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Experience from the teacher student interaction in comparison with a case learning experienceLearning is a partially social activity in which students interact with other students and with lecturers. Such interactions potentially influence a student’s general social life and cognitive potentials in particular. Lecturers are particularly influential in their roles as guides and role models. This paper seeks to communicate my response to my learning experience from the teacher student interaction in comparison with a case learning experience.
My best moments, as a student, were in my first semester in college. It could have been a real experience or psychologically magnified one as the extraordinary feelings gradually diminished to appear normal with my time in college. The lecturers were particularly interesting, with lots of jokes that kept classes lively, unlike in high school where students’ attention was captured by fear of teacher’s authority that could lead to punishments. The lecturers however expressed our freedom and were keen to keep classes in jovial moods through stories from their personal experiences as well as academic history.
Regardless of their common goal of orienting us to the new academic environment, each of the lecturers had his own approach and sense of humor. Of particular memory is my Introductory Mathematics lecturer who always used his sarcasm over life to intrigue our intellectual capacity in what appeared as humorous experiences. The teacher, who was a specialist in Pure Mathematics, was also always abstract in his illustrations, something that we found funny because he always expressed himself out of incomprehensible reality.
He similarly applied his abstract approach in illustrations, asking class questions and criticizing our lack of knowledge. While his positive criticism motivated me to learn more from him through personal consultations, it also developed my quest to research more in both his subject and other class subjects. The experience with my Introductory Mathematics teachers as well as my other first semester teachers was therefore a fruitfully mentoring one that molded me to the new academic environment.
It was therefore satisfactory and I wished that I could proceed with the same lecturers to my subsequent semesters. My Mathematics teacher was particularly classical and derived concepts from abstract examples before relating his examples to first principles, an approach that made his lectures a surprising learning forum. The lecturer’s approach was also always funny to keep the class in a jovial mood. The students’ experience in ‘We show what we have learnt’ portrays a number of differences from my learning experience.
Contrary to my jovial relationship with my teachers, the students had a strained relationship that was initially caused by a socially restraint teacher and later intrigued by their teacher’s scary experience. While I, together with the rest of my class jovially interacted with the teacher during and out of lesson sessions, Ms. Swenson’s class initially looked down upon her and later feared her. Another difference between my experience and that of Ms. Swenson’s class is that while my class’ attention to learning was captured by teachers’ stories that did not physically affect their life during the classes, her class’ attention was captured by her disintegration that changed the student’s contempt to “our love and our fear” (Beams, p. 1). Similarly, my experience differed from that of Ms.
Swenson’s class in terms of consistency in students’ attitude. We had a consistently positive attitude towards our teachers while her class had different attitudes that transitioned with her disintegration. Even though my class and Ms. Swenson’s class ultimately achieved learning objectives, our learning environments and experiences were different. Works citedBeams, Clare. “We show what we have learned.” Arizona State University. 2011. Web. 21 June 2012.
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