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The Effectiveness of Use Tablet PC through Learning and Teaching - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Effectiveness of Use Tablet PC through Learning and Teaching" states that some students have negative views as well as neutral opinions on the use of tablet pcs, the majority of the students and the teachers are convinced about the effectiveness of the tablet pcs in education…
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The Effectiveness of Use Tablet PC through Learning and Teaching
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Introduction The previous chapter presented the research methodology that was used in this study. The main objective of this chapter is to perform a valid and relevant data analysis, data analysis process was designed based on the research objective and research question. Upon the initiative of this study, one research question was formulated based on the identified research problem. This research question is: 1- What is the effectiveness of use tablet pc through learning and teaching? In order to find out the answer for this question, two surveys were conducted for students and teachers whom using iPads as tablet pc through their learning and teaching. There were 124 students and 144 teachers participated in this survey. Students and teachers were completed in late December 2013. The surveys were designed and analyzed by using Survey Monkey. Use by gender and age The majority of students’ gender was male by 62% and the remain 38% female.While 18% of students’ ages between (11-18) years, and 45% between (19-30) years. With one third remain older than 30. Even the teachers the overwhelming majority was male by 78% and remain 22% female.While 35% of teachers’ ages between (25-35) years, and 52% between (36-45) years. Only 13% remain between (46 – 50) years and older.The data obtained on the use of tablet PCs by the teachers and the students with the help of survey has been analyzed as follows. Among the students as shown in the pie diagram given below, the male students are using tablet PCs in large numbers as compared to women. Figure 1 Responses by gender (Students The male-female ratio for teachers on the use of tablet pc is lower as compared to the students. This is due to the fact that the female teachers have taken the onus to use tablet PCs as the digital ink used in the process of instruction giving is much more dynamic and useful for the students. The age group of students which includes maximum number of students in terms of use of tablet PCs are above the age of 30 years and the least percentage of students using tablet PCs fall in the age group of 11-14 years. Figure 2 Responses by gender (Teachers) In case of teachers, those belonging to the age group of 36-40 years have been found to be maximum number in terms of use of tablet PCs. This follows the trend that the people belonging to the age group of 30-40 years who are mostly in need of time management prefer use of electronic data that offers flexibility in the process of teaching. Figure 3 Responses by age (Students) Figure 4 Responses by age (Teachers) Level of use The iPads are now regularly used in lessons by the majority of teachers. However, 54% of teachers reported using the device in between one and ten lessons, with 7% reporting use in between six and ten. A significant number of teachers, 5%, used the iPad in the majority of their lessons, though given the later responses on subject use this is also driven by the availability of suitable software and Apps. Even students, there are 52% reported using the device in between one and ten lessons, with 16% reporting use in between six and ten. A significant number of teachers, 12%, used the iPad in the majority of their lessons. Most of students have been found to undertake up to 5 lessons with the use of i-pad every week as shown below. Figure 5 level of use in lessons (Students) Maximum numbers of teachers have been found to undertake up to 5 lessons every week through the use of i-pad as depicted below. Figure 6level of use in lessons (Teachers) Use of the iPads in curriculum subjects It is clear that particular use of the iPad is made on a small number of subjects, though all are reported to have made some use. Four subject in particular use Arabic, English, Computer and other subject, though strong usage in Islamic, Maths and science. The students have learnt almost all subjects with the use of i-pad with the highest concentration of learning Arabic and English with the use of tablet PCs. Figure 7 Subject use (Students) In order to teach the students, the teachers have shown the maximum tendency to teach English through the use of tablet pc. English is a foreign language and tabletPCs have been useful in teaching the students in a convenient manner with the use of presentation and innovative approaches. Figure 8 Subject use (Teachers) The nature of iPad use The Results came convergent a fairly, researching online comes in the forefront which has reported by 52% of students and 35% of teachers. This illustrates a significant benefit of personal devices and good network connections in that reference to web resources can be integrated fully into the lesson. After that come reading course materials which has reported by 42% of students and 34% of teachers. Students can read the presentation slides and documentations or any materials which are the teachers create it for the course. Then creating presentation which reported by 32% of students and 42% of teachers. It is particularly important since it supports the development of higher level thinking skills and better analysis of information and connectivity of ideas and event. The other use is watching video which reported by 33% of students and 29% of teachers. The last four uses, it’s considered the main uses of the iPad dominate. The other uses are as expected, Annotating (reported by 22% of students and 29% of teachers), group work (reported by 24% of students and 14% of teachers), using subject related apps (reported by 12% of students and 14% of teachers), creating web content (reported by 11% of students and 11% of teachers) and the last use if poster design which reported by 12% of students and 6% of teachers. Tablet pc has been used to the highest degree by students for undertaking activities of online research and reading online course materials. Figure 9 Main uses of iPads (Students) The teachers have also shown the same trend of reading and undertaking research through the online mode that is required for updating themselves with the course content and new information. Figure 10 Main uses of iPads (Teachers) Use of the iPads outside classroom The results shows that 54% of students researching online, 52% social networking, 50% watching video, 38% play games, 35% completing homework tasks, 34% using courese materials, 25% reading published text, 18% accessing the school VLE, 16% creative and design activities, and 13% writing a blog. TabletPCs are mostly used by the students outside classroom for reading online course material and carrying out online research at home. It has provided the students to access classroom content through the electronic media and complete home tasks. Figure 11 Student use of iPads beyond school Teachers have a different result. The results shows that 53% of teachers rearching online, 46% use social networking, 38%watching video, 26% reading course materials, 19% creative and desighn activities, 15% reading piblished text, 12% completing homework task, 11% writing a blog and the last accessing the school VLE got 9%. The teachers have used tabletPCs outside classrooms mainly for the purpose of carrying out online researches and social networking. Figure 12 teacher requirements for student use of iPads beyond school The impact of the iPads on students motevation A significant 77% of students certianily consider themself to be more motiviated now that they have the iPads, with 45% agreeing and 32% strongly agreeing with the statment, “ i feel more motivated and can work better than without it”. Only 4% disagreeing and 3% strongly disagree with this statment. Interestingly, 80% of teachers had similar views with 46% agreeing and 34% strongly agreeing with the statement, “When I teach a lesson incorporating use of the iPads, Students are more motivated and can work better than without”. Only 3% disagreeing and 2% strongly disagreeing. Most of the students feel motivated with the use of tablet PCs and most of students have agreed to this opinion. Figure 13 iPads and student motivation (Student responses) The teachers also feel motivated by incorporating lessons in tabletPCs as the teachings become more effective. Figure 14 iPads and student motivation (teacher response The impact of the iPads on the quality of students work Some 78% of students report a highly positive impact, with 49% indicating that they agreed and 29% that they strongly agreed that working with the iPad has helped improve the quality of their work. Only 4% disagreed and 2% strongly disagreed. Also 82% of teachers report highly positive impact, with 55% agreed and 27% strongly agreed that work quality was improved. And some 5% of teachers disagreed. Most of the students agreed that the use of tablet PCs have helped to improve their performance and quality of work. Figure 15 iPads and student work quality (student responses) The teachers have helped students to improve their quality of work with the use of tablet PCs. Figure 16iPads and student work quality (teacher responses) The impact of iPads on students progress Again, there is adividion of openion between students and teachers, with the fomer again more positive. Thus a consistent 67% of students agree 38% and strongly agree 29% that they are making better progress now that they have iPads, though a quarter remaine neutral. Again, under 10% disagree. The views of teachers are rather more positive, though 52% agree and 22% strongly agree that the iPads have resulted in improved student progress and less than 10% disagree. Some 17% remain neutral. The majority of the students agreed that they have made comparatively better progress in their studies due to the use of tablet PCs. Figure 17 iPads and student progress (student responses) The teachers evaluated the performance of the students and found that they have been making comparatively better progress due to the use of tablet PCs. Figure 18 iPads and students progress (teacher responses) The impact of iPads on students achievement As with progress, so with achievement, where the Convergence of opinion between students and teachers is similarity marked. Thus some 69% of students agree 46% and 23% strongly agree that their achievement has risen. While 25% remain neutral. For teachers, some 67% of them agree 47% and 20% strongly agree with this statement, “Students achievement appears to have risen since the ipad was introduced”. While 26% remain neutral. And less than 10% disagree. The major section of students considered in the survey revealed that their level of achievement has improved since they have been using tabletPCs. Figure 19 iPads and student achievement (student responses) The teachers revealed that the students have started to find more interest in studies and their performance has improved since the implementation of tablet PCs. Figure 20 iPads and student achievement (teacher responses) The impact of iPads on working effectiveness Unsurprisingly, a significant 65% of students consider that they work more effectively now that they can make routine use of the iPads. Thus 43% agreed and 22% strongly agreed that this is the case. Only 22% remain neutral and the same small cohort of 14% disagreed. Given responses elsewhere regarding e.g. the benefit of immediate online research and the benefit of many Apps, such a positive response is to be expected. Teachers again take a more reserved attitude, though 52% agree and 28% strongly agree that students are indeed working more effectively, with 16% remain neutral. And only 4% disagree. The analysis of data reveals that the students have found tablet PCs to be effective for improving their performance. Figure 21 iPads and effective working (student responses) The teachers have also agreed with the effectiveness of tabletPCs that have helped the student to excel in their studies. Figure 22 iPads and effective working (teacher responses) The iPad and collaboration Both students and teachers were asked whether the availability of the iPads enabled a greater level of collaborative work than had previously been the case e.g. ideas online, sharing resources and through group working in class where the iPads enabled such activities as the rapid creation of group videos. Students clearly believed that the iPads supported collaboration, with which 51% agreeing and 19% strongly agreeing with the question. With 22% remain neutral. Again a consistent group 8% disagree. Also67% of teachers, 46% agreeing and 21% strongly agreeing that the students did work more collaboratively with iPads that they did without. With 22% remain neutral. Again, a consistent 11% disagreed. The students have been able to collaborate well with their mates and the teachers due to the social networking feature in tablet pc that has supported their rate of progress. Figure 23 iPads and collaborative working (student responses) The majority of the teachers agreed that tablet PCs have helped the students to work in a more collaborative fashion. Figure 24 iPads and collaborative working (teacher responses) Does the use of Apps aid learning? A range of iPad Apps were installed when the devices were introduced with others added since. It is therefore not surprising that these are well used, with student use higher than for teachers. This is while 80% of teachers reported use of Apps in their classes and only 51% of students did so, suggesting that teachers make use of some Apps regardless. The relatively brief classroom observations and interviews suggest that teachers understand the benefits of e.g. annotating using explain every thing or create presentation using tactilize. The majority of the students like table PCs due to the presence of subject specific applications which are used in their classrooms. Figure 25 Student use of Apps in class (student) The teachers have also taken the initiative to introduce applications on the subjects taught in the class. Figure 26 Use of Apps in class (teacher) The students certainly consider that Apps are a valuable part of their lessons with 54% indicating agreement and 21% strong agreement with the idea that Apps had helped their learning. Only 6% disagreed. Teachers, similarly, appear to recognize the value of Apps in their teaching with 53% agreeing and 28% strongly agreeing with this statement, “Working with Apps appears to be more useful to my teaching”. A further 16% remain neutral on the matter again indicating that percentage of teachers’ respondents not a few to all questions are still taking the neutral opinion. Due to the electronically available notes and the subject specific applications, the students believe that tabletPCs have helped them in the course of learning. Figure 27 the value of Apps in helping learning (students) Although there are varied opinions among the teachers, the subject specific applications have been found by the majority to be useful in their teaching approaches. Figure 28 the value of Apps in helping learning (teachers) How happy are students and teachers using the iPads in learning and teaching? A highly significant 76% of students indicated that they happy using iPads in their learning, with 55% agreeing and 21% strongly agreeing with the statement. Only 4% disagreed while 20% remained neutral on the matter. The students view was confirmed by teachers, with 83% happy to regularly using iPads in their teaching. With 53% agreeing and 30% strongly agreeing with the statement. Only 3% disagreed while 13% remained neutral on the matter. Also a majority of staff further confirmed that they found the iPad easy to integrate into their work in a classroom context, with 83% overall in agreement (Agree 54%, strongly agree 29%) with a further 17% remaining neutral at this time. The students also find clarity in the lessons delivered through tablet PCs and are happy to use the same in the course of learning. Figure 29 willingness to use iPads regularly for learning (students) The majority of the teachers are also happy and satisfied to use tabletPCs in the process of teaching as they are able to achieve the desired outcomes. Figure 30willingness to use iPads regularly for teaching (teachers) The majority of the teachers have found it easy to integrate tabletPCs in their work while teaching students in the classrooms. Figure 31 easy of integration of iPads in classroom context (teachers) But is the iPad easy to use? There is no doubt that is, for both students and teachers. Some 81% of students and 80% of teachers agreed or strongly agree with the statment, “I have found the ipad interface and applications easy to use.The majority of the students have the interface of tabletPCs easy to use in their course of learning. Figure 32 iPad ease of use (students) The interface has also appeared to be easy for use by majority of the teachers in the classrooms. Figure 33 iPad ease of use (teachers) Technical issues There are one half of students indicated that they faced technical issues with the iPad sometimes prevent them using it in classroom, with 34% agreeing and 16% strongly greening. And one third remains neutral. Only 15% disagreed. Even the teachers, there are one half of them indicated that they faced technical issues with the iPad sometimes prevent them using it in classroom, with 36% agreeing and 16% strongly greening. And one third remains neutral. Only 19% disagreed. However, most of the students have also faced some technical issues during the use of tablet PCs which have posed certain limitation for the use of i-pads. Figure 34 technical issues (students) The teachers have also faced such limitations in the use of tablet PCs that has prevented most of them for using the same in the classrooms. Figure 35 technical issues (teachers) Effectiveness of tablet pc in teaching and learning The uses of tablet PCs have gained popularity in the process of teaching and learning in the classrooms as well as in activities outside the classrooms. This is due to the effectiveness of tablet PCs in achieving dynamism and flexibility in the process of teaching and learning. Tablet PCs are loaded with full versions of Microsoft operating systems and software that offers the advantages of pen based computing and mobility due to the portable nature of the device (Reed and Berque 48). The use of tablet PCs have removed the barriers of the education process and eroded its confinement to the classrooms. Tablet PCs have opened a wide arena for education and are freely used for the purpose of education even outside the classrooms. The concepts of virtual classrooms have also emerged with the advent of tablet PCs. The teachers and the students could connect with each other with the use of tablet PCs and carry out the education process with the virtual classrooms that are set up over the online mode. Tablet PCs support wireless network connectivity even with zero configuration networks. It has been found that the students of various age groups and those undertaking higher education or correspondence course and even distance learning courses have undertaken the use of tablet PCs for the purpose of education. However, tablet PCs have gained increasing acceptance for the purpose of education or executive learning programs undertaken by working professional. This has helped them to achieve the lesson outside the classroom boundaries and reduce the limitation of time and resources. The teachers belonging to the age group of 30-40 who are mostly computer savvy have preferred the use of tablet PCs for the purpose of imparting lessons to the students. Tablet notes have allowed the teachers and students to impart and receive lessons in electronic form rather than on paper. This has not only been convenient for both the teachers as well as students but also helped in promoting the green environment. The electronic forms of lessons have provided the advantage of long time storage, quick retrieval and efficient use of time. Tablet PCs have been used by the teachers and the students to display recorded video and presentation during the course of teachings. The linked videos and audios are also used in appropriate place of the course content in order to provide a better experience to the users. The long lectures to be provided in the classrooms could be avoided and in its place, the recorded voices on the lesson could be run. This provides flexibility to the teachers in understanding individual difficulties of the students and reinforces the areas of difficulty to provide better learning. Tablet PCs also enable the teachers and the students to protect critical data. The important findings of the research carried out by the people are prevented from duplication with the help of data security technologies and platforms. Although tablet PCs have posed certain technical limitations to certain sections of the students and the teachers in terms of lack of knowledge on use of the available features, occasional technical snags; the overall experience and the benefits received by the users in course of teaching and learning has been remarkable. The students and the teachers have found the user interface of tablet PCs to be simple and easy for use. Thus the students and teachers were happy to use tablet PCs to their advantage. The teachers were able to create customized presentations and also use subject based applications in the classrooms. It has improved the efficiency of teaching that has reflected in the outstanding progress of students since the launch of tablet PCs in the process of teaching and learning. The analysis on the effectiveness of using tablet pcs by the students revealed that 91% of the students are comfortable with the use of i-pads. The disadvantage in using tablet pcs is due to the opinion of a small sections of 3% of the students who believes that it has a negative impact on the educational system. This belief may have a ripple effect while considering wholesome implementation of tablet pcs in the educational system. There is however, a substantial chunk of students who believe that the use of tablet pcs cause wastage of time due to the distraction of several software and applications not related to education. The limitations in the availability of devices and technical shortcomings of electronic batteries poses disadvantage to the students. Also the non-compatibility of the software with Arabic language has led to areas of problem in the use of table pcs by the teachers and the students. Although some students have negative views as well as neutral opinion on the use of tablet pcs, the majority of the students and the teachers are convinced about the effectiveness of the tablet pcs in education and learning. Work Cited Reed, Robert and Dave, Berque. The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education: Going Mainstream, 2010. USA: Purdue University Press, 2010. Print. Read More
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