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Why do you want to teach Special Education - Essay Example

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Some of the disabilities include cognitive impairments, emotional, and physical disabilities. These young people need someone who can understand them and give them…
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Why do you want to teach Special Education
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Teaching Special Education I am interested in teaching special education because it entails helping children and youth who are disabled. Some of the disabilities include cognitive impairments, emotional, and physical disabilities. These young people need someone who can understand them and give them special attention because they are not like other normal children. I would like to impart this group with the skills they need to survive in this world. I am prepared for the challenges that come with this responsibility because I have a brother with autism whom I take care of, and I learnt a lot from him.

I am aware that a special education teacher is required to be organized, patient, has the ability to motivate his students, understand his students and the teacher should also be able to accept the differences in others, something I experienced on a first hand basis.It is to my understanding that special education is a little different from the normal education system in that; their curriculum is modified to meet the students’ needs. The special education program is available at all levels from preschool, elementary, middle, and secondary level (“U.

S Bureau of Labour Statistics” 206). The teaching modes include the use of individualized instructions that can only apply to a specific child, for example, some students might need extra time during exams or others might need the teacher to teach at a slow pace for them to understand. Furthermore, I also understand that there must be a strong teacher-parent relationship because that is the only way a parent will trust the school to take care of his or her child. In addition, there are reports of a rise in job prospects, in this area, due to a rise in enrolment of students with disabilities, and I believe I can get this opportunity (“U.

S Bureau of Labour Statistics” 202). Work Cited“U.S Bureau of Labour Statistics.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2010-11 Edition. New York: Skyhorse Publishing Inc., 2008. Print.

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