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Why Dont Boys Like To Read - Coursework Example

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From the paper "Why Dont Boys Like To Read" it is clear that reading and writing has a strong connection with each other, they not only complement each other but it maintains a balance between the development of skills such as spelling and grammar and exploration of content, meaning and effect…
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of LEARNING AND TEACHING Introduction Education and literacy are extremely important in today’s competitive world because it not only helps to understand different people and situations in life but it also promotes self-empowerment within an individual. But unfortunately a major population does not have access to education. Due to this different programs have been launched in different parts of the world to encourage educational activities among the public (Namdi, 2009, pg 4). In 1998-1999, National Literacy Strategy and the program of events were associated with National Year of Reading that promoted “A Literate Nation”. This program was inaugurated because a lot of employers were complaining about their employees basic literacy skills and thus they had to send their employees to gain the basic reading and writing skills (Barrs & Cork, 2001, pg 9). Literacy underlies every aspect of education, it helps to outperform grades, empower students, reshape their potentials and help them survive in this world. Within the literacy subject reading is a fundamental tool for progress and success. Gough and his colleagues introduced a ‘Simple View of Reading Model’ to enhance the reading capabilities within the students. According to them children can attain competence in reading when two main elements, i.e. reading words and listening comprehension are included in reading speech. If a child can decode the text fluently and can understand the spoken language easily then he will not face any difficulty with independent reading comprehension (O’Conner, 2007, pg. 12-13). Teachers should create reading development of children at the very basic level, i.e. the primary school level. Primary teachers should enhance the reading abilities within the young students by integrating reading, writing, speaking and listening skills (Namdi, 2009, pg 4). Hence, simple view reading is used especially in England primary schools and it is considered a mandatory approach I the teachings of reading (DFES, 2006). But when we apply SVR frames within the classroom environment then this model does not fit here. It not only neglects what the child knows about the language, spelling, and the basic process of making the sense of spoken and written language but it also makes learning to read in English particularly challenging. Due to this in 2009, United Nations Literacy Association currently started a research project, Building communities of readers. This project involves developing range of children’s reading and addressing those concerns that he simple view of reading at put at serious risk (Cremin et al., 2009). Why Don’t Boys Like To Read? A huge gender gap exists in reading and writing performance because boys fall way behind girls in their early literacy skills. Boys’ underachievement and their reluctance to read while girls positive reading habits are widening this gap (Now Dept for children, schools and families, 2006). There is a general trend that boys don’t like to read and they consider reading as’ Girlie’. They think that reading is wasting time and thus they assume other activities above reading as they would prefer to read Charlotte’s Web or go for outdoor sports or prefer any other activity over reading. Due to this boys score lower than girls in standardized reading tests. While some boys state that they don’t like to read because the books are really gross, they are boring and there is no interesting element within them that would compel them to concentrate on the book rather than go out and enjoy (Hechinger, 2008, 1). Thus it is extremely important that to encourage boys to read there should be some incentive for them, some attractive notions that would force them to read. But the reality is that boys don’t like to read what is being taught to them in class or the material that is provided to them is class. Otherwise they like to read those books that reflect their own image (Moloney, 2002). According to Myra Barrs, “reading is something you do with your whole self”, this statement explains that readers like to read those books in which they can find their own reflection (Barrs, 1999, p.3). Thus it can be stated that boys would read when a good book would be provided to them that would match their interest level (Moloney, 2002). There have been two recent studies made that also entail the gender gap and state why girls have good reading abilities as compared to young boys. Bureau of Labor Statistics issued a survey report called American Time Use Survey in which it was stated that there is a general trend that boys and girls both read eight minutes per day but in reality boys enjoy full 56 minutes more leisure than girls, i.e. young men enjoy approximately six hours and young women enjoy five hours (Bauerlein & Stotsky, 2005, pg 1). Similarly according to the research by educational department, ‘Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women: 2004’. This research report stated that between the time frame of 1992-2002, girls lost their reading scores by two points while boys lost their points by six points. Their has been a strong and long difference between boys and girls literature preferences; boys prefer adventure, war, sports and historical non fiction tales while girls frequently select those stories that appeal to boys. But according to the general trend, boys tend to dislike reading and they focus more on writing. But they fail to understand that children’s progress in reading runs ahead of their writing (Bauerlein & Stotsky, 2005, pg 1). Some of the other reasons of boys’ disliking reading are because it generally takes longer for a boy to read a book than it takes for a girl; boys think it’s a boring activity, and they lose their patience because they can’t get into the story quickly. Thus their temperament does not match with reading as boys are energetic and sitting and reading a book seems dull and boring to them (Papworth, 2008, pg 1). But according to a recent study conducted, the results reveal that today boys tend to enjoy reading and now a lot of boys at primary schools read for enjoyment and thus their reading skills have improved a lot. This change pattern was seen because government had launched two programs that were specifically aimed to encourage young children especially boys to read. This program was targeted on 5-11 years old boys and 3-5 years old children. The program was meant to strengthen the partnership between primary schools, public library services in England and early years setting. Due to this program, the government purchased almost a million new books worth of 10 million investment so that a change could be made in boys perception about reading (Every child matters, 2009, 1). Encourage Boys to Read As it is stated in the previous section that boys don’t seem to like reading much, however, it is imperative to be understood by parents and teachers that reading is very important for education and it is a major tool in writing as well. It is stated that one of the key potential influences on children’s writing is their reading (Barrs & Cork, 201, pg 25). Further those children who have good reading skills also tend to have good writing skills and they do not face much difficulty in writing if they are good readers (Barrs & Cork, 201, pg 9). Thus boys should be encouraged to read more and efforts should be made from the very early stage of their education. They can be encouraged by exposing them to read more during their primary education; this would develop a reading habit as well as a good perception of reading among them. Hence, from the very early age, boys should be exposed to variety of books especially before the age of 7-8 years. Within this time period it should be ensured that boys are provided with a lot of reading choices and they should not be limited with certain text books. Providing them with wide variety of text would promote their reading fluency and develop a confidence in their reading abilities. Thus it would also encourage positive attitude amongst them in reading. Furthermore, finding the right books for children, especially boys, can drastically influence their perception of reading (Canadian council on learning, 2009, pg 5). Boys can also be encouraged to read using online resources by motivating boys in reading those reading material which they prefer and entail the very format that they enjoy. Within the online resources the websites should use digitally enhanced photographs and visual media such as television and video games. This would not only attract boys in reading but would also develop interest among them; hence boys would seek pleasure in reading (Canadian council on learning, 2009, pg 6). In order to attract boys toward this, reading should be made exciting and such books should be introduced that involve some sense of humor amongst them. Literature based stories do not appeal to boys so to develop a sense of reading skills their choice of preference should be kept in mind. Thus boys should be provided with texts that are visual, musical, and that provide exportable knowledge so that boys can use that knowledge in various conversations. Boys are also attracted towards edgy and controversial topics and those texts that show multiple perspectives. Furthermore, those texts that contain positive ideas about political, moral or other life expanding appeals (Smith & Wilhelm, 2002, pg.150-157). These strategies mentioned above are general strategies while the teacher can also adopt the behaviorist theory of learning. Since the theory points towards the fact that the attitude of boys towards reading is because of the behavior they carry within their instincts, so on the basis of this model the teachers should apply the positive reinforcement approach to attract boys to read more. The teachers can always motivate and encourage them by appreciating them; this will build self confidence within them. Positive reinforcement has been used in many schools to increase desired behaviors, maintain desired behaviors, decrease undesirable behavior, shape new behaviors and also encourage creative behaviors. This tool is also used to enhance student learning, helps in managing behaviors (Watson & Skinner, 2004, pg. 252) and it would also encourage boys to read. Advantages and Disadvantages of Boys Reading Reading is extremely important in all the phases of life, and is equally important for all genders and age groups. It carries a lot of advantages for both boys and girls but developing reading skills may not have any disadvantage for them. Different researches have been carried out by different researchers and among their finding none state the shortcomings of reading skills for boys or girls. But according to different researchers it has a lot of advantages like it is a fundamental skill builder and it helps to improve the vocabulary of individuals. Books not only provide information on different topics but they also help one in increasing their word power and getting exposed to new set of words. When an individual’s word power enhances, their communication as well as their confidence also increases. Not only child’s education and grades are affected but good vocabulary helps to deal with people in a better manner even in their professional field. Furthermore, reading improves the concentration level and focus, and builds self-esteem within an individual. When an individual has developed a strong reading habit, he tends to read on various topics and thus his knowledge on various topics is advanced. This leads to positive appraisal from people which in turn leads to self confidence and the person starts to value it more (Isaac, 2007, pg1). Reading also improves memory because according to various studies it is stated that if you don’t use your memory then you tend to lose your memory. Similarly memory helps in stretching the memory muscles because one remembers different details, facts, figures, plot lines, themes and characters when reading any story book or literature. Reading also helps to improve discipline, creativity, reasoning skills and reduces stress, boredom and mistakes (Isaac, 2007, pg 1). Reading also has a profound effect on academic achievements but it should be ensured that the reading should not be forced. According to the study the children who receive harsh disciplines, corporal punishments and verbal assaults tend to have lower academic achievements as compared to the kids who have been given leverage and softness. Because a child who is forced to read or study may work at that time but punishments cause a negative impact on his mind and his studies eventually (Koch & Steelman, 2007). Harsh disciplines should be avoided because a child’s academic performance is very important and it is researched that reading for pleasure correlates strongly with academic achievement (Cross, 2008). Thus a child’s academic achievement can be attained from reading but only when the reading habit is developed among the child at an early stage and he is not forced to read those books or subjects that he detests. Implication and Implementation in the Class Room Handling boys is extremely difficult and thus developing a reading habit among them is crucial as well. Thus to encourage boys they should be attracted by reading good stories out to them loudly so that they may want to read those books themselves. Further the teachers should give book vouchers as gifts to them, and always acknowledge every child for its choice in books because every child has different tastes and abilities (Papworth, 2008, 1). Within the class room the teachers should not only read the stories to the children but should also make them see movies. First make them watch movies so that they may develop an interest and then they will be forced to read the book. Boys also like to talk about books, so teachers should narrate to them good stories and encourage them to read books. All these strategies should be used during primary schooling while for medium and high level schooling benefits of reading should be mentioned. They should be mentioned about the impacts of good reading skills on the life of individuals both in their school life and professional life. Furthermore, boys have an egoistic and stubborn nature thus they should not be forced to read but awareness and likeliness of reading should be developed among them so they read for pleasure than by force (Papworth, 2008, 1). Further they should be given frequent opportunities to read and write and year-round fun reading activities should be developed (Armstrong, 2002, pg.17). Teachers should also ensure that young boys have a wide variety to choose and thus they should buy books with diverse topics and subjects so that all children are well catered for (Papworth, 2008, 1). Boys Reading Learning Styles and Learning Theories There are different methods and approaches used that can change the perception of boys and thus they can be motivated and encouraged to develop reading habits. Boys are generally hesitant to read because they are scared that they will make mistakes which will result in embarrassment. Thus to avoid this, teachers should make sure that not only they narrate the stories aloud but also encourage young boys to read loudly (Namdi, 2009, pg 46-48). Reading aloud has a lot of advantages because it helps the inexperienced individuals catch the tone (Barrs & Cork, 2001, pg 16). This would stimulate their listening and reading skills. Further approaches such as class comprehension work, body/ kinesthetic activity, pre-reading activity, reading activity, post-reading activity, shared reading , paired reading, independent reading and language exploration should be encouraged, which will not only improve their reading skills but it would also build confidence with in the boys and other children (Namdi, 2009, pg 48). Moreover, the VAK (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic) learning style as suggested by Pritchard (2008) can also be used by teachers for this purpose. According to this model, even though students may possess a dominant learning style, but some students may have a mixed and evenly balanced blend of these three styles. So teachers should be in a position to identify the most perfect style(s); whether boys like to read with the help of pictures or diagrams (visual), or through teachers’ reading out aloud (audio), or through gaining a practical experience along with reading, e.g. reading a particular story and then playing an act on it (kinesthetic). According to the constructivist theory by Pritchard (2008) which states that it is the individual’s mental construction that forms any new learning. So basically boys can take interest in reading better if they are made to construct their own understanding that way. Teachers need to be influential enough to mold the cognitive science of boys, with which they are able to read more in order to enhance their learning process. Moreover, Bruner identified a theory in the late 1950s which described young children’s oral language acquisition through productive interactions between the adult and child. This theory is known as scaffolding (needs citation). Having this theory applied by teachers (and even parents) using bed-time stories and read-aloud(s) to enhance learning, can enable the child to do something beyond their single-handed efforts. Teachers should intuitively know how to scaffold boys’ attempts at negotiating meaning through oral language, so that this theory helps them when they are unable to articulate learning independently. Scaffolding will specifically assist boys, hesitant in reading, to be more successful at it. Teachers can apply both soft and hard levels of scaffolding (Simon & Klein, 2007); in soft level, for example, the teacher could read out from a book to boys while walking around or circulating in the classroom. Writing is also used to teach reading and thus emphasis should be made in improving the children’s writing skills. Both young girls and boys should be encouraged to freely express their ideas in writing and thus they should be encouraged to use different writing approaches such as journal writing, guided writing, and content writing and peer editing (Namdi, 2009, pg 50-52). Reading and writing has a strong connection with each other, they not only compliment each other but it maintains a balance between the development of skills such as spelling and grammar and exploration of content, meaning and effect (OFSTED, 2003, pp.9-19). REFERENCES Bauerlein, M & Stotsky S. (2005) Why Johnny Wont Read, The Washington post, pg A15. Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Bruner (citation required) Canadian Council on learning (2009), Why Boys don’t like to Read: Gender Differences in Reading Achievements Cremin, T., Mottram, M., Collins, F., Powell, S. and Safford, K. Teachers As Reader: Building Communities Of Reader. Literacy 43, 1, pp. 11-19 Cross, A. (2008) Reading for Pleasure Correlates Strongly with Academic Achievements, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Department for education and skills (DFES) (2006) Primary National Strategy: Primary Framework for Literacy and Mathematics, Norwich, OPSI Every child matters (2009) More Boys Getting Hooked on Reading for Pleasure, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Health & Style (2008) Advantages of Reading, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Hechinger, J. (2008) Problem: Boys don’t like to Read. Solution: Books that are really gross, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Isaac, B. (2007) The 26 Major Advantages To Reading More Books And Why 3 In 4 People Are Being Shut Out Of Success, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Koch, P. & Steelman, L. (2007) The Reading Achievement Effects of a Kinder Gentler Parent: Disciplinary Techniques and Academic Achievement, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Namdi, K. A. (2005) Guide to Teaching and Reading at the Primary School. O’Connor, R. E. (2007), Teaching Word Recognition: Effective Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties, Guilford Press, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Papworth, K. (2008) Boys and Books, Shore Association Parent Welcome Evening Pritchard, A. (2008) Ways of Learning: Learning Theories and Learning Styles in the Classroom, Taylor and Francis, pp. 17, 103 Simons, Krista D., and Klein, James D. (2007) The impact of scaffolding and student achievement levels in a problem-based learning environment. Instructional Science, 35, 41-72. Watson, T. Stewart & Skinner, Christopher H. (2004) Encyclopedia of School Psychology, Birkhauser, Available: Last Accessed 02 March 2010 Read More
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