elaboration has pretty much resemblance with mental models. Elaboration refers to the process of creating connections from previous gained knowledge and the text that is being read. Visualizing pictures, making interpretations and inquiring about things are all examples of elaboration strategies (Hirsch 2003). The reading comprehension strategies are all connected with one another and help to overcome problems and difficulties (Perfeti 2012). Hirsch (2003) recognizes an example of elaboration known as K-W-L. K-W-L happens to be an acronym for K = what we Know W= what we Want to know L= what we Learned The acronym actually describes the procedure steps wise (Perfeti 2012). KW, are completed before the beginning of the project while L is complete at the last when connections are created (Hirsch 2003). With the help of these connections one may be able to gain a better understanding about what they shall be studying further on. The last comprehension reading strategy is monitoring which refers towards being aware of one’s own mental process when reading. Monitoring strategy actually involved the personal and independent thinking of any person. Monitoring takes place when a reader is conscious that they do not understand what was just read. The way of monitoring aims for knowing how to go back in the reading context and then find a way to gain understanding of the topic. Infact we can say that monitoring is the level of understanding that when the boys should use the other three reading strategies (Hirsch 2003). It is evident through research that preoperational strategy is used at all the stages of any education system. The tactics may differ but it is applicable at every stage. For example at the primary stage the teachers may use different shapes and pictures to comprehend the story to the children. At the next key stage 1, the teacher may show a book to the boys before comprehending the story (Why Literacy Matters 2006). At the secondary stage, the boys are asked to tell about their perceptions about the story before comprehending to them. After they have gone through the chapter or the story, they can re-examine their perceptions or we can say predictions to see how accurate and near to reality they were (Why Literacy Matters 2006). Elaboration strategy is of no use if the boys do not have any of the real life experience in that particular field or subject because the reading of the comprehension regarding anything which they have not practically experience will not influence anymore (Why Literacy Matters 2006). Suppose for example, a boy who has to read a piece on making cup cakes but he never tasted or seen cup cake before this comprehending moment. The reading may not create that much impact on his mind because he is unable to conceptualize the cup cake just upon a reading experience (Why Literacy Matters 2006). If the boys know the purpose of the reading then they can easily implement the monitoring strategy in their comprehensions. The basic purpose of reading or comprehension is to create awareness about any particular subject or field. If any boy is reading to get the words accurate, comprehension will be very limited (Why Literacy Matters 2006). When students are able to keep an eye on themselves and check their own understanding of the text, comprehension levels will definitely increase. Teachers can use different tools and tactics to promote monitoring in the boys. With the help of all teachers and the educators, boys can eventually improve their monitoring skills and thus perform better in the reading of the comprehensions (Why Literacy Matters 2006). Conclusion: All of the above articles explain that the researchers have been working for finding solutions for the problems faced by boys who fall behind in reading. There were a lot of reasons explained above which may involve in the boy behavior towards reading. The researchers have put their efforts on working on the idea they teachers should be trained in such aspect. They should introduce such ways to involve the boys with introducing interesting ways which can grab the attention of boys. They should be taught ways to tackle with the problems they are facing while reading. Strategies and plan should be designed in such a way that involves boys and males students. The education system should be changed in such a way that is design according to the age of the students. This has been started by some of the countries. The education experts are working on the point that both teachers and the students should work on the point of solving and introducing strategies and plans which can reduce the problems faced by boy and male students while reading. The courses should be designed according to the ability and the age group strategies in mind. This can be the only way to solve this problem as I may affect the whole result of the student. A lot of dropout has been seen among boys in schools. This is a point of worry for the parents and also the education system as it is affecting their results. The other thing that should be kept in mind is that the strategies can be of any use if there are no lives experiences attach to it. The courses for the students at different should be designed in such a way that it explains the student reading point with life experience on in form of a drama which is of the students interest. The reading material should be written in interesting words. If the boys are told about the strategies, which can improve their reading ways, they are defiantly going to implement them in their styles and improving their ways of reading with it. The researchers have found out that with the help of the teachers and the parents’ boys can improve their reading styles. Reference List: ‘Why Literacy Matters’, 2006, Education For All Global Monitoring Report, Volume 12, Number 7, page 140 – 159 Amber, M 2008, ‘Reading Comprehension: Developmental Processes, Individual Differences and Interventions’, American Psychological Association, Volume 49, Number 2, page 125 - 139 Burgoyne, K 2008, ‘Reading Interventions for Children Having Down Syndrome’, Down Syndrome Education, Page 4 – 9 Bus, A 2005, ‘Phonological Awareness and Early Reading: Analysis of Experimental Studies’, Journal of Educational Psychology, number 91, page 403 - 414 Chapman, S 1996, Teaching students to generate questions: A review of the intervention studies. Review of Educational Research, Number 66, page 181 - 221. Clarke, P 2010, ‘Children’s Reading Comprehension Difficulties: A Random Controlled Trial’, Psychological Sciences, number 21, page 1006 - 1016 Guthrie, J 2009, ‘Effects of motivational and cognitive variables on reading comprehension. Reading and Writing’, An Interdisciplinary Journal, Number 22, Page 85 - 106. Hirsch, E 2003, ‘Reading Comprehension – Requires Knowledge of the Words and the World’, American Educator, Number 24, Page 10 - 24 Hirsch, E 2009, ‘Scientific Insights In to The Fourth Grade Slump And The Nation’s Stagnant Comprehension Scores’, American Educators, Issue 4, Page 18 - 26 Leach, J 2003, ‘Late-emerging reading disabilities’, Journal of Educational Psychology, Volume 2, issue 95, page 211 – 224 Nation, K 2002, ‘General cognitive ability in children with reading comprehension difficulties’, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Number 72, page 549 - 560 Oakhill, J 2007, ‘Sex Differences in the Effects of Interest on Boys and Girls Reading Comprehension’, British Journal of Psychology, Number 98, page 223 - 235 Parker, M 2007, ‘Teachers’ use of questioning and modeling comprehension skills in primary classrooms’, Educational Review, Number 59, page 299 - 314 Perfeti, C 2012, ‘Reading Comprehension: A Conceptual Framework from Word Meaning to Text Meaning’, Chapter No one, page 3 – 16 Pressley, G 2006, ‘Cognitive strategies instruction: From basic research to classroom instruction’, In P. A. Alexander & P. H. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology, Number 2, Page 265 – 286 Snowling, M 2004, ‘Developmental Dyslexia and Specific Language Impairment’, Psychological Bulletin, Number 130 page 858 - 886 Street, B, 2008, ‘The Implications of the New Literacy Studies for Education’, Journal of English Education, Volume 31, issue 3, page 45 – 56 Welshman, A 2001, ‘Awareness and The Understanding of Reading’, Literacy Practice in Reading and Comprehension, page 14 - 24 Wigfield, A 2004, ‘Childrens motivation for reading: Domain specificity and instructional influences’, Journal of Educational Research, Number 97, page 299 - 31 Yuille, N 1991, ‘Childrens problems in text comprehension: An experimental investigation’, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Read More
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