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Importance of Effective Communication To Elementary Teaching profession: Olga Dysthe suggests, "teachers can do more than encourage to talkto make them participate" (419). Research Practices show that the detrimental impact of identifying students from minority racial, ethnic, and language backgrounds as low achievers and placing them in "lower" tracks, Villegas (1991). There are marked variations in the levels of language competence and awareness among students during this Emerging Phase of development in Elementary schools.
Students develop listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing abilities interdependently according to the teachers patterns of communication. If the teacher truly does want to create multivoiced classrooms, she/he needs to provide ways for all of the students to participate. One among is the effective communication of the teacher with the students.The importance of the effective communication to elementary teacher in profession can be understood by the following student activities during the period. 1. Students will demonstrate use of oral language to bring meaning to what they observe, feel, hear, and read. 2. Students will demonstrate ability to listen to the ideas of others in small and large group situations. 3. Students will demonstrate recognition that what is said can be written and read. 4. Students will demonstrate interest in participating in the exploration of the patterns, sounds, and rhythms of language. 5. Students will demonstrate desire to participate in the discussion of ideas and illustrations in a variety of resources. 6. Students will demonstrate awareness that various cultures, lifestyles, and experiences are portrayed in literature. 7. Students will demonstrate awareness that print and symbols in their environment convey meaning.
Developing Classroom Community through Communication:Communication apprehension (CA) has been defined as an "individual level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons" (McCroskey, 1977). The school environment can play a vital role in the prevention of CA and make the students feel as part of the team.Fisher (1995) describes a school classroom that encourages a sense of community: "For me, community in the classroom is the amalgamation of rigorous learning and caring about one another.
Community is built through routines, procedures, and attitudes that evolve over time as the teacher and children develop trust in one another. The teacher can create community feeling in the students by creating a warm, easygoing climate in the classroom --helping students get to know one another at the beginning of the year --using drama and role-playing situations --having students speak to the class in groups or panels rather than individually --allowing students to work with classmates with whom they feel most comfortable --having students speak from their seats rather than from the front of the room --presenting students with oral activities in a developmental sequence (Friedman, 1980).
These include informally questioning students concerning topics about which they are knowledgeable, reading speech transcripts and listening to master speakers, playing charades, presenting speeches without eye contact, and illustrating a speech.( Suid (1984)Bond (1984) proposes a four-phase strategy to develop effective community in the school environment: 1. Require teachers in training to take more than an introductory course in oral communication (e.g., a course aimed at understanding the communication behaviors of students) 2.
Create basic communication courses in the earlier elementary grades 3. Provide specialized treatment for quiet/shy students on a voluntary basis 4. Develop classroom activities that encourage oral communication References: Dysthe, Olga. "The Multivoiced Classroom: Interactions of Writing and Classroom Discourse." Written Communication 13.3 (July 1996): 385-425. Bond, B. D. "Silent Incarceration." CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION 55 (1984): 95-101. Friedman, P. G. "Shyness and Reticence in Students." Washington, D.C.: National Education Association, 1980. Stock No. 1675-0-00.
ED 181 520.Garrison, J. P., and K. R. Garrison (Harris). "Measurement of Communication Apprehension among Children: A Factor in the Development of Basic Speech Skills." COMMUNICATION EDUCATION 28 (1979): 119-28. Glaser, S. R. "Oral Communication Apprehension and Avoidance: The Current Status of Treatment Research." COMMUNICATION EDUCATION 30 (1981): 321-41. Harris, K. R. "The Sustained Effects of Cognitive Modification and Informed Teachers on Children's Communication Apprehension." COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY 28 (1980): 47-56.
McCroskey, J. C. "Oral Communication Apprehension: A Summary of Recent Theory and Research." HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH 4 (1977): 78-96. McCroskey, J. C. "Quiet Children in the Classroom: On Helping Not Hurting." COMMUNICATION EDUCATION 29 (1980): 239-44. McCroskey, J. C. "The Communication Apprehension Perspective." In AVOIDING COMMUNICATION: SHYNESS, RETICENCE, AND COMMUNICATION APPREHENSION. J. A. Daly and J. C. McCroskey, eds. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1984.
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