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Key Stage 2 of Curriculum Reformation - Essay Example

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The paper "Key Stage 2 of Curriculum Reformation" underlines that The Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions call for a more proactive approach from the teachers. The teacher and school authorities are not limited in their teaching strategies and provision of learning opportunities. …
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Key Stage 2 of Curriculum Reformation
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Introduction In the current setting, knowledge requirements have become more complex requiring people to think more critically and acquire a more enhanced specialized ability to make use of information. The challenge is for education practitioners to equip the student with the necessary skills to acquire and make use of knowledge to form cohesive, logical ideas to address his or her requirements (HMIE, 2007). The Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions are one such effort to make the students more capable not only of acquiring ideas but also able to process them in a way that is useful and appropriate. When read, the policies can be seen to provide flexibility to the classroom teacher and school authorities in devising their teaching strategy and educational content formulations all to the benefit of the students. As opposed to the previous prescriptive, generalized teaching scheme, the Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions aim to foster innovation and creativity in pedagogy to stimulate the minds of the children and appeal to them such that they will be inspired to study and think more (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010). Reforms in education provision have occurred in the past but the Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions are significant because of the degree of involvement of teachers and school authorities and the degree of flexibility in teaching afforded to them. The program calls for a more proactive and collaborative approach to learning where the experience is no longer confined to the classroom and classmates but encompasses the whole school system (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010 and HMIE, 2010). There have been several efforts to reform the educational system only to be frustrated later. In this paper, the benefits and challenges of the Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions are discussed and analyzed with evidence from literature. The discussion will include what Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum requires of teachers and how these can translate to a better learning experience and outcomes for the student. Challenges regarding application and appropriateness will also be analyzed to provide a balance and more complete picture of what the Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions has to offer (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010). Promotion of Competence thru Individualized Learning Nurturing and individualized teacher-child relationships provide important contexts for the promotion of children's emotional health (Bagdi & Vacca, 2005). In the revised Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum, teachers have opportunities to coach children regarding appropriate responses during peer interactions and classroom activities, and serve as role models of appropriate formation of knowledge and expression of emotions (Hyson, 2004). When teachers organize child-centred classroom environments, they are preparing a climate that is positive and conducive to learning. Finally, as educators create learning communities in which children are valued, children experience psychological safety and security (Keogh, 2003). The Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum offers several benefits as it provides flexibility to teachers in their teaching methods. Previously, teachers have been confined in using scripted teaching programs. As the name implies, there is a script and the teacher follows that script. These scripts determine instruction, not the classroom teacher. The programs even determine the pace of the lessons. Variations in students' learning cannot be factored into the script because that creates a variable that the script cannot predict, so it is left out of the process. The teacher's role is to execute the commercial, scripted program without making adjustments. In other words, teachers are forced to teach word for word the sentences that are printed in the guidebook. The text in these booklets will literally say, "teacher will say" and "student will say." This does not seem the kind of program that could foster and support critical thinking skills in the classroom. If teachers are not providing students with knowledge and allowing them to interpret it for themselves, then how can the students grow and prosper as individual learners Yet, these scripted reading programs promise to increase reading achievement. And even though the reported gains using scripted programs as opposed to the non-scripted programs have been called into question by such researchers as Moustafa and Land (2002), they dominate prescribed learning instruction. Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions call for the rejection of many elements of the technicist and rational mode of curriculum in which the teacher is 'deliverer' and the students are the passive learners divided on the basis of ability/performance and taught absolute, permanently boundaried subjects. Instead, the key stage 2 integrated curriculum calls for the adoption of elements of a 'progressive' approach in which the teacher is a facilitator and students are unique individuals who are encouraged to learn through problem solving, collaborative work and extensions of their own experiences and interests (Cooper and White, 2004 : 21) The flexibility calls for teachers and schools to be proactive in their teaching approach. The roles that teachers are encouraged to take provide several benefits discussed in the ensuing sections. The Teacher as Relationship Builder The Key Stage 2 revised integrated curriculum encourages teachers to be an active relationship builder and not a strictly a superior figure. According to theory rooted in principles of attachment, teacher-child relationships contribute in significant ways to a child's growing cognitive and emotional competence (Howes, Hamilton, & Matheson, 1994). Nurturing relationships with teachers who are responsive to children's unique needs are necessary to foster healthy development in many areas, including empathy, self-regulation, and peer relationships (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2001). Children who are able to form secure relationships with their teachers are often able to use that relationship as a secure base from which to explore the classroom and participate in activities with others (Howes, Hamilton, & Matheson, 1994). Dependent and conflicting teacher-child relationships, however, may interfere with children's ability to participate positively in the school experience and negatively influence their learning and academic achievement (Coplan & Prakash, 2003). Individualized relationships with children create an arena in which teachers model healthy cognitive and emotional expression, as well as informally assess a child's knowledge structures and emotional well-being. In the context of a trusting relationship, teachers begin to recognize children's characteristic emotional responses and ability to regulate these responses in various classroom scenarios. Teachers can ascertain children's knowledge about emotions, and plan for support as necessary (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010). Children's individual differences necessitate that the relationships teachers form with each child be specific and unique. Tailoring one's style of interaction to the characteristics, interests, and needs of each child will provide the context in which a relationship supportive of development can evolve. A child who is characteristically cautious, for example, may be best suited to a style of interaction that provides time for adapting and developing a level of comfort before engaging in interaction or activity. Such a child may enter the classroom each day standing in the doorway, cautiously observing the activity in the classroom. To match the child's style, the teacher could calmly approach the child and quietly greet him. Quiet conversation with the child might ensue, and the child could explore the arrival activities when he is ready. Pressuring the child to enter the classroom and participate may cause this child to experience discomfort and thus withdraw, as the child may feel psychologically threatened. Careful observations of children during arrival time, as they interact with peers and adults, and as they participate in classroom activities and routines, provide useful information to help teachers tailor their interactions to be respectful of children's individual behavioral styles (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010 and HMIE, 2010). As a child encounters new experiences or changes, the teacher should observe the child's responses and determine the extent to which the experiences cause stress. These observations allow the teacher to determine the level and forms of support the child may require to feel secure. A change in schedule, for instance, may be a source of stress for some children, as the element of predictability has been removed. Such a child may exhibit signs of distress, withdraw, or even display aggression. The trusted teacher can offer support as the child tries to adapt to the change, possibly by remaining near and providing a simple, age-appropriate explanation of the change. Helping the child re-establish a sense of predictability by describing what will happen next also may be stabilizing. Furthermore, with this knowledge about the child in mind, the teacher can now plan for supports that may benefit this child in coping with future changes and unfamiliar experiences. Acknowledging the child's feelings, making advance preparation for change, encountering a new experience alongside the child, or modelling means for adapting to or approaching a new experience are effective strategies for bolstering children's emotional health. Anticipating children's needs and being responsive to those needs demonstrates that the child is valued, promotes a sense of psychological safety, and ultimately fosters children's emotional competence and well-being (HMIE, 2010). Teacher as Coach and Role Model Much of competence promotion is something that cannot be planned for; opportunities simply present themselves throughout the day (Hemmeter & Ostrosky, 2006). During daily routines and activities, one of the teacher's important roles is to carefully observe and reflect upon children's specific behaviours and responses. These observations help the teacher create an emotional profile of the child and serve to guide the practitioner in coaching children's behavior and responses, applying supportive strategies, and role-modelling (HMIE, 2010). When a child faces an upsetting or perplexing situation (e.g., a block structure that keeps falling) and gets angry (e.g., by kicking the blocks), the teacher has the opportunity to coach the child in problem-solving skills. By helping the child identify the problem, guiding the child in generating possible solutions, and co-playing with the child in trying out the new idea, a teacher serves as both a coach and a role model of appropriate behavior and emotional expression and regulation (HMIE, 2010). Other developmental challenges might present themselves throughout the day. Challenges can be small, like a stuck zipper that frustrates a child trying to fix it. In this situation, the teacher can work with the child to fix the zipper. At the end of the episode, the two can celebrate overcoming the challenge (HMIE, 2010). The challenge could be more complex, such as two children wanting to use the same item at the water table. A lack of communication skills often creates challenges for young children when they are in social encounters with peers. Children struggle to find the words to communicate their ideas and feelings in ways that are clearly understood (HMIE, 2010). Working through potential negative social situations requires expression of emotions in an acceptable manner. When children get into conflict, the helpful teacher assists them in becoming constructive problem solvers (Hyson, 2004). Ahn (2005a) states that teachers need to verbally guide children to express their feelings clearly and constructively. When the child approaches a peer, such statements as "use your words" are of limited value. Often, it is clear that children do not know what words to use. Coaching is necessary so that children will have confidence to use language to solve problems, and appropriately assert their rights. Children then will begin to realize that conflicts can be resolved verbally, rather than through aggression (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010). Teacher as Creator of Healthy Environments The creation of healthy, nurturing and challenging classrooms requires careful organization of the physical environment, predictable routines, appropriate play activities, and a positive emotional climate (Hemmeter & Ostrosky, 2006). Thomas and Chess (1977) suggest that to support emotional competence, environmental expectations and demands should reflect the unique nature of the children in the classroom and establish a "good fit" with each child. The characteristics and behavioral style of each child must be respected and should be considered in planning both the physical and social environment within the classroom (Keogh, 2003). Attention to creating a "match" between the child's style and the environment ensures that children can interact with the environment in a positive and growth-promoting manner. For example, the choices that are available to the children affect the development of emotional regulation. By providing choices that match the needs of the children within the group, the teacher supports their emotional regulation. Environments that are either too stimulating or not stimulating enough can provide too much stress for a child. The child may respond to excessive stress by withdrawing, or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, by displaying aggression. In such a scenario, the mismatch between the child and the environment creates an obstacle to healthy peer interaction and learning-focused exploration. In addition to appropriate choices, comfortable and soft spaces within classrooms also support children's emotional health. Such a place serves as a safe zone or a quiet area to which children can retreat from stress. This space is not to be associated with punishment, but rather should be considered a place to go when children seek some privacy, quiet, and comfort. It might be a quiet spot away from classroom traffic, furnished with pillows, a rug, and other soft surfaces (HMIE, 2010). Children often require a teacher's help to recognize when they need to go to this quiet place. Acknowledging and reflecting to the child a sense of what the child is experiencing and feeling bolsters understanding. With practice, children learn to tune into their inner self-control and thus regain internal equilibrium and balance. The sensitive teacher remains nearby to observe and guide the process of understanding as needed. When appropriate, the children return to the group and explore constructively once again (HMIE, 2010). Effective teachers establish routines throughout the classroom day (Thrupp, 2005). During carefully planned routines, and through organization of a child-centred environment, children learn what to expect, as well as what is expected of them. The predictability that results is psychologically stabilizing and preventive of difficult behavior (Hemmeter & Ostrosky, 2006). For example, a child learns through practice as he enters the classroom that he needs to store his belongings in his personalized cubby. If select activities have been organized in advance, the child comes to know that after he finishes hanging his coat, he may choose an available activity until the time for clean-up is signalled. Through thoughtfully constructed routines, children build a sense of responsibility and participate autonomously and positively in the classroom community (HMIE, 2010). The nature of the curriculum also has a significant impact on children's emotional competence. Children should have ample time for free play in which to experiment with appropriate releases of frustration and stress. During these times, children participate in activities that support knowledge regulation and understanding. Lindsey and Colwell (2003) found that high levels of pretend play were associated with high cognitive understanding in girls and boys, and with high cognitive regulation and competence in girls. Physical play was associated with boys' cognitive competence with peers (HMIE, 2010). Classrooms that support healthy learning development are characterized by a positive learning climate and genuine respect for children's developmental characteristics, interests, and needs. Teachers hold developmentally appropriate expectations that guide the organization of the environment, the curriculum, and interactions with children. Effective teachers believe that children can succeed, provide opportunities for children to experience success, and recognize both their efforts and successes. In caring, child-centred classrooms such as these, children gain a sense of belonging, and learn about ideas and information. Teachers influence children's knowledge by discussing ideas during everyday interactions (Blair, Denham, Kochanoff, & Whipple, 2004). Building understanding of cognitive-related words occurs through intentionally teaching children to label both negative and positive ideas, as well as understand the causes of learning. Books are useful tools as teachers strive to help children identify new concepts and manage information positively (Hart et al, 2004). Challenges to the Key Stage 2 Integrated Curriculum As with all revamp of the education curriculum, substantive change can present many challenges particularly in the application. This most often required changes to the design of lessons, some re-organization of time and space around lessons, and/or a more systematic attempt to introduce a thematic (or 'cross-curricular') approach to a number of subjects (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010). There is a substantive corpus of international research regarding pedagogical changes telling that innovations are almost never applied to the totality of the curriculum. In primary schools, numeracy, and often science and ICT, tended to be excluded from cross-curricular re-organization (Boaler, 1997; Oakes, 2005; Oakes et al., 1997). Many of the schools in the sample continued to maintain setting practices in literacy and numeracy at the same time as experimenting with thematic approaches. Schools have a tendency to maintain status quo particularly due to the constraints of tests, inspections and the primary policy framework. Many schools reporting fear of moving too far away from the need to improve test scores, of local advisors and 'light touch' inspectors not understanding what they were doing, of parents not understanding why their child's school was offering mixed ability when no other local school had this practice (Plant, Addysg, and Sgilian, 2010). Research conducted by Lieberman and Miller (2001) indicate that teachers are products of the National Curriculum and have been trained to teach only that. Hence, they are more hesitant to embark on 'creativity'-driven teaching because it is less well signposted and structured. The teacher training over the last few years has been very straight-jacketed such that the teachers find a more dynamic school approach to be very difficult having been trained in such a restrictive manner. Conclusion The Key Stage 2 integrated curriculum revisions call for a more proactive approach from the teachers. The teacher and school authorities are not limited in their teaching strategies and provision of learning opportunities. Rather, they are encouraged to promote a learning environment that is suitable for each and every student. The days of prescribed curriculum is now considered as obsolete. The time for innovative teaching strategies now takes the spotlight. References: Ahn, H. (2005a). 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Relationships between social skills, behavioral problems, and school readiness for Head Start children. NHSA Dialog, 10, 109-126. Cooper, K. and White, R. (2004) Burning Issues: Foundations of Education. Lanham,MD: Scarecrow Education. Coplan, R. J., & Prakash, K. (2003). Spending time with teacher: Characteristics of preschoolers who frequently elicit versus initiate interactions with teachers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 18, 143-158. Denham, S. A. (2001). Dealing with feelings: Foundations and consequences of young children's emotional competence. Early Education and Development, 12, 5-10. Denham, S. A. (2006). Social-emotional competence as support for school readiness: What is it and how do we assess it Early Education and Development, 17, 57-89. Denham, S. A., Blair, K. A., DeMulder, E., Levitas, J., Sawyer, K., Auerbach-Major, S., & Queenan, P. (2003). Preschool emotional competence: Pathway to social competence Child Development. 74, 238-256. Hayes, D., Mills, M., Christie, P. & Lingard, B. (2005) Teachers and Schooling: Making a Difference. Productive Pedagogies, Assessment and Performance. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Hemmeter, M. L., & Ostrosky, M. (2006). Social and emotional foundations for early learning: A conceptual model for intervention. School Psychology Review, 35, 583-601. Howes, C., Hamilton, C. E., & Matheson, C. C. (1994). Children's relationships with peers: Differential associations with aspects of the teacher-child relationship. Child Development, 65, 253-263. Hyson, M. (2002). Emotional development and school readiness. Young Children, 57, 76-78. Hyson, M. (2004). The emotional development of young children. New York: Teachers College Press. Jones, K. (2003) Education in Britain: 1944 to the Present. Oxford: Polity Press. Keogh, B. K. (2003). Temperament in the classroom. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing. Knitzer, J., & Lefkowitz, J. (2005). Resources to promote social and emotional health and school readiness in young children and families. New York: National Center for Children in Poverty. LaParo, K., Pianta, R., & Stuhlman, M. (2004). The classroom assessment scoring system: Findings from the prekindergarten year. The Elementary School Journal, 104, 409-426. Lieberman, A. & Miller, L. (2001) Teachers Caught in the Action: Professional Development in Practice. New York: Teachers' College Press. Lindsey, E., & Colwell, M. (2003). Preschoolers' emotional competence: Links to pretend and physical play. Child Study Journal, 33, 39-52. Making effective use of curriculum flexibility in primary schools. (2007). HMIE. Retrieved May 29, 2010, from Plant, Y.A.; D.G. Addysg; and O.A. Sgiliau. (2010). Making the most of learning: implementing the revised curriculum. Welsh Assembly Government. Retrieved May 29, 2010 from National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2004). Where we stand on school readiness. Washington, DC: Author. Oakes, J. (2005) Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality, 2nd edn. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Oakes, J.,Wells, A. S., Jones, M. & Datnow, A. (1997) Detracking: the social construction of ability, cultural politics, and resistance to reform. Teachers College Record, 98(3), 482-510. Peth-Pierce, R. (2001). A good beginning: Sending America's children to school with the social and emotional competence they need to succeed. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina. Raver, C. C., & Knitzer, J. (2002). Ready to enter: What research tells policymakers about strategies to promote social and emotional school readiness among three- and four-year-olds. New York: National Center for Children in Poverty. Shonkoff, J. P., & Phillips, D. (Eds.). (2001). From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early child development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Thomas, A., & Chess, S. (1977). Temperament and development. New York: Brunner/Mazel. Thrupp, M. (2005) School Improvement: An Unofficial Approach. London: Continuum. Read More
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