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The Importance of the Pacing Guide Pacing guides are documents used by all teachers in school to provide them with outlines that they use to plan instructions. The use of pacing guides helps teachers to have arrangement between different classrooms, different blocks, and between different districts. For instance, all grade one pupils in a particular district will be learning a similar topic at the same period or term (Ainsworth, 2010). Pacing guides are important, for instance, if a pupil transfers from a certain school to another, he or she will not face difficulties in adapting and picking up with his or her studies.
In addition, parents as well as guardians may use the pacing guides to know what their children are pursuing at a certain period of time and these study materials comply with the grade level indicators and State Standards. Moreover, these helpful pacing guides provide both students and teachers with a guideline for assessing instructions. Another importance of a pacing guide is that they help teachers to mark the essential concepts that they should teach and the amount of time they should devote for completion of one topic (Goldsmith, 2010).
Pacing guides are also used by teachers to allocate time for assessments and instructions. Some of the pacing guides also provide teachers with assessment calendar as well as enabling them to effectively outline the curriculum to be used to cover all the skills in a certain assessment. Another important feature with pacing guides is allowing professional learning developments in communities of a certain district (Saricks, 2009). Since teachers in a certain district use similar teaching material, they discuss and come up with effective strategies for a certain assessment unity.
ReferencesAinsworth, L. (2010). Rigorous curriculum design: How to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction, and assessment. Englewood, Colo: Lead Learn Press.Goldsmith, J. (2010). Pacing and time allocation at the micro-and meso-level within the class hour: Why pacing is important, how to study it, and what it implies for individual lesson planning. Bellaterra: journal of teaching and learning language and literature, 1(1), 30-48.Saricks, J. G. (2009). Readers Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction.
Chicago: ALA Editions.
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