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For the first graders, this academic year, I hope to have 30% of the students exceed grade level, 60% of the students at par with grade level, and 10% lower than grade level in social studies. It realistic to have better performance from my students in incremental order; hence this aim is achievable on the students’ part, and on my part as their teacher. To achieve this, I will use an array of teaching methods, both conventional and unconventional instructing methods. The first unit, which is the importance of families I will assign my students the task of identifying the family structure where they hail.
The responsibilities of every affiliate of the family have. I will require each student an essay on how their family celebrates holidays like Thanksgiving and birthdays. In so doing students get to be grateful for the value of family, and gain invaluable knowledge that is practical and they can put it on paper in case of an assessment test on the subject. The concept of communities can be introduced by getting the students to appreciate the variety of their communities. They get to know their cultural uniqueness, religious difference, ethnicity, and school is what makes them unique.
In this unit, I will ask my students to try and locate the country, state, and country on a map. They should list down geographical features, natural resources, artificial resources and significant symbols that identify their community. Their task will be to try and locate the school from a global perspective, give the cardinal directions, and how the school affects the environment. The last unit will have students getting to know how people satisfy their wants and citizenship. Students ought to know what their parents do for a living to provide for them.
They will discuss in groups the types of occupation people carry out. The issues of trade and exchange, science and technology for the satisfaction of a community’s wants will arise. We will also explore the politics of a community, by looking at examples of political leaders in the community. From council members to the mayor, and their roles and significance of keeping law and order. The assessment of the students at the end of each unit for their progress reports. If by the end of February, 25% of the students are not on track to attain the set goals, I will have to revise my methods to specifically suit them.
I will encourage more discussions in class, let the students read new materials both fiction and nonfiction and persuade them to take notice of contemporary affairs. This will increase their curiosity on what is happening around them thus be of substantial help in improving the students understanding of the subject since social studies are defined by what is happening currently in society.
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